October 26, 200717 yr Hello. I just wanted to tell of a bug I recently found with this awesome addon. When you have Micro$oft auto updates enabled, and then go to shutdown the pc, and there are updates waiting to be installed, the icons are invisible (turn off, standby and restart). If you turn off auto updates, there is no issue, the icons are fine. Hopefully this is an easy fix. Thanks in advance from the 100's of people who use this addon.
October 26, 200717 yr I saw something similar in beta4 but the logoff/shutdown/restart graphic was for WindowsXP Starter Edition.I haven't seen anything like this in beta5 but I haven't installed patches at shutdown either.*Edit, here's the screenshot. (using beta5, clean install) Edited October 28, 200717 yr by Mr_Smartepants
October 26, 200717 yr The three main bugs or glitches I have noticed are a vista orb in the right hand upper corner of folders, the windows starter edition overlay on shutdown when auto updates are ready to install, and start button clipping on fresh installs (goes away after a reboot and theme change). Edited October 29, 200717 yr by Jig Saw
October 30, 200717 yr rick, uve got an error in ure winbrand.dll.res, under the bitmap section,1008 is the small sheild icon,and 1009 should be the bigger res sheild icon, but u put the win started edition bmp instead.for the peopel who want the corrected file it is:http://www.uploading.com/files/Y08HSGSR/wi...nd.dll.res.html i also took the liberty of changing the 4bit XP loading screen(1401) Edited October 30, 200717 yr by bober
November 16, 200717 yr Author No addons, and for a full listing all you have to do is extract the SFX file and you will see the res files in Resourcesaccess.cpl.resacctres.dll.resaccwiz.exe.resadmparse.dll.resahui.exe.resappwiz.cpl.resasctrls.ocx.resaudiodev.dll.resbatmeter.dll.resbatt.dll.resbcsprsrc.dll.resbrowseui.dll.resbthci.dll.rescabview.dll.rescalc.exe.rescapesnpn.dll.rescards.dll.rescdfview.dll.rescertmgr.dll.rescharmap.exe.resciadmin.dll.rescleanmgr.exe.rescliconfg.exe.rescliconfg.rll.resclipbrd.exe.resclipsrv.exe.rescmd.exe.rescmdial32.dll.rescmdl32.exe.rescmmon32.exe.rescmprops.dll.rescmstp.exe.rescomctl32.dll.rescomctl32_ASMS.dll.rescomdlg32.dll.rescompatUI.dll.rescompstui.dll.rescomres.dll.resconf.exe.resconime.exe.resconsole.dll.rescredui.dll.rescryptui.dll.rescscdll.dll.rescscript.exe.rescscui.dll.resctfmon.exe.resdataclen.dll.resddeshare.exe.resdesk.cpl.resdeskadp.dll.resdeskmon.dll.resdeskperf.dll.resdevmgr.dll.resdfrgres.dll.resdfrgui.dll.resdialer.exe.resdiskcopy.dll.resdmdlgs.dll.resdmdskres.dll.resdpvoice.dll.resdskquoui.dll.resdsquery.dll.resdsuiext.dll.resels.dll.reseventvwr.exe.resexplorer.exe.resextmgr.dll.resfilemgmt.dll.resfldrclnr.dll.resfontext.dll.resfreecell.exe.resfsquirt.exe.resfxscfgwz.dll.resfxswzrd.dll.resgcdef.dll.resgpedit.dll.resgrpconv.exe.reshdwwiz.cpl.reshelpctr.exe.reshh.exe.reshhctrl.ocx.reshhctrlui.dll.reshmmapi.dll.reshnetwiz.dll.reshotplug.dll.reshticons.dll.reshypertrm.exe.resicmui.dll.resicwconn1.exe.resicwconn2.exe.resicwdial.dll.resicwhelp.dll.resicwres.dll.resieaksie.dll.resieakui.dll.resiedw.exe.resieframe.dll.resiepeers.dll.resiernonce.dll.resiesetup.dll.resiexplore.exe.resiexpress.exe.resinetcpl.cpl.resinetcplc.dll.resinput.dll.resintl.cpl.resirclass.dll.resirprops.cpl.resisign32.dll.resjobexec.dll.resjoy.cpl.reskeymgr.dll.reslights.exe.reslocalsec.dll.reslogon.scr.resmagnify.exe.resmain.cpl.resmapi32.dll.resmapistub.dll.resmdminst.dll.resmigload.exe.resmigpwd.exe.resmigwiz.exe.resmigwiz_a.exe.resmigwiza.exe.resmmc.exe.resmmcbase.dll.resmmcndmgr.dll.resmmsys.cpl.resmnmsrvc.exe.resmobsync.exe.resmodemui.dll.resmoricons.dll.resmoviemk.exe.resmplay32.exe.resmplayer2.exe.resmqsnap.dll.resmqutil.dll.resmsconf.dll.resmsconfig.exe.resmscorier.dll.resmsdtc.exe.resmsdxm.ocx.resmsgina.dll.resmsgr3en.dll.resmshearts.exe.resmshta.exe.resmshtml.dll.resmsident.dll.resmsieftp.dll.resmsiexec.exe.resmsihnd.dll.resmsimn.exe.resmsinfo32.exe.resmsobmain.dll.resmsoeres.dll.resmsoobe.exe.resmspaint.exe.resmsrating.dll.resmstask.dll.resmstsc.exe.resmstscax.dll.resmsxml2.dll.resmsxml3.dll.resmsxml.dll.resmucltui.dll.resmuweb.dll.resmycomput.dll.resmydocs.dll.resnarrator.exe.resncpa.cpl.resnetid.dll.resnetplwiz.dll.resnetsetup.exe.resnetshell.dll.resnewdev.dll.resnmas.dll.resnmchat.dll.resnmft.dll.resnmoldwb.dll.resnmwb.dll.resnotepad.exe.resnotiflag.exe.resnslookup.exe.resntbackup.exe.resntkrnlmp.exe.resntlanui2.dll.resntoskrnl.exe.resntsd.exe.resntshrui.dll.resnusrmgr.cpl.resobjsel.dll.resoccache.dll.resodbcad32.exe.resodbccp32.cpl.resodbcint.dll.resoemig50.exe.resoledb32.dll.resoobebaln.exe.resosk.exe.resosuninst.dll.resosuninst.exe.respackager.exe.resperfmon.exe.resphotowiz.dll.respinball.exe.respowercfg.cpl.resprintui.dll.resprogman.exe.resproquota.exe.resquartz.dll.resrasdlg.dll.resrasphone.exe.resrcimlby.exe.resregedit.exe.resregedt32.exe.resregwizc.dll.resremotepg.dll.resrsmui.exe.resrsnotify.exe.resrstrui.exe.resrtcshare.exe.resrundll32.exe.resrunonce.exe.ressapi.cpl.ressapi.dll.resscrobj.dll.ressendmail.dll.resservdeps.dll.ressetup.exe.ressetup_wm.exe.ressetupapi.dll.resshdoclc.dll.resshdocvw.dll.resshell32.dll.resshimgvw.dll.resshlwapi.dll.resshrpubw.exe.resshscrap.dll.ressigverif.exe.ressmlogcfg.dll.ressndrec32.exe.ressndvol32.exe.ressol.exe.resspcplui.dll.resspider.exe.ressrchui.dll.ressrclient.dll.ressrrstr.dll.ressti_ci.dll.resstimon.exe.resstobject.dll.ressxs.dll.ressyncapp.exe.ressyncui.dll.ressysdm.cpl.ressyskey.exe.ressysmon.ocx.ressysocmgr.exe.ressyssetup.dll.restapiui.dll.restaskmgr.exe.restcpmonui.dll.restelephon.cpl.restelnet.exe.resthemeui.dll.restimedate.cpl.restourstrt.exe.resunimdm.tsp.resupnpui.dll.resurl.dll.resurlmon.dll.resusbui.dll.resuser32.dll.resutilman.exe.resverifier.exe.reswab32.dll.reswab32res.dll.reswab.exe.reswabfind.dll.reswabimp.dll.reswabmig.exe.reswebcheck.dll.reswextract.exe.reswiaacmgr.exe.reswiadefui.dll.reswiashext.dll.reswinbrand.dll.reswinchat.exe.reswinhlp32.exe.reswininet.dll.reswinmgmt.exe.reswinmine.exe.reswinntbbu.dll.reswmm2res.dll.reswmp.dll.reswmplayer.exe.reswmploc.dll.reswordpad.exe.reswpabaln.exe.reswpd_ci.dll.reswrite.exe.reswscript.exe.reswscui.cpl.reswsecedit.dll.reswuapi.dll.reswuauclt1.exe.reswuaucpl.cpl.reswuaueng1.dll.reswucltui.dll.reswupdmgr.exe.reswuweb.dll.resxpsp1res.dll.resxpsp2res.dll.resxpsp3res.dll.reszipfldr.dll.res
November 17, 200717 yr Rick,Any ideas/leads on my two image bug-reports above?I'm planning on reformating my main system this month (after RVMI 1.5 and Ryan's 2.2 update pack release).
November 17, 200717 yr Thanx For Your Reply, ricktendo64...My Inquiry was due to the picture you displayed, which shows your work with the vista bar, i just wanted to confirm that this one only installs the styles, themes, and icons. Thanx againMadata
November 20, 200717 yr hi rick sokoolz link doesn't work for me. Is there any mirrors of all your addons. tnx
November 20, 200717 yr Author Its not just you, sKz has re-done his server and has to add .EXE files to the list of accepted files. Stay tuned for the fix.EDIT: Working now... Thanks so much SoKoOLz
December 1, 200717 yr i hope you will be fixing the errors i mention a couple of posts back...wich nobody seemed to to noticed that i found what the problem was.and on an other note,when using a foreing lang os , it just adds the resources for english,thus the resource language of the current files is not updated and the script just adds an other language making the files bigger and resulting with almost no visual changes .would their be any other workaround than to edit all the res files to the desired language ?edit:well i kinda gave myself the answer,editing all the lang ID'S of the resources is the only way. Edited December 1, 200717 yr by bober
December 3, 200717 yr VTP 8 is out, any cool icons you could use ??BTW I am just loving all these Icons etc :thumbsup_anim:
December 3, 200717 yr Rick, Any idea where this graphic is getting transposed? (shell32, msgina, etc?)I'm editing your beta 5 to make some tweaks and thought I'd try to fix this bug.*EditNevermind, I found it.The offending .bmp resource is in "WinBrand.dll.res ->1009->1033"To fix, either delete that resource (to leave it unmodified), or patch from an original winbrand.dll. Edited December 3, 200717 yr by Mr_Smartepants
December 3, 200717 yr rick, uve got an error in ure winbrand.dll.res, under the bitmap section,1008 is the small sheild icon,and 1009 should be the bigger res sheild icon, but u put the win started edition bmp instead.for the peopel who want the corrected file it is:http://www.uploading.com/files/Y08HSGSR/wi...nd.dll.res.html i also took the liberty of changing the 4bit XP loading screen(1401)
December 3, 200717 yr <smacks forehead>Arrggh! I really need to learn to read! :confused02: Well, on the upside, it was a good learning experience.Thanks Bober!
December 3, 200717 yr Author Easily updated... Simply open V'ISO*.exe in WinRAR and drag and drop bober fixed res file into Resources and it overwrites the old one
December 7, 200717 yr Can someone please help a guy out ?A new update from Microsoft killed all my icons, KB943460 it updated shell32.dll a rather large icon file and xpsp3res.dll.The easiest way I knew how to patch it was grab an untouched XP CD delete the old shell32.dll and xpxp3res.dll, I compressed the new files by the command makecab and ran V'ISO_Beta5.exe, now when I check the file using reshack none of the icons have changed .. I have done this process more than once with no luckNEW shell32.dll v6.0.2900.3241Old shell32.dll v6.0.2900.3051Thank you
December 7, 200717 yr yes its easy ,i ran into this prob a while ago after doing updates, take the KB943460 hotfix and integrate it with nlite, works fine.be sure to check if n lite says updating those 2 dlls, as sometimes it just adds the kb to svcpack for later updating.but in most cases it will update the source perfectly,so after u can use viso and let it do its thing.
December 7, 200717 yr Sure I can do that, but I do not want to reinstall Windows right now .. I am most likely not going to update my CD until SP3 final is out.Must be some way I can just patch the new shell32.dll ?EDIT: Whoops nvm I was being a dummy, yes that will work .. just a bit of work ..grrr Edited December 7, 200717 yr by Sull
December 7, 200717 yr Author I wish I was more skillfull and was able to create one like nLite but this is the best I could do
December 10, 200717 yr i have problem when using this one. first restart i saw modified bootscreen, but second restart i saw the original bootscreen and everything went black, nothing else happened. i added RVMUpdatePack2.1.11 and some addons by using RVM_Integrator_1.4.3. my xp cd is corporate. could some one tell me what some thing is wrong?
December 10, 200717 yr Don't be to hard on yourself .. this is nice workDoes anyone have the latest shell32.dll patched with V'ISO and care to share with me ??Thank you
December 10, 200717 yr i have problem when using this one. first restart i saw modified bootscreen, but second restart i saw the original bootscreen and everything went black, nothing else happened. i added RVMUpdatePack2.1.11 and some addons by using RVM_Integrator_1.4.3. my xp cd is corporate. could some one tell me what some thing is wrong?plz read the previous post ull find ure answer. Edited December 10, 200717 yr by bober
December 11, 200717 yr ...Does anyone have the latest shell32.dll patched with V'ISO and care to share with me ??Thank youHere you go...MD5: 4485F0890343DB845249F47B6593E707latest buildFile version: 6.00.2900.3198 (xpsp_sp2_qfe.070820-1445)Use it on your own risk...