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  • rhahgleuhargh

    @phaolo, Please have a look in the Installers repack section of this forum. All of these programs can be integrated in "Silent installs + SFX" section of Wintoolkit with silent switches. @TheOtherJeff

  • Hello, J'ai trouvé une solution pour éviter l'installation mensuelle de MRT (et donc de l'emploi d'un leurre). C'est à confirmer, mais il semble qu'il suffit de créer cette clé:  

  • SSUs are permanent updates, Deep clean do not remove them (the 3177467 v1& v2 was exception) KB4490628 is still needed because it's SHA1-signed, and contain the infrastructure to process SHA2

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Test des nouvelles ULs en cours !

Changelog identique x86 x64 :

IE 11 Updates : KB3175443 remplace KB3060005

W10/Telemetry Updates : suppression de KB3035583, KB3123862, et KB3173040

Common Updates : KB3178034, KB317725, KB3167679, KB3172605 ;  KB3161102 remplace KB3170735 et KB3155178 : j'ajoute cette mise à jour optionnelle de juillet car fortement recommandée par M$ (et permet de retirer 2 mises à jour). Pour ceux qui veulent quand même le journal de Windows, il peut être téléchargé ici.

La migration gratuite vers 10 ayant pris fin, je vais également supprimer KB3035583, KB3123862, et KB3173040 des scripts.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

57 minutes ago, rhahgleuhargh said:


Common Updates : KB3178034, KB3167679, KB3172605


This was already in the UL from 22-07.

KB3177725 (Patch-day august) is missing.

30 minutes ago, Alpha_95 said:


J'ai vu que tu parle de la KB3175443 mais elle n'est pas présente dans le fichier .ul


Of course, KB3175443 is the IE11 update for august, the ULs are still from 22-07-2016 and not updated yet.

From your LOG: may I ask you, which version is your Win7-ISO?


Edited by Thiersee


My tests in 5 VMs:

Convenience Rollup, added the august-updates to the UL, both x86 & x64, German & Italian, Professional and HomePremium

NO issues or WU-Requests after install; I don't care of KB3161602 because I remove TabletPC in WTK.

Deep Cleaning uninstalls unly KB2534111 (media refresh).


Edited by Thiersee

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Upload des ULs en cours.

Le forum n'acceptant plus les fichiers.ulz, je les place sur Mediafire.

J'ai mis à jour les scripts .vbs du maker pour masquer les mises à jour.

EDIT : terminé !

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

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Il y avait une petite erreur de typo dans le script de création du SFX classic.vbs, ce qui occasionnait un message d'erreur lors du lancement du SFX W10.exe

Je l'ai corrigée, il faut retélécharger l'archive.

There was a little typo error in the W10.exe SFX creation script . please reDL the .7zip file.

I know we have gone over this before but just to be clear. When making a new win 7 iso every month (in my case classic) its BEST (but not necessary) to create it from a clean win 7 sp1 iso. Is this because there are superseded WU from the month before? In other words if I extract my 7/22/16 ul finished win 7 iso using wtk into a new folder and then download with WUD the latest aug. UL and then integrate them, I assume there are already integrated updates that have been superseded and may either cause a problem or its just not the cleanest way to do it? If that is correct can you simply do a deep clean after installation making it just like using a clean sp1 iso to start with?

Obviously using the prior months iso is faster. If I use the clean sp1 iso with the new aug UL I still have to remember which updates are prerequisites and which updates belong in the SFX? If so are those 2 updates (don't have the kb's right now) still prereq's and are there still a few that go into the sfx?





Monthly Rollup

From October 2016 onwards, Windows will release a single Monthly Rollup that addresses both security issues and reliability issues in a single update. The Monthly Rollup will be published to Windows Update (WU), WSUS, SCCM, and the Microsoft Update Catalog. Each month’s rollup will supersede the previous month’s rollup, so there will always be only one update required for your Windows PCs to get current. i.e. a Monthly Rollup in October 2016 will include all updates for October, while November 2016 will include October and November updates, and so on. Devices that have this rollup installed from Windows Update or WSUS will utilize express packages, keeping the monthly download size small.

Over time, Windows will also proactively add patches to the Monthly Rollup that have been released in the past. Our goal is eventually to include all of the patches we have shipped in the past since the last baseline, so that the Monthly Rollup becomes fully cumulative and you need only to install the latest single rollup to be up to date. We encourage you to move to the Monthly Rollup model to improve reliability and quality of updating all versions of Windows.

We are planning to add these previously shipped patches over the next year and will document each addition so IT admins know which KBs have been included each month.





The .NET Framework Monthly Rollup is a single install that updates each supported .NET Framework version on a machine to its latest respective update level. Each Monthly Rollup supersedes the last one, so you if you’ve missed the last few months of updates, you only need to install the latest rollup to update to the latest update level. The Monthly rollup will not install a new version of the .NET Framework, only security and reliability updates.

Imagine that you have the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and the .NET Framework 4.5.2 installed on your machine. After installing the .NET Framework Monthly Rollup, both of these .NET Framework versions will be updated to their latest update levels and you will still have the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and the .NET Framework 4.5.2 installed, as opposed to higher versions. Upgrading to a higher version such as .NET Framework 4.6.2 is a separate step that is not accomplished with the monthly rollup.



Edited by X-Force

2 hours ago, X-Force said:

That is very interesting and seems like a big step in the right direction. However as of July the convenience rollup method causes SFC to fail. I do many new installs for people and do not feel comfortable giving them a "new" installation having SFC fail. Will M$ solve this dilemma?


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21 hours ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

I know we have gone over this before but just to be clear. When making a new win 7 iso every month (in my case classic) its BEST (but not necessary) to create it from a clean win 7 sp1 iso. Is this because there are superseded WU from the month before? In other words if I extract my 7/22/16 ul finished win 7 iso using wtk into a new folder and then download with WUD the latest aug. UL and then integrate them, I assume there are already integrated updates that have been superseded and may either cause a problem or its just not the cleanest way to do it? If that is correct can you simply do a deep clean after installation making it just like using a clean sp1 iso to start with?

Obviously using the prior months iso is faster. If I use the clean sp1 iso with the new aug UL I still have to remember which updates are prerequisites and which updates belong in the SFX? If so are those 2 updates (don't have the kb's right now) still prereq's and are there still a few that go into the sfx?


As I wrote to you before, all is possible. Integrating latest UL updates in an untouched ISO is the cleanest way, but it's possible to only add new updates to the previous version : no need to readd the prerequisites since there are in your previous ISO, you'll only have to modify the WTK installer or setupcomplete.cmd folders with new MRT and/or updated DNF461 SFX. When there are not a lot of updates, it doesn't affect your new system (ie this month there were only 5 updates), but in case of a lot of superseeded updates, it's polluting it. Do as you want.


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MSE n'est ni dans le script, ni caché, ni dans les ULs, tu dois l'installer à part (par défaut c'est Windows Defender qui est inclus dans Windows 7). Il y avait un installateur il y a qq temps dans la section "repack" du forum, mais il n'est plus à jour.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

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3 hours ago, Alpha_95 said:

@rhahgleuhargh  Je sais bien mais pourquoi se retrouve t'il caché alors que de base, il ne le devrait pas... Ce n'est pas trop grave certes.

edit: je viens d'avoir la KB3177723 en supplément et en facultatif, la KB3179573


désolé mais je ne comprends pas ce que tu veux dire. Sur mes tests tout est OK. Caché où ? dans la fenêtre "restaurer les mises à jour masquées" ? cela peut arriver lorsqu'on édite mal le fichier .vbs (bug lié aux " "), toutes les mises à jour y compris les optionnelles comme Silverlight sont masquées ; dans ce cas, il faut juste refaire l'édition du script en utilisant les guillemets d'origine (un copier/coller de l'une des mises à jour fait l'affaire).

Pour les autres mises à jour, elles sont sorties hier, j'attends plus d'infos avant de mettre les UL à jour.



Pour les autres mises à jour, elles sont sorties hier, j'attends plus d'infos avant de mettre les UL à jour.

I installed the two KBs in a VM with x64, Prof, Italian.

Even if MS says KB3177723 supersedes KB3162835 (and KB3179573 should supersede KB3161561, but I didn't find info), a DeepCleaning did not uninstall the two superseded KBs, they have been skipped "due to branch elevating"



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I've manually uninstalled superseed KBs before installing the new ones --> no more asked by WU.

Just a strange thing in x64 : old updates superseeded by older rollup are asked ! I make a new integration test to confirm this without KB3161561

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

2 hours ago, rhahgleuhargh said:


I've manually uninstalled superseed KBs before installing the new ones --> no more asked by WU.

Just a strange thing in x64 : old updates superseeded by older rollup are asked ! I make a new integration test to confirm this without KB3161561

Fresh install x86-DE HomePremium (UL 09-08-2016) without the two superseded KBs, but with the new two: NO particular requests from WU.

BTW, can you give the complete date to the ULs? Thanks

Edited by Thiersee

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I tried to remove previous july rollup pack, but in x64 KB3172605 is still requested as optional update and the 2 superseeded updates by KB3172605 as important updates. After install of KB3172605 all is fine. so this update is superseeded only in x86. Strange for a "cumulative" rollup... I confirm that KB3162835 is superseeded.

I'll change the UL's date in the link. It's simplier for me to keep the same name in Mediafire. Please wait for an hour to reDL updated ULs.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

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ULs mises à jour. Changelog mise à jour 19/08/2016 :

Common Updates : KB3177723 remplace KB3162835, KB3179573 remplace KB3161561 remplace KB3172605 (x86 uniquement)

Deep-clean : suppression de KB2544893 et KB2957189 (classic)

Erratum : KB3172605 (rollup juillet) n'est pas remplacée par KB3179573 (merci aboddi1406) et reste donc dans les ULs (merci Thiersee).


Edited by rhahgleuhargh

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KB3161561 est donc devenue inutile. Je ne pourrai pas mettre à jour les UL avant demain, pour ceux qui ont téléchargé celles d'hier, en dehors de cette mise à jour, tout est OK.

I confirm that KB3161561 is superseeded. I won't be able to reupload updated ULs until tomorrow. For those who have DL ULs yesterday, please remove this one.


Can you please try to uninstall KB3172605 in x86 and report if it's asked again (or KB3139923 and KB3160818 as it was the case in x64) ?

26 minutes ago, rhahgleuhargh said:



Can you please try to uninstall KB3172605 in x86 and report if it's asked again (or KB3139923 and KB3160818 as it was the case in x64) ?

Done in the VM I installed yesterday: after restart WU requests KB3153171, KB3139923 & KB3172605!

Re-installed KB3172605: all the three requests disappeared.

I'll do today fresh integrations with the new ULs and report.

Edited by Thiersee

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OK so I'll put back KB3172605 in x86 UL.

I have desactivated links for ULs DL until I'll upload the new ones.EDIT : it's not possible to desactivate links from my workplace. Please wait until tomorrow.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

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