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  • rhahgleuhargh

    @phaolo, Please have a look in the Installers repack section of this forum. All of these programs can be integrated in "Silent installs + SFX" section of Wintoolkit with silent switches. @TheOtherJeff

  • Hello, J'ai trouvé une solution pour éviter l'installation mensuelle de MRT (et donc de l'emploi d'un leurre). C'est à confirmer, mais il semble qu'il suffit de créer cette clé:  

  • SSUs are permanent updates, Deep clean do not remove them (the 3177467 v1& v2 was exception) KB4490628 is still needed because it's SHA1-signed, and contain the infrastructure to process SHA2

Posted Images



I downloaded it now directly from MS Update-Catalog and the files, both x64 and x86, and the size is a bit bigger (700 Byte for x86) and has another checksum (the same as in the file-name);

of course I tried again with the link from Bulletin MS15-080 and the file is exactly the same like on patch-day!


Many, many thanks Microsoft, two days work for nothing


0019.gif :ranting:.


Of course I tried a couple of the other updates: no issue, the problem was only with KB3078601!


Good, I'll start another integration...and to be on the safe site I download now ALL again.





I'm extremely curious, which link you write in the UL...

Edited by Thiersee

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Upload des ULs mises à jour.

J'ai déplacé KB2813347 dans la section RDP 8.1, car elle est nécessaire si celui-ci est installé, mais est remplacée par KB3075220 s'il n'est pas intégré.

Pour les mises à jour relatives à Windows 10, KB3050265 et KB2990214 sont toujours demandées par WU.


Updated ULs uploaded.

I moved KB2813347 in RDP 8.1 section, it's required if this one is integrated, but this KB is remplaced by KB3075220 if RDP is not integrated.

Concerning W10 upgrade updates, KB2990214 and KB3050265 are still asked by WU.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh


I moved KB2813347 in RDP 8.1 section, it's required if this one is integrated, but this KB is remplaced by KB3075220 if RDP is not integrated.


If it is in the RDP 8.1-section, I think the name should be RDP-Windows6.1-KB2813347-x64.msu, or not?




BTW, the wrong file KB3078601 made me creasy, now it's OK; it made the update search extremely slow and some RunOnce did not run, wether in WTK nor with WPI!

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No, this update is not named RDP-xxx, because it's not an update for RDP 8.1 (it's for native RDP support of Windows 7, the RDP 6.1 if I remember good), but it's still asked by WU when RDP 8.1 is integrated. This update is superseeded by KB3075220 that is required when you don't integrate RDP 8.1, so is useless if you're in this situation. More explanation here.


I don't understand what you want. Your screenshot doesn't seem to be a deep-clean log (that is usually a .log file you can open with Notepad), but the list of integrated updates.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh


KB2533552 seems to be no needed anymore in x64, I'll test an integration without it


I just finished an x64-integration (professional) and as in the past KB2533552 has been not directly requested by WU, just a small amount of  SP1 with the same size of KB2533552, as usual.

In this case it's enough to install KB2533552 and after a new search WU doesn't ask for SP1 anymore; for x86 exactly the same.



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Mise à jour des ULs  avec quelques mises à jour facultatives :

Updates : KB3077715 Timezone remplace KB3049874.

Additional Updates : KB3078667 (défaillance système lié à un manque de mémoire dans dwm.exe) remplace KB3048761,

W10 Updates : KB3080149 remplace KB2882822, KB3075249.

Language Packs : Ajout d'une catégorie pour les 35 packs de langue disponibles (Windows 7 Ultimate et Enterprise).

IE 11 : KB3087985


Script W10 mis à jour.


EDIT 19/8/2015 : post mis à jour avec les dernières infos des KBs. Merci de retélécharger les ULs et le script !

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

New update too; :ranting:


MS15-093: Description of the security update for Internet Explorer: August 18, 2015



Update Catalog not have any replace info.


Out-of band emergency patch to fix a Zero-Day "being exploited in the wild"

Out-of correctif d'urgence de la bande de fixer un Zero-Day "être exploités à l'état sauvage"




EDIT: No dl link in WU Catalog or MS Catalog direct link from WU log for IE11 x64 en-us:


Edited by Pink_Freud

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@X-Force and Pink_Freud,

Exact, this update appeared later in the night !

ULs updated !



Reupload des ULs, avec la mise à jour supplémentaire pour IE 11 qui est parue plus tard dans la soirée.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh


Additional Updates : KB3078667 (défaillance système lié à un manque de mémoire dans dwm.exe) remplace KB3048761, KB3080149 (mise à jour UTC des périphériques de bas-niveau identique à celle de W10) remplace KB2882822


Hi rhahgleuhargh,


I think the replaced KBs should still be present in the ULs as needed, because they have been replaced by optional updates: if somebody does not install optional updates, then will still need the replaced, don't you mind?

Or you move this two optional updates to the section of the needed, in the same way like KB3077715.



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For Timezone update KB3077715, I think it can replace the other one without any problem, I usually do this when a new Timezone update is published since I maintain ULs. That's why it has been placed in "Updates" category.

I agree with you with KB3080149 (I just observed this morning it superseeds KB2882822 when I uninstalled it on my VM, there's no info about it in WUC), and this update seems to add some telemetry report (look at Abbodi's post in MDL). I suggest to wait for next update patch to see if this update will become important, as it's the case for most optional updates. ULs are reuploaded with KB2882822.

For KB3048761, it was in optional updates, so we can delete it without any problem.

M$ makes me crazy !!! :crying_anim02: :help:

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

Salut à tous :) !


J'ai déjà fais quelques intégrations, mais je me demande s'il y a une "bonne" façon de procéder.


Par exemple, voici ma procédure :

  1. Je choisi l'exe de IE
  2. Je choisi toutes les mises à jour
  3. Je procède à l'intégration
  4. J'intègre les addons, pour ma part uniquement dotnet et le patch win10.exe

Qu'en pensez-vous ?


Peut-on tout faire en une fois, ou vaut-il mieux procéder par étapes (comme à l'époque de RVMI sous XP) ?


Merci ;) !

Me too!


BTW, KB3077715 too is not really needed in Europe


General changes made by this update
The following changes were made since the previous Windows cumulative time zone update:

  • Pacific SA Standard Time
    For 2015 and going forward, Chile will remain in DST. (No DST change will be observed.) Therefore, the UTC offset for Chile is updated to UTC-3:00, and the display name of the "Pacific SA Standard Time" time zone is updated to "(UTC-3:00) Santiago." (3039024)
  • Iran Standard Time
    Iran follows the Persian calendar. This cumulative update corrects the DST data for "Iran Standard Time" in Windows for the years 2015 through 2024. (3049874)
  • Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)
    The Mexican state of Quintana Roo has moved from UTC-6:00 to UTC-5:00 "(UTC-05:00) Chetumal." This time zone is newly introduced and will not observe DST. (3049874)
  • Montevideo Standard Time
    On June 30, 2015, the Uruguayan government decided to abolish the observance of daylight saving time. This put the country into the UTC-03:00 time zone all year round.
  • Ulaanbaatar Standard Time
    Mongolia will observe DST starting in 2015. DST for Mongolia starts on the last Saturday of March at 02:00 and ends on the last Saturday of September at 00:00. The following DST rules will be observed. (3049874)

But to keep the TimeZone consistent...

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Oui, tu peux tout faire en une passe, c'est ce que je fais.

Il faut juste commencer comme tu le fais par le .exe d'IE, sinon il sera intégré après les mises à jour, et ça ne va pas marcher.


KB3040272 devient mise à jour prioritaire.


In the actual UL (x86) has still the name ADD-....


  <update id="KB3040272" category="1" publishdate="2015-06-16" article="


    <title>KB3040272 - MAJ pour Windows 7 SP1 x86</title>

    <description>Le temps de démarrage augmente si un autre pack de langue est installé.</description>




It's only a bit confusing ;).

the x64-UL is OK.

  • Author


Oooooooops, didn't see it !

Thank you, I'll correct this.

I made a category error too, KB3075249 doesn't seem to be a W10 related update, so it has to be moved in Additional Updates Category.

I'll reupload corrected ULs when I'll have some free time, maybe this evening. But these ones should work.

Since M$ seems to have fall in love with telemetry reports, I may create a new category for these updates...

What do you think about it ?

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

No problem, I already corrected my list on my own.


About KB3075249: WHD classified it as W10-related.

Another small confusing issue:

KB2813347 (posts #810/#812): even if this KB isn't a RDP update, it's confusing when a user sees 9 RDP 8.1-related KBs in the list (and WUD) but only 8 in the download folder.

  • Author

No problem, I already corrected my list on my own.


About KB3075249: WHD classified it as W10-related.

Another small confusing issue:

KB2813347 (posts #810/#812): even if this KB isn't a RDP update, it's confusing when a user sees 9 RDP 8.1-related KBs in the list (and WUD) but only 8 in the download folder.

OK, So I let it in this category.

For KB2813347, if you prepare integrations with or without RDP, OK I'll rename it for the next release.

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EDIT 22h44 : Reupload des ULs :

Correction de quelques coquilles :

- KB3080149 passe dans la catégorie W10 qui est renommée "Windows 10 upgrade and telemetry related updates" en attendant d'en savoir plus (les avis divergent à ce sujet).

- KB2813347 est renommée RDP-Windows6.1XXX.msu pour l'identifier avec RDP 8.1

- KB3040272 est renommée Windows6.1XXX.msu, elle est devenue prioritaire et passe dans la catégorie Updates.


Script W10 mis a jour avec les 2 nouveaux KBs.


Cette fois, c'est bon, je n'y touche plus... jusqu'en septembre !

Edited by rhahgleuhargh


Cette fois, c'est bon, je n'y touche plus... jusqu'en septembre !

In this case please don't forget post #825 & #826.... ;)

Just downloaded and the name-issue is still present (x86).




P.S.: have a look here, post #10074.....

Edited by Thiersee

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