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Hi there,

First, I want to say a big thanks to Rick, your work is highly appreciated :thumbsup_anim:

By the way, you say it can be used on english xp source only, but I use a french source and it seems to work very well. The only issue that I get is that logon/logoff screen + boot screen are not modified. Maybe you know why ? If it's language dependant, I could make a french version maybe ...


EDIT : ok, i've opened logonui.exe with reshacker and I see the problem : english language code is 1033, where french is 1036. Maybe could I modified your pack to get rid off this bug ?

EDIT 2 : I've looked if it was possible to change all LangId from 1033 to 1036 in you res files, but ResHacker does not allow that using command line. So I think it will be too hard to translate this pack :/

Edited by Kal

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EDIT 2 : I've looked if it was possible to change all LangId from 1033 to 1036 in you res files, but ResHacker does not allow that using command line. So I think it will be too hard to translate this pack :/

2 Kal

U may want to use Restorator for that...



Commandline Parameters

-setLangIDOn <resource> <language ID>

[available since Restorator 2007 Update 1]

Set the language ID stored with the resource. -setLangID will change the language ID of all resources.

With the command -setLangIDOn, you can specify a subset of resources to be changed, e.g. if you only specify the resource type, like -setLangIDOn String "Russian (default)", all resources of that type will be changed to that language ID.

If a resource is available in multiple languages, setting the language ID will fail, unless you specify the resource name with language, e.g. -setLangIDOn Dialog\1\English (United States) "Russian (default)".

The parameter <language ID> can be a textual representation of the language, or a numerical identifier of the language ID, e.g. "1045" or "0x415" (hexadecimal) for Polish.

The command is equivalent menu function Set Language ID... in the Resources menu.


Edited by amnesia

maybe good to add these to the Pack or Your installation files:

appmgr.dll.res (bitmaps and icons)

gptext.dll.res (bitmaps and icons)

Edited by amnesia

Oh my god amnesia, that's exactly what I need to translate that pack !

By the way, I saw that there's some bitmap with english strings. I can't check each bitmap/dialog of all resources. Maybe there's a list some where or there's just a few to translate ?

Best regards,


2 Kal

so, the batch command to change all resources to french, will be:

Restorator.exe -open yourfile.dll.res -setLangID 1036 -noBackup -save -exit

Restorator.exe -open yourfile2.exe.res -setLangID 1036 -noBackup -save -exit

and so on...

if U want the list of files in the folder, type:

dir /b /on /a-d >List.txt

and U'll get List.txt with all filenames.

if U want the list of files in the folder, type:

dir /b /on /a-d >List.txt

and U'll get List.txt with all filenames.

or in folder create a batch file with dir /b /on /a-d >List.txt like amnesia said and its work also anyway i will also translate it to french but one thing there is a folder in V'ISO called Extra and its seems contain english ressources hmm i don't know how to do with it ?

so, the batch command to change all resources to french, will be:

Restorator.exe -open yourfile.dll.res -setLangID 1036 -noBackup -save -exit

Restorator.exe -open yourfile2.exe.res -setLangID 1036 -noBackup -save -exit

and so on...

to amnesia

for use the batch restorator the res files must be in the same folder or what? you use a batch anywhere you want and thank you amnesia for command .

Edited by ferigno1

for use the batch restorator the res files must be in the same folder or what? you use a batch anywhere you want and thank you amnesia for command .

2 ferigno1

2 Kal

.res files should be in the same folder and U can set path in da batch:

set path=C:\WhichEverFolderYouHave;"C:\Program Files\Restorator";%path%

or use attached French.cmd, just change path.

French.rar 2.6 KB


or, better yet, download French.7z with all the resources changed to langID French :0)

French.7z 11.27 MB


Edited by amnesia

Thank you amnesia !

In fact, changin LangID is not really hard, a "for" statement in a batch file to change it for every res and that's it. But, there's some file that contains english strings/bitmap, like winntbbu.dll.res or logonui.dll. The list the i'm talking about, is the list that containt all files which contains english string/bitmaps. Is there a lot of resources in that case ?


But, there's some file that contains english strings/bitmap, like winntbbu.dll.res or logonui.dll. The list the i'm talking about, is the list that containt all files which contains english string/bitmaps. Is there a lot of resources in that case ?


2 Kal

are U sure, U don't want to use French MUI ? cause, i think, most of the files containing resources also contain strings and dialogs...

Edited by amnesia

Yes, I know how to translate it. All I want to know is : how many files needs this manual modifications? I can't check every bitmap/string of all res files :sick01:

I think there's not a lot of files like this, but maybe you know which.

2 Kal

check my post #141 regarding winntbbu.dll.res and there will be just a few words to change

in the string :0)

as for logonui.exe, i guess, just extract string as .rc file and edit/translate text in notepad :0)

are U sure, U don't want to use French MUI ? cause, i think, most of the files containing resources also contain strings.

Well, I don't that my unattended XP CD needs to install MUI at the end of the installation :s

It doesn't seems there's a lot of file that contains STRING section, but a lot contains bitmaps section which I need to check :/

Well, I don't that my unattended XP CD needs to install MUI at the end of the installation :s

It doesn't seems there's a lot of file that contains STRING section, but a lot contains bitmaps section which I need to check :/

yeah thats right hm also shell32.res one bitmap a think.

2 ferigno1

2 Kal

.res files should be in the same folder and U can set path in da batch:

set path=C:\WhichEverFolderYouHave;"C:\Program Files\Restorator";%path%

or use attached French.cmd, just change path.

French.rar 2.6 KB


or, better yet, download French.7z with all the resources changed to langID French :0)

French.7z 11.27 MB


thank you amnesia :welcome:

Ok i've tested this pack by replacing LangID by 1036. It works really nice ! I love the WINNTBBU.DLL theme :wub_anim:

By the way, I don't set my desktop icons 'big', and the shortcut arrow is too big for my icons. Is it an issue or it's a choice ? If it's a choice, where could I modify this ?


Ok, i've found where that icon was and modified it.

By the way, I don't like to see bitmap with "Windows Vista" written. So I've deleted all these bitmap, but i miss one. On first boot, before RunOnceEx, there's a screen that says "Please wait... " and at the top of this screen there's a bitmap with "Windows Vista" text inside. Where could I find this bitmap ?

Last question, how can i edit *.msc files ?

Thank you all :)


By the way, I don't like to see bitmap with "Windows Vista" written. So I've deleted all these bitmap, but i miss one. On first boot, before RunOnceEx, there's a screen that says "Please wait... " and at the top of this screen there's a bitmap with "Windows Vista" text inside. Where could I find this bitmap ?

in ntoskrnl.exe.res, please check my version attached to Post #121.

as of .msc, please check Post #123, #128, #131, #138,

Extra.MSCs.rar 206.3 KB


Edited by amnesia

in ntoskrnl.exe.res, please check my version attached to Post #121.

as of .msc, please check Post #123, #128, #131, #138,

Extra.MSCs.rar 206.3 KB


Ok, i've understood how to update those msc files : thank you :)

By the way, the bitmap i'm talking about is not in ntoskrnl.exe. In fact, the same bitmaps is in ntoskrnl.exe, but that's not that screen that we see before RunOnceEx. I'm sure because i don't replace ntoskrnl.exe, I prefer to keep old Windows XP boot screen. So, which file could it be ?

Thank you in advance, you rock mate.


By the way, the bitmap i'm talking about is not in ntoskrnl.exe. In fact, the same bitmaps is in ntoskrnl.exe, but that's not that screen that we see before RunOnceEx. I'm sure because i don't replace ntoskrnl.exe, I prefer to keep old Windows XP boot screen. So, which file could it be ?

have U checked ntkrnlmp.exe (ntkrnlpa.exe) too ?

can U describe that screen? is it black and white (16 colors) ?

Edited by amnesia

Ok, i've found where that icon was and modified it.

By the way, I don't like to see bitmap with "Windows Vista" written. So I've deleted all these bitmap, but i miss one. On first boot, before RunOnceEx, there's a screen that says "Please wait... " and at the top of this screen there's a bitmap with "Windows Vista" text inside. Where could I find this bitmap ?

2 kal

for screen thats says please wait... search for winbrand.res

Last question, how can i edit *.msc files ?

2 amnesia

i would also know how to edit *.msc files in extra folder from V'ISO because its english version i think ??and thanks.

Edited by ferigno1

Thank you ferigo1, it's indeed winbrand.res !

I'm hacking msc files right now, and I see that ntmsmgr.msc is included in Extra folder but its icon is the same as original. What did you change in it?


EDIT : same thing with wmimgmt.msc.

Edited by Kal

Here is it! I've translated that wonderfull pack to french language.

I've made somme modifications :

  • All bitmap where it's written Windows Vista had been removed. I like Vista style, but I want to keep the fact that it's Windows XP installed, not Vista.
  • The bootscreen has not been modified, I don't like Windows Vista bootscreen.
  • The copy dialog window don't has the "More information" button, because it has no action associated.
  • The shortcut arrow is not the same as in original V'ISO b7.1 : there are too big if we keep original size icon on the desktop. So I've used another set of arrow.

CREDITS goes to :

  • amnesia for helping me too translate all that stuff
  • ferigno1 to point me the winbrand.res file
  • ricktendo64 for all his work !

Download : http://kalxp.free.fr/Addons/V_ISO_b7.1_FR.exe


Edited by Kal

Thank you ferigo1, it's indeed winbrand.res !

you welcome kal ^_^ and you did a good job Congratulations otherwise i am worring about the files in extra folder they are in english and in my experience that cause trouble with french one i think i will extract the icones and change manualy the french.

Edited by ferigno1

[*]The copy dialog window don't has the "More information" button, because it has no action associated.

Hi Kal,

How did you do that? I know the file to edit is shell32.dll.

Just open "%windir%\System32\Shell32.dll" file in Resource Hacker and then goto:

Dialog -> 1020 -> 1033

But what did you put in the script?

you welcome kal ^_^ and you did a good job Congratulations otherwise i am worring about the files in extra folder they are in english and in my experience that cause trouble with french one i think i will extract the icones and change manualy the french.

Yeah, here is what I did :

I took french files, and edited the <binary> element with the value of english customised files. Please check Post #123, #128, #131, #138 for more informations. You could also use msc files that are in my pack, they are already customised ;)

Hi Kal,

How did you do that? I know the file to edit is shell32.dll.

Just open "%windir%\System32\Shell32.dll" file in Resource Hacker and then goto:

Dialog -> 1020 -> 1033

But what did you put in the script?

I've deleted the Dialog entry number 1020 and deleted the bitmap entry number 701. That's all.


Which Visual Style do you use for this icon theme ? I used to use Vista Inspirat 2 visual style, but it contains some bugs...

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