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hey guys, im going to make an AIO disk for windows 8.1 as intend to for 10 upon RTM, but i cannot work something out!

if i want to integrate all updates and one or a few addons and reg tweaks then how do i got about it so it works on every edition for example if i have a disk with ALL version of windows possible then i go to integrate updates i have to select a version from the wim file so does this mean the updates will only be integrated for that edition of windows ? if thats the case and i have to do separate for each one this means the iso would be huge! is there a way to integrate all updates and addon so the x86 versions all work with them and the x64 with theirs ?

One way would be to use a tool such as WPI to do the app installations.  The mechanism to call WPI could be added to each image, but then there would only be one set of apps, which would be located outside the install.wim, and AFAIK WPI could be set to install the x86 and x64 versions as appropriate.  I think that the apps could then either be included on the AIO disk or on a separate medium, which might be more convenient to maintain.  Just a thought.


Cheers and Regards

  • Author

One way would be to use a tool such as WPI to do the app installations.  The mechanism to call WPI could be added to each image, but then there would only be one set of apps, which would be located outside the install.wim, and AFAIK WPI could be set to install the x86 and x64 versions as appropriate.  I think that the apps could then either be included on the AIO disk or on a separate medium, which might be more convenient to maintain.  Just a thought.


Cheers and Regards

thanks for the tip, but as for updates theres no way to integrate them once and make them work for every edition ?

Edited by upgrade

Well, there is a way to integrate them once for each architecture of each platform and then promote each image to all the editions you need, and then merge all the install.wim files.  I'm afraid I can't describe it better than that since I haven't actually done it yet myself, but see here for a very brief explanation.  It is supposed to be a coming feature in Win Toolkit v2.  In the meantime, if you are able to work out the manual process successfully, then give back to the community by sharing the details of the process so others can do it too.  Good luck!


Cheers and Regards

  • Author

Well, there is a way to integrate them once for each architecture of each platform and then promote each image to all the editions you need, and then merge all the install.wim files.  I'm afraid I can't describe it better than that since I haven't actually done it yet myself, but see here for a very brief explanation.  It is supposed to be a coming feature in Win Toolkit v2.  In the meantime, if you are able to work out the manual process successfully, then give back to the community by sharing the details of the process so others can do it too.  Good luck!


Cheers and Regards

ok thanks alot ill take a read and see if i can work it out, if i do ill notify you in this topic so other can see if thery read here and then ill create a new one with instructions.

I will have a try tonight at some point.

Edited by upgrade

On 22.3.2015 at 0:43 PM, bphlpt said:


In the meantime, if you are able to work out the manual process successfully, then give back to the community by sharing the details of the process so others can do it too.  Good luck!


I just tried it for Win7 x86 (is faster ;)) and it works!

The sequence:

1) In the normal AIO choose the lowest version (for me STARTER) and Integrate all updates you need in that version. delete ALL other (HomeBasic, HomePremium, Professional, Ultimate)

2) Reload the .WIM and delete ALL other versions (HomeBasic, HomePremium, Professional, Ultimate)

2a) Rebuild the loaded .WIM.

3) When finished close WTK, go into the folder where your .WIM is located

4) Copy and paste the install.wim 4 times (three times for x64)

5) Open WTK, go to the "Intermediate-Tab" and start WIM-Manager

6) Load the 1st copy of the install.wim and upgrade it to HomeBasic

6a) Save the changes

7) Repeat  step 6) and 6a) for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th copy of the install.wim and upgrade them respectively to HomePremium, Professional, Ultimate

8) When finished reload install.wim and merge 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th copies into the install.wim

8a) Rename the names and descriptions to the "normal", if you want (for example, instead of Windows 7 Professional x64, simply Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL)

9) Rebuild the install.wim

10) Delete all the copies of the install.wim (step 4), if you pasted them in the same folder together with the install.wim, otherwise your ISO will be a lot bigger ;)!

11) Done!


I controlled in NTlite and the updates are integrated in all versions.


Regards, Thiersee



I forgot some steps, sorry!


Edited by Thiersee

This was also discussed here.


A little note: the names/descriptions are changed with this method, (especially for foreign languages), so don't forget to edit them at the end to retrieve original names.


It's also possible to do it in command line, I think you can use this guide for example. (adapt the names and path of course).

You know, imagex has a nice feature that makes the process much easier: APPEND

IMAGEX [FLAGS] /COMMIT mount_path ["image_name"]Commits the changes made to a mounted image without unmounting the image.  mount_path - The path of the mounted image to commit.  image_name - If the /append flag is set, then a unique image name must be provided.Accepted FLAGS:  /APPEND  Captures the changes made to the wim into a new image in the wim.  /TEMP  Specifies the path where temporary files are stored.Example:  imagex /commit c:\mounted_images  imagex /commit /append c:\mounted_images new_image_name

so instead of copied/duplicating wim files and then re-merging, one could do it with one file:

imagex /mountrw install.wim 1 c:\mountDISM /Image:c:\mount /Set-Edition:HomeBasicimagex /commit /append c:\mount HomeBasicimagex /unmount c:\mount

and repeat the process for other editions

afterwards, change the images' description and edition flag

imagex /flags "HomeBasic" /info install.wim 2 "HomeBasic" "HomeBasic"

So, to use a modified version of Thiersee's example above, for an x86 AIO install source the steps would be:

1) In the normal AIO choose the lowest version 8, ie STARTER) and delete ALL other (HomeBasic, HomePremium, Professional, Ultimate)
2) Integrate all updates you need
3) When finished close WTK, go into the folder where your .WIM is located
4) Run the following code:

imagex /mountrw install.wim 1 c:\mountDISM /Image:c:\mount /Set-Edition:HomeBasicimagex /commit /append c:\mount HomeBasicimagex /unmount c:\mountimagex /flags "HomeBasic" /info install.wim 2 "HomeBasic" "HomeBasic"imagex /mountrw install.wim 1 c:\mountDISM /Image:c:\mount /Set-Edition:HomePremiumimagex /commit /append c:\mount HomePremiumimagex /unmount c:\mountimagex /flags "HomePremium" /info install.wim 3 "HomePremium" "HomePremium"imagex /mountrw install.wim 1 c:\mountDISM /Image:c:\mount /Set-Edition:Professionalimagex /commit /append c:\mount Professionalimagex /unmount c:\mountimagex /flags "Professional" /info install.wim 4 "Professional" "Professional"imagex /mountrw install.wim 1 c:\mountDISM /Image:c:\mount /Set-Edition:Ultimateimagex /commit /append c:\mount Ultimateimagex /unmount c:\mountimagex /flags "Ultimate" /info install.wim 5 "Ultimate" "Ultimate"

9) Rebuild the install.wim

11) Done!



however, the second group won't work, because the mounted image c:\mount already upgraded once, and upgrading an upgraded edition will mostly cause errors in the image

Do you need to mount, unmount, mount, etc, or can you only mount and unmount once like this?:

[s]imagex /mountrw install.wim 1 c:\mountDISM /Image:c:\mount /Set-Edition:HomeBasicimagex /commit /append c:\mount HomeBasicDISM /Image:c:\mount /Set-Edition:HomePremiumimagex /commit /append c:\mount HomePremiumDISM /Image:c:\mount /Set-Edition:Professionalimagex /commit /append c:\mount ProfessionalDISM /Image:c:\mount /Set-Edition:Ultimateimagex /commit /append c:\mount Ultimateimagex /unmount c:\mountimagex /flags "HomeBasic" /info install.wim 2 "HomeBasic" "HomeBasic"imagex /flags "HomePremium" /info install.wim 3 "HomePremium" "HomePremium"imagex /flags "Professional" /info install.wim 4 "Professional" "Professional"imagex /flags "Ultimate" /info install.wim 5 "Ultimate" "Ultimate"[/s]

Cheers and Regards

Edited by bphlpt
Second idea won't work

  • Author

my AIO disk is not a full aio disk i will only consist of the best editions so it will be pro, and Enterprise both x86 and x64 will this procedure talked about in here work for both editions or will i have to integrate updates 4 times? (once for pro x86, once for enterprise x86 and once for pro x64, once for enterprise x64)

i ask because i know all editions can be unlocked from any iso apart from enterprise so would this mean id still have to integrate updates for enterprise separately ?

Edited by upgrade

I tested it, but I got an error "Command imagex does not exist or is not written correct"

I've written the code in a CMD-file and tested with it on "root- and "sources"-folder of the ISO, with and without "mount" folder on C:\.



Edited by Thiersee

is it properly setup in your system path ? so it knows where to find the file ?


My system is in dutch but i try to translate,

Right click on my computer then go to advanced system settings, from there go to tab advanced

Click on the button variables and check your system variables for "Path" press edit, and check if the path for imagex is in there if not simply add a ; at the end and add the path.



For if you don't plan to use the system path,

And simply enter the imagex path by cmd, i noticed if i run a .bat file as admin, it will run from system32 by default no matter what path its executed from.

So do a cd imagex path first :).

Hope this helps.

Edited by ThuGie

I tried it again with "hard-coded" imagex-path (thanks to ThuGie), but it does work only for HomeBasic; after that I get errors and WTK says the image is corrupted.



Edited by Thiersee

fellow wincerters,
just registered, this is my first question :)

I used `rt7lite` to strip down my `Win7AIOSP1.iso` since `wtk` provides rather few options and `winreducer` fails to save my presets (error: sth about "missing entry point").

As a result i got a slim `Win7HomeBasic.iso` as suggested for x64. I did not rebuild the other distros with `rt7lite` which is `why` i assume wtk doesn't show any other when mounting the image.

following steps 6-7 i copied the `\sources\install.wim` three times (one each for `HomePremium`, `Professional` and `Ultimate`). now:


1. how exactly do you "upgrade" to `HomePremium` etc.?


initially i thought changing the `label`, `name`, `description` and essentially the `flag` fields would suffice but it turned out different.


here is what i did

  • change the fields of each single `install.wim` copy accordingly
  • merge the images (and remove the left overs)
  • add a single slient .net slim installer
  • add a language pack
  • not add any updates***
  • apply the two changes
  • apply an unattended the `full` way (distro list was empty at install otherwise)
  • create an iso
  • finally `rufus` it to my usb
  • plug it to my patient
  • select HomePremium (not HomeBasic)
  • click until product key request

here is what went wrong: on entering my product key (both from COA-sticker on bottom and the extracted by `LicenceCrawler`) it says the key would be applied to the wrong "windows sku". i ducked it and it turns out the underlying distro is HomeBasic which is also what windows welcomes me to when i finally skipped the activation.


what am i missing?


*** I use `whdownloader` to manage updates and batch-install them from an external hdd. i benefit more from this procedure than pre-populating them to the image. it grows to large and lasts too long (~500 updates in 2h with 4x2.5GHz)

WIM Manager \ Image... \ Upgrade Image, then select the version you want to get.

WTK will mount the wim file and it will make all neccessary changes, just commit after the process.


I used `rt7lite` to strip down my `Win7AIOSP1.iso` since `wtk` provides rather few options and `winreducer` fails to save my presets (error: sth about "missing entry point").

As a result i got a slim `Win7HomeBasic.iso` as suggested for x64. I did not rebuild the other distros with `rt7lite` which is `why` i assume wtk doesn't show any other when mounting the image.

following steps 6-7 i copied the `\sources\install.wim` three times (one each for `HomePremium`, `Professional` and `Ultimate`). now:




first of all: you should NOT mix tools (rt7lite and WTK), nobody can guaranteee you that it works!



What's that?



1. how exactly do you "upgrade" to `HomePremium` etc.?


In WIM-Manager (NOT AIO!) under "Image/Upgrade Image", then "Image/Merge Image".


Regards, Thiersee

Edited by Thiersee

thanks janrockt, thanks Thiersee. that did it.
"Win7AIOSP1" is my short notation for "windows 7 all-in-one service pack 1".
i suspected that mixing different tools would most likely break things but i read somewhere someone tried and succeeded. since i'm quite new to the topic i'm still rather adventurous.
this setup has not yet proven stable! i have only gotten so far as to install it (chosen Home Premium 'cause that's what my purchased key is for) and log into my first session. i'm currently batch-installing the updates - still running. now, here goes my currently working Windows-7 all-in-one Service Pack 1 x64 iso making procedure for anyone interested subjected to discussion:

  • extract iso file to folder
  • mount install.wim from folder with wtk and strip all x86 from it (then rebuild and unmount)
  • copy folder 3 times, once for each distro
  • mount each folder sequentially with winreducer, select distro and apply strip-settings from .wccf-file, not changing any services and adjusting the licence removals according to the current distro (takes ~30min each on 4 x 2.5GHz at high priority)
  • merge the resulting .wim-files with wtk, apply tweaked services setup, add 1 language pack, add slim .net silent installer, apply vlite (winsxs and speech), not apply any removals and rebuild
  • if applying an unattended.xml choose the full option (don't know yet if required)

when installing to virtualbox choose ICH9 over PIIX3 and enable IO APIC in the system section of your vm's settings.

the resulting iso has all x64 win7 distros in it, weighs 2.28GB, installs in ~25min until login on i7 Q740 8x1.73HGZ with 8GB Ram.


there's still room for improvement. if applying updates one wim, duplicating it, upgrading the duplicates and merging them back together works this good, why not try and apply all changes including removals, addons etc. and go for it?

Edited by espretto

So, you've tried using Win Toolkit + RT7Lite, and now you're using Win Toolkit + WinReducer + VLite?


Admittedly Win Toolkit does not do as well as some other tools in slimming Windows 7, but slimming is not it's major purpose or focus, and the need for slimming is not as necessary with the current speed and size of today's CPU, memory, disks and SSDs. I also agree with the suggestion of minimizing the use of multiple tools, as Thiersee stated.  I hope that Win Toolkit will continue to evolve so that it could be the one tool that anyone would ever need or want, but it's not there yet.


If you're dead set on slimming Windows 7, instead of RT7Lite, Win Reducer or vLite, you might want to look at a more modern tool such as NTLite, either with or without Win Toolkit.


Cheers and Regards

  • 2 weeks later...

Hopefully, abbodi1406 will respond and confirm whether I interpreted his instructions correctly.

Cheers and Regards

Sorry for being late ;)

i honestly tested only one image (HomeBasic) and can confirm it works

so, the first group of your code is correct and should work :)

imagex /mountrw install.wim 1 c:\mountDISM /Image:c:\mount /Set-Edition:HomeBasicimagex /commit /append c:\mount HomeBasicimagex /unmount c:\mountimagex /flags "HomeBasic" /info install.wim 2 "HomeBasic" "HomeBasic"imagex /mountrw install.wim 1 c:\mountDISM /Image:c:\mount /Set-Edition:HomePremiumimagex /commit /append c:\mount HomePremiumimagex /unmount c:\mountimagex /flags "HomePremium" /info install.wim 3 "HomePremium" "HomePremium"imagex /mountrw install.wim 1 c:\mountDISM /Image:c:\mount /Set-Edition:Professionalimagex /commit /append c:\mount Professionalimagex /unmount c:\mountimagex /flags "Professional" /info install.wim 4 "Professional" "Professional"imagex /mountrw install.wim 1 c:\mountDISM /Image:c:\mount /Set-Edition:Ultimateimagex /commit /append c:\mount Ultimateimagex /unmount c:\mountimagex /flags "Ultimate" /info install.wim 5 "Ultimate" "Ultimate"

however, the second group won't work, because the mounted image c:\mount already upgraded once, and upgrading an upgraded edition will mostly cause errors in the image

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