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does anyone knows how to slipstream silent office 07 enterprise to xp? has anyone tried it, please help me as i heard it is possible to slipstream to xp.


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this topic link you provided is only for slipstreaming Service Packs and Updates into Office 2003, not into xp. and its based on office 2003 nt office 07. anyway please see if you can find a way to slipstream office 07 to xp. i have tried it with a cmd code:

@echo off

title Installing office '07

echo please be patient as this could take every long...


echo starting installer...

start /wait setup.exe

then i packed it wirar to create a sfx with comments:





Title=M$ Office 2007 Enterprise

please check if ive done anything wrong in the comment code

it installs fully silent, but cant run in windows xp, during setup when it comes to "registering components" it starts installing but after 5 secs i get this error "setup components needs to be configured in control panel" and it aborts. please help me as am very close to making it a true addon.

Edited by shahed


this topic link you provided is only for slipstreaming Service Packs and Updates into Office 2003, not into xp.

No, it is for both, see the next page:


and its based on office 2003 nt office 07.

Yes, that is why I asked whether it still works on Office '07 or not, see? :)

I don't have O2k7, yet, so I don't know.

However, I would think the procedure may be similar, apart from the file names (same switches and all).

  • Author

the link you provided, and that the info from that web

but how do i execute the batch file were do i go to make it start, or it does it automatically?

Office 2003 Simple Installation

Submitted by Alanoll

Grab your Office 2003 disc and copy the contents of it to: C:\XPCD\$OEM$\$1\install\Applications\Office2003\

Unattended XPCD

The number of files may vary for different Office 2003 Editions, don't worry if its not the same as in the screenshot above.

Add these lines to your batch file:


ECHO Installing Office 2003

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\Office2003\PRO11.msi /QB

This will install the default components for Office 2003; which are Access, Excel, Frontpage, Outlook, Powerpoint, Publisher, Infopath and Word. You may want to do the Advanced version if you want full control over your Office 2003 Installation.

Edited by shahed

the link you provided, and that the info from that web

but how do i execute the batch file were do i go to make it start, or it does it automatically?

No, you have to call that yourself.

They assume you already have such a batch file with which you install other apps as well.

You can either create a new one and have it called by GUIRunOnce or RunOnceExec (Google that) OR enter the last line into nLite (just as I showed you in the other thread about the reg file, remember?).

OK Here goes:

#1 Make sure you have 07 enterprise office!

#2 Run it with the following switch = setup.exe /admin

#3 Follow all of the instructions paying alot of attention to the "Licensing and User interface" section enter the serial and select Display level = none

#4 save the resulting file as "Your-Name-here.msp" and add that file to the office 07 folder. Don't use spaces in the file name!

#5 Then add this line to the svcpack.ini or guirunonce in the winnt.sif file. "%cdrom%\office07\setup.exe /adminfile Your-Name-here.msp"

#6 add the office07 folder to the root of your disk.

Thats all there is 6 easy steps!!!!

Adding the hotfixes and updates:

#1 Download them all (Der)

#2 Goto Start --> Run and enter "temp"

#3 Leaving your temp folder open run each fix\update one at a time and COPY the .msp file(s) that appear in your temp folder to the "Updates" folder in your Office07 dir

That will autorun the updates during installation!

  • Author

hi there i get this error when booting from cd saying error in line 60 invalid winnt.sif code

thats the way i edited my winnt.sif


"%cdrom%\office07\setup.exe /adminfile Shahed.MSP

  • Author

kels did u actually try it yourself, to slipstream, and did it install during registering components or at guirunonce

  • Author

i dont think anyone has managed to slipstream office 2k7 because i read so many forums about office 2k7 but nothing happeinig there as well. i might as well use wpi to install it. hey kels thanks for your help any, and please let me know if you find a way to slipstream silent office to xp (true addon)

thank you, and yes thats how my winnt.sif looks like:

; Generated by nLite 1.3.5


































FullName="Shahed Hussain"

OrgName="Home PC"













"%cdrom%\office07\setup.exe /adminfile Shahed.MSP


CustomDefaultThemeFile = "%WinDir%\Resources\Themes\vista.theme"

the office folder is in my xp root saved as office07

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • Author


how do i install the office updates that i downloaded silently when installing 0ffice 2k7?

please help, i usually install my office silent like this:

setup.exe /adminfile xxxxxx.msp

thanks in advance

Edited by shahed

Adding the hotfixes and updates:

#1 Download them all (Der)

#2 Goto Start --> Run and enter "temp"

#3 Leaving your temp folder open run each fix\update one at a time and COPY the .msp file(s) that appear in your temp folder to the "Updates" folder in your Office07 dir

That will autorun the updates during installation!

  • 1 year later...

have a completely unattened office2k7 install all i do is add it to the runonce bat


i have then edited all the XML files within the setup to make it completly unattended

config.xml example

<Configuration Product="Enterprise">

<!-- <Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" /> -->

<!-- <Logging Type="standard" Path="%temp%" Template="Microsoft Office Enterprise Setup(*).txt" /> -->

<!-- <PIDKEY Value="no-your-not-having-my-key" /> -->

<!-- <USERNAME Value="XP Silent Install" /> -->

<!-- <COMPANYNAME Value="XP Silent Install" /> -->

<!-- <INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office" /> -->

<!-- <LIS CACHEACTION="CacheOnly" /> -->

<!-- <SOURCELIST Value="\\server1\share\Office12;\\server2\share\Office12" /> -->

<!-- <DistributionPoint Location="\\server\share\Office12" /> -->

<!-- <OptionState Id="OptionID" State="absent" Children="force" /> -->

<!-- <Setting Id="Reboot" Value="IfNeeded" /> -->

<!-- <Command Path="msiexec.exe" Args="/i \\server\share\my.msi" QuietArg="/q" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" /> -->


if you require the installation i will host but obviously not with my product key in it.

  • 4 weeks later...

Kelsen, I like you're approach to the Office Install as described in your 6 step process. I'm running into a strange problem: When the guirunonce command "%cdrom%\Office2007\setup.exe /adminfile savecompatible.MSP" runs I get a message claiming that Windows cannot find the exe.

I have the disc in my drive now and I'm staring at the exe in the exact location that I specified ^^^. Setup is indeed there. Any idea why windows can't see this exe?

Thanks in advance!

Kelsen, I like you're approach to the Office Install as described in your 6 step process. I'm running into a strange problem: When the guirunonce command "%cdrom%\Office2007\setup.exe /adminfile savecompatible.MSP" runs I get a message claiming that Windows cannot find the exe.

I have the disc in my drive now and I'm staring at the exe in the exact location that I specified ^^^. Setup is indeed there. Any idea why windows can't see this exe?

Thanks in advance!

In my old install a found this line:

REG ADD %KEY%\015 /VE /D "Office 2007 Enterprise" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D "%Systemdrive%\Data\Office\setup.exe /adminfile silent.msp" /f

I test and it works...

If you run your install from CMD, you must type:

"%cdrom%\Office2007\setup.exe" /adminfile savecompatible.MSP

Edited by George King

Thanks for the tip!

Hmm, I updated my winnt.sif exactly as you specified and the issue persists. I would like to try your reg add commands...but where do those lines belong? Please excuse my ignorance :confused02:

In my old install a found this line:

REG ADD %KEY%\015 /VE /D "Office 2007 Enterprise" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D "%Systemdrive%\Data\Office\setup.exe /adminfile silent.msp" /f

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Kelsen, Thanks for the clear explanation, works perfectly. :)

Anyone has an idea when SP2 will arrive? In a few days I assume?

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