July 5, 200816 yr http://img76.imageshack.us/img76/7079/33474281jc8.jpg1. It works well on XP professional.2. is that a playing toy or a working PC--screen shot. it is too untiday over there at your place..hehehe
July 6, 200816 yr Oh **** off RICK! How dare you call my vista DUMB! :angry: your pure moaning becuase i did it a 2nd TIME! BIG WOW!I least my Windows Sidebar works GREAT! on Windows Vista! :grin: your ****ty windows sidebar has a **** load of PROBLEMS!!!!! on XP and some of the gadgets don't even WORK on XP!!! :ranting: HA HA HA!GOODBYE
July 7, 200816 yr Oh **** off RICK! How dare you call my vista DUMB! :angry: your pure moaning becuase i did it a 2nd TIME! BIG WOW!I least my Windows Sidebar works GREAT! on Windows Vista! :grin: your ****ty windows sidebar has a **** load of PROBLEMS!!!!! on XP and some of the gadgets don't even WORK on XP!!! :ranting: HA HA HA!GOODBYEThis is not very nice of you pete. I'm not sure who did you try to amaze with your Vista Sidebar look?? Actually, a lot of people from all around the world are using Windows Vista and have seen the default desktop a thousand times, so nothing new here. Also Vista has been out for 1,5 years, so what's the point here. If you want, you can post your desktop screenshots in the appropriate forum. I won't let you insult my staff members although Rick was a bit harsh on you, but anyway he had a good reason, since you have already posted irrelevant posts before, so his reaction was justified.You'll get a warning this time and next time you'll be banned!
July 7, 200816 yr @ pete,what Rick meant was u had posted in the wrong section.I agree with what N1K said.You shlouldn't be so impolite.Beside, I don't agree with you saying rick did a lousy sidebar.His creation is great. I've been using his sidebar for almost 2yrs with no problem.If u think u can do a better job than him then prove it!!!
July 8, 200816 yr This is not very nice of you pete. I'm not sure who did you try to amaze with your Vista Sidebar look?? Actually, a lot of people from all around the world are using Windows Vista and have seen the default desktop a thousand times, so nothing new here. Also Vista has been out for 1,5 years, so what's the point here. If you want, you can post your desktop screenshots in the appropriate forum. I won't let you insult my staff members although Rick was a bit harsh on you, but anyway he had a good reason, since you have already posted irrelevant posts before, so his reaction was justified.You'll get a warning this time and next time you'll be banned!OK then i am sorry.
July 10, 200816 yr Hi, can you please help me install this awesome sidebar on Windows XP X64 SP2? after i install the Alky 1.1 and log off and in, when i try to install throught sidebar.inf it always gives me error, how to fix it?
July 10, 200816 yr Hi, can you please help me install this awesome sidebar on Windows XP X64 SP2? after i install the Alky 1.1 and log off and in, when i try to install throught sidebar.inf it always gives me error, how to fix it?please look post#880 and report if it works for you too http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?sho...ost&p=24338
July 10, 200816 yr That didn't work for me.himmm, sorry than, i use 2003x64 and it didnt work for me too, i havent have a chance to try it at xp64 yet, but as you should see it worked for ambo. Maybe ricktendo64 have idea and post here soon.
July 13, 200816 yr hmm have a problem when i try to run windows sidebar a message comes up saying:Sorry. This application attempted to delay-load a library or function that does not exist. Instability may occur.help please :help:
July 13, 200816 yr Author hmm have a problem when i try to run windows sidebar a message comes up saying:Sorry. This application attempted to delay-load a library or function that does not exist. Instability may occur.help please :help:Check number 6 of the Readme FAQ
July 13, 200816 yr did not work im running windows server 2003will it run on this?????thanksSnake Cracker
July 13, 200816 yr did not work im running windows server 2003will it run on this?????thanksSnake Cracker2003 64bit2003 32bit????
July 16, 200816 yr @ricktendo64could there be a version of the faded sidebar added that only contains the default gadgets from vista (non of the shared gadgets)?not sure about anyone else but i would like to have this version option.please consider this request.thanks in advance.
July 16, 200816 yr Author @ricktendo64could there be a version of the faded sidebar added that only contains the default gadgets from vista (non of the shared gadgets)?not sure about anyone else but i would like to have this version option.please consider this request.thanks in advance.You can get this by editing the infRemove everything on line 33 (I think) exept for Gad.Installer,O2K3MRU.Gad
July 16, 200816 yr You can get this by editing the infRemove everything on line 33 (I think) exept for Gad.Installer,O2K3MRU.Gadline 33 shows me this in the .inf file : [sourceDisksNames.x86]1="%SIDEBAR% Files","Sidebar.cab",,"i386"2="%CDVD_NAME%","WIN51",,"i386"so how do i do this?maybe you could post a edited version of the inf. ? Edited July 16, 200816 yr by jimmy
July 17, 200816 yr Author maybe you could post a edited version of the inf. ?I dont have this inf file anymore, here is what you need to removeATV.Gad,ATV.Imgs,ATV.enUS,ATV.CSS,ATV.JS,BBC.Gad,BBC.Imgs,CH.Imgs,BBC.Dummy,BBC.enUS,BBC.CSS,BBC.JS,Powr.Gad,Powr.CSS,Powr.Imgs,Powr.JS,CPUU.Gad,CPUU.Imgs,Digi.Gad,Digi.CSS,Digi.Imgs,Digi.JS,Drive.Gad,Drive.Imgs,Drive.Set,Drive.Drv,Drive.BG,Drive.enUS,Spacr.Gad,GCPU.Gad,GCPU.Imgs,GCPU.enUS,GCPU.CSS,GCPU.JS,GCPUbI.Gad,GCPIbI.Imgs,GCPUbI.enUS,GCPUbi.CSS,GCPUbi.JS,IEm.Gad,IEm.Imgs,IEm.enUS,IEm.CSS,IEm.JS,Int-Srch.Gad,Int-Srch.Imgs,Int-Srch.Butt,Int-Srch.enUS,Int-Srch.CSS,Int-Srch.JS,JoeJoe.Gad,JoeJoe.Def,JoeJoe.Inv,JoeJoe.CSS,Launch.Gad,Launch.Imgs,Launch.enUS,Launch.JS,WLClock.Gad,WLClock.Imgs,WLClock.Me,WLClock.enUS,WLClock.CSS,WLClock.JS,WLM.Gad,WLM.Connector,WLM.Imgs,WLM.Status,WLM.enUS,WLM.CSS,WLM.JS,LiveSrch.Gad,LiveSrch.Imgs,LiveSrch.enUS,MSNWea.Gad,MSNWea.Imgs,MSNWea.enUS,MSNWea.CSS,MSNWea.JS,-CPU.Gad,-CPU.Imgs,-CPU.enUS,-CPU.CSS,-CPU.JS,NetU.Gad,NetU.Imgs,Recycle.Gad,Recycle.Imgs,Recycle.enUS,Recycle.CSS,Recycle.JS,RecycXP.Gad,RecycXP.Imgs,RecycXP.enUS,RecycXP.CSS,RecycXP.JS,Run.Gad,SPM.Gad,SPM.Imgs,SPM.enUS,SPM.CSS,SPM.JS,SysInf.Gad,UltXC.Gad,UltXC.Imgs,UltXC.enUS,UltXC.CSS,UltXC.JS,Up.Gad,Up.Imgs,Up.enUS,Up.Core,Up.CSS,VClock.Gad,VClock.Imgs,VClock.enUS,VClock.CSS,VClock.JS,VLHClock.Gad,VLHClock.Imgs,VLHClock.enUS,VLHClock.CSS,VLHClock.JS,vCalc.Gad,vCalc.CSS,vCalc.Imgs,vCalc.JS,WSPM.Gad,WSPM.Imgs,WSPM.enUS,WSPM.CSS,WSPM.JS,WiFi.Gad,WiFi.Imgs,WiFi.enUS,WiFi.CSS,WiFi.JS,WMP.Gad,WMP.BP,WMP.BPI,WMP.DB,WMP.Imgs,WMP.Strm,WMP.Aero,WMP.Aero.s,WMP.Def,WMP.Def.m,WMP.IEXP,WMP.Thumbs,X360.Gad,X360.Imgs,X360.enUS,X360.CSS,X360.JS,
July 20, 200816 yr I dont have this inf file anymore, here is what you need to removeATV.Gad,ATV.Imgs,ATV.enUS,ATV.CSS,ATV.JS,BBC.Gad,BBC.Imgs,CH.Imgs,BBC.Dummy,BBC.enUS,BBC.CSS,BBC.JS,Powr.Gad,Powr.CSS,Powr.Imgs,Powr.JS,CPUU.Gad,CPUU.Imgs,Digi.Gad,Digi.CSS,Digi.Imgs,Digi.JS,Drive.Gad,Drive.Imgs,Drive.Set,Drive.Drv,Drive.BG,Drive.enUS,Spacr.Gad,GCPU.Gad,GCPU.Imgs,GCPU.enUS,GCPU.CSS,GCPU.JS,GCPUbI.Gad,GCPIbI.Imgs,GCPUbI.enUS,GCPUbi.CSS,GCPUbi.JS,IEm.Gad,IEm.Imgs,IEm.enUS,IEm.CSS,IEm.JS,Int-Srch.Gad,Int-Srch.Imgs,Int-Srch.Butt,Int-Srch.enUS,Int-Srch.CSS,Int-Srch.JS,JoeJoe.Gad,JoeJoe.Def,JoeJoe.Inv,JoeJoe.CSS,Launch.Gad,Launch.Imgs,Launch.enUS,Launch.JS,WLClock.Gad,WLClock.Imgs,WLClock.Me,WLClock.enUS,WLClock.CSS,WLClock.JS,WLM.Gad,WLM.Connector,WLM.Imgs,WLM.Status,WLM.enUS,WLM.CSS,WLM.JS,LiveSrch.Gad,LiveSrch.Imgs,LiveSrch.enUS,MSNWea.Gad,MSNWea.Imgs,MSNWea.enUS,MSNWea.CSS,MSNWea.JS,-CPU.Gad,-CPU.Imgs,-CPU.enUS,-CPU.CSS,-CPU.JS,NetU.Gad,NetU.Imgs,Recycle.Gad,Recycle.Imgs,Recycle.enUS,Recycle.CSS,Recycle.JS,RecycXP.Gad,RecycXP.Imgs,RecycXP.enUS,RecycXP.CSS,RecycXP.JS,Run.Gad,SPM.Gad,SPM.Imgs,SPM.enUS,SPM.CSS,SPM.JS,SysInf.Gad,UltXC.Gad,UltXC.Imgs,UltXC.enUS,UltXC.CSS,UltXC.JS,Up.Gad,Up.Imgs,Up.enUS,Up.Core,Up.CSS,VClock.Gad,VClock.Imgs,VClock.enUS,VClock.CSS,VClock.JS,VLHClock.Gad,VLHClock.Imgs,VLHClock.enUS,VLHClock.CSS,VLHClock.JS,vCalc.Gad,vCalc.CSS,vCalc.Imgs,vCalc.JS,WSPM.Gad,WSPM.Imgs,WSPM.enUS,WSPM.CSS,WSPM.JS,WiFi.Gad,WiFi.Imgs,WiFi.enUS,WiFi.CSS,WiFi.JS,WMP.Gad,WMP.BP,WMP.BPI,WMP.DB,WMP.Imgs,WMP.Strm,WMP.Aero,WMP.Aero.s,WMP.Def,WMP.Def.m,WMP.IEXP,WMP.Thumbs,X360.Gad,X360.Imgs,X360.enUS,X360.CSS,X360.JS,i've tried deleting the above but it still installs the shared gadgets.is there anyone else on here that has or can get the .inf file that would maybe post an edited version that does'nt install the shared gadgets (only the default one's)?i would be so thankfull for this.thanks in advance.
July 24, 200816 yr Hi,this is my first post... and I want to thank the authors for this EXCELLENT job.I've tried any Sidebar for XP found in internet, but this is the only one that really works THANKSSSSS :worthy: :worthy:
July 24, 200816 yr djblond:I got this as wellbut i think its the way the gadgets are installed.if you try to reinstall the gadgets it might worki don't know yet as I'm really busy!but if you do say if it worked or not.$|/|@|< Edited July 24, 200816 yr by snakecracker
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