September 18, 200717 yr Hi.I am new here. I just wanted to say thank you for Vista Drive Indicator. I wish XP came with something like this natively!
September 19, 200717 yr Thanks Kel nice add-on... I was thinking this one can't be installed on the normal way. But I found that's luckily not so difficult. Just:Unpack the add-onUnpack 'VDrive.in_'Unpack 'VDRIVE.CAB'Create a folder with the name 'i386' in the directory a place all the files from the 'VDRIVE' folder in itCreate a folder with the name 'VistaDrive' in the Windows directoryRun 'VDrive.inf' (by right clicking -> install)EnjoYOnly I don't understand why the inf can't create a folder with the name 'VDrive' in the windows directory...only a file without extension.Request: is this also possible for removable drives, like USB? Edited September 19, 200717 yr by Inferi0r
September 20, 200717 yr Author Updated!Added a silent installer and major inf work.As for removable drives I will try to reach the author of vistadrive.exe (dougiefresh) and ask him....
October 5, 200717 yr How i want remove this icon and set to default icon?You install the uninstallable version and uninstall it.
October 7, 200717 yr Ok here it has been fixed but I cannot make it active till after a reboot (It causes WPI to loop)Thanx, kel :thumbsup_anim: This fixed a bad install of a different Vista Drive Icon app. Looks great now! Yer my new hero! :worthy:Can you tell me how to make the icons larger? Is it in the Desktop Properties setup, i.e. icon size? All the .ico files in the Vista Drive folder are 16x16.Edit: Never mind....change icon size in View....duh Edited October 7, 200717 yr by spidyr2k
November 11, 200717 yr Hi,New to this, it is really great. But, because there is a but, I have a small question :How does the system determines if a drive is a system drive or not ?because all users see different drives as system.Thank you for the answer.Regards.Gilles
November 12, 200717 yr Author for $i = 1 to 26 $Drv = Chr( $i + 64 ) $PRE = _IIf( @HOMEDRIVE = $Drv & ":", "s", "" ) if DriveGetType( $Drv & ":" ) = "Fixed" then $F = DriveSpaceFree( $Drv & ":" ) $T = DriveSpaceTotal( $Drv & ":" ) $P = Round( ($T - $F) / $T * 100 ) for $j = 13 to 1 step -1 if $P <= $Per[$j] then $ICON = $j next if $Pre = "s" then $ICON = _Iif( $ICON = 1, 2, $ICON ) RegWrite( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\DriveIcons\" & _ $Drv & "\DefaultIcon", "", "REG_SZ", $PATH & $PRE & $PER[ $ICON ] & ".ico" ) else RegDelete( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\DriveIcons\" & _ $Drv & "\DefaultIcon" ) endif nextAs you can see from part of the code here that I have pasted auto-it has its own functions to determine fixed and system drives...So I honestly can't answer why different users may see different drives as the systemdrive.
November 13, 200717 yr Thanks, based on the code I can tell why...I worked on your stuff and derived an extension that handles other type of media.Removable, network, ...I am still in the process of design the icons.Are you interested in the proposed modification ?Regards.Gilles
November 14, 200717 yr Howdy! If you're talking about a change to the code that would allow removable and network drives to be detected, I've got a new thread located here that has all of my modifications to the code I wrote. Here's the Changelog for the latest version of my script.My latest code does support CD/DVD drives, removable drives, network drives, and ramdisk drives. USB and FireWire drives have their own icon as well. Explorer is refreshed upon every update. Update interval can be changed, as well as the icon in the notification tray can be set to monitor a drive. Updates are forced when CD/DVDs are inserted, as well as when new devices are attached to USB/FireWire. Edited November 14, 200717 yr by dougiefresh
November 15, 200717 yr Hi,Thank for the link, that was precisely waht I was heading for.Your modifications look excellent. I checked them out.Is there a way for me to set my personnal icons to the drives ?RegardsGilles
November 15, 200717 yr Quote from first post of my thread:At present time, there is no program to automate build libraries for this script. If you have icons and want them assembled into a library, send them to me. Make sure to send a link to the original source along with the icons, otherwise I will refuse to build the library (unless you're the author, then I need permission to post the new library). Edited November 15, 200717 yr by dougiefresh
November 15, 200717 yr Quote from first post of my thread:What about a simple trick that I was planning to implement : a directory for each type of drive. In this directory either 1 icon properly named, or a set of icons with progress bar.So every one can either have their own icons or the standard one.Regards,Gilles
November 15, 200717 yr dirs are sloppy and when having different 'themes' for an icon set,the way doogie's implemented icon librarys is much more neat,and not hard to build.i think it makes it much easyer for the script to change themes.
November 17, 200717 yr dirs are sloppy and when having different 'themes' for an icon set,the way doogie's implemented icon librarys is much more neat,and not hard to build.i think it makes it much easyer for the script to change themes.HI, I looked deeper into the way the new code works. It really is great. But I am still stuck on ahow to build new Icon librart in .DLL format.Which tool do you use for that ?Gilles
November 17, 200717 yr They create a .icl file and simply rename it .dll (rename Vista.dll to Vista.icl and open it in a program like Axialis Icon Workshop)
November 20, 200717 yr I've been using IconJack32 to build the icon theme files.EDIT: Reread the last post more carefully. Didn't realize that the .DLL file that IconJack32 creates is actually a .ICL file.... Huh! Thanks, rick! Edited November 20, 200717 yr by dougiefresh
November 20, 200717 yr iconpacks created with iconjack arent fully compatible with Axialis,there seems to be some corruption in the way the icons are seperated from each other within the pack...try and see.iconjack does export to .dll nothing is being renamed by anyone,its the way the app exports to file.i dont know witch app is reading or building the .dll bad,but seems there are some issues.edit,found out what the problem was,invalid sizes were causing the app to change the order ofi cons and their size when using Axialis app. Edited November 21, 200717 yr by bober
November 22, 200717 yr Information on my Theme format has been posted in the first post of my thread.
February 1, 200817 yr Hi all i needed help from you all guysthere was vista drive indicator with tray &hidden tray icon app i lost it while my dd crashed 2 days back.thx in advance.this addon wasn't by Kelsenellenelvian Edited February 1, 200817 yr by itsme_4ucz
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