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AIMP 5.40.2655 Multilingual[x86/x64][Desatendido] 


AIMP es un potente reproductor de audio que le permite escuchar su música favorita con una calidad de sonido excepcional. Su apariencia se asemeja a la de otro reproductor de audio clásica (Winamp), por lo que se acostumbrará a ella muy rápidamente.
AIMP también se puede personalizar con las pieles. También se incluye un ecualizador de 18 bandas , una ventana de visualización para mostrar efectos visuales rítmicas y un editor de lista de reproducción para organizar los archivos de audio. Un bonito efecto de desvanecimiento hace que su lista de canciones se parecen a un bucle sin fin de la música. Por otra parte, una práctica característica de volumen normalizador evita cambios drásticos de volumen entre las pistas.se lanzará en dos ediciones: 32 bits y 64 bits.
Además de reproducir música, AIMP tiene tres utilidades extra. También le permiten grabar cualquier sonido en su ordenador, convertir archivos de audio de un formato a otro y ver o editar las etiquetas.
AIMP se basa en el conocido BAJO motor de audio. Así que es fácil de conectar nuevos plug-ins (de la biblioteca de plugins incluidos en el programa) y ampliar las funcionalidades del jugador.
multiformato : .CDA, .AAC, .AC3, .APE, .DTS, .FLAC, .IT, .MIDI, .MO3, .MOD, .M4A, .M4B, 
.MP1, .MP2, .MP3, .MPC, .MTM, .OFR, .OGG, .OPUS, .RMI, .S3M, .SPX, .TAK, 
.TTA, .UMX, .WAV, .WMA, .WV, .XM, .DSF, .DFF , MKA, AA3, AT3, OMA, .WebM, 
.MPEG-DASH (YouTube)
Nuevos formatos
Listas de reproducción

Se ha mejorado el sistema de marcadores. Ahora, según las características de la versión móvil de AIMP, los marcadores de pistas se pueden crear y capturar de forma automática:
Si existe un marcador para la pista que inició desde una lista de reproducción, AIMP le preguntará o capturará automáticamente el marcador, de acuerdo con la configuración actual.


Una de las funciones más esperadas es la capacidad de deshacer los últimos cinco cambios de la lista de reproducción. Los comandos "Deshacer" / "Rehacer" se pueden encontrar en el menú misceláneo del panel de la lista de reproducción.
Tenga en cuenta que deshacer requiere más memoria y tiempo de CPU para funcionar, porque la aplicación se ve obligada a realizar una copia de seguridad de los datos modificados. Entonces, si el rendimiento es crítico para usted, simplemente desactive la función deshacer en la configuración de la aplicación (está activada de forma predeterminada).

Playback progress

Desde esta versión, AIMP ofrece la posibilidad de ver el progreso de la lista de reproducción y el tiempo de reproducción restante aproximado:
Haga clic en la etiqueta de texto para alternar entre la duración de la lista de reproducción y el tiempo restante.
Nota 1 : la información sobre el tiempo de reproducción restante está disponible en las máscaras adaptadas a AIMP v5.40.
Nota 2: el cálculo se basa en archivos que ya se han reproducido; si usted o algún complemento modifican la cola de reproducción, el tiempo de reproducción restante real puede ser diferente.

Agrupando las listas de reproducción

Agrupar las listas de reproducción es otra característica que vino de la versión de la aplicación móvil.
Los grupos de pestañas de listas de reproducción se contraen o se expanden automáticamente a medida que navegas:
Para agrupar las listas de reproducción, consulte el Administrador de listas de reproducción, seleccione las listas de reproducción requeridas y haga clic en el comando "agrupar":


Administrar listas de reproducción
Las listas de reproducción inactivas ahora están ordenadas por fecha en que se cerró la lista de reproducción. Si cerraste accidentalmente una lista de reproducción, ahora será mucho más fácil encontrarla en la lista cerrada.

Además, puede enviar el contenido de las listas de reproducción seleccionadas a otra o a una nueva.
Editor de etiquetas

Valores alternativos

En el modo de edición por lotes, a menudo sucede que entre los archivos seleccionados hay discrepancias en algunos campos, mientras que el valor correcto está presente en uno de los archivos. Ahora no tiene que escribirlo mediante el teclado; puede seleccionar el valor de la lista desplegable:
La misma función está disponible para las carátulas de los álbumes:
Aquí puede especificar los proveedores que se utilizarán para la búsqueda y seleccionar el resultado más adecuado:
Cada tarjeta en la tabla muestra toda la información requerida sobre la carátula del álbum: resolución, tamaño de archivo y formato.

Pequeñas cosas bonitas

   El editor “Album Art” tiene etiqueta de texto con información de calidad.
   La columna "Artista del álbum" se ha agregado a la tabla principal.
   Ahora, al marcar la marca se activará el editor automáticamente.


Multi-Languages Support - English, Português(Brasil), Português(Portugal), Español(España), Español(Latinoamérica), Pусский, Français, Italiano, हिन्दी, Dansk, Ελληνικά, فارسی, عربى, ไทย, Bahasa Indonesia, Türkçe, Tiếng Việt, Deutsch, Malay, 한국의, 日本語, 中文(简体)and 中文(繁體).

Sistemas operativos soportados: Windows 7 / Windows 8 (8.1) / Windows 10 / Windows 11(32 bits, 64 bits).
Minimal screen resolution: 1024x800

AIMP v5.40.2655 (13.01.2025)

General: se han actualizado las localizaciones
Conversor de audio: OPUS: la ganancia de reproducción ya no se almacena en el encabezado del archivo, solo en las etiquetas de archivo
Reparado: motor de sonido: las pistas comienzan desde 0:05 cuando se cambia entre pistas en pausa y la eliminación del silencio está activada (regresión 5.40)
Reparado: motor de máscaras: se han solucionado problemas menores
Reparado: lista de reproducción: la lista de reproducción predeterminada aparece en la papelera de reciclaje después de cerrar, aunque la opción de guardar está deshabilitada
Reparado: complementos: programador: la opción "volver a la lista de reproducción anterior" funciona incorrectamente en ciertos casos
Reparado: complementos: WebLyrics: la validación de datos no pasa después de la selección durante el análisis de varias páginas (regresión 5.40)
Reparado: problemas con los informes de fallas entrantes

AIMP 5.40.2655 [Silent][x86/x64] [Multilenguaje] 69.8 Mb 

password <: ☛: : 2025





AIMP Skins-Icons 2025 Windows [x86/x64] 538 Mb.[Multilenguaje]




Edited by geodasoft

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AIMP v4.60, build 2146 (28.08.2019)

Common: localizations have been updated

Plugins: AlbumArt Visualization - now plugin uses for rendering album art in original resolution


Fixed: audio converter - an error occurs when trying to encode file using Monkey's Audio codec

Fixed: smart-playlist - content of smart-playlists based on user rating criteria not updated on change the rating in playlist for multiple files at same time

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - subfolders are not displayed for OneDrive cloud drive

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AIMP v4.60, build 2153 (13.10.2019)

Player: the "resume playback position on app startup" option has been added


Common: localizations has been updated

Sound Engine: replaygain - analysis quality has been improved


Fixed: general - an error occurs on app close if the album art / lyrics search task is active in background

Fixed: sound engine - scratches can be heard during volume changes if the "loudness compensated volume control" option is switched on

Fixed: sound engine - CD playback is interrupted in end of track if the "pre-load next track while current is playing" option is switched on

Fixed: player - the MPEG-DASH containers cannot be played when running at Windows 7 (regression)

Fixed: scheduler - does not handle a new tracks adding to the queue/playlist while last track from queue/playlist is playing

Fixed: skin engine - the "duplicates not allowed" error occurs after rename the object via script

Fixed: skin engine - the GrayScale blending mode works incorrectly

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

Fixed: tags - ID3v2 - app processes #0-separator incorrectly while read the ID3v2.3 tag data

Fixed: plugins - GUI API - some object's properties does not react to changes (regression)

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AIMP v4.60, build 2156 (21.10.2019)

Smart-playlists: added an ability to sort files by template even if synchronization with data source is switched on

UI: now you not need to hold Ctrl key to switch between tabs playlists via mouse wheel


Fixed: general - an "Access Violation" error occurs on attempt to invoke settings dialog (regression)

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

minor issues were fixed

  • 1 month later...
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AIMP v4.60, build 2160 (24.11.2019)

Common: localizations has been updated

Plugins: API has been extended

Player: the /VOLUME command line switch has been added

Advanced search: list of selected to search playlists are now saved between work sessions

Advanced search: dialog's UI has been updated


Fixed: general - you cannot delete file physically if it next in playback queue and the "pre-load next track while current is playing" is switched on

Fixed: skin engine - music library window displays incorrectly in some skins if app is in night mode

Fixed: tag editor - ID3v2 - parser ignores the TMOO field

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - files whose path is more than 260 characters cannot be played

minor issues were fixed

  • 1 month later...
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AIMP v4.60, build 2167 (30.12.2019)
Common: localizations has been updated

Playlist: the %FileCreatedDateAndTime and %FileModifiedDateAndTime macros has been added

Fixed: playlist - text representation of track rating is not updated after change the rating

Fixed: playlist - app consume too much memory to import audio files that contains built-in album art in file tags

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

Fixed: tag editor - album arts in GIF file format does not appear

Fixed: tag editor - Windows Explorer stops displaying tags from files in FLAC format after embed the album art into the files

Fixed: tags - MP3 - parameters of audio stream determines incorrectly for some files

Fixed: plugins - podcasts - release date is not displayed for some podcasts

  • 2 weeks later...
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Changes in 4.60 Build 2170:

Common: localizations has been updated
Equalizer: the Alternative / Industrial / Hip-Hop presets has been added
minor issues were fixed

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AIMP v4.60, build 2175 (20.02.2020)

Common: localizations has been updated


Fixed: audio converter - OGG Vorbis - fractional quality values are not available to select (regression)

Fixed: album arts - caching does not work (regression)

Fixed: album arts - GIF files does not displayed in the "File Information" dialog

minor issues were fixed

  • 1 month later...
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AIMP v4.60, build 2180 (25.03.2020)

Fixed: sound engine - replaygain - cache was not reset before new analysis that leads to less accurate calculation results in certain cases

Fixed: player - values of sound output settings in the drop-down lists displays twice

Fixed: tags - ID3v2 - player detects ANSI encoding incorrectly for words with letters from different languages

  • 3 months later...
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AIMP v4.70, build 2221 (07.07.2020)
Common: the Folder Browser dialog now saves its size between work sessions

Common: localizations has been updated

Fixed: plugins - information bar - the "always show" option stops working after reopening the settings dialog

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - files whose path contains hieroglyphs cannot be played

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.70 RC 3, build 2220 (16.06.2020)
Common: the WM_APPCOMMAND message is now supported by secondary windows of the app

Tag editor: an ability to remove tags from WAV-files in batch mode

Tag editor: compatibility with Windows Explorer has been improved

Fixed: player - does not display meta information for certain HLS-based streams

Fixed: player - incorrect information about the audio stream is displaying for files in WavPack4 file format

Fixed: player - split by tracks during internet radio capture occurs with some delay when capturing without transcoding

Fixed: plugins - update checker - update chanel resets to default value on switch the app language

Fixed: plugins - InputFFmpeg - cannot decode certain files in OMA file format

Fixed: music library - playback count stays on zero value if stat has been reset for the file individually

AIMP v4.70 RC 2, build 2217 (17.05.2020)
Common: localizations has been updated

Tag editor: the "delete" menu item has been added to context menu of text editors

Tags: now the app ignores spaces around multiple values separator

Music library: the "Catalog" field has been added

Fixed: album arts search - impossible to use absolute paths as templates

Fixed: skin engine - TASEPanel - non-standard blending mode works incorrectly if mask is applied to the element

Fixed: skin engine - TASETextDisplayEx - single line text does not appear if element height less than required (regression)

Fixed: skin engine - docked window does not move to other monitor on disconnect the current monitor

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.70 RC, build 2215 (02.05.2020)
Plugins: AlbumArt Visualization - now you can change rendering mode clicking on visualization display

Common: localizations has been updated

Fixed: skin engine - TASETextDisplayEx - text shadow is truncated if alignment property value is different from taLeftJustify (regression)

Fixed: tags - MP4 - the rating tag field is not supported

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.70 Beta 3, build 2213 (16.04.2020)
Common: localizations has been updated

Plugins: MyClouds - support for changes in API of Cloud@Mail.ru service

Fixed: audio converter - the "Settings" and "Start" buttons are disappear on app startup if custom scale factor is specified in app settings

Fixed: playlist - group with playing track does not expand if the "collapse unused groups automatically" option is switched on

Fixed: player - app unable to open CUE files that contains the "COMPILATION" field

Fixed: skin engine - docked windows may be scaled twice on manual scale factor changing

Fixed: skin engine - TASETextDisplayEx - enabling auto size leads to app crash if the alignment property value is different from taLeftJustify (regression)

AIMP v4.70 Beta 2, build 2211 (04.04.2020)
Known issues has been fixed

AIMP v4.70 Beta 1, build 2210 (31.03.2020)
Sound Engine: radio capture - the "skip the track if file with same name is already exists" option has been added

Sound Engine: upper limit of speed control has been increased to 3x

Sound Engine: replay gain - the default value is now used as a basic value for the "on-fly" analysis

Tag editor: autofill tags - support for %albumartist% and %totaltracks% macros

Player: an ability to set hotkeys for speed / tempo control

Playlists: an ability to select tracks via translucent selection rectangle

Playlist: the "collapse unused groups automatically" option has been added

Playlist: the space key now toggles the auto-playback switch of selected tracks

Playlist: the tracklist content settings now invokes from the "Save As" dialog

Playlist: support for incremental search

Plugins: information bar - updated UI of settings dialog

Plugins: information bar - the "show before playback finish" option has been added

Plugins: information bar - transparency options now affects to the Card view too

Plugins: BASS_MIDI - added an ability to use few sound fonts at same time

Plugins: MyClouds - support for "Shared With Me" category for OneDrive and Google.Drive services

Plugins: MyClouds - support for changes in API of Cloud@Mail.ru service

Plugins: Update Checker - an ability to select update channel (Alpha / Beta / Release)

  • Author

AIMP v4.60, compilación 2180 (25.03.2020)

Corregido: motor de sonido - recuperación de nuevo - el caché no se restableció antes del nuevo análisis que conduce a resultados de cálculo menos precisos en ciertos casos

Corregido: reproductor: los valores de la configuración de salida de sonido en las listas desplegables se muestran dos veces

Corregido: etiquetas - ID3v2 - el reproductor detecta la codificación ANSI incorrectamente para palabras con letras de diferentes idiomas

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AIMP v4.70, compilación 2223 (17.07.2020)

Común: las localizaciones se han actualizado

Común: el cuadro de diálogo Explorador de carpetas ahora guarda su tamaño entre sesiones de trabajo

Lista de reproducción: se ha agregado la macro% RemoveFileExt


Corregido: carátulas: las carátulas personalizadas para las estaciones de radio por Internet a veces dejan de mostrarse si el almacenamiento en caché está habilitado

Corregido: editor de etiquetas: la búsqueda en línea no funciona para los proveedores de MusicBrainz / Discogs

Corregido: motor de máscara - pantallas de texto RTL multilínea invertidas (regresión)

Solucionado: motor de máscara: se han solucionado problemas menores

problemas menores fueron corregidos

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AIMP v4.70, build 2224 (22.07.2020)

Common: localizations has been updated

Common: the Folder Browser dialog now saves its size between work sessions

Playlist: the %RemoveFileExt macro has been added


Fixed: sound engine - replay gain - preamp works incorrectly

Fixed: album arts - custom album arts for internet radio stations sometimes stops from displayed if caching is enabled

Fixed: playlist - drag-n-drop operation moves files instead of copying it (regression)

Fixed: tag editor - online search does not work for the MusicBrainz / Discogs providers

Fixed: skin engine - multiline RTL-text displays reversed (regression)

Fixed: skin engine - volume control that displays in notification area scales incorrectly

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

minor issues were fixed

  • 1 month later...
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AIMP v4.70, build 2227 (01.09.2020)

Common: localizations has been updated

Music library: performance has been increased

Plugins: MyClouds - support for changes in API of cloud services

Plugins: WebLyrics - support for URL-encoding in rules for parser


Fixed: sound engine - app plays one track from Audio CD and stops if the "pre-load next track while current is playing" option is switched on and tracks has been added to playlist as files

Fixed: sound engine - replaygain - cache was not reset before new analysis that leads to less accurate calculation results in certain cases

Fixed: tags - Mp4 - common bitrate is displayed instead of bitrate of audio stream

Fixed: tags - Vorbis Comments - rating from old versions of player loads incorrectly (regression)

Fixed: music library - rating cannot be set to entire album anymore (regression)

Fixed: plugins - podcasts - duration is not displayed for some podcasts

Fixed: plugins - information bar - app hangs up on Windows XP

minor issues were fixed

  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 4.70 Build 2230[Desatendido] [Multilenguaje]
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AIMP v4.70, build 2230 (29.09.2020)

Common: localizations has been updated

General: starting playback of a track updates a metadata in playlist and music library

Playlist: relative path generation algorithm has been improved

Plugins: BASS_MIDI - minor usability improvements in settings dialog

Plugins: CDDA - the MusicBrainz service is now used instead of FreeDB


Fixed: internet-radio - unable to play radio stations from the 101.ru service

Fixed: tags - MP4 - common bitrate is displayed instead of bitrate of audio stream

minor issues were fixed

  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 4.70 Build 2231[Desatendido] [Multilenguaje]
  • 2 weeks later...
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AIMP v4.70, build 2233 (08.10.2020)

Common: localizations has been updated

Plugins: WebLyrics - providers list has been updated


Fixed: general - incompatibility with the Sonic Studio app

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 4.70 Build 2233 [Desatendido] [Multilenguaje]
  • 1 month later...
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AIMP v4.70, build 2236 (22.11.2020)
Common: localizations has been updated

General: reduced number of file accesses on app startup

Audio converter: presets for the AAC+ for command line encoders has been added

Tags: Vorbis Comments - album artist value now stores to the "AlbumArtist" field instead of the "Album Artist"

Plugins: MyClouds - support for new authorization flow for Google.Drive service

Plugins: WebLyrics - providers list has been updated

Fixed: visualizations - visual representation lags behind sound (regression)

Fixed: DSP manager - no way to set balance slider to zero via keyboard

Fixed: music library - the "search for moved or renamed files" function may block UI while content synchronization operation is running in background.

  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 4.70 Build 2236 [Desatendido] [Multilenguaje]
  • 5 weeks later...
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AIMP v4.70, build 2239 (22.12.2020)

Audio converter: OGG Vorbis - extended the list of supported sampling rates

Audio converter: OPUS - encoder has been updated


Fixed: browse folder dialog - dialog placement restores incorrectly

Fixed: player - does not display meta information for certain HLS-based streams

Fixed: playlist - an error occurs on close the app, if it installed to read only storage

Fixed: tags - Vorbis Comments - value of the album artist field does not store to OPUS file format (regression)

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - password was not accepted by Mail.ru service if it contains special characters

  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 4.70 Build 2242 [Desatendido] [Multilenguaje]
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AIMP v4.70, build 2242 (01.02.2021)

Music library: performance has been increased

Music library: improve support for compilations


Fixed: general - AIMP Volume Slider popup works incorrectly with multiple monitor screen configuration

Fixed: audio converter - target file name contains double extension if the %FileName macro is using renaming template

Fixed: tag editor - target file name contains double extension if the %FileName macro is using renaming template

Fixed: tag editor - cannot read tags from some files in AIFF file format

  • geodasoft changed the title to AIMP 4.70 Build 2248 [Desatendido] [Multilenguaje]
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AIMP v4.70, build 2248 (04.04.2021)

Sound Engine: TrueHD codec support has been added for MKA container

Tag editor: an ability to import lyrics form the SRT file format to file tags

Playlist: the "%inc" and "%dec" macros has been added


Playlist: the %StrLeft and %StrRight macros now supports a string values for second argument

Music Library: The "find missed files" algorithm has been improved

Music library: performance has been increased


Fixed: sound engine - WAV files with 8-bit samples cannot be played

Fixed: playlist - the "you cannot open the destination" error occurs on invoking the "Save As" dialog if playlist name contains a ":" character

Fixed: music library - synchronization at app startup skips formats of audio files which are supported by plugins

Fixed: music library - the "synchronize user defined rating with tags of audio file" does not affect to file import operation

Fixed: music library - records not aligned to grid during list scrolling via mouse wheel

  • 1 month later...
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AIMP v4.70, build 2250 (19.05.2021)

Fixed: radio capture - the "split by tracks" option does not work for HLS-streams if stream is capturing without transcoding

Fixed: plugins - WebLyrics - the macro does not handled

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