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Revised script to hide updates...

' v1.0 - June 24, 2016
'##  PARAMETERS  #############################################################

    Const numOfChecks  = 1      'Number of times to check for updates
    Const actionHide   = TRUE   'TRUE sets the isHidden flag, FALSE for testing
    Const runSilent    = FALSE  'TRUE for silent run and quit, FALSE for report
    Const onlineCheck  = TRUE   'TRUE to search online, FALSE to use locally cached information
    Const searchFilter = "IsInstalled=0 AND IsHidden=0"

    Dim hideUpdates(99)  'Number must be higher than the maximum entry below

    'Comment out any updates that you want to KEEP
    hideUpdates(0)  = "KB971033"
    hideUpdates(1)  = "KB976932"
    hideupdates(2)  = "KB2446710"
    hideupdates(3)  = "KB2478662"

    'Windows 10 related
    hideupdates(50)  = "KB2952664"
    hideupdates(51)  = "KB3021917"
    hideupdates(52)  = "KB3035583"
    hideupdates(53)  = "KB3068708"
    hideupdates(54)  = "KB3075249"
    hideupdates(55)  = "KB3080149"
    hideupdates(56)  = "KB3123862"

    'Optional features
    hideupdates(60) = "KB982670"   '.NET Framework 4 Client Profile
    hideupdates(61) = "KB2901983"  '.NET Framework 4.5.2
    hideupdates(62) = "KB3102433"  '.NET Framework 4.6.1

    'Microsoft Software, available when Microsoft Update is enabled
    hideupdates(70) = "KB2526954"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 4.0.60310.0
    hideupdates(71) = "KB2512827"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 4.0.60531.0
    hideupdates(72) = "KB2617986"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 4.0.60831.0
    hideupdates(73) = "KB2668562"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 4.1.10111
    hideupdates(74) = "KB2636927"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.10411
    hideupdates(75) = "KB2977218"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.30514.0
    hideupdates(76) = "KB3056819"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.40416.0
    hideupdates(77) = "KB3080333"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.40728.0
    hideupdates(78) = "KB3106614"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.41105.0
    hideupdates(79) = "KB3126036"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.41212.0
    hideupdates(80) = "KB3162593"  'Microsoft Silverlight - 5.1.50428.0
    hideupdates(81) = "Silverlight"  'Match unlisted version

    hideupdates(90) = "KB3140479"  'Microsoft Security Essentials -
    hideupdates(91) = "KB2902907"  'Microsoft Security Essentials
    hideupdates(92) = "KB2876229"  'Skype for Windows desktop 7.3

'##  MAIN  ###################################################################

    Dim startTime, elapsedTime
    Dim updateSearcher, searchResult, update, numUpdates
    Dim reportHeader, reportBody, reportFooter

    Set updateSearcher = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Searcher")

    updateSearcher.Online = onlineCheck

    startTime = Timer   'Start the Timer

    numUpdates = 0

    For n = 1 To numOfChecks
        On Error Resume Next
        Set searchResult = updateSearcher.Search(searchFilter)
        If Err Then
            WScript.Echo "Network error"
            WScript.Quit 1
        End If

        For i = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
            Set update = searchResult.Updates(i)
            For j = 0 To UBound(hideUpdates)
                If hideupdates(j) = "" Then   'Skip an empty (unused) entry
                ElseIf instr(1, update.Title, hideUpdates(j), vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
                    If actionHide Then update.IsHidden = TRUE
                    numUpdates = numUpdates+1

                    'Choose to report KBid   OR   update.Title
                    'reportBody = reportBody & vbCrLf & hideUpdates(j)
                    reportBody = reportBody & vbCrLf & update.Title

                    Exit For    'Found the update, therefore exit this inner For loop
                End If

        updateSearcher.Online = FALSE  'Force use cached copy after first online check

    elapsedTime = Round(Timer - startTime)  'Stop the Timer

    reportHeader = "Updates Hidden: " & numUpdates & vbCrLf
    If reportBody = "" Then reportBody = vbCrLf & "None"
    reportFooter = vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Total Time: " & elapsedTime & " seconds"

    If NOT runSilent Then WScript.Echo reportHeader & reportBody & reportFooter


'##  END MAIN  ###############################################################




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  • rhahgleuhargh

    @phaolo, Please have a look in the Installers repack section of this forum. All of these programs can be integrated in "Silent installs + SFX" section of Wintoolkit with silent switches. @TheOtherJeff

  • Hello, J'ai trouvé une solution pour éviter l'installation mensuelle de MRT (et donc de l'emploi d'un leurre). C'est à confirmer, mais il semble qu'il suffit de créer cette clé:  

  • SSUs are permanent updates, Deep clean do not remove them (the 3177467 v1& v2 was exception) KB4490628 is still needed because it's SHA1-signed, and contain the infrastructure to process SHA2

Posted Images

I just ran a "CLASSIC" wtk install. I used all the classic updates from the 6/22/16 uls in the first post. SFC passes, however IE11 did not get integrated (its an exe in my update list and got a green check) and there are 73 updates in WU after installation. shouldn't there be over 225 CLASSIC updates while there are only about 153 in the 6/22 UL? What am I missing?


5 minutes ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

I just ran a "CLASSIC" wtk install. I used all the classic updates from the 6/22/16 uls in the first post. SFC passes, however IE11 did not get integrated (its an exe in my update list and got a green check) and there are 73 updates in WU after installation. shouldn't there be over 225 CLASSIC updates while there are only about 153 in the 6/22 UL? What am I missing?


Did you integrate "Common" too?

1 minute ago, n0nsense said:

To integrate IE11, you'll need the .cab file

IE11-Windows6.1-KB2841134.cab, or

To integrate IE11 with WTK you can use the .exe-file too; or you unpack the IExx.exe and integrate the cab/msu ;).

yes I forgot to add the common updates. getting bleary eyed here. and thx for the .cab link (and that article on why sfc fails with the convenience rollup). when doing the classic do the same prerequisites have to be done? right now 3020369, 2533552, 2603229, 3046269 (in that order) are in the silent list.


If you use only one language makes it no difference, the time to integrate is almost the same too.

If you need more languages, then is the exe in my opinion better, because you have to care about one file pro language.

4 minutes ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

... when doing the classic do the same prerequisites have to be done? right now 3020369, 2533552, 2603229, 3046269 (in that order) are in the silent list.



Do you mean Rollup?  If you do, here is an order that I've used and I know works...

  KB3020369 - Servicing Stack
  KB2670838 - Platform Update
  KB2574819 - RDP
  KB2592687 - RDP
  KB2830477 - RDP


PRE-ROLLUP updates (dated before 25th April)


POST-ROLLUP updates (dated after 25th April)

This is just the way I do it, other ways are possible.

Je ne suis peut-être pas aussi perfectionniste que vous, mais pourquoi ne pas simplement attendre la publication du dernier Rollup mensuel ?
Une fois déterminées avec certitude les mises à jour qui ne sont pas intégrées dans le Convenience Rollup, et sachant que certaines mises à jour n'apparaitront pas dans les Rollup mensuels (.NET Framework 4.6.1, mises à jour RunOnce et mises à jour pour IE11…), il suffirait de créer une image qui intègre tous les composants absents, le Convenience Rollup lui-même avec ses prérequis et autres mises à jour indispensables, pour n'avoir par la suite, en cas de réinstallation, qu'à appliquer le dernier Rollup mensuel sans tenir compte des 'caprices' de WU qui réclame la réinstallation de mises à jour anciennes remplacées.
Si on fait confiance à WU pour les mises à jour "traditionnelles", on peut bien aussi la lui accorder pour les Rollup ?
Cela simplifierait singulièrement le travail puisqu'il suffirait, de créer une seule image (et non une chaque mois) pour pouvoir ensuite l'utiliser et lui appliquer le dernier Rollup mensuel à la manière de Windows 10.
Tout bon ou tout faux ?

5 hours ago, n0nsense said:


Do you mean Rollup?  If you do, here is an order that I've used and I know works...

  KB3020369 - Servicing Stack
  KB2670838 - Platform Update
  KB2574819 - RDP
  KB2592687 - RDP
  KB2830477 - RDP


PRE-ROLLUP updates (dated before 25th April)


POST-ROLLUP updates (dated after 25th April)

This is just the way I do it, other ways are possible.

no not convenience rollup, classic integration. do you need to do the prerequisites etc. I just got this error doing the classic...don't know what it is...its 180kb screenshot from wtk. this forum says its too large? to attach...


edit...disregard...I took out the ie11.exe and replaced it with the ie11.cab. previously kb3161608 would not install. now ALL is well. with this classic integration SFC passes and I am left with 14 updates (mainly NFW 4.61). The size of my ISO is 5.02gb so I will probably have to use a dvd DL if installing non usb flash. I just find it easier using the classic because you don't have to remember prerequisites and other rules. to each his own. been a very educational experience. thx much.


Edited by pennsylvaniaron

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Non, malheureusement, ce n'est pas comme cela que ça marche... ce serait trop beau...

En général je ne sors une version des ULs que pour le Patch Tuesday. Là c'est différent, le Rollup de juin corrige la lenteur d'accès à WU, il fallait donc une mise à jour des ULs.

Pour ce qui est du Convenience Rollup Pack d'avril, le problème est justement qu'il est imparfait, parce qu'il nécessite des prérequis et une trentaine de mises à jour antérieures pour obtenir un ISO à jour. Un vrai Convenience Rollup digne de ce nom aurait dû suffire en étant intégré seul pour avoir un ISO à jour (je ne compte pas les mises à jour de mai juin). Normalement, je devrais virer KB2533552 RunOnce (partie du SP1) pour la prochaine mise à jour des ULs, il ne restera donc plus que KB2603229 en x64 et KB3046269. A titre perso j'ai abandonné les intégrations classiques pour ne faire que celles via le Rollup (ce qui est d'ailleurs recommandé par M$). Gain de temps et de place.

Le Rollup mensuel est le nouveau mode de mise à jour pondu par M$ qui consiste en fait à rassembler en une seule toutes les mises à jour optionnelles intermédiaires (pour le moment les mises à jour prioritaires du Patch Tuesday paraissent une par une). Cela n'a donc rien à voir avec le système de mise à jour de Windows 10 (une mise à jour cumulative de plus en plus grande chaque mois, une mise à jour "service stack", et une mise à jour Flash Player), qui est beaucoup plus simple à maintenir.

Chaque Patch Tuesday supprime des mises à jour précédentes : si tu mets à jour ton ISO tous les trois quatre mois ces mises à jour obsolètes seront incluses et seront donc à nettoyer après installation. Ce n'est pas super propre comme technique, le but étant d'installer un ISO le plus propre possible. Pour moi, l'avantage de créer un ISO chaque mois est surtout de pouvoir identifier toutes les mises à jour inutiles.

Après, DNF461 Silverlight, ne sont pas livrés nativement avec 7, ce sont donc des mises à jour à part que je ne maintiens pas (c'est icare qui s'en charge).

Edited by rhahgleuhargh


Thank you for all your hardwork with these Update Lists.
I do have some time set aside each week for personal projects if you want me to test/support you to maintain these lists.
I updated the 'hideUpdates' .vbs script, posted earlier.  If you find it to be an improvement you may use it as you wish, change it etc.

Kind Regards

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On 23/06/2016 at 10:06 PM, Unikat2000 said:


I' using NTLite for integration and having some issues with the Convenience Rollup pack method.After downlading the updates with WUD I was able to intergrate them without any problems into an untouched Windows 7 SP1 ISO, but after installation WU demands 6 security updates (KB2813347, KB2912390, KB3035126, KB3078601, KB3109094, KB3110329). Does somebody know what is causing this issue? The classic method works without any problems.



The reason is that NTLite doesn't carry on the new names of KB in the ULs (WTK respects the order 1-KBxxx.msu, 2- 3- 4- and so on), so it installs the Rollup before some updates that need to be integrated first. Using NTLite you should do a first pass with prerequisites + updates before rollup, and an other with Rollup + updates after Rollup.

2 hours ago, rhahgleuhargh said:


The reason is that NTLite doesn't carry on the new names of KB in the ULs (WTK respects the order 1-KBxxx.msu, 2- 3- 4- and so on), so it installs the Rollup before some updates that need to be integrated first. Using NTLite you should do a first pass with prerequisites + updates before rollup, and an other with Rollup + updates after Rollup.

ok thx for the explanation...  was wondering about the new naming till now ;)  I will try try out the first pass thing and let nuhi know about it.....

EDIT: Why has the RollUp HideW10 to suppress the net updates? Just a cosmetic thing for WU?


Edited by Unikat2000

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7 hours ago, Unikat2000 said:

ok thx for the explanation...  was wondering about the new naming till now ;)  I will try try out the first pass thing and let nuhi know about it.....

EDIT: Why has the RollUp HideW10 to suppress the net updates? Just a cosmetic thing for WU?


With th eRollup, some superseeded updates are asked and installed by WU, removed when you do a deep-clean, and reasked and installed, and so on. That's why the 2 DNF3.5.1 updates are added for the Rollup Hide W10 script.

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9 hours ago, n0nsense said:


Would it help if I put together a simple script to help some people with the integration??
There are plenty of tools out there, but some people might just need a little help.

I began to write a tutorial (in french and english), I haven't finished yet (very busy in real life...), and I don't know if I will create a new topic or join a PDF file. Any help or idea  is welcome.

7 hours ago, Unikat2000 said:

.... and let nuhi know about it.....


I think nuhi knows about it, this problem exists since the beginning of NTLite (not observing the sequence you want); this is the reason, because I stopped using it...

8 hours ago, pennsylvaniaron said:


:) I thought so.

I'll put something together today, but it will require a bit of testing if you're willing.

3 hours ago, rhahgleuhargh said:

I began to write a tutorial (in french and english), I haven't finished yet (very busy in real life...), and I don't know if I will create a new topic or join a PDF file. Any help or idea  is welcome.

If it's related to the installation with your ULs, then please a document (pdf, doc, txt or whatever) in the first post, so if I link the topic to somebody it is only a link and he has all the needed info at the same place.

Thanks, Thiersee

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