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  • 2 weeks later...

Well you cannot really slipstream it but what you can do is install it during syprep/audit mode and capture the image into a new install.wim... Basically you:

- Install Windows to a separate partition on a computer or in a virtual machine to a vhd (virtualbox will do this)

- After setup completes and you get to the oobe part where you enter a user name dont, press ctrl+shift+f3 (this will reboot your compter and log you into audit mode, ignore the sysprep window)

- Now you can install your apps: updates, office, .net 4.5.x, silverlight, vc runtimes, etc.. (reboot as many times as needed)

- Once finished, in the sysprep windows tick Generalize, leave Enter System OOBE option and select Shutdown

- After sysprep finishes and shuts down go to your main windows, capture that install partition you just did into a new install.wim and replace the one on your dvd with this

Note: if you install in a virtual machine onto a vhd, you mount this with disk management (diskmgmt.msc) Action - Attach VHD... Now the VHD will look like another drive/partition in explorer and you can capture this

Why do you need to slipstream it?


Wouldnt it be more beneficial to add it as silent installer, so it would always download up-to-date version directly from MS Servers during setup process?

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