Space Surfer Posted June 14, 2007 Posted June 14, 2007 Here are my working scripts for image capture, append, and apply. These have to be in the same folder as imagex.exe. Some features:*If you include setx.exe in same folder, it will remember your filename and paths if you were to close the command prompt and reopen the script.*Menu-like interface to make it easy to see what is being captured/applied and where to.*When capturing, it you specify a WIM file that already exists, it will warn you that it will append to that image. If the file does not exist, then it will create a new one.*When applying an image, if you choose a file name that doesn't exist, it will ask you to reenter the filename. This way, you won't have to retype the whole imagex command!imagex_apply.cmd@echo offcd /d %~dp0if not exist "imagex.exe" goto _notexistgoto _main:_notexistecho.echo IMAGEX.EXE executable not found. Please ensure that IMAGEX_APPLY.CMD echo is in the same folder as IMAGEX.EXE before executing this script.echo This script will now exit.echo.pauseexit:_mainecho.echo.echo.echo [I M A G E X A P P L Y M A I N M E N U]echo.echo 1) Specify or change source path (the path to you .wim image file)echo Source: [%_asource%]echo.echo 2) Specify or change target path, where your image will be restoredecho Target: [%_atarget%]echo.echo 3) Specify or change index you want to restore (a number, such as 2)echo Index: [%_index%]echo.if "%_asource%" == "" goto _menu1if "%_atarget%" == "" goto _menu1if "%_index%" == "" goto _menu1echo 4) Apply your image now where readyecho From [%_asource%] To [%_atarget%]echo.:_menu1echo Q) Quit. R) Reset all variables.echo.:_mainchset _ok=set /p _ok=Enter your choice: if "%_ok%" == "1" goto _getsrcif "%_ok%" == "2" goto _gettargetif "%_ok%" == "3" goto _getindexif "%_ok%" == "4" goto _applyif /I "%_ok%" == "q" goto _endif /I "%_ok%" == "r" goto _resetgoto _mainch:_getsrcset _ok=echo.echo Specify location of source image to restore with full path.set /p _ok=Enter Source path: for %%A in (%_ok%) do set _ext=%%~xAif not exist %_ok% ( echo. echo --------------------------------------------------------- echo Path does not exist. Please input a valid location again. echo --------------------------------------------------------- goto _getsrc) else ( if /I "%_ext%"==".wim" ( set _asource=%_ok% setx _asource %_ok% goto _main) else ( echo. echo --------------------------------------------------------------- echo Error: The path "%_ok%" does not seem to be a valid .wim image file. echo --------------------------------------------------------------- goto _getsrc)):_gettargetset _ok=echo.echo Specify target to install source image with full path.set /p _ok=Enter Target path: if exist "%_ok%" ( set _atarget=%_ok% setx _atarget %_ok%) else ( echo. echo --------------------------------------------------------------- echo Error: The path "%_ok%" is not a correct location. echo --------------------------------------------------------------- goto _gettarget)goto _main:_getindexset _ok=echo.echo Specify image index with a numberset /p _ok=Enter Index number: set _index=%_ok%setx _index %_ok%goto _main:_applyecho.echo.@echo onimagex.exe /apply "%_asource%" %_index% "%_atarget%"@echo offecho.pausegoto _end:_resetset _asource=set _index=set _atarget=goto _main:_endimagex_captureappend.cmd@echo offcd /d %~dp0if not exist "imagex.exe" goto _notexistgoto _main:_notexistecho.echo IMAGEX.EXE executable not found. Please ensure that imagex_capture.cmd echo is in the same folder as IMAGEX.EXE before executing this script.echo This script will now exit.echo.pauseexit:_mainif exist "%_ctarget%" set _append=yesif not exist "%_ctarget%" set _append=noif /i "%_append%"=="yes" set function=Appendif /i "%_append%"=="no" set function=Captureecho.echo.echo [I M A G E X C A P T U R E / A P P E N D M A I N M E N U]echo.echo 1) Specify or change source path, the path you want to capture (e.g. C:\)echo Source: [%_csource%]echo.echo 2) Specify or change target image to create/append (e.g. d:\myimage.wim)if "%_append%"=="yes" echo *Image will be appended unless you specify a non-existing image file.*echo Target: [%_ctarget%]echo.echo 3) Specify or change unique description of your image (e.g. Vista Backup)echo Description: [%_descript%]echo.echo 4) Specify or change FLAG of your image (e.g. ULTIMATE)echo FLAG: [%_FLAG%]echo.echo 5) Specify or change compression type (MAXIMU, FAST, NONE)echo Compression: [%_compr%]echo.if "%_csource%" == "" goto _menu1if "%_ctarget%" == "" goto _menu1if "%_descript%" == "" goto _menu1if "%_append%" == "yes" goto _skipcaptureif "%_FLAG%" == "" goto _menu1if "%_compr%" == "" goto _menu1:_skipcaptureecho 6) %function% your image now when readyecho From [%_csource%] To [%_ctarget%]echo.:_menu1echo Q) Quit. R) Reset all variablesecho.:_mainchset _ok=set /p _ok=Enter your choice: if "%_ok%" == "1" goto _getsrcif "%_ok%" == "2" goto _gettargetif "%_ok%" == "3" goto _getdescriptif "%_ok%" == "4" goto _getFLAGif "%_ok%" == "5" goto _getcomprif "%_ok%" == "6" goto _captureif /I "%_ok%" == "q" goto _endif /I "%_ok%" == "r" goto _resetgoto _mainch:_getsrcset _ok=echo.echo Specify location of source to capture as a .wim image.echo Usually, this would be the root of a drive, such as C:\.echo.set /p _ok=Enter Source path: if exist "%_ok%" ( setx _csource %_ok% set _csource=%_ok%) else ( echo. echo --------------------------------------- echo Error: The path "%_ok%" does not exist. echo --------------------------------------- goto _getsrc)goto _main:_gettargetset _ok=echo.echo Specify path and filename to store the target image, such as D:\image.wim.echo.set /p _ok=Enter Target image path: for %%A in (%_ok%) do set _ext=%%~xA && set _path=%%~dpAif /I not "%_ext%"==".wim " ( echo. echo ----------------------------------------------------- echo Error: The filename entered is not a valid .wim file. echo ----------------------------------------------------- goto _gettarget) else ( if exist %_ok% ( set _ctarget=%_ok% setx _ctarget %_ok% set _append=yes setx _append yes goto _main) else ( if not exist %_path% ( echo. echo ----------------------------------------------------- echo Path does not exist. Please input a valid path again. echo ----------------------------------------------------- goto _gettarget ) else ( setx _ctarget %_ok% set _ctarget=%_ok% set _append=no setx _append no goto _main ))):_getcomprset comp =echo.echo Please select compression type.echo.echo 1 for MAXIMUMecho 2 for FASTecho 3 for NONEecho.set /p type=Enter compression type: if %type%==1 set _compr=MAXIMUM&& setx _compr MAXIMUMif %type%==2 set _compr=FAST&& setx _compr FASTif %type%==3 set _compr=NONE&& setx _compr NONEgoto _main:_getFLAGset _ok=echo.echo Specify image FLAG (without quotes).echo.set /p _ok=Enter FLAG: set _FLAG=%_ok%setx _FLAG %_ok%goto _main:_getdescriptset _ok=echo.echo Type description of image (without quotes).echo.set /p _ok=Enter description: set _descript=%_ok%setx _descript "%_ok%"goto _main:_captureecho.if "%_append%"=="yes" goto _appendimageecho Ready to capture image from source %_csource% and store image to fileecho %_ctarget% using compression type %_compr%.echo.pauseecho.@echo onimagex.exe /capture "%_csource%" "%_ctarget%" "%_FLAG%" "%_descript%" /COMPRESS %_compr%@echo offpausegoto _end:_appendimageecho.echo Ready to append image from source %_csource% and store image to fileecho %_ctarget%.echo.pauseecho.@echo onimagex.exe /append "%_csource%" "%_ctarget%" "%_descript%"@echo offpauseecho.goto _end:_resetset _csource=set _ctarget=set _descript=set _compr=set _FLAG=set _append=goto _main:_endsetx.exe is part of MS Support ToolsReport any bugs to me. Thanks. Quote
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