January 20, 201510 yr 1- Is there any silent switch for "KMPlayer" please ?! Use this: /S Best Regards & Cheers /S switch doesn't work for KMPlayer. It worked for old version. Auto IT will work.
January 20, 201510 yr 1- Is there any silent switch for "KMPlayer" please ?! Use this: /S Best Regards & Cheers /S switch doesn't work for KMPlayer. It worked for old version. Auto IT will work. That's right /S used to work for old versions and not anymore, But what do you mean exactly by Auto IT ?! Edited January 20, 201510 yr by Omar Os
January 21, 201510 yr That's right /S used to work for old versions and not anymore, But what do you mean exactly by Auto IT ?! Auto IT is scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI. I made a Auto IT script for KMPlayer. First download it and put in the same place with KMPlayer. Rename your KMplayer to KMPlayer (If another name). Now run kmplayer_Auto (Run as administrator for Windows 7 or later). It'll install your KMPlayer silently.
January 21, 201510 yr That's right /S used to work for old versions and not anymore, But what do you mean exactly by Auto IT ?! Auto IT is scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI. I made a Auto IT script for KMPlayer. First download it and put in the same place with KMPlayer. Rename your KMplayer to KMPlayer (If another name). Now run kmplayer_Auto (Run as administrator for Windows 7 or later). It'll install your KMPlayer silently. Thanks a lot I didn't know about Auto IT.
February 9, 201510 yr HI guys , I'm new here. Anyone mind telling me how to find the switches of any given .exe software ?? I just want to add silent installs to AIO in wintoolkit , but i have so many softwares that the OP doesn't have the switches yet . So I was wondering if someone here could help me out. Cheers.
February 9, 201510 yr Yeah, but an .exe should be the installer of a program. If the installer doesnt have a silent switch, for e.g. IDM, I can make/already have made a repack for the same. Some installers cant be repacked & dont have silent switch too. You can ask me here. Cheers & Regards.
February 9, 201510 yr Yeah, but an .exe should be the installer of a program. If the installer doesnt have a silent switch, for e.g. IDM, I can make/already have made a repack for the same. Some installers cant be repacked & dont have silent switch too. You can ask me here. Cheers & Regards.Hey thanks, So lets say i downladed idm and integrated it without any modifying, thru AIO on silent installers tab , without giving the install switch , will idm get installed automatically at boot time ?? What is the function of silent installers tab anyway ?? Does it mean we dont need to click ' Next, Next...Finish ' ?? Actually i was cruising along AIO , I integrated win 7 updates and dell drivers without problem. But when i reached silent installers everything got confusing. I have a Dell 17R SE 7720 with 120gig SSD(currently running win 8.1 GPT Table) and 1TB HDD(Just Storage). I want to install Win 7(modified thru win toolkit) on SSD in UEFI mode but i cannot make a boot option in the bios because ntfs is not supported in my bios(Error: File System Not Found). Can you help me with that ?? I have a few more off topic questions like the above regarding Win Toolkit and uefi installation, Can i msg them to you ?? I know my queries are little clumsy and cluttered , but i'm a noobie and i learnt fast . :guitar: Please help a fellow win tool kit user out
February 10, 201510 yr To help you a little bit with silent installers, let's get a bit more basic first. When you install an app, any app,the default behavior is usually to do as you implied above - click Install, Next, Next, change any options you want, Next, ..., Finish, and sometimes Restart. All very interactive, with maybe the chance to change options, etc. All well and good, but there are two main problems folks have with that method: [1] Even if you were willing to accept all the default options you still had to do all of that darn clicking which was annoying and took extra time and raised the slight possibility for you to click the wrong thing in your haste, and [2] If you wanted to install applications during an OS install then you had to physically be there to do all that clicking which kind of defeated the whole "unattended" approach that you might want so you could have it all done for you while you were at lunch or something. If you get rid of the need for the clicking, then the installation of the app is considered "unattended", but that doesn't mean it is necessarily silent. You could still have progress screens show which would let you know how things are going with the install and so you could figure out about how much time is left with the app install IF you were familiar with that particular app's install process. Some people like to see that. Depending on the circumstances it gives sort of a sense of comfort that things are progressing normally. If you get rid of the need to do the clicking and you also get rid of any display or interaction with the user whatsoever, then the installation is considered "silent". If an app is silent it is automatically also unattended, but if it is unattended that does not necessarily mean it is silent, understand? For an app to be able to be installed either unattended or silently, it can be given that option by the app creator or by someone else who repacks it. As I said above, the normal way to install an app is to click on "install" or "setup". For an app to be installed either unattended or silently it usually has to be invoked through the command line, not by clicking on something. These days, there are enough folks who want to install apps either unattended or silently, such as in a business situation installing many computers, that many app creators build those options in, but not all do. Some apps do not have those options built in, and for those apps there is no tool, not even Win Toolkit, that can install that app as it is silently. That is one reason why someone else might repack an app. Another reason to repack an app is to slim it down by removing undesired toolbars, or desktop shortcuts, or unneeded runtimes, etc. there are other reasons but that's enough for now. Some apps are relatively easy to repack and others are a real bear to do, if they can be done at all. Anyway, just because an app can be installed unattended or silently does not mean that the commands to do so are exactly the same. Just look at the first post and throughout this thread to see the different syntax and options necessary for the various apps to be installed silently. IF the version of the app that you want to install can be installed silently, and IF the commands, or switches, to do so are known, and IF Lego has that information, and IF he has added it to the current version of Win Toolkit, then and only then will you probably be able to install that version of the app easily and silently using Win Toolkit's Silent Installers tab. If you know the switches then you can manually add them even if Win Toolkit doesn't already know them, but that's one more thing you have to do manually. And if the app does not have the option available then you're out of luck. It will probably be easier and more reliable to install those apps manually after the OS is installed. That's a simplification of the situation, but I hope you now see that just because you want to install an app silently doesn't mean you can necessarily do so using Win Toolkit or any other tool. I'll let others respond to your particular questions. By the way, many folks still like to install apps silently even after the OS is installed just to avoid all of the darn clicking. Cheers and Regards
February 10, 201510 yr And, IDM (original) installer doesn't have a silent switch. You can use my repack (see the installer repacks section of the forum) & specify it's silent switch (/VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /SP-)(all other option switches are given in the thread main post), or you can use the silent installer for IDM (see the silent switchles installers section of forum)(no silent install switch required, it is already silent). Silent Installers means they are already silent. No switches are needed. In many installers, running the setup with the /? or /h or /help or -? or -h or -help switch shows a dialog box which contains the switches of the installer.If any installer has the .msi file extension, its silent install switch would be: /qn /norestart. Another trick:Open an installer, & press the cancel button. If the cancel windows looks like this:then the installer is built using inno. And the silent install switch for installers made using inno is this: /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /SP- (for eg. uniextract & 7zip(32bit) installer) And, if the cancel dialog looks like this:then the installer is built using nsis, & all installers built using nsis have the switch: /S(for eg. notepad++ & wintoolkit installer) BTW you can post a new question (topic) regarding your uefi related (and any other) problems in the wintoolkit section of forum. Best Regards Edited February 10, 201510 yr by niTe_RiDeR_Pro
December 12, 20168 yr Hello, I will update this post with silent install switches for: Foxit Reader - /ForceInstall /VERYSILENT DESKTOP_SHORTCUT="0" MAKEDEFAULT="0" VIEWINBROWSER="0" LAUNCHCHECKDEFAULT="0" AUTO_UPDATE="0" /passive /norestart - From the original post Foxit reader silent install PDF Creator - /ForceInstall /VERYSILENT /LANG=English /COMPONENTS="program,ghostscript" /NORESTART - From original post: Pdf Creator silent install Other silent install switches for applications like Adobe, Filezilla, Skype etc can be find on this web. I Hope you found this replay useful Best regards
February 13, 20178 yr http://www.codecguide.com/silentinstall.htm /unattended for K-Lite will actually take you through the installation screens and create a custom install. A few years back, it was the only switch that existed. I guess they changed the installer to Inno to support the switches I saw in niTe_RiDeR_Pr0's post on page 2. I don't know if it is mentioned, for Mozilla Firefox it also used to be -install. I will add more if I remember them.
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