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AIMP 5.30.2563 Multilingual[x86/x64][Desatendido] 


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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 4.70 Build 2254 [Desatendido] [Multilenguaje]

AIMP v4.70, build 2254 (12.08.2021)

General: support for horizontal scrolling via touch pad


Fixed: general - inverted scrolling of the list during drag-n-drop operations

Fixed: player - import files from external apps settings are ignored if files has been drop to main window

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - access token was not updated automatically during long playlist playback

Fixed: plugins - SACD - the replay gain information is ignored

Fixed: installer - no way to install the app to network path

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  • 2 months later...

AIMP v5.00, build 2342 (07.11.2021)

General: performance has been increased

Bookmarks: list of bookmarks for playing track has been added to seek bar context menu

Default skin: an ability to switch off accent color for window frame

Skin engine: potential abilities has been extended

Skin engine: performance has been improved

Skin engine: compatibility with old skins has been improved


Fixed: plugins - scheduler - unable to select date and time if OS locale is Spanish

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - volume control does not work in simple mode (regression)

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - the "wake up PC" option has no effect in certain cases (regression)

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - the "wait for playing track to finish" option shifts action time on next repeat

Fixed: smart-playlists - sorting options are not imported from playlists created in AIMP4

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.00, build 2338 (21.10.2021)

Sound engine: an ability to remap channels for 5.0 and 7.0 channel schemes

Tag editor: chapters editor - the space keystroke now is used as hotkey to suspend / resume playback

Skin engine: compatibility with old skins has been improved

Plugins: last.fm - reduced number of requests to the service

Plugins: musicBrainz - search the album art and track information via MusicBrainz service


Fixed: plugins - information bar - opacity slider is unaccessible (regression)

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.00, build 2335 (15.10.2021)

General: localizations has been updated

General: performance has been increased

Playlist: an ability to specify name depth as argument for the %FileDir and %FileParentDir macros


Fixed: playlist - audio files from the MusicBee app cannot be imported to the player via drag-n-drop

Fixed: plugins - InputFFmpeg - files in Web Media file format with a .weba extension are ignored by the plugin

Fixed other minor issues

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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.00 Build 2344[Desatendido] [Multilenguaje]
  • 1 month later...

AIMP v5.01, build 2357 (23.12.2021)

General: chapters and bookmarks now displays on a seekbar

Queue manager: double-click on track will focus it in the playlist


General: migration to new version of VCL

Tag editor: state of the "Quick Access" node now stores between different work sessions

Skin engine: potential abilities has been extended

Skin engine: compatibility with old skins has been improved

Plugins: last.fm - reduced number of requests to the service

Plugins: scheduler - the "return to previous playlist" command now can restore playback position too


Fixed: scheduler - timestamps stores to configuration file in locale-depended format

Fixed: player - no album art is displayed for internet radio tracks if album is not specified (regression)

Fixed: tag editor - ID3v2 - chapters with an empty title leads to corrupted tag field

Fixed: tag editor - FLAC - app uses Description tag field instead of Comment tag field

Fixed: tag editor - online search - discogs - album artist is used instead of track artist

Fixed: skin engine - syntax error in expression interrupts skin loading

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues were fixed

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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.01, build 2357[Desatendido] [Multilenguaje]

AIMP v5.01, build 2358 (28.12.2021)

Plugins: Update Checker - an ability to update to nightly builds (available in the "development versions" channel only)


Fixed: audio converter - no split by chapters (regression)

Fixed: default skin - no wiki information about playing track if playback is paused

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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.02, build 2365[Desatendido] [Multilenguaje]
  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.02, build 2366[Desatendido] [Multilenguaje]
  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.02, build 2368[Desatendido] [Multilenguaje]

AIMP v5.02, build 2368 (24.03.2022)

General: localizations has been updated

General: migration to new version of VCL


Fixed: queue manager - double click on item does not activate playlist that contains the item

Fixed: playlist manager - playlists are displayed in different order from real one

Fixed: plugins - GUI API - font and margins scaling works incorrectly in certain cases

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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.02 Build 2369 Multilingual [Desatendido]

AIMP v5.02, build 2369 (26.03.2022)

General: localizations has been updated

General: migration to new version of VCL


Fixed: queue manager - double click on item does not activate playlist that contains the item

Fixed: playlist manager - playlists are displayed in different order from real one

Fixed: plugins - GUI API - font and margins scaling works incorrectly in certain cases

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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.02 Build 2370 Multilingual [Desatendido]

AIMP v5.02, build 2370 (12.04.2022)

Skin engine: compatibility with old skins has been improved


Fixed: general - last selected path is not saved for some file dialogs

Fixed: playlist manager - playlists are displayed in different order from real one

Fixed: plugins - discogs - no way to authorize from countries that has UTC offset more that 3 hours

Fixed other minor issues

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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.03, build 2391 Multilingual[x86/x64][ Dual Desatendido]

AIMP v5.03, build 2391 (20.06.2022)

Playlist: the "select enabled" command has been added


General: localizations has been updated

Tag editor: change case - now the rule can be applied to selected part only

Skin engine: improve support of Aero Snap


Fixed: sound engine - FLAC - 8-bit audio produces noise instead of sound

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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.03, build 2394 Multilingual[x86/x64][ Dual Desatendido]

Changes in AIMP 5.03 Build 2394 (2022-06-30):

  • General: visual appearance of settings window has been updated
  • Tags: encoding detection algorithm has been improved
  • Fixed: skin engine – window border flicks on activate/deactivate the window if the “allow per pixel semitransparency” is switched off (regression)
  • Fixed: smart-playlists – null-values of data-time fields are stored to configuration file incorrectly
  • Fixed: plugins – API – album art providers that does not supports for “unknown” interface cannot be registered in repository

Changes in AIMP 5.03 Build 2392 (2022-06-22):

  • Audio Converter: APE Encoder – support for 32-bit per sample mode
  • Audio Converter: APE Encoder – support for multiple channel audio files
  • Player: APE – support for 32-bit audio
  • Player: an ability to customize speed / tempo step
  • Player: the %chapter macro has been added for playing file
  • Playlist: XSPF format became the default playlist format
  • Music Library: two new templates: “best tracks” and “new tracks”
  • Tag editor: change case – now the rule can be applied to selected part only
  • Tag editor: online search – discogs – support of the “disk number”, “part of compilation”, “styles” and “comments” tag fields
  • Tag editor: replaygain – added an ability to scan folder as single album


  • General: added support for images in WebP format (libwebp.dll required)
  • Playlist: the “select enabled” command has been added
  • Playlist: the “start playback” command has been added to the tab’s menu that makes easier to resume it playback
  • Default skin: information box – added an ability to hide extra information pane
  • Default skin: information box – added the lyricist tag field
  • Skin engine: an ability to auto-adjust color schema to accent color of Windows Theme
  • Skin engine: snapping window bounds during resizing to bounds of other windows
  • Skin engine: improve support of Aero Snap
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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.03, build 2397 Multilingual[x86/x64][ Dual Desatendido]

Changes in AIMP 5.03 Build 2397 (2022-08-01):

  • Plugins: MyClouds – support for WebDAV for Cloud@Mail.ru
  • Common: BASS libraries has been updated
  • Advanced search: the “clear queue” menu item has been added
  • Tag editor: compatibility with Windows Explorer has been improved
  • Plugins: MyClouds – templates for the services that does not support for content-range command has been removed
  • Fixed: general – files that full path more 260 symbols cannot be played on Windows 10
  • Fixed: Audio Converter – the “target file name” column does not take encoding mode and chapters into account
  • Fixed: tag editor – sometime it starts without a list of sent files
  • Fixed: playlists – XSPF – image links are not loaded
  • Fixed: plugins – information bar – toolbar icons has incorrect order for 150% UI scaling factor
  • Fixed: plugins – scheduler – the “start recording” action does not wait while new stream being loaded if app is playing another radio stream.
  • Fixed: plugins – scheduler – repeat thought day works incorrectly, if time range is set to 24 hours
  • Fixed: plugins – BASS_AAC – opening certain M4A files lead to stack overflow that lead to app crash (regression)
  • Fixed: plugins – MyClouds – app hangs up if cloud server does not support for content-range command
  • Fixed other minor issues
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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.10.2412 Multilingual[x86/x64][Desatendido] 

AIMP v5.10.2412 (11.11.2022)

Sound engine: restart ASIO-driver on error without restart the app


Fixed: playlist - hangs in "loading" stage after renaming the file in tag editor (regression 5.10)

Fixed: tag editor - FLAC - shorten version of JPEG MIME-type is used instead of full

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.10.2411 (08.11.2022)

General: improve compatibility with Linux (Wine)


Fixed: player - *.iso.wv cannot be played anymore (regression 5.03)

Fixed: playlist - the "merge similar groups automatically" conflicts with tag editor in batch mode

Fixed: plugins - WebLyrics - crash on attempt to fetch album art for radio stream

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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.10.2414 Multilingual[x86/x64][Desatendido] 

AIMP v5.10.2414 (15.11.2022)

Sound engine: restart ASIO-driver on error without restart the app


Fixed: player does not catch the CUE files from .iso.wv images

Fixed: playlist - the "move to" command invoke the "copy to" dialog (regression 5.10)

Fixed: playlist - hangs in "loading" stage after renaming the file in tag editor (regression 5.10)

Fixed: playlist - queue does not save references to playlists (regression 5.10)

Fixed: tag editor - FLAC - shorten version of JPEG MIME-type is used instead of full

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - CUE is skipped if it refers to file with same name, but different extension

Fixed other minor issues

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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.10.2417 Multilingual[x86/x64][Desatendido] 

AIMP v5.10.2417 (12.12.2022)

General: 3rd party libraries has been updated

General: localizations has been updated


Fixed: sound engine - the "cannot allocate memory" error occurs on attempt to open certain internet streams

Fixed: tag editor - online search - discogs - does not display search results if the entry does not have the "notes" field

Fixed: tag editor - OPUS - replay gain information stores to file header incorrectly if album or track gain information is missing

Fixed: music library - view point position resets on rebuild the grouping tree

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - action hangs in the "running" state if user broke automatic-created playback queue

Fixed: plugins - podcasts - no podcast-related commands in context menu of grouping tree

Fixed: plugins - WebLyrics - collision in cache lead to interrupt concurrent request

Fixed other minor issues

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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.10.2418 Multilingual[x86/x64][Desatendido] 

AIMP v5.10.2418 (21.12.2022)

Fixed: sound engine - an error occurs on attempt to play file with more than 8 channels

Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs on attempt to draw text in null-size area (regression)

Fixed: music library - grouping templates names are missing on first start (5.10 regression)

Fixed: audio converter - dithering is always applied (regression)

Fixed: plugins - information bar - does not hide on time out in certain cases (regression)

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  • 1 month later...

AIMP v5.11.2421 (30.01.2023)

Audio converter: support for QAAC64 command line encoder

Player: internet-radio - support for JSON-based metadata

Player: internet radio - support for streams with 24 bit per sample or above

Playlist: support for "comment" tag field

Music library: an ability to group items in table by parent folder (use filename column for that)


General: the WavPack codec has been updated to v5.6

General: support for surrogate characters in utf8-stream

Skin engine: memory consumption that required for text rendering reduced at 33%


Fixed: player - chapters in QuickTime format (MP4) cannot be read by 64-bit app version

Fixed: player - the "previous/next track" commands will be ignored if it called while next track is pre-loading

Fixed: playlist - Linux - items reordering via drag-n-drop does not work

Fixed: music library - find missplaced files - search button is inactive until you select at least one entry

Fixed: music library - an error occurs on attempt to start bookmark playback if bookmark source and playing playlists are unavailable

Fixed: scheduler - the "suspend playback on end of file" command conflicts with the "add pause between tracks" option

Fixed: plugins - scrobbler - artist field has no link

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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.11.2425 Multilingual[x86/x64][Desatendido] 

What’s New in AIMP 5.11 Build 2421 (2023-03-27):

  • Tag Editor: option to remove ID3v1 tag forcely
  • Plugins: WebLyrics – support for LRC-encoded lyrics
  • General: lithuanian localization has been added
  • General: libFLAC updated to v1.4.2
  • Sound engine: an ability to pause internet radio
  • Playlist: an ability to clone items via drag-n-drop holding the Ctrl keystroke
  • Fixed: player – does not jump to next URL in playlist, if station stops broadcasting while app is playing
  • Fixed: player – another find lyrics options has no effect, if the “find in file tags” option is switched off and file contains lyrics in tags
  • Fixed: player – an error occurs when trying to preview album art that fetched via URL that length more 256 characters
  • Fixed: playlist – XSPF – url-encoded remote links resolves incorrectly
  • Fixed: skin engine – Linux – maximized window does not fit to edges work area
  • Fixed: tag editor – pink color of album art doesn’t turn gray when uncheck the field’s option
  • Fixed: plugins – BASS_WV (64-bit) – causes the application to crash when decoding some files
  • Fixed: plugins – FFmpeg – unable to decode audio stream in MP3 (mp3float) from MP4-container
  • Fixed: plugins – scheduler – the “return to previous playlist” option does not work (regression 2417)
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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.11.2428 Multilingual[x86/x64][Desatendido] 

What’s New in AIMP 5.11 Build 2428 (2023-04-07):

  • Plugins: WebLyrics – providers list has been updated
  • Fixed: sound engine – unable to pause remote tracks (regression 2427)
  • Fixed: tag editor – an error occurs when closing the app if a plugin is installed that extends album art catalogs
  • Fixed: tag editor – FLAC – produces an corrupted bit-steam if meta-data size is more than 16 MB
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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.11.2429 Multilingual[x86/x64][Desatendido] 
  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.11.2432 Multilingual[x86/x64][Desatendido] 

AIMP v5.11.2432 (09.06.2023)

General: localizations has been updated

General: 3rd party libraries has been updated

Sound engine: improved preset search algorithm by genre


Fixed: sound engine - ASIO - an error occurs on attempt to initialize the device using more than 8 channels

Fixed: sound engine - MP4 - the BASS decoders tries to play mp3-stream from mp4 file as regular mp3 file that lead to incorrect result

Fixed: tags - ID3v2 - the "album artists" field ignores multiple values

Fixed: music library - issues related to viewport restoring after data changes

Fixed: plugins - WebLyrics - the \uXXXX macro does not handled

Fixed other minor issues

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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.11.2434 Multilingual[x86/x64][Desatendido] 

What’s New in AIMP 5.11 Build 2434 (2023-07-31):

  • General: localizations has been updated
  • Player: support for album arts for internet radio station that specified in streamUrl tag
  • Plugins: BASS_HSL – updated to v2.4.4
  • Fixed: playlist – the “move to” operation does not update references in unloaded playlists
  • Fixed: tag editor – invoke the %in macro lead to app crash
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  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.11.2435 Multilingual[x86/x64][Desatendido] 
  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 5.30.2533 Multilingual[x86/x64][Desatendido]

AIMP v5.30.2533 (20.12.2023)

Playlist: M3U - support for #EXTALBUMARTURL tag


Sound engine: algorithm of silence detection and removing on track edges has been improved

Player: command to open sound effects manager and focus the "DSP/VST" tab


Fixed: radio capture - meta-information that defined on playlist side is unavailable for macros (regression 5.30)

Fixed: sound engine - duration of certain MP3 files with VBR calculates incorrectly

Fixed: sound engine - errors in operations with certain VST2-plugins

Fixed: playlist manager - the "file not found" error occurs on attempt to delete few playlist files physically (regression 5.30)

Fixed: plugins - BASS_ALAC - unable to play ALAC-files with 64-bit atom header

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - the "pause playback on end of ..." scenario does not work anymore (regression 5.30)

Fixed: other minor issues

AIMP v5.30.2531 (04.12.2023)

Audio converter: presets for the OGG aoTuV command line encoder has been added (thanks to Soolo)


Fixed: sound engine - value of silence duration for removing option uses incorrectly

Fixed: sound engine - state of volume normalizer resets after app restart (regression 5.30)

Fixed: sound engine - VST - AV on attempt to reinitialize the plugin

Fixed: plugins - scrobbler - scrobbling for internet radio does not work (regression 5.30)

Fixed: plugins - issues related to backward compatibility

AIMP v5.30.2527 RC 2 (01.11.2023)

Player: new hidden option - MinimizeAppOnDblClick (ref. to Help)

Music library: DB requests optimization


Fixed: sound engine - errors in operations with certain VST2-plugins

Fixed: skin engine - prvPlaybackQueue.NextTrackInfo does not react to queue changes

Fixed: skin engine - binding link with file rating works incorrectly (regression 2527)

Fixed: skin engine - lyrics search request cannot be aborted (regression 2527)

Fixed: skin engine - errors with finishing the drag-operation on external cancel event

Fixed: player - stream information resets on start playback using the aimp_openmpt plugin

Fixed: playlist - XSPF - importing the playlist containing a group information lead to memory corruption

Fixed: tag editor - settings of the "additional information" pane resets after app restart

Fixed: equalizer - an empty name can be used for new preset

Fixed: music library - the "find missed files" does not work for local files (regression 2527)

Fixed other minor issues

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