Posted March 9, 201411 yr :help: Hello to all. First sorry for my english im a german I start with the theme of integration files into a Win DVD four weeks ago. I read hundreds of post in a lot of forums, especialy here.I try to find out the right programm (now i think Win Toolkit is the best) and the right programm to download updates. But this was a battle for me, because i downloaded hundreds of Gig´s drivers and updates. Some programms needs .cab others needs .msu. Some programms load .msu and .cab others only cab or msu. And than there are a lot of Updates in .exe format wich some can be exctracted and some not.Drivers the same "****". Some drivers are in .exe (some can be extracted some can´t be extractet) some drivers have .inf and .sys others need .dll . Than i try to intgerate drivers with the result of many errors. After 4 Weeks and a lot of experementing i have done but the result isn´t the result i would have. Yesterday i try to integrate updates. Broke with an error. I´m realy frustrated now. Isnt there a step by step guide for integrating drivers and updates ? I mean there are a lot of Guides with only a little part of problems but not a step by step. :crying_anim02: My intention: I want an USB Stick with all Win7/8/server 2003/2008/2012 on it in both versions 64/32 Bit with the most updates that can be (I´m in an 2 year retraining curse so i have all the server versions for free) But im already fail with win7/64 For Win7 (64 and 32) There should be all updates that can be integrate.Net framework 4.5.1Drivers much as possible (It is not only for my PC )Flashplayer newest versionJava newest versionAll Microsoft Visual C + + RedistributableIE 9 should be integrated with all updates and the other versions should be in a directory so the user can choose what version he want to install (IE10/11) (i read about an reg-tweak to prevent windows update install the IE 11 but manual installation still works) Summary: Drivers: 1.1.1 If i integrate drivers (Chipset, Storage, USB) in to the boot.wim, what should i choose? Setup or PE or both select 1.1.2 Why i must drivers that i take to boot.wim also integrate in install.wim ? And what options should i take ? And what this means (integrate "HDC" Drivers (boot.wim)/integrate "SCSIADAAPTER Drivers (boot.wim) .....) 1.1.3 After Driver integration into install.wim (LAN/WLAN/Sound/Misc/Bluetooth/Cardreader) and than testing i have in the Hardwaremanager a yellow ? at "basissystem" and "sound". With original installtion i only have a yellow ? at basissystem. How this could be ? I integrate more drivers and have than more yellow ? as the original installation without integrating drivers ? 1.1.4 Why drivers after integration called oem0.inf, oem1.inf, .... and not the original name ? ( I mountet the install.wim and loooked in the INF directory) 1.1.5 What means the option "prepare drivers" ? 1.1.6 After integrating drivers the installtion of Windows takes over 1 hour original 30 minutes. Why ? 1.1.7 Wich is now the right way to integrate drivers ? because i read a post from legolash2o (the last 2 posts) Updates: 2.1.1 Wich update porgramms give the most updates that can be integrate ? 2.1.2 Wich form of update i should take msu or cab ? or can i misc ? have updateprogramms that downloaded a few .msu files and a lot of .cab files. 2.1.3 Need the updates a certain sequence to be integrate ? And how i make this at Win Toolkit ? 2.1.4 If the updates needs a certain sequence where i can find a List ? (special to me because i want to integrate IE 9 and not IE11 (in found something but this list take errors in List 1) 2.1.5 What shoul i do with all the exe files ? (Net framework 4.5.1 and security updates, Microsoft Visual C + + Redistributable, and many others) 2.1.6 What KB and installation files i need for IE 9 integration ? And how than integrate and where i get ?2.1.7 If i changed my mind and want to integrate IE 10 what files i need now ? 2.1.8 Should i make "LDR-QFE Mode" enabled in the options ? General: 3.1.1 When i have done integrating something should i make a new iso and test it and after testing successful can i take this iso and make other integration or should i take the original iso and make all the things again ? 3.1.2 Wich is the right sequence to integrate ? First driver or updates and than others ? Questions over questions i know but im sorry this is realy realy frustrating. I read a lot of posts but now i´m lost the overview on this theme. In my head there are only KB numbers, msu, cab, inf, sys files im think i´m going crazy :tired: I hope anyone can help me. P.S If anyone have an answer it would be nice when he can answer like 1.1.1 or 3.1.1 and so on, so i can find the right answer to my questions ^^ Edited March 9, 201411 yr by Legolas
March 9, 201411 yr Wow, too many questions for a first post. Welcome to the forum. :welcome: Let's start step by step. I won't answer to all those question now but I give you some tips for start. First of all start with a fresh untouched ISO. You can download all the updates but you can't integrate them all "as is". For start you can integrate all from General, Hotfix and Security folders without any problem "as is" You can add to that list WU Client cabs from Additional folder and also IE9 and IE9 Updates from Extra folder if you want. If you want IE10/IE11 you need to add IE10/IE11 Prerequisites to the list also. That's all I recommend for start. That will give you a good base to continue with the project. Before continue is recommended to test this in VM and if all is good make a copy of it to not repeat this step if something goes wrong as it's quite lengthy. From now on you work on a copy that have all the updates needed, basically almost an SP2. There are a bunch of Add-ons and switchless installer that you can use to integrate as much as you want/need of the rest of the updates like NET Framework, VC Runtimes, Silverlight etc and other programs you need as Java, Flash etc. The drivers should all go in a folder called "Drivers" in the root of the install media (USB, DVD). You just simply copy the "Drivers" folder after all the integration was done to the root of the media befor create the ISO. If you want/need to integrate into Boot.wim you keep as little as possible from Chipset and MassStorage and eventualy USB3.0 if you have/need it. Note that all drivers should be extracted in INF format not .EXE, 7z or any form of packaging. Now it's a good time to test this again in VM. Hope that helps for a quick start. Edited March 9, 201411 yr by ianymaty
March 9, 201411 yr Author The drivers should all go in a folder called "Drivers" in the root of the install media (USB, DVD). You just simply copy the "Drivers" folder after all the integration was done to the root of the media befor create the ISO. If you want/need to integrate into Boot.wim you keep as little as possible from Chipset and MassStorage and eventualy USB3.0 if you have/need it. Hm and theres my first problem. Did you mean i copy the drivers into System32/Drivers after i mount the install.wim or should i extract the original ISO and then i make in the root a folder called "Drivers" ? and what files should be in there ? i asked because some drivers need only inf and sys but some drivers also needs one ore more dll files ? hm i think im too stupid to do this :noexpression: Also i open the Win Toolkit than i select the folder of the original ISO than i select the install.wim. Then the programm mount the iso and than.... ? Edited March 9, 201411 yr by Legolas
March 9, 201411 yr Hello from Germany, I have a short question. My system is Win7-64 de-de. Are there any problems integrating updates en-us or is the language in this case without any interest? In this case I can take Alphawave's package otherwise I must take the german Winfuture pack. Can you help me? Have a nice day :lock:
March 9, 201411 yr Hello Admin, the post above has the wrong name. My name is "izicke" not "Lurker". Can you please correct? Thanks and a nice day :cap:
March 9, 201411 yr Hm and theres my first problem. Did you mean i copy the drivers into System32/Drivers after i mount the install.wim or should i extract the original ISO and then i make in the root a folder called "Drivers" ? and what files should be in there ? i asked because some drivers need only inf and sys but some drivers also needs one ore more dll files ? hm i think im too stupid to do this :noexpression: Also i open the Win Toolkit than i select the folder of the original ISO than i select the install.wim. Then the programm mount the iso and than.... ? Drivers folder go to the root of the install media. Extract the ISO and create the folder than put the drivers in it. The drivers should be each in its folder and among the bunch of files of each driver should be an inf file in order to be installed by the Driver installer at the first login. After the program starts in All-In-One Integrator go to Updates + Languages tab and use the big green + sign on the left to add the Updates. After added all you need click on the Start button in upper left corner. @izicke The updates are for all languages. Only a few are speciffic to some languages and are named accordinglly Don't worry, "Lurker" is just a tag. It may change in time if/after you have more posts
March 9, 201411 yr @ WinCert Friend Thanks. I`m just adding Alphawave's package. But it needs time, time, time... Nice time for you.
March 9, 201411 yr the post above has the wrong name. My name is "izicke" not "Lurker". As ianymaty said, the field where you see "Lurker" in your posts is a tag called "Member Title" whose default behavior is to automatically change as you make more posts on the forum, just as ianymaty's Member Title is "WinCert Friend", and mine, bphlpt, is "WinCert Addict". It has nothing at all to do with your name, Most people just leave it alone and let it do it's thing. If for whatever reason it really offends you, you can change it yourself along with other of your profile settings. Go to your profile page, click the "Edit my Profile" button near the top right of the page, then look for the "Profile Information / Member Title" field. It should be empty. Put whatever you want in the field then click "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page. If you want the field to go back to it's default behavior, just go back, delete whatever is in the field and "Save Changes". Cheers and Regards
March 9, 201411 yr @ bphlpt Thanks. I have learned. In german forums you are standing with your name to your posts. Other lands... Have a nice day.
March 21, 201410 yr In german forums you are standing with your name to your posts. Your name is up there too, look above the "Lurker"..
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