July 8, 20213 yr Author Adobe AIR New No se si estan de acuerdo en la proxima version en añadir MSXML.4.0.SP3.Parser Visual.F..4.1.SDK.Silent Legacy.VB.C.Runtime.Libraries.
July 22, 20213 yr Author On 7/8/2021 at 4:02 PM, Rafadecai said: Lo mas interesante en añadir es esta aplicacion Legacy.VB.C.Runtime.Libraries. añadido
January 20, 20223 yr Author Adobe AIR New Java Runtime Environment 8 Update 321 Dual x86x64 New Actualizados
April 11, 20222 yr Author What’s New in Adobe AIR Updated iOS handling of URL sessions to support self-signed certificate confirmations Ensuring ADL checks under ~/.airsdk for a license file Adding device model to Android OS version information (unless opting out) AIR Android APK camera roll permission problem Fixing resizing of direct-mode canvas on orientation change Preventing flicker of menu/doc on macOS fullscreen app launch Removing legacy dependency on dsound.dll to fix Win11 runtime failure Updating Android clipboard implementation for new API Enabling video textures for AIR on Linux Changing macOS native signing check to be case-insensitive Updating failfast implementation to avoid import of RaiseFailFaseException
April 13, 20222 yr Author On 4/11/2022 at 3:20 PM, Taoufiq Tito said: Can you fix the link plz,it's for an older version Actualizado los links
May 12, 20222 yr Author On 5/3/2022 at 6:42 PM, nomarsm said: Si puedes agregas los Flash Player amigo. Saludos... en la proxima version lo agregare
September 3, 20222 yr Author What’s New in Adobe AIR Reverting the merging of ABC blocks in SWCs Sending ByteArray from Worker cause Adobe Scout show incorrect memory consumption Cleaning up local JNI references to avoid Java OutOfMemory errors Allowing the app descriptor to limit the Direct3D version level (using a new descriptor option ” under the section) Fixing runtimeClases.jar file format to remove directory entries, and enabling jetifier Removing exe and dll files from the Linux and macOS SDK zips Reworking omit-trace-statements to ensure the compiler still works within Flash Builder Fixing error in Rectangle.unionToOutput if ‘this’ object is the same as ‘output’ parameter Adding ‘ignore’ option for autoOrients to avoid using OrientationEventListener Release ignored autoOrients configuration value Release ignored stage.setAspectRatio request
January 20, 20232 yr Adobe AIR Install Silent Silent installation Quote https://krakenfiles.com/view/SBJC0D8dfj/file.html https://workupload.com/file/YuVa7KqhQUz
May 23, 20231 yr Adobe AIR Install Silent Silent installation Quote https://krakenfiles.com/view/z04qBClVDb/file.html https://mir.cr/NZ4VIZL9
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