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@ricktendo64 i followed ur guide but i get error the compiled EXE kept running it self again and again

even using this code at the end of script

$SF_1 = "app.exe"

If WinExists ( $SF_1 ) Then Exit

AutoItWinSetTitle ( $SF_1)

nothing happens no installation...kindly help out what to do..thanks in advance..!

kindly help out what to do..thanks in advance..!

You can post your actual code for us to review or just describe what you want the script to do (Describe as precise as you can. I try to help if I know)

You can also read up autoit help file that comes with it. They are really informative for beginners like me when I was learning autoit. (Autoit scripting scope is wide... still got a lot to learn)


i want to make silent install application for nlite with serial

i want to check it with autoit my example soft is teleport i did exactly as mentioned in the guide

check the code plz..show me the solution..thanks..4 early reply..thank you. :)

#region ---Au3Recorder generated code Start ---




Run('C:\Documents and Settings\sameera\Desktop\t\teleport.exe')

_WinWaitActivate("Teleport Pro 1.59 Setup","")


_WinWaitActivate("Teleport Pro 1.59 Setup ","")


_WinWaitActivate("Teleport Pro 1.59 Setup","")


$SF_1 = "teleport.exe"

If WinExists ( $SF_1 ) Then Exit

AutoItWinSetTitle ( $SF_1)

#region --- Internal functions Au3Recorder Start ---

Func _WinWaitActivate($title,$text,$timeout=0)


If Not WinActive($title,$text) Then WinActivate($title,$text)



#endregion --- Internal functions Au3Recorder End ---

#endregion --- Au3Recorder generated code End ---

Hi Bee4u

I do not know Au3Recorder method. I just use normal autoit coding method. (Pls read the help file for function's description)

Just compile this script to exe and put it with the program installer.

Have your entries_TelepportPro.ini call to execute this script, TeleportProWiz.exe

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; AutoIt Version:
; Language: English
; Description: Teleport Pro 1.62 Wizard Installer
; Installer Download link: http://www.tenmax.com/teleport/pro/home.htm
; Remark: You can also try it's silent switch Teleport_Pro_Installer.exe /S (I did not try this switch)
; Install as trial version. Does not include any method of entering serial as I do not have any serial.
; Author: Geej
; Suggested script name: TeleportProWiz.au3
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DIM $sT, $sT2
Run ('Teleport_Pro_Installer')
$sT='Teleport Pro 1.62 Setup'
$sT2='Welcome to the'
Winwait ($sT,$sT2)
ControlClick ($sT,$sT2,1)

$sT2='Choose Install Location'
Winwait ($sT,$sT2)
ControlClick ($sT,$sT2,1)

$sT2='Choose Start Menu Folder'
Winwait ($sT,$sT2)
ControlClick ($sT,$sT2,1)

$sT2='Click Finish to close this wizard.'
Winwait ($sT,$sT2)
WinActivate ($sT,$sT2)
ControlClick ($sT,$sT2,1203);deselect Run Teleport Pro checkbox
ControlClick ($sT,$sT2,1)


sir it didnt work same problem... :confused02:

I do not know why it didn't work at your end. I retest again (on XP, VM), still works.

How do you test this script? On a VM or host PC?

Have you uninstall cleanly first before you run it?

You test with version 1.59 or 1.62? (My script is base on v1.62 only)

When you said "same problem", does it means 'nothing happens no installation'? How do you know? (since it is a GUI-wizard installation, you should be able to see the installation in action)

I have made the addon with the script I post. Try running it or slipstream it on a VM

TeleportPro_addon.cabSize: 1.08 Mb (1,127,902 bytes)

MD5: E52FF2EE4F937BE69BEC271BB157CBC2

It installed to C:\Program Files\Teleport Pro

If all else fail, just run with silent switch : Teleport_Pro_Installer.exe /S

Edited by Geej

Geej yes it worked in vm your attachment one but if i try to make guide method it doesnot work..!

is there any betterway to make silent installation some good tool so i can use it in nlite and vlite..thank you for ur kind support.... :)

  • 8 months later...

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