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  • rhahgleuhargh

    @phaolo, Please have a look in the Installers repack section of this forum. All of these programs can be integrated in "Silent installs + SFX" section of Wintoolkit with silent switches. @TheOtherJeff

  • Hello, J'ai trouvé une solution pour éviter l'installation mensuelle de MRT (et donc de l'emploi d'un leurre). C'est à confirmer, mais il semble qu'il suffit de créer cette clé:  

  • SSUs are permanent updates, Deep clean do not remove them (the 3177467 v1& v2 was exception) KB4490628 is still needed because it's SHA1-signed, and contain the infrastructure to process SHA2

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Argh, finally it's the same pb for me, 2 parts of the 2 IE11 KBs asked after deep-clean and reboot...

No solution until next patch tuesday...


You may ask why there are more updates in your live Windows after installation than the number of integrated KBs ? it's due to the fact that Windows 7 ISO includes some updates after SP1 pack.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

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Thx for the info. :prop:

KB3000483 was released in february update patch, and surprisingly was not proposed by WU, but KB3004375-V3 was (and is in the ULs).

I checked in WU catalog, you're right, these KBs are linked together, and KB2536276 is superseeded.

I'll make some tests tomorrow (uninstall KB2536276, check WU, then install KB3000483). If all is OK, I'll modify ULs.


EDIT : uninstalled KB2536276 --> reasked by WU after reboot ; installed KB3000483 : no more update asked after reboot. ULs reuploaded.


@tous : réupload des ULs : KB3000483 de février dernier remplace KB2536276. Pour ceux qui avaient déjà remis à jour les listes, ce n'est pas un changement majeur, cette mise à jour n'était pas proposée par WU, mais elle remplace pourtant bien la précédente !

Edited by rhahgleuhargh


There is a new update. kb 3000483, it comes with kb3004375-v3 by download from update catalog und replace

kb 2536276-v2.


Good catch. :)



Thx for the info.

KB3000483 was released in february update patch, and surprisingly was not proposed by WU, but KB3004375-V3 was (and is in the ULs).

I checked in WU catalog, you're right, these KBs are linked together, and KB2536276 is superseeded.

I'll make some tests tomorrow (uninstall KB2536276, check WU, then install KB3000483). If all is OK, I'll modify ULs.


I just installed KB3000483, deepclean asks remove KB2536276:


2015-03-13 19:27:52, Info                  CBS    Adding: Package_for_KB2536276~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ 19:28:25, Info                  CBS    DC: Package_for_KB2536276~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ unique components: 12 Size: 1.16 MB (1,218,356 bytes)

I did not remove via deepclean (due to problem above with 3023607 lol) but uninstalled it, rebooted & WU came back clean :)

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I did a deep-clean : I confirm that KB2536276 is removed, and you know what ? your friend KB3023607 :ranting: I'm going to have a new round with parts of KB3032359 and KB3021952 at next startup...

Edited by rhahgleuhargh


I did a deep-clean : I confirm that KB2536276 is removed, and you know what ? your friend KB3023607 :ranting: I'm going to have a new round with parts of KB3032359 and KB3021952 at next startup...


Lol... I think I found a solution to our KB3023607 problem...





Hi rhahgleurargh,


I spent my sunday testing and testing and testing.....


I integrated only update from your UL on bot x64 and x86; results:


x64, deep clean still uninstalls KB3023607; after that WU asks for KB3032359/3021952 (both 5.2 MB); after reinstalling this two updates the history of installed updates shows KB3023607 installed.


x86, deep clean still uninstalls KB3023607 (as x64), but this is not enough! Deep clean uninstalls KB3004375 and KB3031432 too!

Reinstalling only KB3004375 WU does not ask for KB3031432 again.


I found this thread in another forum, where a user means Deep clean deletes some information that normally tells windows that a update is installed.


BTW, do you still have the ULs from january and february? Can you post them? Thanks a lot.



Edited by Thiersee



I did a deep-clean : I confirm that KB2536276 is removed, and you know what ? your friend KB3023607 :ranting: I'm going to have a new round with parts of KB3032359 and KB3021952 at next startup...


Lol... I think I found a solution to our KB3023607 problem...






You should reserve your "solution" for Microsoft, not for your poor computer :ranting: ....

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No, I have deleted them. I just keep old links in a separate file.

I didn't encounter this bug with my real x86 machines (only IE updates).

KB3004375 is in UL (february).

Here is the link for the other :


<update id="KB3031432" category="1" publishdate="2015-02-10" article="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3031432">
    <title>KB3031432 - MAJ pour Windows 7 SP1</title>
    <description>Une vulnérabilité dans Microsoft Windows pourrait permettre une augmentation de privilèges.</description>


Microsoft seems to have done a great job this month; I won't do a deep-clean until next update patch...

I won't be at home until the end of the week, so no ability to test anything.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh


No, I have deleted them. I just keep old links in a separate file.

I didn't encounter this bug with my real x86 machines (only IE updates).

KB3004375 is in UL (february).


OK, thanks.


DO anyone still have the old UL (january, february) and can post them?






I got the old UL I need on my backup-HDD ;). Thank you anyway.

Edited by Thiersee

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Just ran a deep-clean on my real x86 machine before I left : KB3004375 is not deleted (was installed last month), just IE 11 update. WU history doesn't show anything except the 2 reinstallations of IE 11 parts, due to the fact that I ran 2 deep-cleans this WE.

This Windows 7pro x86 was installed 2 months ago, and I just removed manually KB2536276 and installed KB3000483 this WE.

Good luck for your research, I'll read the forum friday !

Edited by rhahgleuhargh


Just ran a deep-clean on my real x86 machine before I left : KB3004375 is not deleted (was installed last month), just IE 11 update. WU history doesn't show anything except the 2 reinstallations of IE 11 parts, due to the fact that I ran 2 deep-cleans this WE.

This Windows 7pro x86 was installed 2 months ago, and I just removed manually KB2536276 and installed KB3000483 this WE.

Good luck for your research, I'll read the forum friday !

Exactly that will I try: if the same happens with an updated old installation too!

Have a nice week!



I believe I've solved the Kb-3023607-3021952-3032359 clusterf**k and you're not gonna believe the solution (at least in my case) is as simple as 3 little letters.... U A C


Confirmed in VMWare (twice) and "Live" shstem (once). When KB's 3021952, 3032359, 3023607 & their "child" components are installed with UAC disabled, cleamgr.exe (DeepClean) will remove KB3023607:

2015-03-16 10:49:08, Info                  CBS    Adding: Package_for_KB3023607~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ 10:49:13, Info                  CBS    DC: Package_for_KB3023607~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ unique components: 58 Size: 20.54 MB (21,538,670 bytes)2015-03-16 10:49:13, Info                  CBS    Total size of superseded packages: 20.54 MB (21,538,670 bytes)

When KB's 3021952, 3032359, 3023607 & their "child" components are installed with UAC enabled, DeepClean does not remove KB3023607 :)


Can anyone else confirm/refute/test etc this scenario? Be back this afternoon (it's 11:30 AM here now) Me so happy!

I can't confirm it sorry :sad01_anim: !


UAC is enabled in my VirtualBox (Standard, cursor on the 2nd step from the top); I installed  Win7 HomePremium x86 (updates + RDP ONLY, no other stuff!).

I used the february-UL from rhahgleuharg, then:


1) I searched for update by WU

2) I installed by hand single updates beginning with KB3000483 (not asked by WU) then the updates from the WU-list; I didn't install KB3033929 immediately at the 2nd place.

3) After every update (restart only if necessary) I did a deep cleaning, a restart and a new search by WU. Everything went good.

4) After installing KB3046049, deep cleaning, restart and search by WU I saw in the DeepClean.log that KB3023607 has been uninstalled together with KB3023562; WU asked for KB3032359/KB3021952 again (each 3MB)!

5) I reinstalled KB3032359/KB3021952 and the updates-history told me KB3023607 has been installed.

6) After installing KB3033929 (at the end, because there are some problems with this update) and deep-cleaning I got a big bad surprise: KB3023607 has been uninstalled again, but this time together with KB3004375 and KB3031432 (have a look to my previous posts)!


I'll try now to reinstall windows again, then some from the WU-list (excluding KB3046049 and KB3033929), then switch UAC-cursor to the top-step (ALL permissions) and install the two updates left.

I'll report if it works or not.


Regards, Thiersee

Edited by Thiersee

Since this issue has been reported by many people, both here and on other sites, I would assume that this is not anything that anyone is doing wrong, except MS. :)  So I'd suggest only doing a deep clean before adding these troublesome updates, and not afterwards, at least this month.  Hopefully, MS will straighten this mess out by next patch Tuesday, if not before.  It seems that either the updates, and/or the deep cleaner app, needs an update.  Just my opinion.


Cheers and Regards

Since this issue has been reported by many people, both here and on other sites, I would assume that this is not anything that anyone is doing wrong, except MS. :)  So I'd suggest only doing a deep clean before adding these troublesome updates, and not afterwards, at least this month.  Hopefully, MS will straighten this mess out by next patch Tuesday, if not before.  It seems that either the updates, and/or the deep cleaner app, needs an update.  Just my opinion.


Cheers and Regards

Full ack!


Some more tests I made today showed me, that both KB3046049 and KB3033929 are responsible if KB3023607 will be uninstalled by deep clean; added to this, KB3033929 causes deep cleaning uninstalling KB3004375 and KB3031432!


Therefore my next try will be to integrate with the last UL from 14-03-2015 excluding KB3046049 and KB3033929, then deep clean and at the end a new search by WU.



@Thiersee: Than you for your efforts, I appreciate it but I'm afraid you've lost me with talk of any KB's except 3021952, 3032359 & 3023607 :dizzy:  those three are the only ones I had any issue(s) with. FWIW I'm testing x64 only w/ IE11 & prereq's, RDP, WU Client, Net 3.5.1 & updates thru DISM cmd script, March ULZ, & abboddi's Net 4.5 WA, mooms' Flash SFX  thru Wintoolkit & setupcomplete for KB's 971033 & 2533552.
ETA: I Hide these KB's on first MU checks:


Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2506928

Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2545698
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2660075
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2719857
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2732059
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2761217
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2773072
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2799926
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2800095
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2843630
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2846960
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2853952
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2891804
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2893519
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2913152
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2918077
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2919469
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2928562
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2970228
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2977728
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB2985461
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB3006121
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB3006137
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB3006625
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems KB3021917


Edited by Pink_Freud


but I'm afraid you've lost me with talk of any KB's except 3021952, 3032359 & 3023607 :dizzy:  those three are the only ones I had any issue(s) with. FWIW I'm testing x64 only


No, I didn't lost you, sorry.

I only said, that those KBs are responsible too, if KB3023607 will be uninstalled, even if UAC is enabled; have a look to points 4), 5) and 6).


I did it on x86, because it's faster (smaller) to get more tests in a day ;).

I'll do today a final test on x86, then I 'll begin with x64 (I need both).


I say it again:

updates asked by WU ONLY with the UL from rhahgleuharg (updates, RDP 8.1, IE11 with updates); NFW 3.5.1 is part of the OS and already in the list I only add the hotifx KB3000056 (Rollup for NFW 3.5.1).

Nothing others!


Regards, Thiersee

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