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  • rhahgleuhargh

    @phaolo, Please have a look in the Installers repack section of this forum. All of these programs can be integrated in "Silent installs + SFX" section of Wintoolkit with silent switches. @TheOtherJeff

  • Hello, J'ai trouvé une solution pour éviter l'installation mensuelle de MRT (et donc de l'emploi d'un leurre). C'est à confirmer, mais il semble qu'il suffit de créer cette clé:  

  • SSUs are permanent updates, Deep clean do not remove them (the 3177467 v1& v2 was exception) KB4490628 is still needed because it's SHA1-signed, and contain the infrastructure to process SHA2

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7 hours ago, ikon said:

4099950 no problem with integrate

It can be integrated, but it will not fix the issue (if present)

just like KB3046269 and KB2603229


although in KB4099950 case, if latest rollup is integrated offline before installing the OS, the NIC issue will not occur

On 1.4.2018 at 6:44 AM, abbodi1406 said:


although in KB4099950 case, if latest rollup is integrated offline before installing the OS, the NIC issue will not occur

It means the patch is not necessary?

Anyway, it would be interesting what MS means with this Info on KB4099950


More information

Important:  This update must be installed prior to installing KB408875 or KB408878

The most people have set Windows to update automatically.

KB4099950 contain PCIClearStaleCache.exe which can be executed on live OS only

it checks pci.sys version and clear the registry cache for NIC (if exist)

if KB4088875 is integrated offline, the stale cache will not exist, and KB4099950 will just ran and installed without fixing anything

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Voici ce que donne le Patch Tuesday de ce mois-ci :

Security Monthly Quality Rollup : KB4093118 remplace KB4088875 et KB4100480 (x64)

Common Updates : KB4099950 (RunOnce) passe prioritaire

Telemetry Updates : KB2952664 v24 mise à jour


Je ferai les tests d'ici la fin de la semaine.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

Chez moi KB4099950 ne m'est pas proposée, mais je suppose que c'est normal puisque d'après l'article de la KB :


Important This update must be installed before you install KB4088875 or KB4088878.

Du coup on se demande comment corriger le problème rencontré pour tous les gens comme moi qui ont installé les màj via WU dès leur sortie...Et aussi si elle servira à quelque-chose si installée en intégration via RunOnce...


(C'est KB2952664 pour la télémétrie ;)).

From the MS-article KB4088875:

A new Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC) that has default settings may replace the previously existing NIC, causing network issues after you apply this update. Any custom settings on the previous NIC persist in the registry but are unused.

This issue is resolved by KB4099950 which will be automatically applied when installing this update

Just yesterday I updated my 2nd  W7-installation on work-pc and observed this WU-behavior:

1) WU requested KB4074598; I installed it and after restart and one or two new search

2) WU requested KB4099950 and 4100480; I install them and after restart and one or two new search

3) WU requested finally (and not earlier!) KB4088875; I installed it, then restart

WU did not request other patches.

May be MS means KB4088875 will not be asked until the other have been installed.

Then, of course, today KB4093118; in the same article MS says this one corrects the problems of KB4088875 and the reg-key QualityCompat is not necessary anymore.

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KB4099950 m'a été demandée sur toutes mes machines virtuelles bien que j'aie au préalable déjà installé KB4088875 (la première version) via WU. Après est-ce que ça marche ou pas, si installée après, bonne question ! Si on doit lancer plusieurs rounds de redémarrages avant d'installer des mises à jour cumulatives, je pense qu'on n'a pas fini !

Erreur typo corrigée sur KB2952664.

Tested x86-integration of KB4093118 instead of KB4088875, KB4099950 under silent-installers: no issues or requests from WU.

The REG-key (QualityCompat) is still necessary, otherwise WU will ask for 4 old update for windows and 2 for NET-FW: have a look to the pictures in my post from March 25 This page or the previous one).

May be tomorrow I can test x64.

Guys I was away on vacation for 12 weeks. Tried following the last page or 2 of posts, but difficult without actually doing tests on a VM. 

I will be using the April UL's. I only make the x64 version of home premium. I'll also be incorporating ricktendos NFW 4.7.1 (1/13/2018) in my silent list. I'll be using WTK1.6.0.1. I see that there is a WTK v. on the public page, but I get an error every time I start it. Is this a known problem?

Will I have to add the AV.REG file to WTK tweaks? Is that regfile still necessary to continue to get future WU?

Anything else to be on the lookout for?


6 minutes ago, pennsylvaniaron said:


 I see that there is a WTK v. on the public page, but I get an error every time I start it. Is this a known problem?

Yes, it is!



Will I have to add the AV.REG file to WTK tweaks? Is that regfile still necessary to continue to get future WU?


Have a look to my last post ^_^.

39 minutes ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

I see that there is a WTK v. on the public page, but I get an error every time I start it. Is this a known problem?


39 minutes ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

Will I have to add the AV.REG file to WTK tweaks? Is that regfile still necessary to continue to get future WU?


I just completed my iso using wtk 1605 on my VM. I have 6 updates when initially running WU. They are

4041083 & 4049016 (have to do with nfw security), 3185319, 2676562, 3123479, 3118401

i was told to put the av.reg file in tweaks and 4099950 in silent installers, position #1...

I installed the above 6 updates successfully, then did a deep clean. files that were superseded are 2534111, 2685811, 2685813 (these 2 I install with all the updates).  I am using the convenience method.

everything seems fine but aren't these 6 updates too many for the initial WU check?


8 hours ago, pennsylvaniaron said:

i was told to put the av.reg file in tweaks and 4099950 in silent installers, position #1...

Please, post your preset.ini.


4041083 & 4049016 (have to do with nfw security), 3185319, 2676562, 3123479, 3118401

I get exactly those requests, if I don't integrate the AV.reg too


I installed the above 6 updates successfully, then did a deep clean. files that were superseded are 2534111, 2685811, 2685813

2534111 is normal; the other two will be not deepcleaned, if you integrate them as RunOnce; this is anyway a very old matter.


everything seems fine but aren't these 6 updates too many for the initial WU check?

Sometimes needs WU 1 or two restart and a bit time to realize they are not necessary....

Tout d'abord un grand merci aux différents contributeurs de ce forum.

Depuis le temps que je passe ici, je n'avais jamais remercié. Veuillez m'en excuser.


Après mon test du pack simplix, j'ai donc suivi les infos de ce post.

Mon bilan :

WU me propose en maj importantes : 

- 3042058 : l'année dernière, je m'étais déjà noté qu'il fallait l'installer en manuel. Suis-je le seul ?

- 915597 : maj de Windows Defender

- 2538243 : maj du Redistribuable 2008 C++

- et les KBs à exclure

Pour les maj facultatives :

- 2902907 et 3140479 pour MSE

- 4093113 : qui serait une évolution du dernier rollup 4093118 !?


Il me reste à tester le patch pour l'exclusion de certains KBs.

A noter que l'intégration via WTK m'a pris 2h ; à comparer au 1h pour simplix.


Quelques remarques sur le tuto :

Il faudrait indiquer d'utiliser les versions 1.x de WTK.

J'avais pris la dernière 2.x et elle ne permet plus d'inclure des .exe ; bizarre d'ailleurs.



Je me demande si l'installation du mode XP fonctionne ? Je n'ai aucun raccourci avec le .exe obtenu via WUD.

Et sur ce lien, ils proposent un .msu bien moins gros.

Quelques doutes aussi sur le pack RunOnce. Comment doit apparaître Microsoft Update ?

Dans le menu Démarrer, je vois toujours Windows Update.

J'ai installé la 4093113 mais maintenant il redemande la 493118. Bizarre mais déjà dans les numéros, je trouvais étrange qu'une KB évolution est un numéro inférieur au KB qu'il remplace !?

Edited by camisole

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