Posted January 21, 201411 yr In the latest test there is a new interface for the main form. The current one in v1.4.29 feels a bit outdated and has a lot of empty space so I thought I would redesign it. The new interface now looks more sleek and much more modern. Downloads and Tools have their own menu which allowed me to add a few more things. New icons, new layout, and just a new feel in general. WelcomeI've removed the welcome tab and have made it a popup which will appear on the first load of WinToolkit. I've also made some changes to allow users access to guides and so on on that screen. MainYou will see less tab pages but you will still see the Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Updates sections. They have been made a bit bigger to fill in the white space but all I have to do is have more descriptions. Tools and DownloadsThe tabs which have all the tools and Downloads have been moved to their own menus. This allowed me to add more links now and also in the future. Each item has a tooltip so you can get an idea of what each one does. MenuCheck for updates, links to blogs and the change log have been moved to the Info menu. This helps reduce clutter. Any Questions?
January 21, 201411 yr One I think important suggestion: please remove the .net 4 addon by ricktendo link, and keep only the 4.5.1 one. Windows 7 NEEDS 4.5.1 one, .net 4 is included, some may think they need to integrate / install both Also, one (small) bug - sorry for not making a separate thread), but if I press downloads - Windows ISO from the new interface, and then I close the new screen with the isos, the app freezes (the process still runs in the background, and I cannot open a new instance of Win Toolkit). Update: Fixed in test 14. Edited January 21, 201411 yr by Legolash2o Added update.
January 21, 201411 yr Author So what do you guys think of it? You can tell me it's bad lol. @RicaNeaga, check test 14.
January 21, 201411 yr I like the new interface And yes, that interface bug was fixed Also another suggestion: Downloads - Integration - Gadgets: because Microsoft gave up gadgets altogether (see KB2719662), you can either remove that link entirely, or make it link that KB that via its fixit disables Gadgets in windows 7. btw: these samll bug notices count for the contest, right? lol
January 21, 201411 yr hello! i liked new design except one moment. In BASIC 3rd item must be ISO maker. offering everytime download any isos is useless.I integrating very often and rebuilding iso too so i have to do additional movements to do the same which was very fast and easy in previous versions of WT. Edited January 21, 201411 yr by adminxp
January 21, 201411 yr @RN, I know MS has given up on gadgets, they want to push folks to Win8 "Metro" apps that they have to buy through the Store after all, But I thought some folks like to use them. And aren't they still unofficially offered for free? (I don't use them so I'm just talking out of my ear.) If so, then I think the gadgets links should remain. But if I understand you right that KB2719662 disables gadgets from working, then I agree with you that there should be a link in the gadgets section warning folks that they shouldn't use that update if they want to use gadgets. Unless I'm totally confused, of course. Cheers and Regards
January 21, 201411 yr Yeah, agree with adminxp, ISO maker and USB Boot Prep tools shouldn't be so hidden in the new interface, here's my suggestion: Right now there are 4 main tabs - Basic / Intermediate / Advanced / Updates, maybe it's better there are 5 such tabs: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Updates, ISO / USB Prep The last one (ISO / USB Prep) would include ''ISO Maker'' and ''USB Boot Prep'' tools. What do you think? LE: @bphlpt - about KB2719662: It's not exactly a hotfix, it's a fixit .msi, but yeah, maybe both should be in there somehow, the warning that Microsoft recommends gadgets to be disabled, and also a free gadgets ''marketplace'' alternative. Edited January 21, 201411 yr by RicaNeaga
January 21, 201411 yr Author I like the new interface And yes, that interface bug was fixed Also another suggestion: Downloads - Integration - Gadgets: because Microsoft gave up gadgets altogether (see KB2719662), you can either remove that link entirely, or make it link that KB that via its fixit disables Gadgets in windows 7. btw: these samll bug notices count for the contest, right? lol The great thing about the menu stuff is that I can add Gadgets #1, Gadgets #2, etc.. links. So if anyone has any great wallpaper, theme pack links or whatever I can add just let me know. hello! i liked new design except one moment. In BASIC 3rd item must be ISO maker. offering everytime download any isos is useless.I integrating very often and rebuilding iso too so i have to do additional movements to do the same which was very fast and easy in previous versions of WT. I will remove Windows ISOs from Basic and have USB Boot Prep and ISO Maker in basic.
January 21, 201411 yr Hey,For first, i have to settle down my hut, for create a new modern gui. Have you helping hands? Im wondering how quick in creating new gui and new icons so good. Great work, respect!But, for sure, i report just my view of it and no facts: Unfortunately I have a bit criticism about it. I no realy know about this new 2 Way-System, its remember a bit at Windows 8: The try to combine differents parts.Tools of same subjects are now split and i have to search for it, links or submenus i cannot see different and it looks unbalanced.Now exist also big empty spaces and in submenus are too much to find, its hard to handle..Logical wrong orders and the download submenu looks like adwared...Please see it not as bad talk, its just how i think about.If you really want i can create a preview-picture of my suggestions.@RicaNeaga // .NET 4.0I remember a article of Windows-Info-Webpage (unfortunately i dont more find), where Microsoft self explain, thats unsure if u really need the 4.5.1 for all. In one view its 4.5.1 an update/upgrade for all other .NETs. So normally apps writed with any runtime need just the latest. Otherway it exist apps they also need a older one. Win8 have still .NET 3.5 for exactly this situation. Win7 have 4.0, and i dont know, whats about the 4.0 Updates? Example me want updates also for 4.0, not just 4.5. Know anybody apps they realy need 4 or earler ones? Or can i do only 4.51 over all in Win7/8 and end? So if need, may better so keep ricks fantastic 4.0 mega pack as linked in WTK.Please dont attack me, and greez.
January 21, 201411 yr @BrokenZer0 I don't understand what you're asking. 4.5.1 includes 4.5 that includes 4. So why still offer .net 4 link, that is good only for xp? Even vista supports .net 4.5.1...
January 21, 201411 yr Okay i try new:Exist elemental differences between 4.0 and 4.5 like between 2.0 and 4.0?So 4.5.1 is an "hard update" for 4.0 for Win6/7 or a own build?Im not sure about this buildnumber-policy from Microsoft. So what 7 or 8 realy need for running ALL .NET writed applications? Update:Example: I have a app written in 4.0 (or what s about 3.5?)So, can i delete 4.0 from Image and install ricks 4.5.1, and the application runs without errors? If its not -> i think its better to keep 4.0 link in WTK, cuz its need (for some). Edited January 21, 201411 yr by BrokenZer0
January 21, 201411 yr Author I'm open to suggestions of how the menu's and such should be arranged. Go for it!
January 21, 201411 yr @BrokenZer0 What part of 4.5.1 includes 4.0 don't you understand? See attached how the install folder of a windows 7 with 4.5.1 ONLY installed (via ricktendo's 4.5.1 installer) but WITHOUT any 4.0 installer integrated. Maybe the folder named 4.0.30319 will convince you...
January 21, 201411 yr @RicaNeagaOkay u won. Nice one, thats looks great and so should it to be.Strange, i dont understand then the text from Microsoft....Really there was written, that sometimes apps need a older version.And whats about the 3.5 in Win8 ?!?So, 4.0 Installer was for XP only users?Okay then its realy time for remove the link.What a shame for me, i allways have both installer used.Now i can delete the other one. @Legolash2oOkay, i work it now, take a while.. I try to make a short/boned one. Edited January 21, 201411 yr by BrokenZer0
January 21, 201411 yr Hi Legolash2o, the new design looks very new... could ther be a choice of which design to use? The old one or the new one? Probably not - but I have to ask.
January 21, 201411 yr So im done with creating, needed more time i was thinking. Here, iv recreate the design, its like the original 1.4.29 but a more compresses and reorganized: Self-explainated i think: Zer0 GUI Alpha 3: Main + Start Advance Extras Addons Downloads Settings Updated main: Notes: - One Window (no popup, exclude donating atm) - Standard loaded is start-tab - WHD should include lang packs, custom lists (rica n co), office, and ofcs win iso may - May WIM Manager also include splitt n merge smw may - U can see, the text of ATM build, can easy kompress, so it can include 6 instead 3 buttons. - WTK should check to begin for update, if -> update popup, else nothing Sure, its Alpha, just convert idea to bone-frame. What u think? PS: May Downloads before Addons, idk. Update: Update Main-Window Update: Update Main-Window again Edited January 21, 201411 yr by BrokenZer0
January 21, 201411 yr Great more intuitive and organised! Just a few things:1) separate the changelog into its own from about or rename it About/Chnagelog2) maybe under advanced have and additional one called integrator, for people who want to do things separately.3) Windows iso should be under downloads only rather than basic also because you already mention it in the welcome screen, for most people they would only be downloading the iso's once (nvm so the latest beta)4) On the welcome screen it talks about the win 7 iso specifically but on clicking you have things about windows 8/8.1 too, so maybe change it to "windows iso's"5) The exclusive iso page the download button, should be the iso instead so like "Windows 7 Sp1" so if you have multiple you'd have "Windows 8.0" "Windows 8.1" etc 6) AIO integrator tool tip "Have everything pre installed next time you reinstall your windows" and the new line " This tool lets you integrate:" 7) USB Prep tooltip should say " Save your Dvds, install via Usb instead, This will prepare your Usb or memory card to allow installation of windows from it." 8) also i think that audio ad causes the following (picture) to pop up Also curious is there a reason why the AIO integrator component remover can't scan the iso and display things like the separate component remover? Edited January 21, 201411 yr by spidernz
January 21, 201411 yr Author I was asking how the Tools/Downloads menu should be re-arranged, not another redesign LOL.
January 22, 201411 yr Mild layout suggestion: I personally think for congruity and appearance that you should reorganize the tabs a bit. Here is why You have a couple of tabs that just open browsers Info at the far right seems really out of place and when you click on it the drop down menu goes past the border of the toolkit. I think you should move info to the left right after (or before) instructions. That way all of the parts of the toolkit take up the same amount of real estate and personally looks much cleaner.
January 22, 201411 yr Uff... im not sure if only re-arrangement would be enough... Okay, then i think about a new arrangement of existing gui. But no more today, i think tomorrow or at weekend. Last time iv so much time wasted.. <.< Greez
January 22, 201411 yr Author Test 16 released. I'm happy with how the menus are currently arranged (v16) so don't think I will change them. I have a few bug reports to go through and fix which is MUCH MUCH MUCH more important.
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