June 20, 201410 yr Author Hello,Windows XP a encore de beaux jours devant lui. Des mises à jour sont encore disponibles si on ajoute une clé dans le registre pour le faire passer pour un distributeur POSready (voir ici), je l'ai fait il y a deux mois et les mises à jour ne font pas planter le système (par contre le jour où ces terminaux ne seront plus mis à jour, ce sera définitivement adieu, mais je pense que ma machine ne vivra pas aussi loin !), et avec un navigateur comme Chrome ou Firefox , on peut aller sur Internet sans trop de risques (mais sauf la banque et sites trop confidentiels je te l'accorde).Pour le SSD tu as raison, mon 60 Go n'a plus que 4 Go de libres avec Windows 7 64 bit et quelques programmes. Les prix heureusement ont un peu baissé...
June 20, 201410 yr Bonjour, concernant POSready, j'ai fait quelques testset le résultat était positif. J'approfondirai peut être le sujet si j'ai plus de temps. @+
July 10, 201410 yr Author Hello,Voici les UL mises à jour pour juillet.Changelog (identique x86 et x64) : Updates :Ajout de KB2973351, KB2971850, KB2973201, KB2961072, KB2972280, KB2966583, KB2973337.KB2952664 passe en V3 (recocher la mise à jour)Mise à jour de WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX, WUClient-SelfUpdate-Aux-TopLevel, et WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-TopLevel (attention, il faut aussi recocher ces trois mises à jour).Nettoyage des mises à jour obsolètes : KB2835364, KB2930275, KB2929961, et KB2875783 (UL x64). Les autres mises à jour remplacées sur les bulletins MU ne figuraient déjà plus sur les UL.IE 11 :KB2962872 remplace KB2957689. Edited July 11, 201410 yr by rhahgleuhargh
July 10, 201410 yr Hi rhahgleuhargh, thanks for the new lists! Only one point:KB2875783 has been replaced by KB2961072 (only on x64-systems), but is still in the list.Source: https://technet.microsoft.com/library/security/MS14-040. Thiersee
July 11, 201410 yr Author hello,I know for this update, but I didn't found it in the list when I updated it, but I was not at home and hadn't a good notepad editor. I'll have a look with notepad++ and provide the correction. EDIT : found it. UL updated. Edited July 11, 201410 yr by rhahgleuhargh
August 13, 201410 yr Hi rhahgleuhargh, if this can help you with the new list, here the links for the august updates12-08-2014Windows:http://download.microsoft.com/download/D/4/A/D4A2618F-4980-4EB1-8C56-72F80DEB9F07/IE11-Windows6.1-KB2976627-x64.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/1/B/2/1B26EB6B-F9A8-47EF-8514-894C46E903C9/IE11-Windows6.1-KB2976627-x86.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/A/B/5/AB57A8A0-DB67-42F4-ADBA-C1E3228AD514/Windows6.1-KB2937610-x64.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/A/B/5/AB57A8A0-DB67-42F4-ADBA-C1E3228AD514/Windows6.1-KB2937610-x86.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/4/3/E/43E3815A-0C85-43A6-8C3D-AAFD77D5A287/Windows6.1-KB2943357-x64.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/4/3/E/43E3815A-0C85-43A6-8C3D-AAFD77D5A287/Windows6.1-KB2943357-x86.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/9/4/9/94917BD5-F8E1-4CD9-AFC3-E9BD5CE041EB/Windows6.1-KB2918614-x64.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/3/9/9/399F205D-C7F6-42CB-913B-A5D0687BA9C9/Windows6.1-KB2918614-x86.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/F/E/E/FEE248F9-EE9A-40C1-9683-7A23D65AF426/Windows6.1-KB2976897-x64.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/5/9/4/594B9DD1-17F5-4D66-A708-B47E9BEB5D17/Windows6.1-KB2976897-x86.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/5/8/A/58AB6A71-2A23-4564-8BBE-771491073EE4/Windows6.1-KB2978668-x64.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/4/B/6/4B6646A3-80D2-4BDA-866E-3A26D37C2C1F/Windows6.1-KB2978668-x86.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/7/3/B/73BECB5F-F5C9-4802-B7DF-AEEC7508AF9E/Windows6.1-KB2978742-x64.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/C/F/8/CF82AF63-21D4-4F6D-A5D5-A41720FF1B53/Windows6.1-KB2978742-x86.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/2/E/C/2EC10A24-386D-4BEF-A028-967D146FC1A0/Windows6.1-KB2982791-x64.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/B/9/6/B96EC102-8D83-4F6C-A51F-B634336BEA73/Windows6.1-KB2982791-x86.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/6/5/A/65ACA483-5BAD-4544-8413-C46E4A30001D/Windows6.1-KB2970228-x64.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/8/B/0/8B068E69-26E6-49CA-AC2E-7FBCD9AC983D/Windows6.1-KB2970228-x86.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/C/9/2/C92E789E-F841-4CCE-A434-7EB447258D68/Windows6.1-KB2980245-x64.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/5/9/4/594724AF-C15D-4E1E-BE3E-7ABC72BCC4BE/Windows6.1-KB2980245-x86.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/E/3/1/E316ABD2-719C-4A19-A763-B4CE86C90DEA/Windows6.1-KB2981580-x64.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/F/1/F/F1FC2BBD-3125-41D6-8936-01462888139E/Windows6.1-KB2981580-x86.msu New updates (only windows): KB2976627 IE11, replaced KB2962872KB2937610 .NET-FW 3.5.1, replaced KB2898857, KB2844286, KB2863240KB2943357 .NET-FW 3.5.1, replaced 2756921KB2918614, no replacementKB2976897, replaced KB2876284KB2978668, replaced KB2849470KB2978742, no replacementKB2982791, no replacementKB2970228, no replacementKB2980245, no replacementKB2981580, no replacement "No replacement" means no replacement at all or no replaced KBs in your list. Edit:there is another update on MS update-catalog: KB2952664-v4, not (yet) coming on WU: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/Search.aspx?q=2952664 Regards, Thiersee Edit 2: Since last patch-day I get an update KB976932 (windows 7 SP1!) 5,9 MB big and ONLY FOR x86! (published 12.08.2014) Edited August 14, 201410 yr by Thiersee
August 15, 201410 yr Author Hello Thiersee,Thx for the list, I was on holyday and had no access to any computer, your post saved a lot of time for me to update the lists. I have the same results as you on my machines (x86 and x64).I have now some tests to do with both x86 and x64 updated ULs, and I'll publish them.I have the same 5 MB KB976932 asked for Win7 x86 after reboot, but I don't know where to DL this (original KB on WU catalog is about 541 MB, it's Win7 SP1). It seems that an update broke something on SP1 in Win7 x86... Maybe it's not needed after a fresh integration, wait and see after tests on VM.
August 15, 201410 yr ......I have the same 5 MB KB976932 asked for Win7 x86 after reboot, but I don't know where to DL this (original KB on WU catalog is about 541 MB, it's Win7 SP1). It seems that an update broke something on SP1 in Win7 x86...I don't know it too :ranting: ! Maybe it's not needed after a fresh integration, wait and see after tests on VM.I installed Win7 x86 (X17-59886) in the VirtualBox (untouched, only ei.cfg removed to test Prof and HB):the same result, this 6MB-Update for SP1 comes, NOT depending, if a fresh ISO or with all the updates, and does not depends on a particular update! Thiersee Edit: I've just installed Win7 SP1 HomePremium again (VirtualBox) and I DID NOT GET KB976932-request from WU :ranting:!May be it depends from this extra-update KB2952664-v4?????I don't know, really. Thiersee Edited August 15, 201410 yr by Thiersee
August 15, 201410 yr Author Hello,I've tested a fresh install with last UL included, I didn't get KB976932 asked.
August 15, 201410 yr Author Hello,Voici les UL mises à jour au mois d'aoûtChangelog identique entre x86 et x64 :Updates :KB2937610 (FW 3.5.1) remplace KB2898857, KB2844286, KB2863240KB2943357 (FW 3.5.1) remplace KB2756921KB2918614KB2976897 remplace KB2876284KB2978668 remplace KB2849470KB2978742KB2982791KB2952664 passe en V4KB2970228KB2980245KB2981580Suppression de KB2699779, KB2729452, KB2789645, KB2798162, KB2876331, KB2904266, KB2926765 obsolètes d'après le log du nettoyage de disque.IE 11KB2976627 remplace KB2962872Réarrangement interne des fichiers de la liste. EDIT : Pour les versions x86 uniquement, WU redemande de temps en temps une partie de KB976932 pack SP1 de Windows 7 (3.9 MB au lieu des 541). Cela survient aléatoirement (deux fois sur trois tests en MV, et tout le temps sur une mise à jour classique en réél), et je n'ai ni d'explication ni de solution pour le moment !EDIT 18-08-2014 : Retrait de KB2982791 (recommandation de MS du 16-08-2014).EDIT 21-08-2014 : Retrait de KB2970228, remise de KB2876331 suite au retrait de l'Update patch du mois d'août par MS. Désolé pour toutes ces modifications, mais là, ce n'est pas ma faute ! Edited August 20, 201410 yr by rhahgleuhargh
August 15, 201410 yr Author Hello,Non, je les reposte dès que j'ai fini mes tests, j'avais oublié de vérifier les MAJ retirées par le nettoyage de disque, et il y en a un paquet ! EDIT : c'est fait ! Edited August 15, 201410 yr by rhahgleuhargh
August 16, 201410 yr ........EDIT : Pour les versions x86 uniquement, WU redemande de temps en temps une partie de KB976932 pack SP1 de Windows 7 (3.9 MB au lieu des 541). Cela survient aléatoirement (deux fois sur trois tests en MV, et tout le temps sur une mise à jour classique en réél), et je n'ai ni d'explication ni de solution pour le moment ! I can confirm it, with only ONE difference to first "appearing" of this request:at the beginning was the size of the requested update 5,9 MB, released 12.08.2014 (my post #56), now it's 3,9 MB, released, like SP1, 31.05.2011! Microsoft, what are you doing? Thiersee Edited August 16, 201410 yr by Thiersee
August 16, 201410 yr MS has released another extra-update after patch-day: KB2991509 http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/D/2/3D2C2BB9-A285-4A95-9683-4BE3A77D4197/IE11-Windows6.1-KB2991509-x64.msuhttp://download.microsoft.com/download/C/7/0/C70910EF-7067-4877-B44F-FBE1E10060EE/IE11-Windows6.1-KB2991509-x86.msu It doesn't come (yet) on WU, but who knows what MS does...Discovered by WHD. Thiersee Edited August 16, 201410 yr by Thiersee
August 16, 201410 yr KB2982791 a été retirée, MS recommande de la désinstaller. Bulletin Information:=====================MS14-045 - Important- https://technet.microsoft.com/library/security/ms14-045- Reason for Revision: V2.0 (August 15, 2014): Bulletin revisedto remove Download Center links for Microsoft security update2982791. Microsoft recommends that customers uninstall thisupdate. See the Update FAQ for details.
August 17, 201410 yr KB2982791 a été retirée, MS recommande de la désinstaller. Hallelujah! After deinstalling (in the morning) already four times BlueScreen... :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:
August 17, 201410 yr No problem encountered, before or after uninstalling. You can find workarounds here.
August 17, 201410 yr No problem here either. I uninstalled KB2982791 on both(x64) live and vmware systems but new - KB2876331 just showed up.
August 18, 201410 yr Author Hello,Correction faite sur les ULs. Retrait de KB2982791.NB : KB2876331 est déjà dans les ULs x86 et x64 (2013-11-13). Edited August 18, 201410 yr by rhahgleuhargh
August 19, 201410 yr ..... KB2876331 just showed up.The same here:I installed without KB2982791 and KB2970228 and KB2876331 was asked by WU. @rhahgleuhargh NB : KB2876331 est déjà dans les ULs x86 et x64 (2013-11-13). But in the UL of 18.08.2014 is under "MAJ supprimées".
August 19, 201410 yr Author Hello Thiersee,Exact, but only in the x64 UL. x86 list is correct.Correction done, list republished. You should have 141 updates in x86 UL, and 142 in x64 UL. Edited August 19, 201410 yr by rhahgleuhargh
August 19, 201410 yr MS recommends to uninstall KB2970228 as well as KB2982791. KB2991509 is a fix for KB2976627.
August 19, 201410 yr Author MS recommends to uninstall KB2970228 as well as KB2982791. KB2991509 is a fix for KB2976627.Hello,I've readen in a french site that these updates are recommended to be uninstalled in Windows 8.1, are you sure if it's the case for Windows 7 too ? I need to make a test in VM with both x64 and x86 lists without the august update patchwith the view to see which updates are asked, but I'm not home this week (I can modify the ULs since I have an Internet access, but can't test them).If someone can test, please post here, and I'll do the modifications. Or, just be patient until next week !
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