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I did a test too ;)!

New ISO en-US Win7 HPx64, full UL (Convenience), IE11 en-US, same sequence as described by @pennsylvaniaron:

KBs imported in WTK, 4 KBs are marked to be moved under Silent SFX, moved them, under Silent SFX deleted the 4 KBs, back under Updates and moved KB2685811 & 13 to Silent.

Started the integration and watched the process (my eyes became like 2 monitors :D) and, indeed, after integration of KB4034664 WTK integrated the 4 "Know issues" too, but I got an error at the end regarding KB2603229 & KB3046269!

I'll do another test today.


2nd test done, issue confirmed.


Edited by Thiersee

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  • rhahgleuhargh

    @phaolo, Please have a look in the Installers repack section of this forum. All of these programs can be integrated in "Silent installs + SFX" section of Wintoolkit with silent switches. @TheOtherJeff

  • Hello, J'ai trouvé une solution pour éviter l'installation mensuelle de MRT (et donc de l'emploi d'un leurre). C'est à confirmer, mais il semble qu'il suffit de créer cette clé:  

  • SSUs are permanent updates, Deep clean do not remove them (the 3177467 v1& v2 was exception) KB4490628 is still needed because it's SHA1-signed, and contain the infrastructure to process SHA2

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So it seems that there is a bug with WTK when you remove some things in WTK installer. The error message concerning KB2603229 and 3046269 is normal since these 2 KBs can't be integrated offline, but it's not normal that they appear in the offline updatelist if removed from Silent + SFX section.

I'll do a new test later integrating RunOnce updates in Silent + SFX section and deleting them with the view to reproduce the bug.

@rhahgleuhargh & @pennsylvaniaron

3rd test:

again all fresh, importing the full UL and, when the mask with the 4 known issues comes, nothing checked, only pressed "Continue"!

In TAB Updates deleted the 4 "Known Issues": no integration issues, no "half-hidden" integration of them!



I have probably confused you, (sorry), please respond.

Indeed :D!

First of all: if you mean, you don't need the 4 KBs, why do you import them??? This is a nonsense!

1) If you use Telemetry.exe without changes, you don't need to import/move/delete KB2533552: it will be hidden by telemetry.exe

2) If you import them, do not check them when the mask "Known Issues" comes and delete them under "Updates/Known issues".


I always check delete old installers (sfx section).  (posted August, 10)



I really doubt that tweaks, files drivers etc will have an affect. (poste August, 19)

Right, it happens with only KBs too.

a.) PLEASE, make a fresh PRESET.INI with only Updates (keep in mind what I wrote before) and test an integration with it.

b.) If it's OK, reload a fresh ISO, use this preset.ini and add your add-on, silent installers, tweaks and what you need, but save it under another name as a.)

And, very important, do not change continuously the way or the sequence, keep always a copy or description of what is working!

Otherwise you make us and, more important, yourself confused.

Gentlemen sorry for the confusion. The reason this came about was purely by accident. Thiersee as you know from our pm's and I have written numerous times just about every month when making my iso I was having IE11 FAIL to integrate. I would then have to do the integration over, numerous times. After 3 or 4 attempts it would work and I didn't know why. After awhile the eyes and mind get blurry. This month I did the method stated above and MOST IMPORTANTLY IE11 integrated with no problems. I realized if I deleted the 4 known issues from my silent list, then included them, IE11 WORKS!. Again I was using a preset with the 4 known issues being carried over in the silent every month. If left there then IE11 FAILS.

At that point I was VERY HAPPY. But curiosity got the best of me so I posed the question to the forum where there is much experience and knowledge using WTK and the UL's. When I made the change described in detail above I noticed the 4 unknown issues getting integrated and just posed the question as to why since they are not in the updates and silents. It seemed to me to be duplicating the 4 issues by then including them in the silent list. I see them getting integrated so why extend and installation by including them in the silent list.

hey I'm thrilled that IE11 doesn't fail on me anymore by doing it the way described. A 45 minute procedure was taking me 4 hrs and lots of frustration every month.

I will try the procedure that thiersee recommends just to see what happens, but at this point my philosophy is>> if it ain't broke don't fix it. My final VM install with the iso I make seems perfect.

I truly APPRECIATE the TIME and EFFORT by both you chaps. Any other information on your testing truly appreciated. (you might want to replicate what I initially was doing with the 4 known issues being carried over (preset) in the silents to see if IE11 fails and if so, WHY?)

My goal was to learn more (which I did) and hopefully help others or find out if there is a bug, which I think there is because of the IE11 failure. knowledge is power, correct?


  • 4 weeks later...


mise à jour sécurité et qualité cumulative pour DNF : KB4041083

contient en particulier KB4040980 pour Windows 7 SP1 et KB4040973 pour DNF 4.6 et 4.7.

le bug de la KB4019990 subsiste.

Pourquoi ne pas la mettre dans les ULs


20 minutes ago, icare said:


le bug de la KB4019990 subsiste.



what do you mean?

I experienced on a new installation the bug with the missing DLL has been solved since the rollup of june (no need for KB4019990 anymore)

Of course this KB may be necessary on updating a system, if the user installs .NET-FW 4.7.

But let us wait for .NET-FW 471, may be the bug will be solved definitively ;)...


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Changelog du mois :

Security Monthly Quality Rollup : KB4038777 remplace KB4034664, KB3170455 (common), KB2868116 (classic)

DNF3.5.1 : KB4040980 remplace KB4014504, KB2978120 (classic). EDIT eh non, KB2978120 toujours demandée par WU...


Je n'ai pas rencontré de bug avec KB401990 avec ton installateur du mois précédent sur une installation fraîche. Normalement cette mise à jour est incluse dans la mise à jour cumulative ? Je vais faire un test avec ton installateur du mois et la nouvelle UL.


Edited by rhahgleuhargh

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Test avec la dernière UL (KB4040980 incluse) et la dernière version de ton DNF47 : une petite partie de KB4041083 de 2,4 Mo est demandée en mise à jour prioritaire. RAS en mise à jour optionnelle. Je ne comprends pas d'où vient cette partie demandée, puisque la partie liée au DNF 3.5 est intégrée et marquée installée, et que ton DNF comprend KB4040973.

KB4041083 inclut également une mise à jour pour DNF 453 (KB4040977) mais je ne pense pas que cela vienne de là. J'en conclue donc que c'est KB4011990 qui est demandée. Bug de WU ! Soit je la mets dans les ULs soit il faut la remettre dans l'installateur du DNF. Au choix !

Edited by rhahgleuhargh



une petite partie de KB4041083 de 2,4 Mo est demandée en mise à jour prioritaire

I can confirm it!

For x86 is 1.2MB.

I don't have any issue with KB4019990


Edit: this small part of KB4041083 is marked as "Preview".....

Edited by Thiersee

On 13.9.2017 at 4:09 PM, rhahgleuhargh said:

J'en conclue donc que c'est KB4011990 qui est demandée. Bug de WU !

I can confirm this too!

After OS-install I installed KB4040973, WU asked for KB4041083 with a size of 2.6MB (x64); I installed KB4019990 and the request has gone!

On a second VM I installed KB4040973, thenWU asked for KB4041083 with a size of 2.6MB (x64); I installed the request from WU and got KB4019990 in the list of installed updates!

my sept results

wu reports 1st check:


kb2685811 (its #1 in my silent list)



2nd check:

no updates...

deep clean>>>>kb2534111




Edited by pennsylvaniaron

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Sometimes installation of KB2685811 bugs with WTK installer. I don't believe that order of updates matters. I usually put KBs in number order as you do.

For KB4041083, it depends wich DNF installer you choose : icare's one is up to date, I don't know if it's the case for the others (if they aren't, this update is asked).

5 hours ago, rhahgleuhargh said:


Sometimes installation of KB2685811 bugs with WTK installer. I don't believe that order of updates matters. I usually put KBs in number order as you do.

For KB4041083, it depends wich DNF installer you choose : icare's one is up to date, I don't know if it's the case for the others (if they aren't, this update is asked).

I understand. I'm just happy using the procedure I made (I made a doc to refer to) that the IE11 failing to install issue has been resolved:D.

The only kb's in my silent at this point are 2685811 and 2685813. It was just curious to me why 2685813 INSTALLS but 2685811 does NOT:blink:. I ASSume they are very similar, but understand your explanation. No big thing, just trying to get this to be PERFECT:).

right now I'm a very happy camper:P. Once again all your efforts (and thiersee's) MUCH APPRECIATED!


On 13.9.2017 at 10:58 AM, rhahgleuhargh said:

DNF3.5.1 : KB4040980 remplace KB4014504, KB2978120 (classic).


is KB2978120 really replaced by KB4040980?  Cause WU is still asking for it and the MS artice doesn't mention it....

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Yes it should. KB4041090 is security only .net framework Rollup, but it includes the same things as KB4040980.


I uninstalled this update in my VM, and effectively  it's asked by WU ! A new WU bug ? In your case, did you a fresh installation with UL or just a manual uninstallation ? I stopped integration tests for classic installation and just do them for CR.

If this update is still asked, I'll put it back.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh


It happenend with afresh installation (classic method intergration) in my VM

I added the KB2978120 together with KB4040980 on a second pass and this time everything was ok.

  • mooms pinned this topic

Apparemment Microsoft a fait retirer les fichiers...ce qui est stupide puisque ce ne sont que des fichiers xml  avec des liens pointant sur leurs serveurs, pas de piratage dans l'histoire !

J'aimerais bien savoir en quoi ces UL dérangent MS...

rhahgleuhargh, le mieux est de les uploader directement sur Wincert, vu qu'il faut un compte pour les télécharger ça devrait nous protéger des robots de chez MS...

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