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  • rhahgleuhargh

    @phaolo, Please have a look in the Installers repack section of this forum. All of these programs can be integrated in "Silent installs + SFX" section of Wintoolkit with silent switches. @TheOtherJeff

  • Hello, J'ai trouvé une solution pour éviter l'installation mensuelle de MRT (et donc de l'emploi d'un leurre). C'est à confirmer, mais il semble qu'il suffit de créer cette clé:  

  • SSUs are permanent updates, Deep clean do not remove them (the 3177467 v1& v2 was exception) KB4490628 is still needed because it's SHA1-signed, and contain the infrastructure to process SHA2

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Exact, the DL link seems to be dead ! I removed KB2970228 from ULs.

Just hope that MS will correct this failed update patch next month, it will facilitate my task ! :ranting:


Changelog modifié sur mon précédent post ! Désolé, mais c'est la faute à MS...

A ma connaissance, KB29700228 ne remplaçait aucun KB (KB2982791 remplaçait KB2876331), je revérifierai ça lorsque j'aurai le temps.

Je remets les UL à jour, pour ceux qui ont la version précédente, les liens des KB que j'ai supprimées ont été retirés par MS, donc WUD va les passer.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

TNX rhahgleuhargh!


In my opinion it would be better if you in such "special case" put the change date in the UL instead of lastupdate.

It would be easier to see in WUD, if the actual modified UL has been loaded.



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TNX rhahgleuhargh!


In my opinion it would be better if you in such "special case" put the change date in the UL instead of lastupdate.

It would be easier to see in WUD, if the actual modified UL has been loaded.




Good idea, I'll do this for the next update !



......(I can modify the ULs since I have an Internet access, but can't test them).

If someone can test, please post here, and I'll do the modifications. Or, just be patient until next week.


Just tested x86 and x64 (german) in Virtualbox:

no issues, no special requests from WU, only KB976932 (3,9 MB) on x86 :ranting: .



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no issues, no special requests from WU, only KB976932 (3,9 MB) on x86 :ranting: .

Thx for return !

For KB976932, just hope that MS will correct this next month (this august update patch is a calamity, especially for Windows 8.1).

On some internet sites I read this SP1-fix is related to KB2534366, but:

1) just this one has been replaced by KB2882822 and KB2871997

2) The last change for KB2534366 was 12.08.2014!


I tried an integration with 2534366, KB976932 has been requested by WU, I installed after that KB2871997 & KB2882822, same request by WU!


I don't really understand, what MS is doing :guns: !






pour une fois, il a plu en Bretagne et j'ai pu faire mon premier test x86 avec la liste du 12/08 et Win Toolkit en réel.


140 updates + IE11 et ses 3 mises à jour (pas de RunOnce).


MU demande DNF4.5.1, MRT, KB2533552 et KB976932 et les 3 mises à jour facultatives.


Aprés exécution de mes SFX RunOnce (qui contient la KB2533552), MRT, RDP81et DNF452, la KB976932 n'est plus demandée.

A confirmer ??


J'ai publié mon SFX RunOnce x86 : j'ai retiré la KB2935092 TimeZone car la KB2981580 qui a remplacé la KB2904266 la rend obsolète.

J'ai aussi publié Silverlight de Jul 2014 pour x86 ou x64 mais pas la version x64 optimisée pour IE.



Edited by icare


140 updates + IE11 et ses 3 mises à jour (pas de RunOnce).


MU demande DNF4.5.1, MRT, KB2533552 et KB976932 et les 3 mises à jour facultatives.


Aprés exécution de mes SFX RunOnce (qui contient la KB2533552), MRT, RDP81et DNF452, la KB976932 n'est plus demandée.

A confirmer ??


Hi, I can confirm this behavior.



Hi rhahgleuhargh,


this are the links for the last safety-update KB2993651 (today, 19:15); it should replace (and repair the desaster of) KB2976897 and KB2972891

MS Security Bulletin: https://technet.microsoft.com/de-de/library/security/MS14-045




Edited by Thiersee

I'm getting crazy :ranting:!


I just installed W7 Prof x64 with the last security Update KB2993651 and WU asked again for KB976932 for x64 too!



Edited by Thiersee

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Updates :

KB2993651 remplace KB2876331.


were did you see this replacement?


TNX, Thiersee



I just did a disk cleanup after install, and it was removed in the log file. If you have a look on Microsoft Catalog for KB2993651, you'll see in the long list of replaced updates KB2876331. I'll do a test in a VM at the next patch tuesday, I don't have the time at this moment just for one update.


.... I don't have the time at this moment just for one update.




don't worry, I'm doing it just now ;).


BTW, I saw now the replacement in MS-Catalog, but MS is NOT just user-friendly working at the moment: yesterday

in the evening KB2993651 in the MS-Catalog, today morning as you updated the list was not present, now it's present, :ranting:!

Hi rhahgleuhargh,



don't worry, I'm doing it just now ;).

I'm back: both UL/packs works and for both WU requests KB976932 after restarting!


After installing ONLY KB2533552 and restarting there is NO request more from WU about KB976932!


Regards, Thiersee

I'm gonna run the test in vmware now for x64 only, KB2876331 removed and  KB2993651 added.



done testing....nothing shows up in WU.

Edited by dareckibmw

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@Thiersse :

Did you add KB2533352 in "Silent install + SFX" part of Win Toolkit ? Or did you your test only with updates section ?

@dareckibmw :

Thx for testing. Please try to add the 2 RunOnce updates in "Silent install + SFX" section of Win toolkit with the view to see if a part of KB976932 is asked after installation by WU.

@Thiersse :

Did you add KB2533352 in "Silent install + SFX" part of Win Toolkit ? Or did you your test only with updates section ?


Test only with updates from the UL, then restart, then update search: found KB2533552 and KB976932 and KB2533552 (plus some more: FW, Silverlight, and so on)


Not in "Silent install + SFX", simply after the first update-search only this one chosed; but it's the same, if I put it under "Silent install + SFX": no KB976392-request after installation and restart.


Like icare in post #83.


Regards, Thiersee

@dareckibmw :

Thx for testing. Please try to add the 2 RunOnce updates in "Silent install + SFX" section of Win toolkit with the view to see if a part of KB976932 is asked after installation by WU.


I always add KB2533352 via setupcomplete.cmd  ...and KB976932 is not in my pack of updates, I just checked.


nouveau test en réel x86 avec les 140 updates du 28 Aug, IE11 et ses 3 mises à jour.


Kb2533352 et KB976932 sont demandées par WU.

Avec mon SFX RunOnce 2014-08 exécuté dans un deuxième temps, la KB976932 n'est plus demandée.




Kb2533352 et KB976932 sont demandées par WU.

Avec mon SFX RunOnce 2014-08 exécuté dans un deuxième temps, la KB976932 n'est plus demandée.


Exactly what I said too ;).



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