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WinAMP - World's most popular music player!

Version: - Final and very last build.

Supported OS: Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 /w Update 1.
All Addons ware tested on all OSes on both 32 and 64-bit platforms.

Short histroy:
There was a Winamp 5.7 beta program for an invite-based Winamp Cloud feature with build number 5.7.3444 - this version was published after official relase of version 5.65 and before last version 5.666, also this beta version has been already expired. It is good for you to know that all impovments beside cloud feature ware included in last final/official 5.666 version of WinAMP.

Addon versions: 8

~ English-only Language section ~
Lite version based on: "winamp5666_lite_en-us.exe"

1. WinAMP (Lite Edition) + Modern skin support ENU (x86/32)
Size=5.29 MB    | Download | SHA1: 61e0e15336d8ceaa725f3dc7e61afa45f3f548d6

2. WinAMP (Lite Edition) + Modern skin support ENU (x64)
Size=5.29 MB    | Download | SHA1: 521d8026c57c657acb7cfaab5a205bc7cf4bb55f

Full version based on: "winamp5666_full_en-us.exe"

3. WinAMP Pro (Full Edition) ENU (x86/32) - Not Activated / NoWAREZ
Size=10.2 MB    | Download | SHA1: 193fd0660ddf999d6d7e17c611f9d3e489e7c7ad

4. WinAMP Pro (Full Edition) ENU (x64) - Not Activated / NoWAREZ
Size=10.2 MB    | Download | SHA1: d938a29da718b7d0b71a1c35cce92bbbf6c50ed1
~ Multi-User Interface Language section ~
Lite version based on: "winamp5666_lite_all.exe"

1. WinAMP (Lite Edition) + Modern skin support MUI (x86/32)
Size=9.75 MB    | Download | SHA1: f2e33566885c24fdc418162f87ec3e5bc44af696
2. WinAMP (Lite Edition) + Modern skin support MUI (x64)
Size=9.75 MB    | Download | SHA1: 6fd40f41b21c90e8708646c3a7c0d91890a57da2

Full version based on: "winamp5666_full_all.exe"

3. WinAMP Pro (Full Edition) MUI (x86/32) - Not Activated / NoWAREZ
Size=14.6 MB    | Download | SHA1: 67e03e02dd66b4f51e7dd9359bb00f853f2c7d58

4. WinAMP Pro (Full Edition) MUI (x64) - Not Activated / NoWAREZ
Size=14.6 MB    | Download | SHA1: cbe307ee1bc94f15de02b4164c3a27f6b43cab43
I'd decide that publishing this software as pre-registred package with included serial key in registry form still will be considered as warez/piracy even WinAMP is officially death, i.e. it's future development was cancelled on December 20, 2013 by AOL/Nullsoft, Inc. and the company was officially closed.

Edited by MAXtoriX



Menu-titel for italian language still remain english; menu-items in the pull-down-menu are switched in italian.


German and French OK.


Tested lite-version on win7 x64 Pro.



  • Author



Menu-titel for italian language still remain english; menu-items in the pull-down-menu are switched in italian.


German and French OK.


Tested lite-version on win7 x64 Pro.




Hmm, very strange. I have look into it and I have tried some possibilities:


1. I have installed full version with all languages on my runing OS (also W7 x64);

2. I have installed final Italian (it-it) version from Nullsoft server - downloaded today (still available).

3. I have installed lite version with all languages on my runing OS;

4. I have searched on Internet and found pre-release build 5.66.3512 (by digital signature from 26.11.2013);

5. I have installed Italian localization from old version 5.65,

and nothing of all of this getting Italian Menu-Title to work.


How I see from the size of Winamp-it-it.wzl files from diferent builds/versions there are very big diferences.

Winamp-it-it.wzl in old v5.65 is 1.52 MB

Winamp-it-it.wzl in pre-release v5.66.3512 is 1.37 MB

Winamp-it-it.wzl in final v5.666 is 1.25 MB


I cannot get to work Itallian title menu on my system, if some one manage to fix this, or find already fixed Winamp-it-it.wzl, please share it with me, and I'll add fix to the MUI addons too.

Access to Nullsoft server you have here.



According to this site maybe official translators didn't translate the title menu at all.

Edited by MAXtoriX

  • 1 month later...

a few remarks on this add-on:



- Never ever include firewall rules
- There are a lot of absolute paths set



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\UNSV\shell\open\command]@="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Winamp\\winamp.exe %1"

Consider using env.variables next time please


- 80% of the included registry settings are not needed because they will be created using

information from .ini

  • Author

a few remarks on this add-on:



- Never ever include firewall rules

- There are a lot of absolute paths set



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\UNSV\shell\open\command]@="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Winamp\\winamp.exe %1"

Consider using env.variables next time please


- 80% of the included registry settings are not needed because they will be created using

information from .ini


how to use variables in registry and that file to be workable in wintoolkit addon?

either use "set" from a command-prompt,
Press Win+PAUSE -> Adv. System Settings -> Environment Var.

...ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\ProgramDataAPPDATA=C:\Users\nonspin\AppData\RoamingProgramData=C:\ProgramDataProgramFiles=C:\Program Files (x86)ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files.... and so on

env.variables need to be wrapped with %
type: %temp% in a command-prompt for example
.. or %CommonProgramW6432%


To go to your Winamp-Plugins Directory, use:



Paste the above into any WindowsExplorer




// edit: The Addon-Maker has a "variables"-tab, too

Edited by nonspin

  • 1 year later...

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