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Notepad++   8.7.0 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi

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Changes in Notepad++ 8.1.0:

  • Fix regression of auto-completion performance issue.
  • Fix Open dialog with “Save” label for “Open” button.
  • Fix Notepad++ crash on dark mode while starting up.
  • Improve look & feel in dark mode.
  • Adapt Tooltips in dark mode.
  • Remove white line under menubar in dark mode.
  • Make multiline and vertical tabs work in dark mode.
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  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++ 8.1.1 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi

Notepad++ v8.1.1 release


A critical dark mode bug has been fixed:
If Notepad++ is installed by an user with admin privilege, the edit zone cannot be applied to the dark theme, after the other users (use the other user accounts on the same machine) switching to dark mode.

Also, more UI components conform to the dark mode in this release.

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  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++ 8.1.2 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi

Changes in Notepad++ 8.1.2:

  • Make dark mode restartless.
  • Activate dark mode in Windows 11.
  • Make Notepad++ dark mode colors customizable: add 6 more color tone choices.
  • Add customizing dynamically dark mode colors capacity
  • Add command line flag -udl=”UDL name” to open a file by applying an existent UDL via its name.
  • Use always current file directory in File Rename dialog.
  • Fix “Remember last used directory” unexpected behaviour.
  • Fix corrupted encoding text on status bar if shortcut assigned to encode command.
  • Add a Save all confirm dialog.
  • Improve JavaScript auto-completion.
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  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++ 8.1.3 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi

Changes in Notepad++ 8.1.3:

  • Dark mode enhancement: 95% dialogs are dark-modable.
  • Improve GUI display under high DPI.
  • Add Markdown UDL of dark mode in release packages.
  • Fix crash issue when several instances of the save dialogs are shown.
  • Fix save dialog not working on Windows Vista.
  • Add the capacity to switch among Find/Replace/FiF/Mark via their shortcuts.
  • Make Document List Panel togglable via View menu and shortcutable (+ “Switch to” command) in shortcut mapper.
  • Fix Function list current empty lost issue while Sort/Unsort/Save/Reload.
  • Fix Functions list scrolling to the top on file save issue.
  • Fix wrong path in tooltip of tab in RTL mode.
  • Fix the file drag and drop bug in RTL mode.
  • Add filter capacity in Shortcut mapper by shortcut key combination.
  • Add copy file names capacity from Windows dialog.
  • Fix shortcut conflict detection error in Shortcut mapper while filtering.
  • Increase macro, user command and plugin command number capacity.
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  • 1 month later...

Changes in Notepad++ 8.1.5:

  • Make Insert date time customizable.
  • Make date time order reversible for short & long format.
  • Add Insert Date/Time commands shortcut & macro capacities.
  • Fix regression: no error message when locked file could not be saved – Show file locked warning now.
  • Make “Confirm Save All” dialog more clear: use “Always Yes” button instead of “Cancel”.
  • Improve JSON, PHP, PYTHON, CSS, BANNC and VHDL syntax highlighting in dark mode.
  • Fix inconsistency of Document List context menu.
  • Enable/disable ext column via Document list context menu directly.
  • Add path column in Document list panel.
  • Allow custom color for Document Map.
  • Fix docked/float panels in RTL layout issue.
  • Fix CSS pseudo-elements not recognized issue. Update CSS keywords and add new styles.
  • Fix issue that current directory not been applied after changing current directory option in preferences.
  • Sort Default language combobox of “New Document” section in Preferences.

Included plugins:

  • NppExport v0.3
  • Converter 4.3
  • Mime Tool 2.6
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  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++ 8.1.6 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi

Notepad++ v8.1.6 Release is available here:

Notepad++ v8.1.6 bug-fixes:

  1. Fix NUL file-corruption issue after system shutting down brutally. (Fix #6133)
  2. Fix session lost issue after MS update restarting Windows. (Fix #10402)
  3. Make Markdown UDL work in every dark theme. (Fix #10593)
  4. Fix file can be marked as saved even it’s been deleted outside. (Fix #10401)
  5. Fix status bar text display glitchy in dark mode. (Fix #10564)
  6. Fix white flash on Notepad++ startup in dark mode issue. (Fix #10601)
  7. Fix docked window sizing direction problem in RTL mode. (Fix #10536)
  8. Fix floating panel movement issue in RTL mode. (Fix #10579)
  9. Fix Print GUI bug in Preferences dialog. (Fix #10552)

The auto-updater will be triggered in 1 week if there’s no critical bug found.

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  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++ 8.1.7 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi

Changes in Notepad++ 8.1.7:

  • Fix empty file not being saved regression. (Fix #10667)
  • Fix white flash in dark mode on CMD launch with position parameters. (Fix #10657)
  • Enhance dark themes for some programming languages (JSON, Python & Makefile). (Fix #10648)
  • Fix “Run macro until the end of file” command skipping the last line issue. (Fix #10441)
  • Fix tooltip layout and position in RTL mode. (Fix #10646)
  • Fix docking problem for dockable panel in RTL mode. (Fix #10641)
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  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++ 8.1.8 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi
  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++ 8.1.9 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi
  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++ Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi

Cambios en Notepad ++
Arregle una regresión del problema de ahorro.
Se corrigió una regresión de la recarga de falsas alarmas desde la unidad de red.
Haga que la lista de funciones / el panel Proyecto / Carpeta como icono de área de trabajo se muestre correctamente con un DPI alto.
Haga posible el modo oscuro genérico de UDL (que funciona para todos los temas oscuros) a través de la interfaz de usuario de UDL.
Soluciona el problema de los paneles acoplados fantasma después de restaurar desde la bandeja del sistema.
Habilite la función de copia de seguridad al guardar (simple) de forma predeterminada (solo para la nueva instalación).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Changes in Notepad++

  • Fix failure of erasing & saving server logs (of network drive) regression.
  • Fix dark mode not working on Windows 10 2H22.
  • Fix crash in regex search. )
  • Fix UDL folding breaking with delimiters issue if UNIX EOL applied.
  • Fix UDL generic dark mode via UDL UI not working issue.
  • Fix disabling alternative icons on tab in dark mode issue.
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  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++ 8.2.0 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi

Changes in Notepad++ 8.2:

  • Add exclude folder(s) capacity in Find in Files (mouse hover on “Filters” label for getting the example on tool-tip).
  • Fix UTF-8 detected wrongly as TIS-620 encoding issue.
  • Add auto save loaded session on exit feature (while “Open session in a new instance” is set in Multi-instance settings).
  • A comprehensive fix for dockable panels losing background color when switching back Notepad++.
  • Fix memory leak while toggling between Dark/Lite Mode.
  • Fix caret left-right inverse moving in RTL mode issue.
  • Fix Document List icons unchanged issue after switching to dark mode or changing to alternative icons.
  • Fix incorrect folding behaviour in C, C++, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript and Objective-C.
  • Update boost regexp from v1.76 to v1.78
  • “Rename tab” name field enlargement (from 20 to 63 char!).
  • Apply “crontab” file to the syntax highlighting of bash.

Included plugins:

  • NppExport v0.3
  • Converter 4.3
  • Mime Tool 2.6

❣️❄*☃* 🎄🌹🌲🌺🌲🌹🌲🌺
ღღ*☃*Happy New Year ✫*✽*☃*❄ 
.`•.¸(¯`❉´¯)¸.•❣️2022☃*,✽*☃*❄*☃*✫ 🎄
¸.☆¸.✽¸¸.•´ ¸.•´.❉ .¸¸.*✽.¸¸*❣️🎄🌹🌲🌺🌲🌹🌲🌺

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  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++ 8.2.1 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi

Changes in Notepad++ 8.2.1:

  1. Fix regression of loaded session being empty on exit.
  2. Add Find/Replace text swap button in Find replace dialog.
  3. Add an option for inserting auto-completion selection to fix hitting twice ENTER to go to next line.
  4. Fix installer x64 not detected the previous installation location.
  5. Add copy name/path commands to DocList and Edit menu.
  6. Fix Recent Files List not revised issue after “Save As” command.
  7. Fix Windows 11 detected wrongly issue in “Debug information”.
  8. Fix “Save As” command cannot be used as “Save” issue.
  9. Fix visual glitch regression of fg/bg color disabling.
  10. Fix wrong keywords (of preprocessor in C) highlighting in Java.
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  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++ 8.3 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi
  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++ 8.3.1 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi

Changes in Notepad++ 8.3.1:

  • Fix XML tag adding or mark deletion crash issue.
  • Fix wrong cursor position on opened file & cmdline ‘-n’ param not working regression.
  • Revert “Enable backup on save (simple) feature by default”.
  • Restore auto-completion insert selection default behaviour (now with both ENTER & TAB as expected).
  • Fix Path Completion not working regression.
  • Fix target directory parameter (/D=) ignored by x64 installer regression.
  • Add icons in front of function items of auto-completion to distinguish from word items.
  • Fix file dialog “Append extension” checkbox not working on empty folder.
  • Fix link part of Dark Mode Customized tone not persistent issue.
  • Fix NPPM_RELOADFILE not working with converted 8.3 DOS file name bug.

Included plugins:

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  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++ 8.3.2 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi

Changes in Notepad++ 8.3.2:
Fix incorrect message while double clicking on search result regression.
Fix regression: file can’t be saved if it’s set to other charset before.
Fix UDL comment config input fields broken regression.
Fix UDL dialog crash issue on over 30 created UDL.
Add sorting document tab order commands by name, path, type and size.
Support better 2GB+ file (cmdline & session file adaptation).
Fix auto-completion sort order problem due to fx icon.
Refine auto-saving session on exit behaviour.
Enhance performance on exit with certain settings.
Fix auto-complete case insensitive not working issue.
Fix saving problem (regression) with “Sysnative” alias in x86 binary.

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  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++ 8.3.3 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi

Changes in Notepad++ 8.3.3:

  • Fix crash regression on opening a session file.
  • Enhance stability: add new ability (plugin compatibility) for not loading incompatible plugins.
  • Fix deleting the folded line makes folded (hidden) content disappeared.
  • Re-enable ability to center the FindReplaceDlg on Notepad++ main window.
  • Fix extension not appended issue while saving with ENTER under Windows 7.
  • Fix preferences dialog “Dark Mode->Customize tone” RTL alignment issue in dark mode.
  • Fix disabled static texts of Preferences blurry issue in Dark mode.
  • Add 4 API for custom auto-indentation and getting current macro status.
  • Add new AutoComplete icon for distinguishing functions from normal keywords.
  • Fix Plugin Admin close issue after typing ENTER.
  • Show current and new version on update dialo
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  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++ 8.4.0 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi

Changes in Notepad++ 8.4:

  • Update Scintilla from v4.4.6 to v5.2.1 and add Lexilla v5.1.5.
  • Enhance dark mode support.
  • Fix lossing characters issue after case-conversion (UPPER/lower).
  • Fix “Sort Lines as Integer” not considering negative number issue.
  • Sort languages alphabetically automatically in Style Configurator.
  • Fix flashing box (autocompletion empty list) appears while typing issue.
  • Scrolling Document List automatically to make the selected tab item visible.
  • Make Find in Files search result line number aligned.
  • Add default A-Z sorting ability in Function list.
  • Add virtual space ability.
  • Fix document being wronly marked as saved bug after converting its encoding.
  • Fix Document list not synchronized with tab order after sorting.
  • Fix file saving critical bug under Symantec encryption desktop.
  • Enhance installer: Remember the chosen language in the previous installation.
  • Fix cropped text in Shortcut mapper’s status area issue.
  • Improve Find/Replace Dialog layout.
  • Update NSIS & Inno Setup keyword lists.

Included plugins:

  • NppExport v0.4
  • Converter 4.4
  • Mime Tool 2.7
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  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++  8.6.9 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi

Changes in Version 8.6.9:

  • Make installation and updates easy & quiet by adding “Yes (Silent)” button.
  • Add new options ‘/closeRunningNpp’ & ‘/runNppAfterSilentInstall’ in the installer.
  • Fix crash of “Next Search Result” command on the empty search result.
  • Fix the regression where the Find dialog size is not remembered across sessions.
  • Fix the regression of content lost by using Encoding “Convert to…” commands.
  • Fix the regression of exception/crash on Windows Server Core 2022.
  • Prevent DirectWrite from being enabled under Windows Sever.
  • Enhance the quality of Fluent toolbar icon sets for different DPI settings.
  • Improve the look & feel of tabbar close button in dark mode.
  • Improve the dark mode tab bar icon in the search results panel.
  • Add ability to pre-populate the predefined color sets for custom tones.
  • Add “Show All Character” popup menu on toolbar button.
  • Fix the rectangular selection copy-paste bug.
  • Allow opening shortcut files (*.lnk) directly if the file extension is changed.
  • Fix the lost panels issue.
  • Add Backspace unindent option.
  • Fix CSS more indentation bug.
  • Include F13-F24 keys in Shortcut Mapper.
  • Fix the problem where the last empty clean untitled tab cannot be closed after renaming.
  • Add plugin a command (NPPM_SETUNTITLEDNAME) to rename untitled tab.
  • Display a message box with information about disabled backward regex searching.
  • Fix the display glitch for unsaved tabs containing tab characters.
  • Fix status bar and tab bar flicker during the GUI updated (fixed only for dark mode).
  • Fix the issue with “Begin/End Select” command after deletion.
  • Resolve the integer overflow problem in the Column Editor.
  • Adjust the position of hits text in the File Progress dialog.
  • Fix the deployment of other software blocked due to NppShell.
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  • geodasoft changed the title to Notepad++   8.7.0 Dual x86x64 [Desatendido]Multi

Changes in Version 8.7.0:

  • Update to scintilla 5.5.2 & Lexilla 5.4.0.
  • Fix monitoring large files with frequent writes freezing the UI issue.
  • Fix regression of multiple selections in comboboxes of Find dialog.
  • Fix a single undo reverting many changes issue.
  • Improve Styler Configurator performance considerably.
  • Fix CVE-2014-9456 (but CVE-2014-9456 is not a “Security Vulnerability”).
  • Make find dialog status messages color customizable via Style Configurator.
  • Make individual tab color customizable via Style Configurator.
  • Add new plugin command NPPM_GETNATIVELANGFILENAME & notification NPPN_NATIVELANGCHANGED for native language being changed.
  • Fix Folder as Workspace sorting problem for network storage (Samba, WebDAV, WSL, etc.).
  • Fix closing unsaved clone document causing periodic backup loss issue.
  • Fix Style Config’s “User-defined keywords” not being saved properly after emptying it.
  • Add user-defined keyword ability for some supported programming languages (ActionScript, ASP, Bash, C, C++, C#, GDScript, Go, HTML, Java, JavaScript).
  • Add Fluent Icons for enhancing FunctionList, Folder as Workspace & project panels’ icons in lite mode.
  • Fix Python smart indent issue when a string or comment line ends with a colon.
  • Add file type filters for UDL in Save dialogs.
  • Add TOML language (TOML format) support.
  • Add function list for TeX/LaTeX.
  • Recognize Cython files as Python.
  • Fix edit zone not getting focus while clicking the active tab.
  • Add the ability to open the copy automatically after the “Save a Copy” command.
  • Fix inability to paste after removing read-only via menu.
  • Add one more option for auto-indent so C-Like language indent can be disabled.
  • Fix Style Configurator regression: “URL hovered”‘s “Go to Settings” not working.
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