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  • rhahgleuhargh

    @phaolo, Please have a look in the Installers repack section of this forum. All of these programs can be integrated in "Silent installs + SFX" section of Wintoolkit with silent switches. @TheOtherJeff

  • Hello, J'ai trouvé une solution pour éviter l'installation mensuelle de MRT (et donc de l'emploi d'un leurre). C'est à confirmer, mais il semble qu'il suffit de créer cette clé:  

  • SSUs are permanent updates, Deep clean do not remove them (the 3177467 v1& v2 was exception) KB4490628 is still needed because it's SHA1-signed, and contain the infrastructure to process SHA2

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12 hours ago, mooms said:

Aucune ressource, tu le lance une fois et basta. La version portable ne marchait pas chez moi par contre.

En fait c'est le raccourci qui ne marche pas, si tu vas dans App/SpybotAntiBeacon et que tu cliques sur l'exécutable, ça fonctionne.

Effectivement le programme est tout simple, et contrairement à ceux du même genre que j'ai pu tester sur 10, il ne désactive pas le téléchargement du guide TV du Media Center (eh oui, on peut remettre WMC sur 10) !

Adopté !

14 hours ago, mooms said:

Aucune ressource, tu le lance une fois et basta. La version portable ne marchait pas chez moi par contre.

Non mais si tu le fait je veux bien les résultats ;)


2 hours ago, rhahgleuhargh said:

En fait c'est le raccourci qui ne marche pas, si tu vas dans App/SpybotAntiBeacon et que tu cliques sur l'exécutable, ça fonctionne.

Effectivement le programme est tout simple, et contrairement à ceux du même genre que j'ai pu tester sur 10, il ne désactive pas le téléchargement du guide TV du Media Center (eh oui, on peut remettre WMC sur 10) !

Adopté !

Bon à savoir, merci !

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Hello, bilan des mises à jour du mois :

Security Monthly Quality Rollup : KB3197868 remplace KB3185330, KB3164033, KB3182203, KB3184122 (common), KB2511455, KB2570947 (classic)


C'est le résultat sur mes machines virtuelles, mais comme la liste des mises à jour remplacées par ce rollup est longue, je poursuis la comparaison par rapport au site WUCatalog. EDIT : OK.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

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Attention, la dernière version de Wintoolkit ne met pas automatiquement KB3197868 après l'installateur d'IE 11. Je vais devoir recourir au même stratagème que le mois dernier, à savoir renommer cette mise à jour en IE11-KB3197868.

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ULs mises à jour uploadées.

Le Rollup mensuel est nommé IE11-Windows6.1KB XXX.msu pour qu'il puisse se placer après l'installateur d'IE11.

Monthly Rollup is renamed IE11-Windows6.1KBXXX.msu so it will be placed automatically after IE 11 installer in Wintoolkit.

I noticed that you put the monthly rollup in (kb3197868). This is the first time it adds telemetry/spyware into the equation for those

that have been avoiding that by going classic and being careful. Has this list now decided to just put the monthly rollup in and not

consider just the security only rollup where it makes sense (like this month with telemetry)?

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Oui et non ! En fait, pour mes tests je ne crée plus que des ISO (x86 et x64) par intégration avec la méthode du Convenience Rollup pack. Mais comme j'ai conservé mes machines virtuelles créées avec la méthode classique, je continue de vérifier quelles sont les mises à jour retirées avec le Patch Tuesday, et je compare avec la description de WUCatalog pour voir si d'autres ne sont pas retirées en plus.

Il est possible que je refasse un test "classique" si jamais je retrouve beaucoup de différences (ce qui n'est pas le cas en ce moment), mais ce ne sera pas en routine.

J'ai laissé la liste d'intégration classique pour ceux qui y tiennent (et parce que ça m'avait demandé quand même pas mal de taf, tu es bien placé pour le savoir !), mais cela ne présente plus d'intérêt en pratique.

A noter, ce mois-ci, les mises à jour de télémétrie ont été incluses dans le Rollup mensuel, mais elles sont toujours demandées par WU. Les scripts .vbs sont donc encore utiles pour le moment.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

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2 hours ago, topstuff said:

I noticed that you put the monthly rollup in (kb3197868). This is the first time it adds telemetry/spyware into the equation for those

that have been avoiding that by going classic and being careful. Has this list now decided to just put the monthly rollup in and not

consider just the security only rollup where it makes sense (like this month with telemetry)?


Purpose of these ULs is to provide the minimum updates required by WU once integrated and installed. If you checked WU this month, KB3197868 is asked and not security only Rollup Pack KB3197867. All KBs marqued as telemetry related updates in UL are asked by WU after KB3197867. The difference between Quality and Security Rollups is that Quality Rollup provides not only telemetry updates, but other improvements that could be usefull to most people.

I'm not sure if the telemetry components included in the Rollup are really active if you didn't install these KB (2952664, 3021917 ; 3080149 and 3068708 were included in convenience Rollup pack, but they are still asked by WU) and if you didn't join the Consumer Experience Improvement Program : abbodi1406 may be the most competent person able to answer this question.

I prefered to select Quality Rollup because it's more simple. Don't forget that in few months, all previous KBs will be integrated in Rollups (ie all common and "classic" ones), and Convenience Rollup Pack will be certainly updated to solve some bugs (especially concerning all prerequisite updates) : final purpose is to have the same integration method as Windows 10 : one big cumulative and eventually one service stack updates.

You can block telemetry services with external programs (mooms proposed this one that seems to work good, especially in spyware OS Windows 10), or scripts (check in Wincert MDL forum, especially abbodi1406 scripts in Windows 7 hotfix repository category).

Personly, I don't care about these telemetry updates. Even Linux distributions contain telemetry report, and our smartphones are more spied than our computers !

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

13 minutes ago, rhahgleuhargh said:


I prefered to select Quality Rollup because it's more simple. Don't forget that in few months, all previous KBs will be integrated in Rollups (ie all common and "classic" ones), and Convenience Rollup Pack will be certainly updated to solve some bugs (especially concerning all prerequisite updates) : final purpose is to have the same integration method as Windows 10 : one big cumulative and eventually one service stack updates.

You can block telemetry services with external programs (mooms proposed this one that seems to work good, especially in spyware OS Windows 10), or scripts (check in Wincert forum, especially abbodi1406 scripts in Windows 7 hotfix repository category).

Personly, I don't care about these telemetry updates. Even Linux distributions contain telemetry report, and our smartphones are more spied than our computers !

I see your point about them all eventually being rolled up anyway. Seems we can't escape them. The Quality rollup ads a new service to win 7 called "Diagnostics Tracking Service" and it set to automatically run. One can disable it, but does it really get disabled?

I wouldn't mind if ALL the telemetry can be turned off, but has it been proven one can shut up win 7 by registry hacks/group policy switches?

Win 10, even with everything shut off, still talks to MS. I would like to know if win 7 can be shut up in a real way opposed to win 10.

Edited by topstuff
little bit more info

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I did a mistake in my text : if you want to add scripts to manually block telemetry settings, check in My digital life forum here. You may find more infos.

No I don't know if 7 can really completely be shut up... I'm waiting more info about this Diagnostics Tracking Service (10 seems to have the same one, ooops, I've disabled it...).

Edited by rhahgleuhargh


MS has released two preview, KB3197869 for Windows 7 and KB3196686 for NET-FW.

Tested on x64-VM:

KB3197869, the same issue as with the preview KB3192403 (october): KB3185319 (IE11) is requested again.....

KB3196686: two superseded KB, 3163245 & 3188740.

Let's wait for the next patch-day.....

10 hours ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

I have been getting a script error in the rollup.vbs, realtime installs. it says LINE 36, CHARACTER 1, ERROR 0x8024001F, CODE 8024001F.


Rollup.vbs needs a working internet line!

I had sometime the same error and it was this the reason.


I have been behind in the last page(s) of posts and just want to insure that the November rollup does or doesn't affect my silent kb's. I have been creating win 7_64 home premium iso's. For October my silents included: kb 2533552, 2603229, 2685811, 2685813, 3046269, 3177467. I seem to remember that 2685811 &13 (nfw 3.51) updates when trying to integrate them with all the other updates, afterwards they were still being asked for by WU so I put them in the silent section and now no problems.

Does the November rollup affect any of my other silent kb's or should any new ones be added?


No it doesn't

2685811 &13 are Driver Framework updates

you don't need 3046269 if you use  3177467

make sure you put 2533552, 3177467 to be installed first (before 2603229, 2685811, 2685813)

1 hour ago, abbodi1406 said:


you don't need 3046269 if you use  3177467


Hi abbodi1406,

I integrate 3177467 as Silent-SFX and KB3046269 in the WPI-Session: is it still not necessary?


make sure you put 2533552, 3177467 to be installed first (before 2603229, 2685811, 2685813)

is this necessary too, even if I install them "online" (it mean in a WPI-Session)?


TNX, Thiersee

I'm not familiar with WPI
KB3046269 is needed only if you integrate offline KB3125574 or kb3172605
but if you want to do that online, then KB3177467 is enough

yes, specially online, because both are exclusive updates and require no other pending updates
and i think 2685811, 2685813 could trigger the pending status

Hi Abbodi1406,

I integrate both KB3172605 and KB3125574 offline and KB3177467 as Silent-SFX in the same session, so it's needed (WU asks for it).


yes, specially online, because both are exclusive updates and require no other pending updates
and i think 2685811, 2685813 could trigger the pending status

OK, I'll change the sequence, even if I didn't have issues (until now).


  • 4 weeks later...


Ce 13 Dec, la KB3205402 Rollup pour .NET Framework est sortie et elle contient 1 msu et 3 ndp*.exe.
D'instinct et après mes premiers tests, il me semble que :
 - la KB3201131 (msu) concerne le DNF 3.5.1 natif de Windows 7 SP1.
 - la KB3205379 concerne le DNF 4.6.2 et donc je travaille dessus.
 - KB3210139 concerne probablement le DNF 4.5.2 et KB3210136le  DNF 4.6.1 et donc ont un intérêt limité..

Merci de vos retours.


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