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In case you didn't know, I've been drafting up my proposal to finally work on a new Wintoolkit v2 as my final year project at university. It will be EPIC. I've received feedback and made changes to my proposal, just awaiting for further feedback. Once that is done, I will submit it :D


I will keep you guys up-do-date in this thread as soon as I hear anything. Basically it will be starting WinToolkit from scratch. Here are a few things you should expect.



·         Make more use of mutli-tasking

  1. All-In-One Integrator will integrate wallpapers, gadgets and others at the same time as other tasks, saving even more time.
  2. Run other tools whilst integration is in progress. Converting files, downloading and so fourth.

Click here for multi-threading experiment results.


·         Run speed profile tests to see if code can be made more efficient.


I want Win Toolkit v2 to be very very efficient and run as fast a possible. This includes running automated tests which tell me the slow areas of my code and then I basically plan how I can make it fast. Every millisecond will count! This WILL improve ALL-In-One Integrator dramatically!!!!!!!!


·         Conduct extensive testing to ensure final software meets requirements.


I will have to do testing reports and documentation, hopefully you guys can help too.


·         Design and implement automated testing.


I will use the tools available in Visual Studio to design automated testing. This will ensure that if i make a change it wont screw up anything that worked previously. Each method will have multiple automated tests.


·         Automated online databases

  1. The only database using SQL will keep automatically keep track of what of updates are LDR or GDR saving previous extracting time.
  2. Keep tracking of what updates can and can't be integrated.
  3. Allow me to add notes to updates so if an issue appears with an update I can make it show notes without havign to download a new version.

The above three implementations will be amazing. You would not have update WinToolkit to solve integration issues, it will all be done without lifting a finger by anyone! It also includes other benefits.

  1. Keep tracking of Win Toolkit updates.
  2. Track errors and bugs.


·         Automatic Updating


Win Toolkit will update itself automatically (can be turned off) and will hopefully download only parts of the file which has changed saving your bandwidth. You will also have the option to download beta updates.



·         Consistent and predictable release cycle.


Test Builds: Pretty much every night.
Beta Builds: Every Saturday night.
Main Builds: First Saturday of the month.
WinToolkit v1
Wanted to know what Win Toolkit looks like in its physical form? I decided to print out all the code and will be painfully going through it all to look for areas of improvement!



Holy crap that's a lot of code!


I do hope that each area is sectioned as a new file rather than one massive continuous piece. God it would be painful bug fixing that it if it was continuous :/


Good Luck dude!


Ps: will 2.x contain better package removal?

Edited by spidernz

While it would be an interesting project, I do have a problem with the "Make more use of mutli-tasking" approach.  Most things that have to be integrated into a windows install disk are performed by the program dism, is it possibly or even wise to try and multitask that function?  Hopefully the process of multitasking will not cause issues with disk thrashing all of those files around.


These are just thoughts of mine, so as long as you can work through the multitasking issues, I suppose it will be a good thing.


Keep up the great work.

  • Author

While it would be an interesting project, I do have a problem with the "Make more use of mutli-tasking" approach.  Most things that have to be integrated into a windows install disk are performed by the program dism, is it possibly or even wise to try and multitask that function?  Hopefully the process of multitasking will not cause issues with disk thrashing all of those files around.


These are just thoughts of mine, so as long as you can work through the multitasking issues, I suppose it will be a good thing.


Keep up the great work.

Only updates, component removal and drivers require dism :)



Thread 1: Updates > Component Removal > Drivers

Thread 2: Gadgets > Theme Packs > Wallpapers > Files

Thread 3: Silent Installers - use install.ini instead.


STAGE 2: Registry required

Thread 1: Addons

Thread 2: Services

Thread 3: Tweaks

Excelente, pero pido algo que he venido solicitando desde hace tiempo: permitir que el usuario pueda poner su propio logo en el Wintoolkit runoncex al igual que escoger la ruta donde almacenar los programas desatendidos. no me gusta la carpeta Wintoolkit_app y que permita integrar en la carpeta personalizada en WINDOWS TEU.


Gracias y excelente trabajo :)


Auto Translation: Excellent, but ask something that I have been requesting for some time: allow that user can put your own logo on the Wintoolkit runoncex as well as choose the path where to store the unattended programs. I don't like the Wintoolkit folder app and that allows to integrate in the folder custom WINDOWS TEU.

Edited by Legolash2o
Added translation.

  • Author

At the moment I'm doing A LOT of research on multi-threading and I'm definitely finding a lot of interesting things. At the moment Win Toolkit uses BackgroundWorkers which are actually really bad and limited in regards to CPU usage, etc... Continuing research....



Wrong place, needs to go in the request forum. I'm mostly focusing on bug fixes and research at the moment. I will most likely do some more work on the RunOnce installer.

Question, it seems it goes higher professional level, i dunno.

Have you anytime think about to go commercial with WTK after finishing university?

Or you have yourself promised on the free-share-for-all way and support continue?



  • Author

Question, it seems it goes higher professional level, i dunno.

What do you mean?


Have you anytime think about to go commercial with WTK after finishing university?

Or you have yourself promised on the free-share-for-all way and support continue?


Free, may probably even release the source code. :) After my project I may decide to go a next step further and do it in C++ instead of C# lmao.  :crying_anim02:  :sick01:

The Question(s) are the 2 in lines down there.

What i mean is just that the code/methods seems improving much. :)


Hehe, yea thats great. :P

Maybe you can find then some helping hands, or you planning that's will still a one-man-project?

Edited by BrokenZer0

Maybe you can find then some helping hands, or you planning that's will still a one-man-project?

As a side note to this, whether or not you allow other people to work on this, it would be useful to have WinToolKit modular.  To clarify, make it to where additional modules could be added (or worked on separately) but all called by WinToolKit.  (since you are going multi-threaded anyway.)

  • Author

Bad news is that I have a lot of work to do for the next year and half (at least) because the good news is that Win Toolkit got approved to be my final year project. I will write an article so you guys know what to expect from this apart from a much better program.   :albert:  :graduated:


You think Win Toolkit is great now? It's only just begun! :D I have to prepare to rewrite everything with efficiency, concurrency and simplicity in mind. Oh god the paperwork is going to be fun (sarcasm) :P

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