Posted January 18, 201411 yr On Windows 7 Ultimate Romanian x86/x64 base the English language is not integrated at all. The language is added and recognized in the list but not integrated. This is with build I don't know old this thing happen or which version works right.
January 19, 201411 yr Author This is not solved in While I tested only with the languages from where the other items come up?
January 23, 201411 yr Author Will you investigate this? I tried to add the English the last but still not integrated.
January 23, 201411 yr My server is downloading the required ISO and english language pack for me to fix this. I'm just investigating another bug at the minute.
January 24, 201411 yr Ah ok. Shouldn't take long to fix that. I think I have an idea of what the problem is within the code.
January 26, 201411 yr Author I didn't get my hand on test 5 but in test 6 the problem still exists. I even let it single to integrate. I just goes to Saving Image after Getting Drivers List message in bottom.
January 26, 201411 yr Just a question: why are you trying to integrate the english pack into a romanian image, and not the romanian pack into an english ''regular'' version? Maybe it's a DISM error... In romanian: Salut! E vreun avantaj in ce vrei tu sa faci, respectiv sa integrazi language pack-ul de engleza in iso-ul ''roman'', in loc sa faci invers? Mai degraba ce patesti tu e o eroare de la Microsoft (sau din DISM), eu oricum nu folosesc niciodata language pack, nici pentru cunoscuti / clienti, deci nu stiu exact cum e mai bine, incerc doar sa inteleg de ce faci asta.
January 26, 201411 yr It doesn't show on the integrated tab but it does show when you boot from it, etc.. I will make it show on the integrated tab
January 26, 201411 yr Author @ Rica: this is the image I was testing on and it should work as it is original Microsoft image and as you can see the other languages integrated fine, the problem was the English pack. In romanian answer: Salut. Nu cred ca e vreun avantaj intr-un sens sau altul. Pur si simplu am la dispozitie o imagine si adaug orice pachet de limba de care cred ca o sa am nevoie. Nu ar trebui sa fie nici o eroare pentru ca poti efectiv sa inlocuiesti limba din imagine adaugand una care o vrei si stergand prima limba cu care a venit imaginea. Asa a gandit Microsoft. Probabil ca la origine e imaginea en-us pe care Microsoft a convertit-o in toate limbile individual insa a lansat si limbile separat. pentru instalare ulterioara. Avand in vedere ca pot fi integrate in imagine ca si actualizare e un bonus. Bineinteles ca asta mai ocupa si spatiu dupa instalare pentru ca le ai la dispozitie si le poti schimba din control panel (doar la Ultimate) ca la un telefon, dar baniuesc ca stii deja asta. Eu am nevoie de cateva limbi pentru ca am mai multe cerinte: un frate in Germania, o sora in Austria, mama unguroaica, un prieten in Italia care toti la rândul lor mai au prieteni daca ma intelegi... @ Lego: I didn't tested the install, just what I saw in the integrated list but as I said it just quicly goes to save the image. Don't know if it has the time to actual integrate the language comparing the time that it spends on the English pack to the other languages that it integrates. Yes, as it shows the other languages it should show the English too on the integrated. I'll wait for a test build with this fixed and i'll test it again with the install in VM too.
January 27, 201411 yr Author Tested with, now the Integrate tab don't show any language added. Tested the result in VM If select English to install in the process of install it errors Other languages seems OK integrated (only tested romanian and hungarian) In the end when other language is used as the install the English is missing from control panel. So the English is only integrated in the first part. Hope all this info helps fixing this.
February 2, 201411 yr Author After multiple tests with previous builds that I kept (137 files by now) I finally narrowed down the last build that integrates the English pack OK in this scenario. The last build that works from my collection is:, than my collection jumps to I don't have any builds between those mentioned so I can't help you more but the bug seems to begin sometime than. Hope this follow-up helps nailing this bug. The current test build behaves as in the post above.
April 4, 201410 yr Author Confirm that is now fixed. Just a reminder. You said in post #12: "I will make it show on the integrated tab". There's no Language Pack shown on Integrated Tab. Thank you.
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