November 8, 20159 yr En effet... Du coup, je l'ai écrit en batch. Vous pouvez coller ce qui est en bleu dans un fichier .bat (éditable avec un éditeur de texte) :(remarque : pour que la fenêtre se ferme à la fin de l'opération sans intervention, enlever la ligne "pause")(remarque 2 : pour réactiver la tâche planifiée, remplacez Disable par Enable)(remarque 3 : l'absence préalable d'une des tâches ou services ne pose aucun problème) SOLUTION A : Désactivation des tâches planifiées et services @echo --- DESACTIVATION DES MOUCHARDS ---@echo - De WindowsSchTasks /change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\Consolidator" /DisableSchTasks /change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\KernelCeipTask" /DisableSchTasks /change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\Uploader" /DisableSchTasks /change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\USBCeip" /DisableSchTasks /change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\AitAgent" /DisableSchTasks /change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser" /DisableSchTasks /change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater" /DisableSchTasks /change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\DiskDiagnostic\Microsoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticDataCollector" /Disable@echo - Si PC portableSchTasks /change /TN "WPD/SqmUpload_S-1-5-21-3244633361-4016055161-2943779436-1000" /Disable@echo - Si Office 2010SchTasks /change /TN "OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform/SvcRestart task" /Disable@echo - Si Office 2007 ou 2003SchTasks /change /TN "Microsoft/Office Genuine Advantage\OGALogon" /Disable@echo - ARRET IMMEDIAT de Diagnostics Tracking Service (KB3022345)sc stop DiagTrack@echo - LANCEMENT DESACTIVE de Diagnostics Tracking Service (KB3022345)sc config DiagTrack start= disabledpause SOLUTION B : Suppression des tâches planifiées et services (LA SUPPRESSION EST DEFINITIVE !) @echo --- SUPPRESSION DES MOUCHARDS ---@echo - De WindowsSchTasks /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\Consolidator" /Delete /fSchTasks /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\KernelCeipTask" /Delete /fSchTasks /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\Uploader" /Delete /fSchTasks /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\USBCeip" /Delete /fSchTasks /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\AitAgent" /Delete /fSchTasks /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser" /Delete /fSchTasks /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater" /Delete /fSchTasks /TN "Microsoft\Windows\DiskDiagnostic\Microsoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticDataCollector" /Delete /f@echo - Si PC portableSchTasks /TN "WPD/SqmUpload_S-1-5-21-3244633361-4016055161-2943779436-1000" /Delete /f@echo - Si Office 2010SchTasks /TN "OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform/SvcRestart task" /Delete /f@echo - Si Office 2007 ou 2003SchTasks /TN "Microsoft/Office Genuine Advantage\OGALogon" /Delete /f@echo - ARRET IMMEDIAT de Diagnostics Tracking Service (KB3022345)sc stop DiagTrack@echo - SUPPRESSION de Diagnostics Tracking Service (KB3022345)sc delete DiagTrackpause Edited November 9, 20159 yr by zimxavier
November 8, 20159 yr C'est super ça, il faudrait le compléter avec tous les autres mouchards connus et en faire un exe à lancer au 1er démarrage !
November 9, 20159 yr Oui c'est l'idée. Ceci étant, ça reste tout aussi fonctionnel sur une machine déjà installée et mise à jour par Windows Update. J'ai édité mon batch pour apporter des précisions et ajouter le service Diagnostics Tracking Service obtenu par installation de la KB3022345. Si vous en connaissez d'autres, n'hésitez pas à me le dire :beerchug: Edited November 9, 20159 yr by zimxavier
November 11, 20159 yr Author Hello,Voici ce que donne le Patch Tuesday d'hier (identique x64 et x86) :IE 11 : KB3100773 remplace KB3093983 (EDIT : apparemment uniquement sur les systèmes non anglais).net FW 3.5.1 KB3097989 remplace KB2979570Updates : KB3081320 remplace KB3067505KB3092601 remplace KB2961072 et KB3014406KB3097877 remplace KB3070102 et KB3095649 --> attention, il faut utiliser la nouvelle version du 12/11 !!KB3100213 remplace KB3069114KB3101246 remplace KB3067505KB3101722 KB3101746 remplace KB3067505, KB3081320 et KB3101246KB3107998 remplace KB3045645 et KB2820331 (x64)W10 / télémétrie : KB3102810 passe prioritaire EDIT : après test il s'avère que KB3081320 et KB3101246 sont remplacées par KB3101746... alors qu'elle est parue en même temps.Si vous n'installez pas IE 11 KB3093983 avant KB3100773, il peut y avoir des bugs au niveau des paramètres d'IE 11 (fichiers langues non mis à jour). Edited November 12, 20159 yr by rhahgleuhargh
November 11, 20159 yr Hi, KB3097877 remplace KB3070102and KB3095649 (optional from 21-10-2015, look at post #907). IE 11 : KB3100773 remplace KB3093983Have a look here (from post #10183 onwards). KB3101246 & KB3081320 have been uninstalled as superseded by DeepClean. I did NOT update my working PC, Only a VM. Thiersee
November 11, 20159 yr @rhahgleuhargh Hi Google translation french - german is horrible. Do i understand right: 3081320 and 3101746 are Runonce? :questionmark: :questionmark: 3101246 is normal integratable?Thanks for your answer
November 11, 20159 yr Hi wela, if you are registered on MDL have a look at the link in my previous post.Anyway, MS says at note [1]the three KBs should be installed in that order: KB3101246, KB3081320, KB3101746.But after a DeepClean KB3101246 & KB3081320 are uninstalled as superseded...
November 11, 20159 yr Author @wela,I'm currently testing an integration !To my opinion, there will be no need to integrate KB3081320 and 3101246 since they seem to be superseded by KB3101746 (they are deleted via deep-clean in all my VM). But M$ recommend to integrate them in this order : 1 KB3101246 2 KB3081320 3 KB3101746. All are integrable offline but there will be a bug if not integrated in this order.@Thiersee,Oops, missed this post in MDL. I'll put back KB3093983.
November 11, 20159 yr To my opinion, there will be no need to integrate KB3081320 and 3101246 since they seem to be superseded by KB3101746 (they are deleted via deep-clean in all my VM). But M$ recommend to integrate them in this order : 1 KB3101246 2 KB3081320 3 KB3101746. All are integrable offline but there will be a bug if not integrated in this order What a mess :nunchaku:
November 11, 20159 yr Author @wela,it's now usual with M$ updates !IE 11 update is cumulative only for english systems.for the 3 updates, only KB3101746 seems to be needed, I'll report after my test.
November 11, 20159 yr .....@Thiersee,Oops, missed this post in MDL. I'll put back KB3093983. No problem! I updated yesterday a VM (german, x64 prof) and I saw for a moment in the programs two position for IE11:the normal one (Ibternet Explorer) and a second one (Internet Explorer 64bit (without AddOn)); after restart disappeared the 2nd one. BTW, the update on my test-HW has just finished: stay online, I can tell you the result in, let say, 10 min. here the results:DeepClean uninstalled KB2820331KB2961072KB2979570KB3014406KB3045645KB5069114KB3081320KB3088195KB3101246 If the list of the installed updates represents the real install-order, then it is NOT true, what MS says on the bulletin MS15-122 (and the other two related) in the note [1] "Windows is taking care to install in the right order" But the worst problem for me is that Teamviewer crashes, no matter if stable or BETA or which version: because of that I will NOT update, until I have an explanation!
November 11, 20159 yr Author @Thiersee,I had the same result after update in my VMs (ISO from last month updated via WU).My updated x64 ISO preparation is still running I'll report eventual bugs after new install.I'll do the x86 integration without KB3101246 and KB3082310 and keeping previous IE 11 update.I don't use Teamviewer, I can't report anything about it.
November 11, 20159 yr Author Je confirme que KB3081820 et KB3101246 sont supprimées au deep-clean sur une installation fraîche après intégration dans l'ordre correct. On va pouvoir les virer de la liste !A vue de nez, pas de souci sur IE 11 avec seulement la dernière mise à jour cumulative intégrée.Je commence mon test d'intégration en x86 sans les 2 KBs.
November 11, 20159 yr But the worst problem for me is that Teamviewer crashes, no matter if stable or BETA or which version: because of that I will NOT update, until I have an explanation! I found the culprit: KB3097877 :ranting:!After uninstalling it TeamViewer works again. The question is now, if the System can stay without thi update. Thiersee
November 11, 20159 yr Author @Thiersee,2 solutions : if other programs hang because of this update, M$ will correct it ; if not, Teamviewer will have to be updated.Is there any support for this soft ?
November 11, 20159 yr @Thiersee,2 solutions : if other programs hang because of this update, M$ will correct it ; if not, Teamviewer will have to be updated.Is there any support for this soft ?Of course, there is a support, the software is only for personal and not commercial use free, otherwise it costs 499 €!I wrote an email to the support.
November 12, 20159 yr Author @Thiersee,You're not the only one to encounter problems after this update. Example here.I'll remove KB3097877 from UL until the bug is solved.
November 12, 20159 yr Hi to all MS released a corrected version of 3097877 today. hope it helps. I downloaded it from catalog.update. addition:Now is WU on my Laptop with a corrected Version activ. Edited November 12, 20159 yr by wela
November 12, 20159 yr Yes, with the new release it works again!Tested in a VM and on a real HW in Italy (TeamViewer). @rhahgleuhargh:you can put the new release of KB3097877 back in the UL . Edited November 12, 20159 yr by Thiersee
November 12, 20159 yr Author OK guys,Thank you for the info.I just need to test x86 VM (ISO terminated too late yesterday) and I'll publish updated ULs.
November 12, 20159 yr Guys,I get a error when I want to slipstream KB3101746 without KB3101246 & KB3081320. Did you all suceed to integrated this into the wim file? Or must I use it with the runonce install?
November 12, 20159 yr Author @Camino,I'm currently testing x86 installation with only KB3101746 and not the others, all seems to be OK.What's your config ? ie x64 or x86 ?
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