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Silent Install + keyboard language settings + Autounattended XML

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I try to make mine own unattended ISO file and the basics of it seems to work,but when I use the option into win toolkit v1.4.33.7 to add some extra software and let that software install with silent switches, that doesn't work!


The software I want to include is adobe reader, adobe flash player, bullzip pdf printer. I do know from those installers what there silent switches are, and I add those silent switch command also into win toolkit, but when everything is installed, I see those programmes aren't installed! I think I do something wrong, but I can't figure out what I do wrong!


The windows installation on his self works perfect...but mine extra wanted software is not installed automatic.

What I did also want, was setting mine language Dutch (Belgium) with Azerty keyboard and period.

But I don't know where to configure this into win toolkit? Can it be, that this is not included into the software?


and last question,

If I let the programme create an Autounattended XML, will this work? Because, when I let create it by the programme win toolkit and save it at the root directory, I think this also is not activated into the installation.

I did follow some examples I could find on youtube, but it seems it not works with me?


Has somebody some advice, how I can solve mine troubles or a link to a guide with an example?



Thanx & best regards,


You have to put your keyboard settings in oobe section

BTW quick tip, to know what number to enter. Configure your keyboard just the way you want it (via the control panel,) then open a cmd prompt and enter

dism /online /get-intl
  • Author

Hello Ricktendo,


Thanx for the help, when I use your command I get the information direct!


But what does it mean if I get the Access Denied Error:

Your mounth path seems to be the same path as your selected image DVD this is not recommended and Win Toolkit will abort!


WIM FILE:[D:\.....]

Mounth Path:[D:\...]


Both are in complete different directorys! I see in the taskbar below that he rebuild WIM#1

Into mine settings, the Win Toolkit Temp folder is on C drive and Win toolkit mount folder on D drive!


Where can I find the OOBE section?


thanx and best regards,

  • 2 months later...

Hello to all,

Gotta run almost everything, the program created unattended.xml just do not know where and how to put it to work properly. If anyone can please help me in this regard, would be eternally grateful, I think this is being a big barrier to my meager knowledge.

The wintookit program generates autounattended.xml but when I finish ISO, the elf, is not present within the ISO.

I tried to make the program as instructed, placing inside straight unattended.xml in root, but without success also out, what could it be?


Olá a todos,

Consegui funcionar quase tudo, o programa criou unattended.xml, só não sei onde e como colocar para que funcione corretamente. Se alguém puder por gentileza me ajudar neste quesito, ficaria eternamente grato, creio que isto está sendo uma barreira muito grande para meus infimos conhecimentos.

O programa wintookit, gera o autounattended.xml mas quando termino a ISO, o dito cujo, não se encontra presente dentro da ISO.

Tentei fazer conforme instrução do programa,colocando dentro unattended.xml direto em root, mas sem sucesso também, oque poderia ser?



Hello to all,

When I put [unattended.xml] in root within the ISO, nothing works.

When I remove [unattended.xml] ISO, it works, just need to put user, and also does not install the User Program and folders inside another partition.

Put this video on youtube, so they can see how the problem happens.

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