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No problem integrating the updates, but the drivers....well.....there's another kind of story ...

see the attachment.



Edited by Sorin

Din cate ai observat, sau poate nu ai fost atent indeajuns, doar fisierele .inf sunt adaugate la vedere dintr-un pachet de drivere !  :)
in alta ordine de idei, driverele pentru Nvidia Display cat si pentru ATI Display, sunt recomandate a fi instalate din desktop direct , nu via third party software !
deci, pune-le la Silent Installers +SFX ! dai click sa copie si folderul apoi pui switch de silent install (pentru NVIDIA = setup.exe -s -clean -noreboot -noeula )


From what you have seen, or have not been careful enough, only files. Toiletries are added to the view of a package of drivers! :)
in other news, drivers for Nvidia and ATI Display Display, are recommended to be installed from the desktop directly, not via third party software! 
So put them in Silent Installers + SFX! click to copy the folder and then put the silent install switch (NVIDIA = setup.exe-s-clean-noreboot-noeula)

Edited by bphlpt
added translation

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dragul tatii "pretenas" ...stiu ca asta e un forum , dar te cam bagi prea mult in seama. Hai sa iti desenez in citiva pasi scurti niste chestii (ma rog...este o pierdere de timp cam inutila din partea mea , dar trecem peste ). In primul rind, te rog sa ma crezi cind in iti spun ca NU ESTE PRIMUL SISTEM DE OPERARE MODIFICAT DE MINE CU AJUTORUL PROGRAMULUI ASTUIA. DE FAPT, CIND EU STIAM DE PROGRAMUL ASTA SI DISCUTAM CU CREATORUL LUI DESPRE CE MAI TREBUIE BAGAT IN EL (DA, AM DAT SI EU CITEVA IDEI . ) TU TE INCALTAI CU FESUL. Nu zic asta ca sa ma laud, dar dupa cum am zis si mai sus ...cam prea te bagi in seama si o faci pe destepul. In al 2-lea rind, daca nu imi spuneai tu mie de Silent Installers +  SFX , "sa mor daca stiam unde sa le pun ". A...si cu switchurile la fel ...Pe bune ca e -s -clean -noreboot - noeula ? Chiar asa ? Si eu daca vreau sa dau asa : setup.exe /passive /n ai ceva impotriva ? In speranta ca am reusit sa iti stric seara , nu iti multumesc pentru ajutorul dat, ci iti spun atat : Nu te mai baga in seama asa....cum vrei tu ...si nu mai trata fiecare utilizator "de sus"...(coborati nasu mai jos... cel putin mie asa imi faci impresia .  Esti cam prea plin de tine.) 
For english people : I was explaining something to Keight. Nothing bad. :)

dear father " pretenas " ... I know this is a forum , but I kind of put too much in it. Let you draw in a few steps short stuff (well ... it's a pretty useless waste of time for me , but get over ) . First, please believe me when I say that it is the first operating system MODIFIED BY ME PROGRAM Fauntleroy . ACTUALLY , when I knew this program and talk to the creator of WHAT MAY BE up it ( yes, I gave EU FEW IDEAS . ) Hat you're wearing . I'm not saying this to brag, but as I said above ... I put a little too into account and do the destepul . In the 2nd row , if you say to me I do not Silent Installers + SFX , " I die if I knew where to put them ." A. .. and switches as ... Really like it -s- clean- noreboot - noeula ? Really? And I if I want to give this: setup.exe / passive / n Do you mind ? Hoping that I managed to ruin your evening, do not thank you for your help , but I say this: Do not heeded so .... how do you ... and not treat each user "top " . .. ( lower the nose below me ... at least I do think so . 're a little too full of yourself . )

Edited by bphlpt
provided translation

We don't have a problem with you occasionally posting in your own language, but since this is an English speaking forum please ALWAYS provide a translation, unless the post is in one of the "other language" subforums.


As to the content of the above posts, both of you should feel free to express your experiences about what works for you and why you think that is true.  But please have respect for the other's experience and opinions.  The goal of this exchange should be to improve the function of Win Toolkit for the benefit of all users.


Cheers and Regards

No offence Sorin, cred ca pe inteligentul o faci tu dar fara succes, eu am incercat sa iti explic ceva dar se pare ca le stii pe toate, nu mai are rost sa iti mai dau nici o explicatie !
Citeste cu atentie ce ti-am recomandat in legatura cu driverele, nu toate merg cu acest program , unele trebuiesc instalate din desktop obligatoriu !
Apropo, sunt din Focsani si eu, m-am uitat cu atentie acum si am observat asta caci nu iti mai raspundeam deloc, asadar ca nu e cazul sa fim rautaciosi, ma ocup si eu de aproape 18 ani cu astea !
In legatura cu imaginatia ta, cum ca eu as trata pe cineva de sus, te inseli, poate nu oi fi eu asa delicat ca o felina, dar nu cred ca trebuie sa lingusesc pe cineva pe aici, nu am nici un interes !
Succes :)

No offense Sorin, I like intelligent you do without success, I tried to explain something to you but it seems like you know everything, there's no point in you still give no explanation! 
Read carefully what I recommended in connection with drivers, not all go with this program, some must be installed in desktop mandatory! 
By the way, are in Focsani and I looked carefully and noticed it now because you do not responding at all, so it's not time to be mischievous, I do and I almost 18 years with this! 
In connection with your imagination, such as I would treat someone up, you're wrong, maybe not so delicate that I may be a cat, but I do not have to flatter someone on here, I have no interest!

Edited by bphlpt
provided translation

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dear father " pretenas " ... I know this is a forum , but I kind of put too much in it. Let you draw in a few steps short stuff (well ... it's a pretty useless waste of time for me , but get over ) . First, please believe me when I say that it is the first operating system MODIFIED BY ME PROGRAM Fauntleroy . ACTUALLY , when I knew this program and talk to the creator of WHAT MAY BE up it ( yes, I gave EU FEW IDEAS . ) Hat you're wearing . I'm not saying this to brag, but as I said above ... I put a little too into account and do the destepul . In the 2nd row , if you say to me I do not Silent Installers + SFX , " I die if I knew where to put them ." A. .. and switches as ... Really like it -s- clean- noreboot - noeula ? Really? And I if I want to give this: setup.exe / passive / n Do you mind ? Hoping that I managed to ruin your evening, do not thank you for your help , but I say this: Do not heeded so .... how do you ... and not treat each user "top " . .. ( lower the nose below me ... at least I do think so . 're a little too full of yourself . )

This is google translate? :)))))))))

The next one of you that posts without an English translation will get an official warning for not abiding by the forum rules.  This is an English forum!


Cheers and Regards

This is google translate? :)))))))))

Yes. It is obviously preferable to simply post in English, since your English skills seem perfectly fine.

Cheers and Regards

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