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I just started the convenience integration. BTW, I use win 7_64 Home Premium. while doing integration in WTK there were 4 updates that don't integrate properly (message) and wanted to be put with the silents. They are 3020369, 2603229, 3046269 and I believe another ending in 2352. I did not have them go to silent because I believe that 2352 update takes forever to install. but I might be wrong.

I will report back with the final results.


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  • rhahgleuhargh

    @phaolo, Please have a look in the Installers repack section of this forum. All of these programs can be integrated in "Silent installs + SFX" section of Wintoolkit with silent switches. @TheOtherJeff

  • Hello, J'ai trouvé une solution pour éviter l'installation mensuelle de MRT (et donc de l'emploi d'un leurre). C'est à confirmer, mais il semble qu'il suffit de créer cette clé:  

  • SSUs are permanent updates, Deep clean do not remove them (the 3177467 v1& v2 was exception) KB4490628 is still needed because it's SHA1-signed, and contain the infrastructure to process SHA2

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On ‎6‎/‎18‎/‎2016 at 9:41 AM, rhahgleuhargh said:


Have you move KB3020609 and KB2670838 in the prerequisite section of Wintoolkit (right-clic on the update --> move to prerequisites) ? If no that's why you can't integrate the Convenience Rollup.


The convenience package KB3125574 still gets a ? when integrating. I moved kb2670838 to prerequisites. I cannot find KB3020609 anywhere in the UL lists that I use.


Edited by pennsylvaniaron

3 minutes ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

The convenience package KB3125574 still gets a ? when integrating. I moved kb2670838 to prerequisites. I cannot find KB3020609 anywhere in the UL lists that I use.


KB3125574 needs KB3020369 (not ...609, it was a mistake) installed first!

May be because of that it get a question mark.

ok WTK almost finished. before I use it on VM, the only update not integrating is KB2533552. I assume I have to put it in the silent or can I not do that and let WU find it when manually checking? I seem to remember that kb2533552 takes about 30 minutes (or longer) to install via silent...

in addition what about 2603229 and 3046269?


guys I was able to complete a very successful convenience rollup WTK iso (THANK YOU!). This is what I ended up with. Any comments appreciated. The only kb in my silent is 2533552 which installed in about 4 minutes. Leaving out 3035583 and the june malicious tool, I had 11 important updates in WU. 2 are for NFW 3.51, 4 are for NFW 4.6 and 4.61 (I use nfw 4.61 as an addon in wtk) and kb's 2952664, 3021917, 3068708, 3080149 and 3123862.


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10 hours ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

I see the new list has 6/22/16 as the date so its very much updated. are you saying to take that 6/22 UL into WUD, download convenience rollup pack (1), the common and convenience rollup and classic updates (50), classic integration (no rdp) (2), IE updates (1), additional updates (4) and integrate them using WTK with a clean win 7_64 sp1 media refresh ISO and I DON'T need the classic updates (151)? Or should I do this to liam's April 2016 ISO? Then the final iso will pass SFC and there will hardly be any new updates when manually checking WU after iso install?


No, using Convenience Rollup integration method you only need : Rollup, Common updates, IE updates, and eventually if needed Additional updates. That's all. I've updated the second post of the topic with the screenshots. All updates marked "1-" need to be integrated in "Prerequisite" section of WTK, especially KB3020369 (sorry for the bad number) and KB2670838. You have to move these 2 KBs manually, until Legolash2o will update WTK.

Concerning the RunOnce updates, yes KB2533552, KB2603229 and KB3046269 have to be integrated in Silent + SFX section of WTK.

As Thiersee wrote, it's better to use an untouched ISO.

If you want to mask Windows 10 upgrade updates and other telemetry updates, just add the Rollup.exe SFX at the end of the Silent + SFX section of WTK, they will be automatically hidden (it's reversible).

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

6 hours ago, rhahgleuhargh said:

No, using Convenience Rollup integration method you only need : Rollup, Common updates, IE updates, and eventually if needed Additional updates. That's all. I've updated the second post of the topic with the screenshots. All updates marked "1-" need to be integrated in "Prerequisite" section of WTK, especially KB3020369 (sorry for the bad number) and KB2670838. You have to move these 2 KBs manually, until Legolash2o will update WTK.

Concerning the RunOnce updates, yes KB2533552, KB2603229 and KB3046269 have to be integrated in Silent + SFX section of WTK.

As Thiersee wrote, it's better to use an untouched ISO.

If you want to mask Windows 10 upgrade updates and other telemetry updates, just add the Rollup.exe SFX at the end of the Silent + SFX section of WTK, they will be automatically hidden (it's reversible).

rhahgleuhargh thanks again. I have everything from your post setup to go in WTK. I'll just await your response to this VERY nubie question so plz don't hit me over the head. what does SFX stand for and how (where) do I get rollup.exe to add to the silent SFX section? I assume I leave the win10 telemetry updates UNCHECKED. also don't know where or how to run win10.vbs. or if that's even necessary combined with rollup.exe. I do NOT want win10 updates installed. sorry to have you go step by step, but I'm almost at the promised land!!


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just go to the first post where you've download the ULs : you'll find a link to "Hide_W10_KBs_silent_SFX" and "Rollup_Hide_W10_KBs_silent_SFX". The first one is for classic integration method, the second for the Convenience Rollup method (it adds 2 superseeded DNF3.5.1 updates always asked by WU). The SFX extracts a .vbs script that hides the specific updates. This operation is reversible you can unmask the KB when you want.

Uncompress the archive and put the executable file in last position in your "silent install + SFX" list. No argument is needed.

Theother method is to run the "never10" program (link in first post too), but this program doesn't have any effect on telemetry updates.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

1 hour ago, rhahgleuhargh said:


just go to the first post where you've download the ULs : you'll find a link to "Hide_W10_KBs_silent_SFX" and "Rollup_Hide_W10_KBs_silent_SFX". The first one is for classic integration method, the second for the Convenience Rollup method (it adds 2 superseeded DNF3.5.1 updates always asked by WU). The SFX extracts a .vbs script that hides the specific updates. This operation is reversible you can unmask the KB when you want.

Uncompress the archive and put the executable file in last position in your "silent install + SFX" list. No argument is needed.

Theother method is to run the "never10" program (link in first post too), but this program doesn't have any effect on telemetry updates.

ok got it. I am about to make the new rollup 6/22/16 iso with all your instructions. I was including GWX (like never10) as a file being put on the desktop which I was installing (afterwards) to stop win 10. That can now be eliminated. after using this method have you run sfc? I will let you know if my iso passes SFC. when I made the last iso which was close to your instructions it failed but was able to repair the files. I just hate to have to run sfc after every new install. but again I will report back. thx much.



I never integrate KB2533552, disguised as KB976932 in WU - it has been superseded by KB3020369.  Instead, I include it in my hideUpdates.vbs file, along with KB971033...

hideupdates(0) = "KB971033"
hideupdates(1) = "KB976932"



I'm just working on a slightly modified version of the hiding tool, plus a tool to unhide updates (for testing purposes)...
Will report back soon.

2 hours ago, rhahgleuhargh said:


Some people reported that ISO didn't pass SFC, but all files were repaired. I don't know why, maybe it occurs when you add some tweaks or some programs. I never checked it with Convenience Rollup method. Please report !

ok everything seems ok with the install unfortunately SFC FAILS the scan but it does repair the file(s). That means every install needs a sfc scan which adds more time to an installation which is a drag. To give you an idea of what I integrate>>>I started with a media refresh win 7_64 sp1 iso and wtk v. I used your convenience rollup method exactly as you told me, no deviation. I used NFW 4.61 add-on. I used in the updates IE11 exe as the only non-included update from your list. I believe I have 54 updates in all. my silents include adobe reader, FP, malwarebytes, ccleaner, google toolbar, kb's 2533552, 2603229, 3046269 and the rollup last. there were 8 updates to be installed in WU after install, mostly NFW 4.6 stuff. I think we need to find a way to have sfc pass. If anyone else has a clean SFC scan please comment...



I' using NTLite for integration and having some issues with the Convenience Rollup pack method.After downlading the updates with WUD I was able to intergrate them without any problems into an untouched Windows 7 SP1 ISO, but after installation WU demands 6 security updates (KB2813347, KB2912390, KB3035126, KB3078601, KB3109094, KB3110329). Does somebody know what is causing this issue? The classic method works without any problems.



The 'classic' method will pass SFC, as expected.
Rollup breaks SFC integrity, there is no current solution to this; Microsoft have been made aware.  (see Issue 1 in this article)

The Rollup saves time and space when integrating into an offline image (.wim).

The inconvenience of the SFC violation is minor, but I understand if you prefer a working SFC post install.

I prefer the quicker integration and smaller install size.

KB2813347 is for RDP 8.1, the other are should be for the classic method with WTK; it means KB3020369 as first- & KB2670838 as second-prerequisite, then the "common" KBs before KB3125574 (components updated later by KB3125574).

Can NTLite set the sequence the KBs are installed with?

With the list in post #1 and Rollup.exe, to mask out the W10-related update I don't have issues, using WinToolkit.

See you on WinLite too ;)!


8 minutes ago, Thiersee said:

KB2813347 is for RDP 8.1, the other are should be for the classic method with WTK; it means KB3020369 as first- & KB2670838 as second-prerequisite, then the "common" KBs before KB3125574 (components updated later by KB3125574).

Can NTLite set the sequence the KBs are installed with?

With the list in post #1 and Rollup.exe, to mask out the W10-related update I don't have issues, using WinToolkit.

See you on WinLite too ;)!


does "I don't have issues, using win toolkit" at the end of your post mean that you pass SFC using the convenience rollup?


13 minutes ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

does "I don't have issues, using win toolkit" at the end of your post mean that you pass SFC using the convenience rollup?


No, it doesn't; I didn't try it.

On 22/06/2016 at 9:51 AM, rhahgleuhargh said:


Oui, 3 composants de mise à jour de télémétrie sont installés avec le Convenience Rollup (KB3068708, KB3075249 et KB3080149). Il n'est pas possible de les désinstaller, mais tu peux par contre désactiver les services de télémétrie de Windows. Il me semble que quelqu'un en a parlé récemment sur le forum, si je retrouve le post je te le fais suivre.

Tu peux continuer à choisir la méthode classique pour installer les mises à jour, cela fonctionne toujours. Le Convenience Rollup est plus pratique (une cinquantaine de mises à jour à intégrer au lieu de plus de 200) et te fait gagner de l'espace disque après installation (1,5 Go d'occupation disque en moins en x86 d'après mes tests).

Oui, en désactivant le Customer Experience Improvement Program. Reste à voir si le désactiver désactive VRAIMENT tout, quand on connait la définition de M$ de "désactivation" (cf. Windows 10, ou même en "désactivant" tout, ça désactive pas vraiment tout...), même si les différents trucs que j'ai lu font état d'un TCPView clean ^^

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10 hours ago, rastamanx said:

Oui, en désactivant le Customer Experience Improvement Program. Reste à voir si le désactiver désactive VRAIMENT tout, quand on connait la définition de M$ de "désactivation" (cf. Windows 10, ou même en "désactivant" tout, ça désactive pas vraiment tout...), même si les différents trucs que j'ai lu font état d'un TCPView clean ^^

Non, cela ne désactive pas vraiment TOUT. Sur 10, les services sont un peu plus visibles (ce qui n'est pas le cas sur 8.1 et de plus en plus sur 7, où les mises à jour contiennent de plus en plus des trucs télémétriques), quelques scripts règlent le problème, et tu peux limiter (je précise limiter, pas éradiquer) les infos que tu envoies à M$ au minimum syndical. Après, un minimum de bon sens commence déjà par ne pas relier son compte Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, etc, à sa session Windows, à utiliser des navigateurs alternatifs à IE/Edge (ou Safari sur Mac), et à ne rien mettre dans le Cloud. Ceci étant, la tendance à récupérer des infos perso à visée publicitaire ou pour faire évoluer le système en fonction des préférences utilisateur est devenue la même obsession pour tous les OS (Android, iOS, et même Linux). Je pense que le pire est au niveau de nos smartphones et tablettes, où l'on a absolument aucun contrôle sur le système. On se rapproche petit à petit de l'univers de 1984, de George Orwell : "Big Brother is watching you".

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12 hours ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

ok everything seems ok with the install unfortunately SFC FAILS the scan but it does repair the file(s). That means every install needs a sfc scan which adds more time to an installation which is a drag. To give you an idea of what I integrate>>>I started with a media refresh win 7_64 sp1 iso and wtk v. I used your convenience rollup method exactly as you told me, no deviation. I used NFW 4.61 add-on. I used in the updates IE11 exe as the only non-included update from your list. I believe I have 54 updates in all. my silents include adobe reader, FP, malwarebytes, ccleaner, google toolbar, kb's 2533552, 2603229, 3046269 and the rollup last. there were 8 updates to be installed in WU after install, mostly NFW 4.6 stuff. I think we need to find a way to have sfc pass. If anyone else has a clean SFC scan please comment...


If you want obsolutely to have sfc pass, the best way is to launch a batch with sfc /scannow command at the end of your installation. It takes < 5 min.

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