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  • rhahgleuhargh

    @phaolo, Please have a look in the Installers repack section of this forum. All of these programs can be integrated in "Silent installs + SFX" section of Wintoolkit with silent switches. @TheOtherJeff

  • Hello, J'ai trouvé une solution pour éviter l'installation mensuelle de MRT (et donc de l'emploi d'un leurre). C'est à confirmer, mais il semble qu'il suffit de créer cette clé:  

  • SSUs are permanent updates, Deep clean do not remove them (the 3177467 v1& v2 was exception) KB4490628 is still needed because it's SHA1-signed, and contain the infrastructure to process SHA2

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You have forget to select IE setup before integring updates during integration.

There is a menu in Wintoolkit app that let you the choice between .exe (for the setup) and the .msi of updates. Have a look on screenshot below.

Just a tip : allways begin selecting the.exe file before the updates.


EDIT : OOps, mooms was faster than me...


Edited by rhahgleuhargh


To my knowledge, only one update concerns Intel processor update, and it's placed in additional updates category. For these optional updates, you just have to select the ones you need.

Err.. which number is it? I'll need to check it online.

Edited by phaolo

December 8 updates, Win 7 Pro x64:

KB3099862 supersede KB3072305 (DotNet 3.5.1)
KB3104002 supersede KB3100773 (IE11)    
KB3109094 supersede KB3097877    
KB3108669 supersede KB3087918     
KB3108670 supersede KB2957509    
KB3112148 supersede KB3077715    

Optional WU Client KB3112343 (Issued Dec 1) supersede KB3102810


Optional WU Client KB3112343 (Issued Dec 1) supersede KB3102810



It is a Telemetrie and Datatracking Update for upgrading Win 7/ 8/8.1 to win 10! :no:



It is a Telemetrie and Datatracking Update for upgrading Win 7/ 8/8.1 to win 10! :no:


Old news. whistling.gif


Optional WU Client KB3112343 (Issued Dec 1) supersede KB3102810



Edited by Pink_Freud



KB3102429 superseeds KB2919469.


I know, it was only a comment to Pink_Freud's post (not listed).



Thank you :beerchug:  I had previously installed that update (released Nov 17th) according to abbodi1406 @MDL:


New update: KB3102429

contain updates for main fonts, some keyboards, and setup media components (for boot.wim or iso\sources)

>>>Seems to be for some currency symbols only, if MS did not pack other things together...<<<

Edited by Pink_Freud

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Changelog définitif identique x86/x64 :

IE 11 Updates : KB3104002 remplace KB3100773 et KB3093983

Updates : FW 3.5.1 KB3099862 remplace KB3072305
KB3109094 remplace KB3097877    

KB3108669 remplace KB3087918     
KB3108670 remplace KB2957509    
KB3112148 remplace KB3077715  

KB3102429 remplace KB2919469 
W10 / Telemetry : KB3112343 remplace KB3102810

Script W10.exe mis à jour.

Je n'aurai pas le temps de tester les ULs cette semaine, je les publie quand même. Merci de rapporter les soucis éventuels.


EDIT : réup de la liste x86, il y avait 4 liens x64...

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

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Je viens de tester la liste x86. Curieusement, 3 mises à jour sont redemandées par WU bien que correctement intégrées sous Wintoolkit : KB3108371, KB3108669, et KB3109103.

Y a til eu un changement de dernière minute ?

Je vais changer les liens de WUCatalog par ceux du Download center et faire de même sur la liste x64 au cas où. Bizarre, les liens de MUC sont toujours plus à jour que les autres...

Les ULs sont renommées en 2015-12-08b.

Je réuploade aussi le fichier W10, en effet, KB3102810 semble redemandée par WU bien que remplacée par KB3112343...

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

Strange indeed :g: .


I updated (yes, only now: I espected if some negative reports appears... :D )

first a VM (DE, prof, x64); no problems, only a "strange" request by WU after installing Office 2010: KB3004375, but after a new search the request has gone.

On my working PC KB3108371 didn't succed; only after restart and a new search has been installed.


I start today tests with the new ULs.



Test on VM (fresh install) all without issues:

Prof, DE, x64

HP, DE, x86

HP, IT, x64

Prof, IT, x64


DeepClean, OK.

Tomorrow test on real HW.

BTW, my issue with KB3108371 was only on my already installed machine (work-PC).


Nice wekkend, Thiersee

Edited by Thiersee


Look at the screen capture of Windows Update downloader at the second post of the topic, you'll get all settings to activate to make it work.

At next update of UL you'll have 3 different colors [..]

Mm.. I launched WUD again to update my files but.. it started downloading everything again.

And it obviously failed at half for the "bad gateway" :shifty:


Edit: duh, I had to download the updated list. It worked, even if all is still grey.

Edited by phaolo

First, thank you for your efforts in this.  I'm about to slipstream my first Win7 install disc (I've done XP for years), and getting the updates integrated will be a big help, since I'm building 4 new systems at once.


My question is, does anyone know of a complete list of ALL Win7 updates?  While I appreciate that the list provided here will keep Windows Update from asking to install anything, I can't help thinking there are others that may want to be included if size is not the primary concern.  The ideal list would be an Excel xls file, that includes descriptions and notes regarding which updates have been superseded by others.  I have actually copied and pasted info for nearly 850 updates from Microsoft's catalog, but the descriptions are very basic, and there is no way to know which are current and which are obsolete.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?


I'd also be interested in knowing what was not included in this list, and why it was omitted.


Much Thanks in advance of any help you can offer.



I'd like to know, instead, if I can also integrate Vcredist and Directx with WinToolkit.

EDIT: maybe Win7 already has them?

Edited by phaolo

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Please have a look in the Installers repack section of this forum. All of these programs can be integrated in "Silent installs + SFX" section of Wintoolkit with silent switches.


You can download WHDownloader (idem WUD but more recent) with the lists provided by abbodi1406. He's maintaining the most complete database for OS 7 to 10. There is a link to download the program in Wintoolkit. If you prefer to integrate all updates, you should find all you need with it. You'll just have to be patient, it may take some hours to integrate them (it takes 2-3 hours with the minimal list with my machine : Pentium I5,  SSD, and 8 GB of RAM). On the changelog of list you'll find all superseded and added updates since previous change.

Integrating all updates vs. only asked updates is just a question of opinion. I personly never encountered any problem since years with this method (with icare's list for Windows XP and mooms pack for 7).

The reasons including only needed updates are basically :

- Once installed, when your computer will connect to WU, only important updates will be installed (and some optional wil be proposed to you). If you prefer to choose the solution to integrate all updates, you'll have to go to M$ Download center each month to get them.

- Time saving (in my case, it's just a hobby for me and I'm very busy with my own work)

- A lot of updates are optional and the corrected bugs only affect a few people,

- Some updates are useless if you don't enable all Windows features (with my list you can download the important updates for these features)

- Since Windows 10 a lot of updates enable telemetry reports to M$, or prepare your machine to OS migration, even if you don't want to.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

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