October 21, 20159 yr New update; 3095649Optional-Update, and with MS & optional updates is necessary at the moment to be careful!
October 22, 20159 yr Author Hi,This updates smells telemetry ! It will probably need a addition to .vbs script to hide it.Let's wait for next update patch, most optional update become important.
October 26, 20159 yr I'm testing October list with win7 professional x64 on a virtual machine. I integrated all the common updates + pro/ult/ent only updates + rdp 8.1 updates + ie11 and its update Win Toolkit automatically moved some updates into Silent installer + SFX section. I manually added the only one update with the "z" prefix, plus .net framework 4.6 by ricktendo, plus MRT by icare, and the W10-updtaes hiding script from the first post in the last position. Integration and installation went ok, the W10 script has successfully hidden 13 updates, BUT... WU is asking for 4 updates, 2 important and 2 optional: 3078667 976932 (a 9.1 MB chunk of SP1 - why?) 3080079 3095649 How is that? I've been using these lists along with Win Toolkit for years, and I've always managed to get 0 updates asked by WU. I've also repeated the WHOLE process one more time to make sure I did not make any mistake. Same result.
October 26, 20159 yr Author @Trash471,The first KB is in UL in additional updates category. I'll Move it in the correct section. If a part of SP1 is asked There was a pb with KB2533552 during Windows installation. kb3080079 is in UL in additional updates category. For the last one it was published after the UL I prefer To Wait for next Update patch To include it. I allways include additional updates for my integrations thats why I missed it for kb3078667. Edited October 26, 20159 yr by rhahgleuhargh
October 26, 20159 yr First of all, thanks for your answer, and thanks for the effort you put in this work. I really appreciate that. The first KB is in UL in additional updates category. kb3080079 is in UL in additional updates category. I didn't download any file from the "Additional Updates" category, because I thought they were related to components (IIS and Telnet, for example) which are disabled by default in a clean, untouched install. I believe KB3078667 and KB3080079 should both be moved to the "Updates" category, since they're asked by WU in a default install, regardless of the user-activated components. For the last one it was published after the UL I prefer To Wait for next Update patch To include it. Understood. If a part of SP1 is asked There was a pb with KB2533552 during Windows installation. I am 100% sure that KB2533552 has been integrated in the image. I really don't know what could have gone wrong. I use to make tests on the same virtual machine, using the same image, with your lists from the last months, and this wasn't happening. =/
October 26, 20159 yr Install KB2533552 at first boot (runonce) rather than integrating it.Is this a known issue?Because I have done many integrations before, and I never had this problem.Anyway, reading WinToolkit logs, i found this: Name: KB2533552Path: C:\win7\updates\Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msuResult:Microsoft Windows [Versione 6.1.7601]Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti riservati.C:\win7\toolkit>chcp 65001C:\win7\toolkit>Set SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS=1C:\win7\toolkit>"C:\Windows\System32\Dism.exe" /Image:"C:\WinToolkit_Mount_AF8AF0EE2C05CDCB6B33AC75A00D4191" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\win7\updates\Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msu" /ScratchDir:"C:\Windows\WinToolkit_Temp\ScratchDir_3EBC1B59195AFC2EA391D3558A8D9113" /EnglishDeployment Image Servicing and Management toolVersion: 6.1.7600.16385Image Version: 6.1.7600.16385Processing 1 of 1 - C:\win7\updates\Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msu: An error occurred applying the Unattend.xml file from the .msu package.For more information, review the log file.Error: 0x800f082eError: 0x800f082eDISM failed. No operation was performed.For more information, review the log file.The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.logC:\win7\toolkit>exit
October 27, 20159 yr Ok, Round #2 Windows 7 Professional SP1 x64 First of all, I unchecked the "Move known Problem Updates to Silent Installers" option, to prevent Win Toolkit from doing strange tricks (it was moving updates KB3035126 and KB3035132 to the "RunOnce" section; as far as I know, those can be integrated offline without any issue). In the "Updates" section, I placed all the files from these categories: Updates (except for 5 updates which I manually had to put in the "RunOnce" section, read below) [175] Updates (Professional, Ultimate, and Enterprise Editions ONLY) [3] Remote Desktop Protocol 8.1 (optional) [9] Additional Updates (optional) [6] IE11 setup + KB3093983 [2] TOTAL: 195 files In the "RunOnce" section, I manually placed those five updates mentioned before, plus .net framework 4.6 and MRT dummy file. In the last position, the script to hide W10-related updates. Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB2603229-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB3020369-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB3042058-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB3046269-x64.msu dotNetFx46_It.exe ic-MRT-leurre-SFX-Win-32-64-2015-10.exe W10.exe TOTAL: 8 files Integration went smooth. From the logs, I cant'see no DISM errors. Installation was ok, too. Only, the RunOnce installer took a very long time, but it's a virtual machine, who knows. RESULTS: Success! WU asks ZERO updates (except for KB3095649, of course, which was released after this list). My opinion: currently, only KB3042058 filename is prefixed with a "z". To avoid ambiguity, and to improve the lists' usability, all the "online-only" updates should be prefixed with a "z". For October 2015 lists, those should be KB2533552, KB2603229, KB3020369, KB3042058, KB3046269. Just wanted to share my feedback.
October 27, 20159 yr Author @Trash491,It's recommended to check all updates proposed by Wintoolkit to be moved in Silent installers + SFX section (you did it manually) : we report to LegolasH2O all updates that can't be integrated offline (like KB2533552), and the program handle these KBs, so they will be directly installed in RunOnce. Some updates seem to be integrated offline, but in fact they don't (partial installation or wrong installation), and some of them need to be installed after KB2533552 (it's the case with KB3020369 if I remember good). So if they are selected by Wintoolkit, this is for a good reason.Updates marked with a "z" are those that Wintoolkit can't handle at this moment, I regularly remove the "z" when it has been updated by LegolasH2O.I don't know what is the result with other integration programs like NT Lite, I didn't test it.Purpose of these ULs was to help integration with Wintoolkit, so no need to create a new category with RunOnce updates (there are too much categories, and if you open UL with a text editor, all RunOnce updates are writen in the top of the list). Edited October 28, 20159 yr by rhahgleuhargh
October 27, 20159 yr What about KB3035126 and KB3035132, then? Win Toolkit automatically places them in the RunOnce section, but they aren't on the top of the list with the others. Are they offline-integrable?
October 28, 20159 yr Author @Trash491,Only updates marked as RunOnce in top of the list have to be installed in RunOnce.KB3035126 and KB3035132 are integrable offline, but it depends which files you did download (UL ones work). It should have been fixed (I don't look at it when I do my integrations, but I'll check it next time), if they appear you can uncheck them and backup your settings for the next time :http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/13045-solved-v15312-cant-integrate-kb2603229-kb3035126-kb3035132/For other KBs, have a look here :http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/13089-solved-kb3046269-to-be-moved-under-silent-installers/http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/13131-updates-to-transfert-to-silent-install-sfx-section/#entry115831 Edited October 28, 20159 yr by rhahgleuhargh
October 28, 20159 yr Thanks for the clarification. Very interesting threads indeed. From what I've read, I think it's better to place the updates in the RunOnce section manually.
October 28, 20159 yr Author @Trash491,Since you know what you have to do with all these updates, you can do what you want ! I like the function of Wintoolkit since all is done automatically. I'll check for KB3035126 and KB3035132 (I don't think they were placed in RunOnce section in my case) and report.I've corrected ULs for next Update Patch. For my next round of test I won't integrate additional updates to check if they became important.
October 28, 20159 yr Author @Trash491,I confirm that KB3035126 and KB3035132 are not selected by Wintoolkit to be moved in Silent install + SFX section.Are you using the last version and/or did you have updated the Update-cache (box under "all-in-one integrator" window) ?
November 1, 20159 yr I confirm that KB3035126 and KB3035132 are not selected by Wintoolkit to be moved in Silent install + SFX section. Are you using the last version and/or did you have updated the Update-cache (box under "all-in-one integrator" window) ? Yes, I'm using latest version. Maybe I forgot to update that cache, I can't rember that.
November 4, 20159 yr Hi, KB3102810 (new WU-Client) has been requested yesterday as optional by WU.WHD say it's W10-related (listed under category W10). Thiersee Edited November 4, 20159 yr by Thiersee
November 4, 20159 yr Salut ! Sur un site j'ai trouvé une liste de 24 mises à jour liées "plus ou moins" à Windows 10 pour un Windows 7 sp1 alors que ta liste apparemment n'en contient que 11 : KB3083711KB3083710KB3083325KB3083324KB3080149KB3075853KB3075851KB3075249KB3072318KB3068708KB3065988KB3065987KB3050267KB3050265KB3044374KB3035583KB3022345KB3021917KB3014460KB3012973KB2990214KB2977759KB2976978KB2952664 Peut-être ne sont-elles pas toutes dans ta liste parce certaines sont facultatives, mais je tenais à t'en informer.D'ailleurs, optionnelles ou non, je les mettrais volontiers dans la liste, pour ne pas les installer par mégarde ultérieurement, mais je ne maitrise pas du tout le vbs. Que faudrait-il changer pour que ça fonctionne ? Dim hideupdates(11) 'TO ADD 1 EDIT THE (11) AND ADD another hideupdates(#)hideupdates(0) = "KB2952664"hideupdates(1) = "KB2990214"hideupdates(2) = "KB3021917"hideupdates(3) = "KB3035583"hideupdates(4) = "KB3050265"hideupdates(5) = "KB3068708"hideupdates(6) = "KB3075851"hideupdates(7) = "KB3065987"hideupdates(8) = "KB3075249"hideupdates(9) = "KB3080149"hideupdates(10) = "KB3083324"hideupdates(11) = "KB3083710" Merci. Et autrement, tout semble fonctionner d'après mes premiers tests sur une machine virtuelle :-) Edited November 4, 20159 yr by zimxavier
November 4, 20159 yr Author @zimxavier,"Ma" liste ne contient que les mises à jour spontanément proposées par WU, d'autres mises à jour sont effectivement susceptibles d'être reliées à la nouvelle vague de télémétrie instaurée par M$, mais comme elles ne sont pas demandées, je ne les inclue pas. La liste minimale pour les mises à jour de télémétrie et relatives à W10 à jour est détaillée ici.J'attends en règle générale le Patch Tuesday officiel pour remettre les listes à jour, car la plupart des mises à jour optionnelles parues entre temps deviennent prioritaires.Pour la liste du fichier .vbs : certaines mises à jour ont été écrasées, mais du moment où tu bloques des mises à jour récentes, elles sont du coup demandées par WU, d'où les 11 actuellement (et ça passera sûrement à 13 la semaine prochaine avec les 2 KB parues ces deux dernières semaines). Tu peux l'éditer facilement, en ajoutant les mises à jour supplémentaires au niveau de la liste, et en augmentant le nombre (x) à côté de Dim hideupdates(x) du nombre de mises à jour ajoutées. Edited November 4, 20159 yr by rhahgleuhargh
November 7, 20159 yr Après quelques lancements dans une machine virtuelle d'un windows 7 sp1 auquel je n'ai ajouté que les mises à jour proposées ici au 17 octobre 2015, j'ai eu la désagréable surprise d'avoir un écran qui semble me pousser à m'intéresser à windows 10 sans le dire : Quoiqu'il en soit je n'avais jamais eu cet écran auparavant. Je pense qu'il vient d'un des correctifs. Si quelqu'un a des informations je suis preneur.
November 8, 20159 yr Non c'est une fonctionnalité qui a toujours existé dans W7, c'est la "mise à niveau express" pour passer à une édition supérieure, le raccourci se trouve dans le menu démarrer, il s'est lancé pour une raison ou une autre (clic accidentel?).
November 8, 20159 yr Salut mooms... ça fait -très- longtemps ! hm... un clic accidentel, non, j'étais en train de faire une recherche dans le registre avec Registry Workshop et subitement la fenêtre est apparue...Par contre, il est possible que ce soit parce que j'avais installé windows 7 depuis plusieurs jours sur la machine virtuelle sans l'avoir activé. Autrement je ne vois pas d'explication. Je vais voir si je peux supprimer ce composant (je n'utilise plus wintoolkit mais NTLite) puisqu'il me parait inutile dans toutes mes installations. Bon en tout cas si c'est normal ça me rassure, merci^^. J'ai constaté sur mon pc fixe, pourtant plus mis à jour depuis quelques mois, qu'un mouchard était installé (un certain "Diagnostics Tracking Service") et depuis je fouille le système pour virer ces trucs.
November 8, 20159 yr Merci pour l'info sur le mouchard, c'est désactivéhttp://korben.info/diagnostics-tracking-service.htmlJe crois que la seule solution pour éviter les mouchards c'est...GNU/Linux !
November 8, 20159 yr Tiens, après avoir redémarré Windows, mon pare-feu m'alerte que l’application diagtrackrunner.exe cherche à établir une connexion...alors que j'ai justement désactivé le service ! J'ai trouvé ça en faisant des recherches sur le processus: Voici la procédure pour supprimer ou désactiver les mouchards de Windows 71-ouvrez le planificateur de taches2- Dans le volet de gauche, sélectionnez le répertoire : Microsoft/Windows/CustomerExperience cliquer sur : Customer Improvement Program pour l'ouvrirdésactiver Consolidator KernelCeipTask Uploader USBCeipVous pouvez voir la description de ces quatres services dans le volet du centreinférieur des boîtes de dialogues. 3- Maintenant rendez-vous dans Application Experiencedésactiver AitAgent microsoft compatibility ProgramDataUpdater4- Ouvrez maintenant le répertoire DiskDiagnosticdésactiverMicrosoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticDataCollector.5- Pour ceux qui ont un ordinateur portable (Laptop) il faudra aller dans le dernierrépertoire au bas qui est nommé WPDdésactiver SqmUpload_S-1-5-21-3244633361-4016055161-2943779436-1000si la tache est présente ! annuler ces services ne rendra pas votre système vulnérable
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