Posted January 31, 201510 yr KB2533552 x86 - x64This is not a real addon. I have modded hotfixes, in order to directly integrate them in Windows 7 iso.So you can obtain a full post-SP1 Windows iso, integrating all hotfixes needed.You can find my complete download list hereIt's in italian language, but, as you known, hotfixes are international.All you need is your language pack for IE 11.Using Win Toolkit, you have to uncheck "Failed Updates to Silent Installers" and "Move known Problem Updates to Silent Installers" in "Options" Tab, before adding updates. Edited December 16, 20159 yr by aquilotto
January 31, 201510 yr Non è possibile integrare KB2533552!Anche se l'integrazione funziona, dopo l'installazione KB2533552 viene richiesto da Windows Update come necessario e critico! You CAN NOT integrate KB2533552!Even if the integration works, after installation Windows Update request thi update as necessary and critical! Regards, Thiersee Edit:Sorry for asking, I saw later you have modded the KB: after installation does WindowsUpdate NOT ask for this update? Edited January 31, 201510 yr by Thiersee
January 31, 201510 yr KB2533552 x86 - x64This is not a real addon. I have modded hotfixes, in order to directly integrate them in Windows 7 iso........Using Win Toolkit, you have to uncheck "Failed Updates to Silent Installers" and "Move known Problem Updates to Silent Installers" in "Options" Tab, before adding updates.I've just tested this modded KB (VirtualBox, German, HP-x86) and it works!No requests from WU for KB2533552 (+ a part of SP1). Thiersee
February 1, 201510 yr Author These modded hotfixes work perfectly (both x86 and x64), I am absolutely sure.Mostly x64 version required very hard work. :weakbench:
February 1, 201510 yr Modifying update.mum file will result later in failed integrity check, specially when using System Update Readiness Tool or checking "Installed updates" in control panel
February 1, 201510 yr Modifying update.mum file will result later in failed integrity check, specially when using System Update Readiness Tool or checking "Installed updates" in control panelIndeed:Windows Update is asking again for System Update Readiness Tool and KB2533552 does not appear in the list of installed updates;but trying to install KB2533552 again (the "normal" not the modded) lets Windows say "Update already installed". Thiersee
February 1, 201510 yr Author abbodi, what you say is true, hotfixes don't appear in "installed updates", but it doesn't seem important to me. In fact, checking files installed with the original .msu file and those installed with the modded .cab file, I found that they are equivalent.x86 version was easiest; I took inspiration in ArnisLav's post on MSFN board. He suggested to change allowedOffline="false" to allowedOffline="true" in "update.mum", but this change corrupted installation. Then I looked in .mum file and I noticed that "exclusive="true"" could be responsable of failure. Changing "exclusive="true" allowedOffline="false"" with "exclusive="false" allowedOffline="true", it worked fine!x64 version was hard to mod; the simply "exclusive="false" allowedOffline="true" was not enough. I had gotten stuck, until I found dism.log file. Then, analizing it, I was able to find errors and I reconstructed a working hotfix.
February 2, 201510 yr Yes i know the files are the same and the modded cab will give functional servicing stack for modded or lited editions/aio this is not a problem but for users whou care about updates or WU, this would be a problemMS made that update exclusive for a reason there is a workaround for this issue, by replacing the altered mum/manifest files with the original ones after integrating the updatebut that would require RunasSystem/RunFromToken to be able to replace the files without changing permissions
February 8, 201510 yr Author Hi abbodi, there is no need to mod any manifest file.I reconstructed "amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack...manifest" and "package_2_for_kb2533552~amd64~...mum" due to an error of Cab Tool (included in OnePiece's DXTool); this one doesn't extract above files . I wasted a long time trying to find a solution (argh!).After I used command line “extract”, all files were correctly unpacked.At this point, you need only to switch “True” and “False” in “update.mum” and it’s all right, also in x64 version.The reason of lacking in “Installed Updates” is still unknown.I supposed that “_manifest_.cix.xml” may be responsable, but I haven’t found a solution yet.I’m counting on you to sort this issue out.
February 11, 201510 yr Actually the reason is known each .mum file is paired with security .cat file to verify the contentsmodifying mum file cause the failed integrity check “Installed Updates” scans packages mum files in \Windows\servicing\Packagesand make a cache database for it in \Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache
February 11, 201510 yr @abbodi1406, And the reason we can't update the security .cat file to match the modified .mum file is because ... ? If it's a signing issue I might be able to point you to a way you can sign the file to pass all MS security checks for signed files. If it would be better to do as you suggested and replace "the altered mum/manifest files with the original ones after integrating the update", I thought I saw a way to do that over at MSFN, but I could be wrong. Not that i see this as a huge problem to have to install this update after OS install, but it is a minor inconvenience. Cheers and Regards
February 12, 201510 yr I don't know anything about signing or security cats replacing mum files is not a problemcan be done with modifying the permissions (not recommended)or using cmd with trustedinstaller tokenor having the original files inside a wim file which preserve the nt security permissions, therefore can by applied using dism/imagex but like you said, install this update after OS install is not a big deal
June 27, 20186 yr Sorry to bump such an old topic, but here's a script and instruction on this: How to integrate KB2533552, KB3046269 and KB3177467 in Win7 offline Edited June 27, 20186 yr by dougiefresh2
October 25, 20195 yr :AddPackageKB2533552 set KB2533552=!APP_HOME!\Updates\SpecialUpdates\KB976932\Windows6.1-KB2533552-!OS_ARCHITECTURE!.cab mkdir "%temp%\KB2533552" expand -F:* "!KB2533552!" "%temp%\KB2533552" copy "%temp%\KB2533552\update.mum" "%temp%\KB2533552\update.mum.bak" cscript "%APP_HOME%\SourceCode\Common\Utils\replace.vbs" "%temp%\KB2533552\update.mum" for /d %%c in (!WimIndexNo!) DO (!DISM! /Image:"!WimMountDir!\%%c" /add-package /packagepath:"%temp%\KB2533552\update.mum" /ignorecheck /NoRestart) set SRC="%temp%\KB2533552\update.mum.bak" for /d %%c in (!WimIndexNo!) DO (set DST=!WimMountDir!\%%c\Windows\servicing\Packages\Package_for_KB2533552~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ takeown /F "%DST%" /A icacls "%DST%" /grant Administrators:F copy "%SRC%" "%DST%" icacls "%DST%" /setowner "NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller" icacls "%DST%" /grant:r Administrators:RX call :ADD_UPDATE_ERROR_FIX rd /s /q "%temp%\KB2533552" >nul 2>&1 goto :EOF :ADD_UPDATE_ERROR_FIX set "SetACL=%APP_HOME%\Bin\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\SetACL.exe" for /d %%c in (!WimIndexNo!) DO ( reg load HKLM\TempSoftware !WimMountDir!\%%c\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE %SetACL% -on "HKLM\TempSoftware\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\SessionsPending" -ot reg -actn setowner -ownr n:Administrators %SetACL% -on "HKLM\TempSoftware\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\SessionsPending" -ot reg -actn ace -ace n:Administrators;p:full reg add "HKLM\TempSoftware\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\SessionsPending" /v Exclusive /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg unload HKLM\TempSoftware ) goto :EOF this is part of my code ,You can't run it directly,for reference only,wish it can help you. Edited October 25, 20195 yr by DeanMao
May 10, 2024May 10 Author Hi K4sum1, KB2533552 is a very old Servicing Stack (2011), which has been replaced by KB4490628 for ordinary updates and by KB5034865 for ESU updates. My KB2533552, unfortunately, causes Windows Features corruption. I recommend you hide KB976932, which is actually KB2533552. If you want to integrate it anyway, I recommend using UpdatePack7R2.
May 11, 2024May 11 I did my own manual edit type thing and it seems to work. Having that update there bothers me. Although what exactly do you mean by Windows Features corruption?
May 11, 2024May 11 Author Well! Can you attach your update.mum ? Have you integrated KB2533552 before KB4490628 ?
May 11, 2024May 11 Have the entire update and integrate script I made Yes, it's the very first update I integrate in my list.
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