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When you prepare an integration, you have to select first the .exe files in the folder, and click OK. Once .exe files in the list, reclick to select all .msu files (except the "z" one) : IE 11 updates will be automatically placed after the IE 11 setup. A popup will appear to move 3 (x86) or 4 updates (x64) into Silent install + SFX section, click OK. Select then your SFX and place the "z" update in Silent install + SFX section, choose your Themes, and tweaks, and you'll be ready.

Ah, that seems more clear now, thanks.

You should really add this info to the first post\readme, unless I'm completely blind.

I've started the process again.

Also, here are 2 screens (edit: woops, update "Z" missing)


P.s: btw, the program shows some error sometimes (eg: tweaks->custom explorer bar, unattended->accept eula)

EDIT: also during the integration, so I had to restart.

Probably it didn't like "run as admin" and\or folders inside the user path.



Edited by phaolo

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  • rhahgleuhargh

    @phaolo, Please have a look in the Installers repack section of this forum. All of these programs can be integrated in "Silent installs + SFX" section of Wintoolkit with silent switches. @TheOtherJeff

  • Hello, J'ai trouvé une solution pour éviter l'installation mensuelle de MRT (et donc de l'emploi d'un leurre). C'est à confirmer, mais il semble qu'il suffit de créer cette clé:  

  • SSUs are permanent updates, Deep clean do not remove them (the 3177467 v1& v2 was exception) KB4490628 is still needed because it's SHA1-signed, and contain the infrastructure to process SHA2

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Reading your screenshots all seems to be OK.

I suggest you to add icare's MRT SFX so it won't be asked by WU, and why not Silverlight SFX.

I'll update first post when I'll have some time, I agree with you, with all these updates, and RunOnce updates, it's difficult when you begin to learn ! But you should have a look on Wintoolkit forum section in this forum, there are some tips to use the program.





si tu update ton first post, je pense que tu peux prendre en compte le DNF 4.6.1.


bon courage à toi et merci pour le boulot




Ouch.. I got some errors:

"The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it."


- at runonceex --> W10.vbs

- in Event Viewer --> all the 7 KBs that were in the SFX section :doh:


Is it because I disabled Win Update Service from WinToolkit? (I wanted to avoid surprises).

I didn't know that it had to run..


1- Can I just launch then manually or should I just reinstall the entire OS? :sad01_anim:

EDIT: oh well, I ran them (however, W10 and KB2533552 needed to be online). Solved, I guess.


2- Can I easily fix the current ISO + USB without restarting all the process?



P.S: I noticed some active telemetry tasks. Are these defaults or some evil KB slipped through your selection?

P.P.S: other 2 small errors in Event Viewer:

- NetRuntime Optimization 1130 (NetFrame addon didn't start the service?)

- WMI error 0x80041003 (ISO creation issue?)

P.P.P.S: Win Toolkit used Autounattended.xml, but ignored my key.

Edited by phaolo

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1- Can I just launch then manually or should I just reinstall the entire OS? :sad01_anim:

EDIT: oh well, I ran them (however, W10 and KB2533552 needed to be online). Solved, I guess.


2- Can I easily fix the current ISO + USB without restarting all the process?



P.S: I noticed some active telemetry tasks. Are these defaults or some evil KB slipped through your selection?

P.P.S: other 2 small errors in Event Viewer:

- NetRuntime Optimization 1130 (NetFrame addon didn't start the service?)

- WMI error 0x80041003 (ISO creation issue?)

P.P.P.S: Win Toolkit used Autounattended.xml, but ignored my key.


1- W10 script only works if Windows Update is enabled. I suggest youy to keep the setting enabled in tweaks.

2- you can manually install updates if Wintoolkit didnt work, but keep the same order.

I think you can undo some previous tweaks using your created ISO with Wintoolkit. It will take 10 min Vs 2 hours you have nothing to lose !

3- For the error log I don't know. I didnt tested .net FW 4.6.1 yet, only 4.6.

4- I only use generic keys for the unattended installation. I just need to test the VM until the next Update patch, and 30 free days of test are enough. But it's possible to enter you serial key later and activate it (that's what I do when I install other machines).

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

  • 2 weeks later...


Je vous souhaite une bonne année.

La dernière version de Wintoolkit est sortie.

Allez vous actualiser les UL de Windows 7, 8.1 et 10 s'il vous plaît ?

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Salut ryback,

Bonne Année à toi aussi !

Pour les ULs de Windows 7 et 10 j'attends le prochain Patch Tuesday de mardi. A ma connaissance il n'y a pas eu de nouvelle KB pour 7 en dehors de la mise à jour pour migrer vers 10 depuis la dernière mise à jour.

On 22/12/2015 at 11:35 AM, rhahgleuhargh said:


Sinon tu as une solution plus propre pour éviter les mises à jour liées à Windows 10 : tu peux jeter un oeil sur GWX Control Panel. Le téléchargement se fait ici.


Désolé pour ma réponse tardive :).

Je ne connaissais pas ce programme, qui est bien pratique c'est vrai :) !

Sinon effectivement, a priori les KB 3102810 et 3083324 permettent de résoudre les bugs liés à la lenteur des mises à jour.

Mais je suis peut-être une bille (c'est plus que probable ^^), mais je ne vois nulle par où il est mentionné, sur les articles en ligne de Microsoft, que ces mises à jour installent la télémétrie.

Quelqu'un pourrait m'indiquer un lien pour voir ce qui est exactement installé ? Ce serait sympa ;) !

Edited by HackedPwned

Hi rhahgleuhargh,

Here the links for the Win7 updates


Windows 7:










Yesterday was KB3121461 in the search-list, today is not there anymore; WHD lists it as W10-related.

Regards, Thiersee


P.S.: no test yet.

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@Thiersee,Thanks for the list, I didn't have time to check WU yesterday.

There is no particular info about KB3121461 I don't why it's in Windows 10 section of WHD, maybe Abbodi1406 has the answer.


j'ai récemment installé la dernière mise à jour du client WU pour voir, mais visiblement WU rame toujours autant (du moins en VM, je n'ai plus d'installation de Windows 7 sur mes machines réelles). Je referai un test cette semaine avec les nouvelles mises à jour.

8 hours ago, rhahgleuhargh said:

@Thiersee,Thanks for the list, I didn't have time to check WU yesterday.

There is no particular info about KB3121461 I don't why it's in Windows 10 section of WHD, maybe Abbodi1406 has the answer.


I got an answer from abbodi1406: http://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/19461-Windows-7-Hotfix-repository/page1025 (post #10246)!

The reason was KB2592664 installed; normally I don't install it, but I use this computer not very often.

After deinstalling KB2952664 and searching again, no reques for KB3124461 anymore.

It means: up into the list of W10-related patches.

Regards, Thiersee



is not so important for european user, but there is a new version of KB3102429

x86: http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/7/1/E71E7B5B-7631-4B5F-82D5-3DE53E3E9C64/Windows6.1-KB3102429-v2-x86.msu

x64: http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/B/1/9B14DB44-D42B-4ABC-88A5-4B45C7FE3E21/Windows6.1-KB3102429-v2-x64.msu

Edited by Thiersee

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Thanks for the new links for KB3102429-v2 Thiersee, but actually they don't work. I had a look on WU Catalog, old links are back. I'll retry later.

I've updated ULs and begin to test them.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

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Voici les modifications suite au dernier Patch tuesday : changelog identique x86/x64 :

IE11 Updates : KB3124275 remplace KB3104002

Updates : KB3108664, KB3109560 remplace KB2972280, KB3110329 remplace KB2803821-v2 KB2977728 et KB2887069, KB3121212 remplace KB3101746, KB3121918, KB3123479 remplace KB2862973, KB3124000, KB3124001 remplace KB3069392.

KB3102429 semble passer en v2, mais pour l'instant, les liens ne sont plus disponibles. Elle ne m'a pas été demandée sur mes machines.

W10 / Telemetry : KB2952664 passe en V15, KB3121461


Edited by rhahgleuhargh

I don't know why but my 12/815 win 7_64 home premium iso after installation passes sfc /scannow 100%. I am using WTK after using the 12/8/15 folder and updating it to 1/12/16 the same resulting iso does not pass sfc /scannow. it finds corrupted system files and corrects them but if I have to run sfc after every installation this is useless. regards...

5 hours ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

I don't know why but my 12/815 win 7_64 home premium iso after installation passes sfc /scannow 100%. I am using WTK after using the 12/8/15 folder and updating it to 1/12/16 the same resulting iso does not pass sfc /scannow. it finds corrupted system files and corrects them but if I have to run sfc after every installation this is useless. regards...

Can you post the sfc log that shows errors?
Run Cmd as Administrator place file "sfcdetails.txt" on desktop... copy/paste here.

findstr /c:"[SR]" %windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log >"%userprofile%\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt"


Edited by Pink_Freud

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5 hours ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

I don't know why but my 12/815 win 7_64 home premium iso after installation passes sfc /scannow 100%. I am using WTK after using the 12/8/15 folder and updating it to 1/12/16 the same resulting iso does not pass sfc /scannow. it finds corrupted system files and corrects them but if I have to run sfc after every installation this is useless. regards...


Have you checked with an other integrator (previous versions of Wintoolkit, or NTLite), or have you tried other list (WHD one with more updates) ? In my case I'm using DISM from Windows 10.1511, I have no more possibility to test with Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 ones. I wonder how integrating updates is causing such errors. Since 08/2015 some updates have been superseeded, so no need to integrate them, and the new ones are integrating good. Nevermind, I prefer to launch a sfc /scannow command at the end of ISO installation (it takes max 2-5 min) instead of download all required updates since SP1 pack was released.

5 hours ago, rhahgleuhargh said:


Have you checked with an other integrator (previous versions of Wintoolkit, or NTLite), or have you tried other list (WHD one with more updates) ? In my case I'm using DISM from Windows 10.1511, I have no more possibility to test with Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 ones. I wonder how integrating updates is causing such errors. Since 08/2015 some updates have been superseeded, so no need to integrate them, and the new ones are integrating good. Nevermind, I prefer to launch a sfc /scannow command at the end of ISO installation (it takes max 2-5 min) instead of download all required updates since SP1 pack was released.

I used WTK v. to make my dec 2015 win 7 disk and it passes sfc. in the past when I used rt seven that always and I mean always failed sfc. that was the reason I went on a quest and found WTK. Since using wtk my iso's have always passed sfc. that is why I was so surprised to see it fail (and yes sfc did repair the error(s)). I am using virtualbox and have deleted that particular installation. for now I am sticking with my 12_08_2015 dvd that passes. I am going on an extended vacation so I will not be able to post any log files till I return (APRIL). apparently its one of the new updates. the only other change I made was updating 1 or 2 of the silent installers (adobe reader). The main reason for the post was to alert others. most people I find do not run sfc. thx for the replies. Regards....

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6 hours ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

I used WTK v. to make my dec 2015 win 7 disk and it passes sfc. in the past when I used rt seven that always and I mean always failed sfc. that was the reason I went on a quest and found WTK. Since using wtk my iso's have always passed sfc. that is why I was so surprised to see it fail (and yes sfc did repair the error(s)). I am using virtualbox and have deleted that particular installation. for now I am sticking with my 12_08_2015 dvd that passes. I am going on an extended vacation so I will not be able to post any log files till I return (APRIL). apparently its one of the new updates. the only other change I made was updating 1 or 2 of the silent installers (adobe reader). The main reason for the post was to alert others. most people I find do not run sfc. thx for the replies. Regards....

Good to know that RTseven induces sfc errors (I'll won't test it !). I'll do my next test with previous version of Wintoolkit (, but if you say that your december ISO version passed sfc with (did you use the december UL or the august one ?), I agree with you : the problem is due to one of the new updates (some changed Windows Kernel this month). I don't remember if it's possible to make a sfc test during ISO integration (ie an option to check it and repair errors if needed), it would solve this bug.


I've never used sfc /scannow before, but yesterday I tried it. My result:

1) Installed Win7 ONLY with integrated updates + IE11 (UL 12.01.16) with TK NO errors from sfc /scannow

2) Installed same Win-version (ISO from 1)) + some AddOn, Drivers, Tweaks, 1 program, etc., integrated with WTK (INI-File attached): sfc /scannow brings errors!


a. I went back to WTK, because with I get a strange error.

b. I integrate the updates with a script from burfadel modified by abbodi1406 (it's faster), then I integrate IE11 + update with WTK

Regards, Thiersee


Edited by Thiersee

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9 hours ago, Thiersee said:

a. I went back to WTK, because with I get a strange error.

b. I integrate the updates with a script from burfadel modified by abbodi1406 (it's faster), then I integrate IE11 + update with WTK


Hello Thiersee,

Which error do you have with last WTK version ?

What is this script (I'm interested to save time during integrations, it seems that with Windows 10 WTK takes more time than with Windows 7) ?

Hi rhahgleuhargh,


Which error do you have with last WTK version ?

A strange layout in Start-Menu: not the normal start-button, but one similar to the picture (with the windows logo), lighter-colored as normal and sometimes with an almost empty Start menu; this I had repetitive. and this was the reason to go back to


What is this script (I'm interested to save time during integrations, it seems that with Windows 10 WTK takes more time than with Windows 7) ?

This one: http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/13086-ramdisk-scratchdir/?hl=ramdisk (post from abbodi1406, posted 30 mai 2015), the modified version v27; note my following answer.

Please note: for the integration I mount the install.wim in a RAM-Disk; temp-folders are on another RAM-Disk too.

I don't know, if it works with Win 10 too.

Regards, Thiersee


Edited by Thiersee


test sur partition formatée x86 HP
KB2533552, KB3020369 et KB3046269 sont déplacés automatiquement vers Silent Installs + SFX
la KB3042058 y est placée directement

WU demande KB976932 3,9 Mo du 12 Feb 2015.

DeepClean OK
sfc /scannow OK


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