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I encounter some bugs with new UL that need to be explored before I upload it. M$ begins the new year with a very buggy one !

To get new updates you need first to activate a reg-key, have a look on mooms's post upper. And then you'll have the cumulative Rollups.


Edited by rhahgleuhargh

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  • rhahgleuhargh

    @phaolo, Please have a look in the Installers repack section of this forum. All of these programs can be integrated in "Silent installs + SFX" section of Wintoolkit with silent switches. @TheOtherJeff

  • Hello, J'ai trouvé une solution pour éviter l'installation mensuelle de MRT (et donc de l'emploi d'un leurre). C'est à confirmer, mais il semble qu'il suffit de créer cette clé:  

  • SSUs are permanent updates, Deep clean do not remove them (the 3177467 v1& v2 was exception) KB4490628 is still needed because it's SHA1-signed, and contain the infrastructure to process SHA2

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ULs de janvier uploadées.

A ne pas utiliser avec un processeur AMD (pas encore compatible). 4 mises à jour obsolètes sont demandées au premier WU, à ignorer jusqu'à ce que ce bug soit corrigé.

Don't use new ULs with an AMD processor, a new update will be provided later for those processors ; WU asks for 4 superseded updates, just ignore them until WU will be corrected.

1 hour ago, rhahgleuhargh said:

j'ai un Sandy Bridge... Aucune info (et encore aucun patch de M$ pour 1709). A voir !



Tu as ajouté la clé de registre ? En même temps pas sûr que tu aie envie de le patcher vu la perte de perfs annoncée...

8 hours ago, Thiersee said:

You mean "manual uninstall"? Because with deep cleaning it will not be uninstalled.

Latest .NET rollups do not replace *all*components in previous rollups
meaning, each new rollup contain new components or new version of existing components + the components that did not change

in CBS mechanism rules, the *shared* components makes previous rollup only partially superseded, thus not removed by DeepClean


Windows Monthly Rollups have the same case, but these are linked together by CBS package name Package_for_RollupFix
which makes previous rollups always superseded, regardless the components


I'm back with my results:


HomePremium x86 DE (VirtualBox)

Professional x64 DE (Test-HW with NVMe), x64 IT (VirtualBox)

Working OS is Win7 Prof, HW is AMD A10-7850K (FM2+) on a G1.Sniper A88X with 32GB RAM.

Using WTK 160.1 I made for all a fresh ISO with the UL 12.12 and ConvenienceRollup-set, added KB4056894 & KB4054998, deleted KB4054518 (corresponds to UL 09.01);

then I made an install-ISO with OS and WPI (for my installers); WPI hides first some patches (telemetry.exe) then installs TeamViewer and MSE; the other installers are not important!

Just after MSE has been installed and WPI continues with the other programs, I open the registry and have a look for the reg-key

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

the key is already present (but not before MSE is installed)!

After WPI has finished his job and reboots I search for updates: no updates requested, NOTHING (unlike what I wrote in my post on last wednesday and you yesterday ;)), only MRT, definitions for MSE (if available) and eventually NET-FW updates!

A deep clean uninstalls, as usual, KB2534111.

If I install with the UL 12.12 and the previous version of the NET-FW-Repack, WU asks for KB4056894 and KB4055532 (KB4055002 & KB4054998).

Curious note:

after this install (UL 12.12) IE under "Windows Start/Programs" was orange/yellow like for a new installed program.

Do you think MS has already corrected WU :D?

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I just tested a reinstallation with x64 ISO (without KB4040980) : WU asks for the 6 superseded KBs (the 2 DNF ones coresponding to KB4040980, and the 4 others). So I don't think that M$ fixed it ! But indeed, if you just upgrade a previous VM, nothing is asked.


j'ai vérifié mon registre, la clé y est bien. Mais pour l'instant, la mise à jour cumulative de 10 1709 n'est pas encore déployée. J'aime beaucoup les recommandations d'Intel : "achetez-vous un nouveau processeur". Ben voyons !

59 minutes ago, rhahgleuhargh said:


I just tested a reinstallation with x64 ISO (without KB4040980) : WU asks for the 6 superseded KBs (the 2 DNF ones coresponding to KB4040980, and the 4 others). So I don't think that M$ fixed it ! But indeed, if you just upgrade a previous VM, nothing is asked....

I did not upgrade, it was a fresh install!

But at the moment I'm searching for another issue...

Edited by Thiersee

There is a fix from MS for the problem on older AMD-CPU not starting Windows.

But how can I install the fix, if Windows does not start?


The only way I see in WTK ist to put it under "Silent Installers", anyway after KB4056894, or not?

BTW: I installed yesterday Win7 HP x86 on my very old Laptop (Turion 64 X2): the REG-Key is present in the registry, but WU does NOT ask for KB4056894!

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No idea about it. I suppose they will correct this at next update round.

I have an answer for the 2 DNF updates asked by WU : replacing DNF 4.7.1 by icare's new one, all is OK : so I assume we can delete KB4040980 from UL. No time to restest this this week.

1 hour ago, rhahgleuhargh said:

No idea about it. I suppose they will correct this at next update round.


I hope so; I had NO chance to install Windows on my old laptop with KB4056894 integrated, neither with nor without MS-fix (SFX-Installers).


I have an answer for the 2 DNF updates asked by WU : replacing DNF 4.7.1 by icare's new one, all is OK : so I assume we can delete KB4040980 from UL. No time to restest this this week.

I don't use this one, because is only in French and I need German & Italian.

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On 11/1/2018 at 5:48 PM, mooms said:

Je vais sans-doute finir sur la 1709 de décembre, au moins pas besoin d'activateur (normalement), mais je n'ai que jusqu'au 16/01 (à moins d'un enième report de la fin de la migration)...


Je viens de faire migrer un portable sous 7 vers 10 hier : la technique du GenuineTicket fonctionne toujours. Tu as donc encore le temps de réfléchir (ou au moins d'activer la licence puis de revenir à 7) !


pour la mise à jour importante KB4055532 : rien de changé pour le DNF 3.5.1 et DNF 471 2018-01b publiée .

pour la mise à jour preview facultative : rien de changé pour le DNF 3.5.1 et KB4054981 (non cumulative) pour le DNF 471.

Tests à peaufiner mais cela se présente bien.


I am trying to get a grasp on this meltdown and spectre issue as it pertains to our UL's. The lastest UL's say NOT FOR AMD CPU's. Then there is the registry patch which is needed to get the lastest (january 2018) WU.

If I am doing a brand new win 7 install do I use the 12/12/17 UL's then run the patch and I am done or can I use the 1/9/18 with a computer with an amd cpu and run the patch?

can I integrate the NFW 4.7.1 by ricktendo (1/13/2018)

If using malwarebytes v.2 (not v.3) does this anti-virus have any influence on this procedure?

sorry for the confusion.


5 hours ago, rhahgleuhargh said:


Je viens de faire migrer un portable sous 7 vers 10 hier : la technique du GenuineTicket fonctionne toujours. Tu as donc encore le temps de réfléchir (ou au moins d'activer la licence puis de revenir à 7) !

Merci de l'info. Je ne suis pas certain que ça dure encore très longtemps ceci-dit...

Pour le moment j'ai installé le patch de Janvier mais je l'ai désactivé avec Inspectre de GRC, qui permet de vérifier si on est patché et surtout de désactiver les fix Meltdown et Spectre (il faut redémarrer):

Voici ce que ça donne chez moi avec un 6700K @4,4Ghz, une CM Z170, CrystalDiskMark x64 6.0 et un SSD 1To sous Windows 7 x64,

Meltdown off:

Meltdown on:

47% de perfs en moins en écriture 4Ko-Q1T1, et le core 1 à 100% en lecture 4Ko-Q8T8 (il ne dépasse pas les 85% en off).

Les fix pour Spectre ne sont pas activés puisqu’il faut une màj du microcode.






Plusieurs chercheurs ont clairement indiqué que les patchs des navigateurs étaient relativement simples à contourner, la méthode la plus sûre est de désactiver/limiter le JavaScript (au moins pour les domaines de tierce-partie puisque normalement on a confiance dans le site qu'on visite).

Je recommande très fortement à tous d'utiliser uBlock Origin en mode medium, ça permet de bloquer les scripts (de tierce et/ou de première partie).
Sans-même utiliser de filtres, ce simple réglage aura pour conséquence de désactiver 99% des pubs et du tracking, mais là ce n'est plus seulement une question de confort et de vie privée, mais de sécurité.
Il faudra parfois ré-activer un script ou deux pour récupérer certaines fonctionnalités (typiquement les commentaires sur les sites qui les gèrent avec Disqus), mais le confort, le gain en vie privée et en sécurité est considérable et vaut le coup de s'embêter un (tout petit) peu plus.


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intéressant  ! Réglages appliqués !

Sur 10 1709, le patch semble prêt mais pas encore déployé. Je vais attendre le mois prochain (qui je l'espère corrigera aussi cette mise à jour foireuse de janvier pour 7).

22 hours ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

I am trying to get a grasp on this meltdown and spectre issue as it pertains to our UL's. The lastest UL's say NOT FOR AMD CPU's. Then there is the registry patch which is needed to get the lastest (january 2018) WU.

If I am doing a brand new win 7 install do I use the 12/12/17 UL's then run the patch and I am done or can I use the 1/9/18 with a computer with an amd cpu and run the patch?

can I integrate the NFW 4.7.1 by ricktendo (1/13/2018)

If using malwarebytes v.2 (not v.3) does this anti-virus have any influence on this procedure?

sorry for the confusion.




mooms thx for the reply.

Do you have an answer for the other question I posed?

If I am doing a brand new win 7 install do I use the 12/12/17 UL's then run the patch and I am done. Or CAN I use the 1/9/18 UL's with a computer if it has an amd cpu and run the patch. Lastly should we just wait for M$ to fix this before creating a new iso?



Hi Ron,

which patch do you mean now?


Lastly should we just wait for M$ to fix this before creating a new iso?

This is a good idea :D!

BTW, I tested the add-on from abbodi1406 for NET-FW 4.7.1 https://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?/topic/11127-microsoft-net-framework-471-for-windows-7/

it works very well!

Edited by Thiersee

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53 minutes ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

mooms thx for the reply.

Do you have an answer for the other question I posed?

If I am doing a brand new win 7 install do I use the 12/12/17 UL's then run the patch and I am done. Or CAN I use the 1/9/18 UL's with a computer if it has an amd cpu and run the patch. Lastly should we just wait for M$ to fix this before creating a new iso?


Fix for AMD CPUs is available. But since January patch was buggy I suggest you to wait for the February Patch Tuesday, next Cumulative update will include all fixes. If you are in a hurry, use December UL to install your AMD machine, and then run the fix. Using January UL with an AMD processor (especially old one) will make your machine unbootable!

2 hours ago, Thiersee said:


Hi Ron,

which patch do you mean now?

This is a good idea :D!

BTW, I tested the add-on from abbodi1406 for NET-FW 4.7.1 https://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?/topic/11127-microsoft-net-framework-471-for-windows-7/

it works very well!


1 hour ago, rhahgleuhargh said:

Fix for AMD CPUs is available. But since January patch was buggy I suggest you to wait for the February Patch Tuesday, next Cumulative update will include all fixes. If you are in a hurry, use December UL to install your AMD machine, and then run the fix. Using January UL with an AMD processor (especially old one) will make your machine unbootable!

gentlemen just a word of thanks for all your input. I think sometimes asking these nubie questions may actually help others who might just be browsing the blog. While sometimes a little embarrassing (not knowing as much as a few others on this blog) I certainly have learned much. with that said:

thiersee, the patch I am referring to is the one that rhahgleuhargh linked in a post on pg.90. that's the registry fix to continue to get the January updates through WU. rhahgleuhargh's explanation above clears up the question I asked about which UL to use for a new ISO (or to wait).

1.) What I don't understand: what is in the January UL's that will mess up windows if using an amd cpu (especially and older one). If I was to use the January UL to make a new iso on an amd cpu then immediately run the registry fix (rhahgleuhargh link pg.90) shouldn't that be okay? Meanwhile I read that Intel cpu's are more vulnerable!

2.) The jan ul's and new iso aside, my main machine I built uses an amd fx-8350 cpu. I have the registry fix DL on my desktop but have NOT run it and I have not received the jan. updates through WU. If I run the fix I ASSume I will get the jan. updates through WU. But what will happen in February? Doesn't that reg. fix statement stay in the registry?



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