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  • rhahgleuhargh

    @phaolo, Please have a look in the Installers repack section of this forum. All of these programs can be integrated in "Silent installs + SFX" section of Wintoolkit with silent switches. @TheOtherJeff

  • Hello, J'ai trouvé une solution pour éviter l'installation mensuelle de MRT (et donc de l'emploi d'un leurre). C'est à confirmer, mais il semble qu'il suffit de créer cette clé:  

  • SSUs are permanent updates, Deep clean do not remove them (the 3177467 v1& v2 was exception) KB4490628 is still needed because it's SHA1-signed, and contain the infrastructure to process SHA2

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Changelog de février 2016 (idem x86 et x64) :


W10 / Telemetry : KB2952664 passe en v16 remplace KB3121461 ; KB3135445 remplace KB3112343 ; KB3123862

RDP 8.1 : KB3126446 remplace KB3069762

IE 11 Updates : KB3134814 remplace KB3124275 ; KB3141092 (liée à KB3134814).

Updates : KB3115858 remplace KB3100213

KB3124280 remplace KB3019215

KB3126587 remplace KB2619339, KB3121212 et KB3121918, KB3063858 (x86)

KB3126593 remplace KB3072633

KB3134214 remplace KB3124000

.net FW 3.5.1 : KB3122648, KB3127220. KB3072305 de mai 2015 est demandée après installation de l'ISO.


Je commence les tests pour vérifier qu'aucune autre mise à jour n'est remplacée. Je modifie aussi le fichier W10, mais il faut que je fasse plusieurs tests pour vérifier si toutes les anciennes mises à jour liées à Windows 10 sont encore demandées. Cela devrait aller plus vite, j'ai ajouté un disque SSD pour mes tests, ça prend maintenant 1h pour préparer l'image de 7x64 au lieu de 3h30 !

Edited by rhahgleuhargh
changelog définitif

2 hours ago, rhahgleuhargh said:


IE 11 Updates : KB3134814 remplace KB3124275 ; KB3141092 (liée à KB3134814).


KB3141092: if I understood right it's for Enterprise




KB3124280 remplace KB3076949, KB3019215


Are you sure? No trace of that on MS-Catalog.




KB3126587 remplace KB3121212 et KB3121918

KB3126593 remplace KB3101217


Are you sure? No trace of that on MS-Catalog.

Further a back-search on KB3121212 says it has been replaced by KB3126593 and KB3126587; at the same time MS-Catalog says for both KB3126587 & KB3126593 they replaced KB3121918 & 3121212.



P.S.: sorry for not have chances this time to test intensively: my wife is in the hospital and I'm not much time at home.

Edited by Thiersee

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Hi Thiersee

I didn't look on WUcatalog Website (no time this evening, will do it later), I just took infos in Microsoft download center and abbodi's WHD list changelog before I left my work, and forget to remove KB3101217 and KB3076949 (they weren't in ULs). Post edited.

I just tested x64 new UL, all is fine except that .net FW 3.5.1 KB3072305 from september 2015 is asked by WU (wasn't asked before, and never has been superseded). KB2619339 and KB3072633 were removed by deep-clean at the first boot (previous post edited).

I wish a good recovery to your wife, hope all is fine.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

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ULs mises à jour uploadées. Tests OK en MV. J'y ai aussi ajouté KB3072305 (.net FW 3.5.1 de septembre 2015) qui est demandée au premier lancement de WU. Il faudra donc naviguer dans le listing de la catégorie "Updates" pour la sélectionner.

Le script W10 est aussi mis à jour. Il devient long à charger car contient 15 mises à jour à masquer. En effet, toutes les anciennes KBs relatives à W10 sont demandées lorsque vous masquez les 8 KBs de l'UL... Normalement toutes ces mises à jour relatives à W10 ne devraient plus être proposées après juillet 2016, date où le passage à W10 sera payant. On verra !

Interesting problem.

I used the most recent Feb UL. Downloaded the updates that were missing...

Integrated into a clean image, installed, and two updates were re-requested (2592687,  3035583)

The RDP update 2592687 may have been caused by me integrating them in the wrong order, but the 3035583 update I had in my download folder was not the most recent version - the more recent version uses the same filename (October vs December).  It would seem that WUD didn't think it needed to download the later version because the file was already there - the exact filename!

Can anyone else confirm this problem?

Edited by n0nsense

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For KB2592687 check the prerequisites with Wintoolkit (I don't remember the exact order).

KB3035583-v2 last version is in the UL, I just forgot to update the date (october vs december 18). Since I never integrate W10 related updates (I prefer to migrate directly with last Windows 10.1511 ISO) I didn't make any test with it. Have you integrated this update in RunOnce (it's impossible to integrate it offline) ?

EDIT : Yes, you have to reDL the last version of KB3035583 with WUD : the program doesn't reDL the file if it has the same name as the previous one. The v2 was updated keeping the same number version.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

Thanks rhahgleuhargh

I've found the correct order for KB2592687, which now works.

I downloaded the updated KB3035583-v2, but kept it to one side to integrate at RunOnce.

I was wondering why some updates don't integrate very nicely offline, so I searched the contents of every update and discovered that the following list of updates all have extra files inside, not just the .cab, which makes me think they are meant to be installed 'online'.  What are your thoughts?


When I don't integrate these offline, my SFC /SCANNOW has no problems!  And once integrated at RunOnce, the Check for Windows Update now only takes 5 minutes, whereas before it was taking much much longer...(sometimes hours!)

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I never checked SFC /Scannow before until someone pointed out sfc errors last month with latest Wintoolkit version and december UL (all was OK with august UL, no test for sept, oct, and nov ones). I remember that an old previous of Wintoolkit version induced Sfc errors, but this bug was solved after : since a lot of updates of your list are old, if they induced sfc errors, all ISO created with new versions of Wintoolkit should have sfc errors, so I'm not sure that all these KBs induce the problem. Did you make a test with only the more recent ones integrated in RunOnce (ie 3033929 to 3068708) ? You may point this bug to Legolash2o.

Concerning WU, I made some tests with latest WU client (W10 related updates) : no improvement ! During standard tests with older WU client, access to WU takes 30 s up to 20 min, my opinion is that depends of WU servers charge.


I'm not using Wintoolkit, I integrate them from the command line.

You are right, it is difficult to track down what is causing the SFC problem, but I'll keep testing and post back anything significant.

Kind regards


test sur partition formatée x64-HP

tout est OK sauf le souci avec KB2533552.
W10.vbs OK
DeapClean OK

Par contre, dans "Win7-Post-SP1 GDR-x64-MULTI.ul" la KB3035583 n'est pas tout à fait à sa place mais celà n'a pas de conséquences.


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Reupload des ULs de février. la nouvelle version du forum permet d'envoyer directement au format .ulz. J'en ai profité pour corriger les coquilles de la date pour KB3035585 et ajouté ADD- pour KB3102429 que j'avais oublié de mettre.

Pour ceux qui avaient déjà téléchargé la version précédente, ce n'est pas la peine de le refaire.


I'm not using Wintoolkit, I integrate them from the command line.

You are right, it is difficult to track down what is causing the SFC problem, but I'll keep testing and post back anything significant.

Kind regards

I´ve found some reports about problems with kb3126587 and kb3126593, hope it helps.




Edited by wela

@wela  Thank you for taking the time to look for those links.

I'm still doing testing at the moment, but the problems I was experiencing may have been related to my own setup.


2 new "Optional" Updates Feb 16 2016:

KB3118401 Update for Universal C Runtime in Windows

x86: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=51137

x64: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=51161

KB3121255 "0x00000024" Stop error in FsRtlNotifyFilterReportChange and VSS backup of PI Data server fails in Windows

x86: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=51132

x64: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=51115


KB3121255 supersede KB2928562 per MS Update Catalog and Disk Cleanup "deepclean" result tested on Pro x64 VM & Live system:

2016-02-17 02:53:44, Info                  CBS    Adding: Package_for_KB2928562~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~

2016-02-17 02:54:26, Info                  CBS    DC: Package_for_KB2928562~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ unique components: 4 Size: 3.27 MB (3,431,120 bytes)


Edited by Pink_Freud

Hi everybody,

I need some help for two issues I have since last patch-day; they regard only Win7 HP x86.

1) After installing Win7 I start WPI and the first program is W10.exe: after a couple of minutes W10.exe stops running and says "Runtime error in vbs, error-nr. 800A0007"; I quit the error with OK and WPI continues with the other programs. At the end the W10-related KBs are not moved to the section for excluded KBs.


2) After WPI has finished and the machine rebooted I start a search in WU: no chance, I got the error 8007000E; if I re-register wups2.dll  the search works: I found the hint in internet. To re-register:

net stop wuauserv

regsvr32 /s %windir%\system32\wups2.dll

net start wuauserv


I tested with:

a. UL 09-09-2016: update, RDP, IE11 and the first three additional updates

b. VirtualBox (x86-VM)

c. the same INI I've used since months! Those INIs have been working until january.

With Win7-x64 HomePremium and Professional (italian or german) absolutely no problems!

Do somebody know, where can I begin to search, what is different or what I made wrong?


Thanks in advance for your hints or help., Thiersee

Edited by Thiersee

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Hello Thiersee,

I encountered the same problem after upgrading to last Virtualbox version and x86 VM. I have an other problem, display shows an old Win95 aspect (no aerobasic style). Since I deleted previous version I can't do an other test. All is OK with new x64 VM.

If W10 is the guilty (perhaps too much updates for x86 Virtual RAM), using previous version or deleting 2 new updates in the script could solve the bug.

Edited by rhahgleuhargh

3 hours ago, rhahgleuhargh said:

Hello Thiersee,

I encountered the same problem after upgrading to last Virtualbox version and x86 VM. I have an other problem, display shows an old Win95 aspect (no aerobasic style). Since I deleted previous version I can't do an other test. All is OK with new x64 VM.

If W10 is the guilty (perhaps too much updates for x86 Virtual RAM), using previous version or deleting 2 new updates in the script could solve the bug.

VirtualBox (RAM 4GB, 2 cores used):

I use version 4.3.12; with the actual version 5.x.x I get an error, if I try to start a VM.

To much W10-updates? Could be a possibility; I will try it tomorrow.


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10 hours ago, Thiersee said:

VirtualBox (RAM 4GB, 2 cores used):

I use version 4.3.12; with the actual version 5.x.x I get an error, if I try to start a VM.

To much W10-updates? Could be a possibility; I will try it tomorrow.


Ok, so it's not due to newer version of VirtualBox (the error with versions 5.x occurs when you patched uxtheme.dll).

Have someone tested W10 script in a real x86 installation ? if there are too much updates for x86 memory, I'll need to split it in 2 parts, not sure if it will work. But in this case, why does it work without any problem in x64 ?

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