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Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005

Displays personalized slideshows, news feeds, and other customized information on the desktop.

Windows XP SP3 ALL

Download: http://adf.ly/1713566/sidebar

CRC-32: 3aafb493

MD4: 062678613deccd43932735f7e38b255f

MD5: ccf47e3ac6623fe7af534f2ff343e5d4

SHA-1: 77d96f89ad4f9fee06c0cca008f384464483f33f

Size: 22.9 MB

50 Supported Locales: (You Can Request Your Locale)

cs-CZ (Czech - Czechoslovakia)
de-AT (German - Austria)
de-CH (German - Switzerland)
de-DE (German - Germany)
de-LI (German - Liechtenstein)
de-LU (German - Luxembourg)
el-GR (Greek - Greece)
en-AU (English - Australia)
en-BZ (English - Belize)
en-CA (English - Canada)
en-CB (English - Caribbean)
en-GB (English - United Kingdom)
en-IE (English - Ireland)
en-JM (English - Jamaica)
en-NZ (English - New Zealand)
en-PH (English - Phillippines)
en-TT (English - Trinidad)
en-US (English - United States) ***Default***
en-ZA (English - South Africa)
es-AR (Spanish - Argentina)
es-BO (Spanish - Bolivia)
es-CL (Spanish - Chile)
es-CO (Spanish - Colombia)
es-CR (Spanish - Costa Rica)
es-DO (Spanish - Dominican Republic)
es-EC (Spanish - Ecuador)
es-ES (Spanish - Spain)
es-GT (Spanish - Guatemala)
es-HN (Spanish - Honduras)
es-MX (Spanish - Mexico)
es-NI (Spanish - Nicaragua)
es-PA (Spanish - Panama)
es-PE (Spanish - Peru)
es-PR (Spanish - Puerto Rico)
es-PY (Spanish - Paraguay)
es-SV (Spanish - El Salvador)
es-UY (Spanish - Uruguay)
es-VE (Spanish - Venezuela)
fr-CA (French - Canada)
fr-CH (French - Switzerland)
fr-FR (French - France)
fr-LU (French - Luxembourg)
he-IL (Hebrew - Israel)
it-CH (Italian - Switzerland)
it-IT (Italian - Italy)
ja-JP (Japanese - Japan)
nl-BE (Dutch - Belgium)
nl-NL (Dutch - Netherlands)
pl-PL (Polish - Poland)
pt-BR (Portuguese - Brazil)
pt-PT (Portuguese - Portugal)
ru-MO (Russian - Republic of Moldova)
ru-RU (Russian - Russia)
tr-TR (Turkish - Turkey)
zh-CN (Chinese - China)
zh-HK (Chinese - Hong Kong SAR)
zh-MO (Chinese - Macau SAR)
zh-SG (Chinese - Singapore)
zh-TW (Chinese - Taiwan)



- Added pl-PL language support

- SlideShow Gadget fix for (cs, en, es, fr, it, nl, pl & tr)


- Updated WMP Gadget v0.9.6.2

- Removed simhei font

- Smaller Alky XP installer (admin install)


- Updated Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005

- Added he-IL version

- Split the translations into individual localized files (instead of a AIO) to reduce memory consumption

- RyanVM Integrator compatibility fixed (not tested)


- Reduced size of addon by over 7 Megabytes


- Repatched pt-PT, de-DE and ja-JP sidebars to fix error

- Added tr-TR translation fix by murat184


- Updated Windows Sidebar v6.0.6001.22303


- Updated Alky for Applications installer to install with data.bin (we can thank kontini for the new silent switches)


- Removed process.exe (false virus flag)


- Fixed process.exe not being copied to system32 (only manual install was affected)


- Silent update, added the following English locales to Strings: en-AU, en-BZ, en-CA, en-CB, en-GB, en-IE, en-JM, en-NZ, en-PH, en-TT, en-US, en-ZA

- Now uses process.exe to close sidebar (fixes issue for some with tskill.exe)

- Fixed possible issue with shortcut name not being localized in ViStart

- Vista fonts are now registered during TXTSETUP (they can now be used earlier in the Windows Billboard Setup if needed)

- Fixed French translation of RecycleBin(XP).Gadget


- Merged all the following langs (tnx to Kal) into one convenient addon: en-US, cs-CZ, de-AT, de-CH, de-DE, de-LI, de-LU, el-GR, es-AR, es-BO, es-CL, es-CO, es-CR, es-DO, es-EC, es-SV, es-ES, es-GT, es-HN, es-MX, es-NI, es-PA, es-PE, es-PR, es-PY, es-UY, es-VE, fr-CA, fr-CH, fr-FR, fr-LU, it-CH, it-IT, ja-JP, nl-BE, nl-NL, pt-BR, pt-PT, tr-TR.

- Removed QuickLaunch shortcut to be more like Vista (also solves uninstall INF error for other langs)

- "grpconv" error during manual install's reboot stage solved


- Added el-GR version


- Added fr-FR version


- Added tr-TR version


- Fixed it-IT version


- Added it-IT version


- Updated ALL Languages (fixed Windows Sidebar URL shortcut bug)

- Updated cs-CZ version to SP1


- Added cs-CZ version

- Update de-DE version to SP1


- Added de-DE version


- Added Server 2003 version


- Updated w/ Alky for Applications 1.1

- Updated Windows Sidebar v6.0.6001.18000

- Updated BBC, Launcher and WMP Gadgets (removed a couple others)

- Swapped iWeather for MSNWeather Gadget


- Fixed Server 2003 Sidebar addon


- Added versions for different builds of Windows (XP SP2 & SP3 and Server 2003)


- Sidebar is back to RTM version

- Added a couple new gadgets

- Separated KB940541 for SP3 compatibility


- Updated to Vista SP1 Sidebar v6.0.6001.16659

- Updated Contacts, RSSFeeds, Stocks and Weather gadgets v1.1.0.0


- Improoved manual Install (mow much easier, see new video)


- Added Office 2007 Recent Docs and Launcher Gadgets

- Added LCID (used to determine what locale OS you have, like en-US)

- Updated Recycle Bin Gadget (it can now be BIG while docked and small while undocked)

- Edited Alky silent installer for easy x64 install.


- Updated to Vista SP1 Sidebar v6.0.6001.16633

- Added Script MT Bold font for LiveClock.Gadget

- Added Gadget Installer by Thomas Pleasance


- Updated Server 2003 version with Vista SP1 Sidebar v6.0.6001.16549


- Updated XP version with Vista SP1 Sidebar v6.0.6001.16549

- Updated MSXML 6.10.1200.0 SP1

- Updated Wireless Lan API (KB940541)

I wanna give a big thanks to the creators and developers of Alky for Applications (a.k.a. VAIO) Rafael, ZoRoNaX and Stanimir Stoyanov

Official Website (Alky for Applications)

AeroXperience Forum (Bug Reports)

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Readme FAQ

1- If you don't use nLite you can install the Sidebar manually. First install Alky for Applications 1.1, now extract Ricks_WindowsSidebar_Intl_Alky*1.1_AddOn.7z to a sub-folder...right click on Sidebar.inf and rest is self explanatory.

2- If your language is not on the list don't worry, the default en-US Windows Sidebar will be installed.

3- If you Weather Gadet is not working, it says "Service not available" you can use this modified DLL to make it work. Extract it to your Sidebar directory overwriting the old one, then right click on it and choose Patch Vista library...


4- If some Gadgets are not showing up in the Gallery its because of the language of your Operating System. Open a CMD window and type LCID and hit enter...if you want your gadgets to show just rename the xx-XX folders to whatever shows up as your LCID (note: en-US will work on any language windows so you can use that too, moving the files out of the xx-XX folders into the main gadget directory works also).

5- If the Gadgets will no longer install when you double click them, simply go to Add/Remove Programs, highlight Windows Sidebar and hit the Change button...this will repair Gadget Installer, re-register Sidebar libraries and un-hide any common Gadgets you may have uninstalled.

6- Some SP2 users may need to install KB918997 or KB940541 Wireless Lan API if you get the following error:

Sorry. This application attempted to delay load or library or function that doesn't exist. Instability may occur.

7- Windows Server 2003 users need to copy atl.dll from Windows XP and place it in the main Windows Sidebar directory

8- To have more gadgets auto install, uncompress the addon to a subdir, open Gadgets.exe in svcpack folder with WinRAR and drag & drop any extra gadgets you like...repack the addon and integrate.

Many Thanks Rick for all the hard work on the AddOn and a special Thanks to Raphael for his hard work :) :thumbsup_anim:

Rick...do I need to uninstall the older version of the Sidebar first ???

Don't need to re patch the sidebar...everything is working fine only the Weather channel gadget doesn't shows any temperature :thumb_yello:

Wowsy need to remake my VPack.zip with all that new stuff :)

Thanks guys for all that hard work :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by ricktendo64
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EDIT: Yes preferably. (but you could uninstall VAIO and install Alky for Apps and you should be fine. But you may have to repatch the sidebar)

The slideshow, wireless and other bugs should be gone now with the new Alky. Rafael got a good few bugs fixed.

I just booted up my machine, got this email in my inbox informing me about this, i8mmediately clicked the link and went to this site and WOW, rick, you sooo made my day! :D

Moreso since I was just about to create a new ISO anyway.

Perfect timing, innit?! :speak_cool:

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What's the best way to install this over the older VAIO version?
Delete the Windows Sidebar Directory (back up your gadgets), uninstall VAIO then Install Alky and reboot. Install Sidebar AddOn (manual install instructions above) and reboot again.

Add your favorite missing backed up gadgets back to the Gadgets or Shared Gadgets folders and done.

very nice processing is slowly getting cut down to less n less best thing that coudl ever happen to xp no dout anyways rick keep up the good work thanks to all

So, I was going to build my ISO now and this error is popping up when selecting this AddOn:


Basically, it's complaining about the language mismatch (Eng/Ger).

I suspect this is due to the WLAN hotfix, because I was getting the same message when I tried the old AddOn with said fix (using the German version of the fix from MS worked - at least for the error message, don't have any WLAN device I could test on right now).

Any chance of ever having this addressed?

I suspect the only possibility is to either create a separate pack for each language the hotfix is presented in or remove the fix from the Alky package making it a stand-alone one again (so each user can pick the hotfix, which can be integrated in the ordinary format using nLite, so it does NOT have to be converted into an AddOn first, from MS's site).

Going to try with this regardless now, but, as I said, no WLAN device to test on so I can't verify nothing (unless it gives me a BSOD... :confused02: ).

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Alky for Apps needs the wlanapi.dll file, it uses it for a different function...

If you want you can replace the wlanapi.dll from the wlan hotfix in your lang and remove forcelang=English from Entries_Windows_Sidebar.ini thus making it compatible with your language.

Use this BuildCheckSum.rar to find the new build checksum and edit this number in Sidebar.inf (use last 5 numbers)


HKLM,"%SP3%\KB918997\Filelist\23","BuildDate",0,"Wed Nov 01 03:14:24 2006"


Installed the app first time I launched it I got the clock really dark and nothing else really. Now when I try to run it the app starts then shuts down immediately.

What's up?

Delete the Windows Sidebar Directory (back up your gadgets), uninstall VAIO then Install Alky and reboot. Install Sidebar AddOn (manual install instructions above) and reboot again.

Add your favorite missing backed up gadgets back to the Gadgets or Shared Gadgets folders and done.

Nice one, I'll give it a go.

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