Posted September 21, 20177 yr PDFCreator 4.4.2 Build 42836/2.5.3[Desatendido][Multilenguaje] PDFCreator es una aplicación gratuita, diseñada originalmente como una impresora PDF pero que, con el paso del tiempo, se ha convertido en una completa herramienta de creación y edición de documentos PDF. Gracias a esta aplicación vamos a poder crear fácilmente nuestros propios PDF, convertir nuestros documentos y nuestras fotografías a este formato de documento y, además, protegerlos con un cifrado AES de 128 bits para evitar accesos no autorizados al mismo y proteger así nuestra información. Esta herramienta, además de sus funciones básicas, nos permite también editar cualquier documento PDF con total facilidad utilizando para ello la herramienta PDF Architect, también de los mismos desarrolladores. Crea archivos PDF Si puede imprimir su documento, puede convertirlo a PDF con nuestra aplicación gratuita PDFCreator. Y no solo PDF, también puede convertir el documento a otros formatos populares, como PNG, JPEG y TIF. Asegure sus archivos PDF PDFCreator permite proteger sus documentos contra el acceso no autorizado o modificaciones. Puede restringir el acceso a sus archivos PDF, solicitar una contraseña para abrir el documento o restringir la impresión y modificación de su documento con un cifrado AES de hasta 256 bits. Firmas digitales Si necesita firmar un documento y enviarlo a todo el mundo, lleva mucho tiempo. Puede usar firmas digitales para acelerar este proceso: Firme el documento digitalmente con PDFCreator. Esto lo verifica como autor y no tendrá que imprimir y escanear el documento. Listo para archivo con PDF / A Hoy en día, la mayoría de las personas y las empresas desean archivar documentos durante años o décadas y debe asegurarse de que sean legibles cuando los necesite. El estándar PDF / A garantiza esto mediante la aplicación de estándares estrictos sobre lo que puede y debe incluirse en el PDF. PDFCreator puede crear archivos PDF / A para sus necesidades de archivo. Utilice perfiles para acceder fácilmente Si tiene diferentes casos en los que utiliza PDFCreator, es posible que necesite diferentes configuraciones para cada uno. PDFCreator tiene perfiles para esto. Puede crear un perfil para cada situación y tenerlo disponible con un solo clic. También puede tener múltiples impresoras PDFCreator y definir qué perfil se preseleccionará para usted. Ahorro automático El guardado automático le permite tener una impresora PDF totalmente automatizada. Active el guardado automático en su perfil y seleccione dónde se guardarán los archivos. Cada documento que imprima se guardará automáticamente. Combínalo con fichas y se vuelve aún más poderoso. Fichas PDFCreator admite tokens en muchos lugares. Estos tokens son marcadores de posición para ciertos valores, por ejemplo, la fecha de hoy, su nombre de usuario o un contador que aumenta cada vez que imprime un documento. Fusionar y reorganizar En lugar de convertir sus PDF uno por uno, también puede recopilar varios documentos, reorganizar su orden y fusionarlos. Luego recibirá un PDF que contiene todos sus documentos en un solo archivo. Comportamiento Las acciones te permiten ir aún más lejos. Puede agregar portadas a su documento, cargar sus archivos a través de FTP, enviar un correo electrónico o incluso llamar a su propio script personalizado para procesar aún más los archivos. Interfaz COM PDFCreator viene con una interfaz COM que le permite controlarlo desde su aplicación o script. Puede esperar un trabajo de impresión, definir dónde se guardará, combinarlo con otros trabajos de impresión y mucho más. Hasta donde sabemos, ningún otro programa gratuito de conversión de PDF le permite llegar tan lejos. Plurilingüe PDFCreator está disponible en muchos idiomas diferentes ya que tenemos una gran comunidad de traductores. En caso de que su idioma no esté disponible, puede considerar convertirse en traductor. Vaya a y traduzca PDFCreator a su idioma. Gratis y OpenSource PDFCreator es y seguirá siendo freeware. Y aún más: es de código abierto. Puede descargar el código, modificarlo y crear su propia aplicación a partir de él, siempre que otorgue a sus usuarios los mismos derechos que ha recibido. ¿De qué tipo de acciones estamos hablando? Son las mismas acciones que conoce de sus Perfiles, por ejemplo, Modificar, Enviar y Seguridad. Puede optar por seguir trabajando con ellos de la manera anterior, o activar la función de orden personalizado y arrastrarlos en el orden en que desea que se ejecuten PDFCreator 4.0 también viene con una nueva configuración. Es mucho más rápido y fácil de navegar con menos clics, por lo que puede pasar directamente a todas las funciones útiles que este convertidor de PDF tiene para ofrecer. PDFCreator 4.4.2 Build 42836 + PDFCreator-2_5_3 Stable[Silent] [Multilenguaje] 59.6 Mb PDFCreator 4.4.0 OS : Windows® 7 (32/64 bit), Windows® 8/8.1 (32/64 bit),Windows® 10 (32/64 bit) PDFCreator-2_5_3 OS : Windows® XP SP3, Windows Vista® (32/64 bit), Windows® 7 (32/64 bit), Windows® 8/8.1 (32/64 bit) Contraseña : 123 Quote Edited March 21, 20222 yr by geodasoft
December 19, 20177 yr Author PDFCreator 3.1.0 Released 2017-12-19 Improvements Quick actions: After converting a file, you can now optionally perform actions like opening the file or sending a mail. You can configure if you want to see this screen. File history: PDFCreator shows a list of the most recently converted documents and allows you to open or send these files. PDFCreator Plus, Business and Terminal Server: Notifications for auto-save: When converting a file in auto-save mode, you can now optionally get a notification in the tray area. This can be configured to be shown on successful and failed jobs or just for failed ones. Command line: PDFCreator now accepts command line parameters to set the output file and the profile It is now possible to confirm the save dialog with the enter key User tokens in text fields now are shown in the preview with temporary values The E-Mail actions now support CC and BCC fields as well The timeout for the HTTP action can be configured now Tokens are now available in the PDF signature fields Reason, Location and Contact PDFCreator now uses Ghostscript 9.22 and (in the free version) iText 5.5.12 Bugs fixed PDFCreator is now able to invoke a print job for a lot more file formats, even if a UWP App is registered as default viewer Title replacement: Searching and replacing text is now case-insensitive After loading settings from ini files, the settings could not be saved anymore Under certain circumstances, a runtime error could happen during the setup PDFCreator Terminal Server: Under some circumstances, the activation service could not be installed successfully PDFCreator Plus, Business and Terminal Server: When a connection to the license server is not possible, PDFCreator sometimes could delete a valid activation PDFCreator Business and Terminal Server: When uninstalling the MSI setup, there could be an error under certain circumstances that would cause the MSI to abort and perform a rollback, which would install PDFCreator again Thanks to your error reports, we could fix some additional bugs Known issues Ghostscript 9.22 does not always produce valid PDF/A files. As the previous Ghostscript version we used (9.19) had problems with special characters in paths, we had to upgrade the version. This only affects PDFCreator Free. In PDFCreator Plus, Business and Terminal Server, we are able to fix the issues with a commercial library we are using.
January 8, 20187 yr Author PDFCreator 3.1.1 Released 2018-01-05 Bugs fixed When updating the translations for PDFCreator 3.1.0, as few languages were accidentally removed and have been added again Assigning the last used profile to a printer did not always work When changing the profile in the print job window, the output folder could be set to empty if it was not configured in the selected profile If the filename or folder contained illegal characters, an error was raised when clicking the browse button (...) in the print job window
January 26, 20187 yr Author Whats New: Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version
March 16, 20186 yr Author PDFCreator 3.2.0 Released 2018-03-15 Improvements Set own default viewer to open document after conversion PDFCreator Plus, PDFCreator Business and PDFCreator Terminal Server: Click on a successful auto-save notification to open file folder PDFCreator Terminal Server: Allow to configure a proxyserver for the license service Drag & drop folders to convert all files Tokens for cover, background and attachment Detect too long paths, invalid characters and invalid absolute paths in profile settings Display creation date in file history overview Bugs fixed Prevent crash during uninstallation if spool folder is not empty Prevent crash of PrinterHelper.exe on update The auto-save notifications always took the settings from the default profile Known issues Ghostscript 9.22 does not always produce valid PDF/A files. As the previous Ghostscript version we used (9.19) had problems with special characters in paths, we had to upgrade the version. This only affects PDFCreator Free. In PDFCreator Plus, Business and Terminal Server, we are able to fix the issues with a commercial library we are using.
June 1, 20186 yr Author PDFCreator 3.2.1 Released 2018-05-31 Important announcement From now on silent installation is only available for PDFCreator Business, PDFCreator Terminal Server and PDFCreator Custom Bugs fixed PDFCreator Plus, PDFCreator Business, PDFCreator Terminal Server and PDFCreator Custom: Downloading the update could have crashed if the download was performed multiple times PDFCreator Plus, PDFCreator Business, PDFCreator Terminal Server and PDFCreator Custom: The setup was not able to detect that HotFolder was still running, which made an update installation fail Fixed a bug that would declare lower case driver letters in paths as invalid (i.e. ‘c:Temp’) When using the E-Mail button, PDFCreator validated the target path even though it was not used QuickActions do not reset for bug fix releases
October 12, 20186 yr Author Other improvements in PDFCreator 3.3.0 According to the request of users to extend the Group Policy settings, now it’s possible to disable the Accounts tab and the introduction Window that is shown after an installation or update. Similarily, you can make more settings in the registry. The time PDFCreator will wait to print a file (Drag&Drop or Command line), can now be changed under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\pdfforge\\PDFCreator\\Settings\\ApplicationSettings\\ConversionTimeout There is a new command line parameter /Merge you can specify multiple PDF and PS files that will be merged into a single print job and then converted by PDFCreator. Bugs fixed Added a workaround for a bug in .Net that would raise an error while ending the application (TaskCanceledException), even though everything worked fine Fixed a bug that would declare lower case driver letters in paths as invalid (i.e. 'c:\Temp') When using the E-Mail button, PDFCreator validated the target path even though it was not used PDFCreator Plus, PDFCreator Business and PDFCreator Terminal Server: The setup was not able to detect that HotFolder was still running, which made an update installation fail PDFCreator Plus, PDFCreator Business and PDFCreator Terminal Server: Downloading the update could have crashed if the download was performed multiple times Fixed a bug that could show an error message (NotSupportedException) during the first start of PDFCreator The ouput path was not correctly set when changing the profile during a print job PDFCreator Business and PDFCreator Terminal Server: GPO for application settings does not influence the printer tab anymore (Ready to Merge) The command line parameters /Printer, /Profile and /OutputFilename can now be used when converting PDF and PS files (see :ref:`CommandLineParameters`:) Other Changes Announcement: From now on silent installation is only available for PDFCreator Business and PDFCreator Terminal Server. PDFCreator now asks to collect anonymous usage statistics to improve the further development. This feature respects your privacy and completely optional. Users will be informed transparently when the application is started for the first time.
November 18, 20186 yr Author PDFCreator 3.3.2 Fix NullReferenceException while launching PDFCreator caused by unnamed printer ports When a different profile is selected in the print job view, the filename and folder are set accordingly Fix translation of the context menu entry Avoid error caused by too long file paths during direct conversion of PS and PDF files Fixed linking PDFCreator with new Dropbox account Fix error when PDF/A validation report was active and the output format is not PDF/A Ignore empty profile names to ensure a proper profile assignment Fix a rare problem with hanging print jobs on terminal servers Fix the manual JPEG Q-Factor
February 15, 20196 yr Author Full Change Log Improvements PDFCreator Business, PDFCreator Terminal Server and PDFCreator Custom: Share settings via ini file in ProgramData folder PDFCreator Plus, PDFCreator Business and PDFCreator Terminal Server: New updates are starting to download immediately when they are available to reduce waiting time Stay up to date with our new news feed in the home tab A new overview to see all the changes made in the recent updates before installing Option to open recently converted documents in the print view of PDF Architect Added new tokens for paths to Desktop, MyDocuments and MyPictures. PDFCreator now supports PDF/A-3b Simplified setting of visible signature via position, width and height Every password field now has an eye symbol that can be pressed to see the password in clear text Other Changes Mark features that are not supported by the selected output format Redesign the about section to make it easier for you to find help or help yourself Redesign of the error report window
April 4, 20195 yr Author ▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬** What´S NeW / UpdateS / ChangE LoG **▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬ What’s new in PDFCreator? Our PDFCreator 3.4.1 maintenance release brings you the installer for the brand new PDF Architect 7 and comes with the following bug fixes: Fixed a bug in parsing user tokens with a certain argument in the PS file The profile list is now sorted alphabetically Installing printers could fail without message under certain circumstances Fixed some cases where HTML Signatures could be overwritten when using the mail client action License will be updated immediately after activating When dragging files to convert into the UI, the drop zone will be visible The filename was not saved when confirming the print dialog with the enter key The UI now updates correctly when the switching the modify background setting on or off Job History now properly updates when reseting the settings
May 28, 20195 yr Author Changes in PDFCreator 3.5.0 Improvements Add drop-down buttons in print job view for quick access to several functions It is now possible to send a converted file via email, SMTP, FTP or similar without specifying a target directory When entering a password, the user immediately receives feedback regarding the password strength PDFCreator now ships with PDF Architect 7 PDFCreator Business, PDFCreator Terminal Server and PDFCreator Custom: There is now a GPO setting to disable the History Resolved issues Error that occurs when trying to convert a secured PDF in auto-save mode will not clog application Fixed a bug in parsing user tokens with a certain argument in the PS file Installing printers could fail without message under certain circumstances Fixed some cases where HTML Signatures could be overwritten when using the mail client action License will be updated immediately after activating The UI now updates correctly when switching the modify background setting on or off Job History now properly updates when resetting the settings PDFCreator now uses the operating system‘s display language as default. Previously it would use the language from the regional settings If PDFCreator can‘t detect the default PDF viewer, but PDF Architect is installed, PDF Architect will be used to open the PDF file Fixed an error that could appear when closing the application When the merge window was opened, incoming print jobs could be added and processed twice Other Changes Added a new default profile with full encryption and password protection activated The user receives a clearer answer as to whether the entered certificate password is valid PDFCreator can repair PDFCreator printers during an update if necessary
June 26, 20195 yr Author Changes in PDFCreator 3.5.1: PDFCreator Business and PDFCreator Terminal Server: Fix setting passwords if print dialog is skipped The lost <Last used profile> printer mapping is recovered “Save” is the preselected button in the print job window to proceed immediately by pressing enter After editing profiles, the print job window sets the last edited profile Fixed navigation to profiles tab from “Edit” in the print job window Fix an error that could happen when printing a lot of files from the context menu Fix “Don’t show quick Actions until the next update” which sometimes wasn’t applied
April 17, 20204 yr Author PDFCreator 4.0.4 - Maintenance Release Posted: April 16, 2020 We've released our maintenance release PDFCreator 4.0.4! Here's what's new: Improvements PDFCreator now uses Ghostscript 9.50 Bugs fixed Fixed an error that could occur when dragging unknown file types to PDFCreator Fixed cut off content when printing to paper Fixed an error that occured when stamping with other modifications, e.g. adding a cover or attachment If Dropbox share links are placed in an e-mail, but the Dropbox action was placed after sending the mail, PDFCreator now attaches the files Other changes Some temporary setup files were not removed
June 18, 20213 yr Author Changes in PDFCreator 4.3.0: Breaking changes Please check for the new e-mail format setting, when using the COM-interface for sending HTML formatted e-mails via SMTP. Improvements The workflow editor view has been further improved with immediate and better visibility of incorrect settings. The print action now has the option to fit the document to the page size of the printer. New option to proceed with further send actions if one of them fails. It is now possible to save settings with removed passwords, which makes it easier to share settings for a support case. The e-mail quick action now uses default HTML setting of the client. New warning about circular dependencies when selecting another PDFCreator printer in the print action. Bugs fixed HotFolder could sometimes use the wrong PDFCreator profile to convert files. HotFolder did not consider shared settings. The “forward to profile” action may have failed with an UnauthorizedAccessException. Opening the signature settings always selected the first time server account instead of the originally selected. The /Profile parameter did not work for files that have to be printed. The <OutputFilenames> token was not always replaced. For the special condition that the filename contained a whitespace in the 23rd position, the conversion of PDF files via drag & drop failed. Changes in PDFCreator 4.2.0: Improvements: PDFCreator 4.2.0 includes our newest PDF viewer and editor: PDF Architect 8. The workflow editor view has been improved for a better overview and usability. Therefore the classic tab view of the profile settings was removed. A new small wizard guides users through creating profiles. The COM interface has been extended and allows better control over the execution order of actions. It is now possible to add multiple files as cover pages or as attachment pages. The setup now supports keyboard shortcuts. Bugs fixed: HotFolder now uses PDFCreator’s direct conversion to convert PDF and PS files. When restoring settings or loading from an ini file the updated application settings were not immediately displayed. User tokens were not applied when switching between profiles on the print job screen. Merging pdf or ps files via commandline parameter opened the merge window instead of merging the files instantly. The setup lost the current PDFCreator language preference during updates. A script error occurred while adding a Dropbox account. The setup window could not be moved while an overlay is active.
September 2, 20213 yr Author Changes in PDFCreator 4.4.0: New features PDFCreator Professional and Terminal Server inherit the CS Script action from PDFCreator Server, which allows to integrate own C# scripts with access to the entire job data. PDFCreator now has a standby mode that significantly improves performance. New lightweight command line application (PDFCreator-cli.exe) that takes over the command line functionality of PDFCreator. Multiple documents for cover, attachment or additional attachments in mail actions can now be sorted via drag & drop. A test e-mail in the e-mail or SMTP action now uses the specified attachment files instead of dummy files. New action to automatically generate page numbers. The HTTP action supports tokens in the upload URL. Bugs fixed PDFCreator Professional and Terminal Server: During uninstallation the license was not revoked. Under certain circumstances, deleted profiles were still shown in the profile list until re-opening the profiles tab.
December 3, 20213 yr Author Changes in PDFCreator 4.4.1: Bugs fixed PDFCreator Professional and Terminal Server: There was an issue with the TLS version selection during the licensing process. The conversion of PDF files via the context menu was broken. Environment variables were not updated during standby. Enabling actions in the CS-script action did not work. When changing the installation directory during an update, new print jobs were only processed after starting PDFCreator manually. Newly added profiles were displayed twice in the profile list. The viewer start page was not applied for “merge all”. Some setting values in the hot folder were not properly displayed. Other Changes The MSI property ADDLOCAL is now available for creating an Administrative Installation Point.
March 21, 20222 yr Author Changes in PDFCreator 4.4.2: Bugs fixed PDFCreator Professional and Terminal Server: During an uninstallation the proxy was not used for revoking the license. The “open file” action did not consider the default application from the system’s user choice. When PDFCreator was in standby, the COM interface did not work. A ShellExecute error could occur during uninstallation. “Close now” did not work when an update was installed via the user interface. Default viewers did not use the specified additional parameters. The delete function in the history was not working. The PDF/A validation report could have been overwritten, even if “ensure unique filenames” was enabled. Other Changes The FTP connection can now be immediately tested in the account settings. HotFolder now includes Hungarian language.
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