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Hi, please test these other language V'iso installers... and give feedback :D thanks.


-winnttbbu.dll, bootscreen, oobe not included

-works too when sp*.cab and driver.cab are merged.

-files in wmp11.cab are patched, files in NR_WMP11.cab not (if you use for example MrNxDmX WMP11 addon/pack)

tabdownload.png nl.gif V'iso b8.2.1 Dutch (Nederlands)

tabdownload.pnggm.gif V'iso b8.2.1 German (Deutsch)

tabdownload.pngfr.gif V'iso b8.2.1 French (French)

tabdownload.pngtu.gif V'iso b8.2.1 Turkish (T

Edited by HJW

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Thats exactly what I do winxp

title Progress 97%%%...
if exist "i386\SP3.CAB" set spcab=SP3.CAB
echo extracting %spcab%
if not exist "%sptmp%" md "%sptmp%"
expand "i386\%spcab%" -F:* "%sptmp%" >nul

Thats exactly what I do winxp

title Progress 97%%%...
if exist "i386\SP3.CAB" set spcab=SP3.CAB
echo extracting %spcab%
if not exist "%sptmp%" md "%sptmp%"
expand "i386\%spcab%" -F:* "%sptmp%" >nul

PS:je parle de la version Fran

hi ricktendo,

i found this bug ":inetres" label doesn't exist

set name=inetmgr
set ext=exe
set big=INETMGR
set com=EX_
if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto inetres
%xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
%rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
%pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
%cab% /D CompressionType=LZX /D CompressionMemory=21 "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
set name=inetres
set ext=dll
set big=INETRES
set com=DL_

i recently changed the way i had integrated my service packs,and like others,i had problems with files not being pached,so i looked further into this and found out the integrator eliminated the Xsp.cab files and included evrything in the DRIVER.CAB pack.so i simply changed the batch file's set variable to

set spcab=DRIVER.CAB

instead of " set spcab=sp2.CAB ".after re patching with the new .bat i went and expanded the driver.cab file wich contains amung others,and the bootkernels were finaly patched.so n e ways hope this helps anyone who had problems since slipping new service packs.

Edited by bober

2 whom it may concern :0)

updated System Properties



Computer Name






Automatic Updates


System Restore


- Update: changed string "XP Pirated" to "XP" in sysdm.cpl.res. sorry people :0)

SysProperties.rar 2.04 MB




credits due 2


Edited by amnesia

2 whom it may concern :0)

updated System Properties


Thank you for the post, I'm goin to add it to my mod (without the pirate flag tho) :)

- Update: changed string "XP Pirated" to "XP" in sysdm.cpl.res. sorry people :0)




just sysdm.cpl.res http://rapidshare.com/files/118864472/sysdm.cpl.rar.html

I'm goin to add it to my mod (without the pirate flag tho) :)

not to worry, it's just oemlogo.bmp, so U'll have yer own pic there :0)


2 winxp

U'll get a great deal of satisfaction by doing it yourself...

just open .res file and original file in let say Restorator. Go to Edit Mode (F6). click on any dialog (original).

copy text to a dialog in .res file. oh, and set Lang ID to French.

Edited by amnesia

not to worry, it's just oemlogo.bmp, so U'll have yer own pic there :0)

2 winxp

U'll get a great deal of satisfaction by doing it yourself...

just open .res file and original file in let say Restorator. Go to Edit Mode (F6). click on any dialog (original).

copy text to a dialog in .res file. oh, and set Lang ID to French.

ok thank you very match amnesia !

2 winxp

U'll get a great deal of satisfaction by doing it yourself...

just open .res file and original file in let say Restorator. Go to Edit Mode (F6). click on any dialog (original).

copy text to a dialog in .res file. oh, and set Lang ID to French.

The best recommendation so far. This thread could save a lot of posts if people would take the time to learn how to do some stuff like this.

Here is a CMD file I made to slipstream Vista Icons, Boot & Login Screens and other stuff I collected from various Vista Shell Patchers (Energize, VistaMizer and VTP)

bootst4.th.jpg loginyl2.th.jpg deskpu3.th.jpg 54iro7uh9.th.jpg


V'ISO Build 8.2.1

WARNING: For English RyanVM XP SP2 UpdatePack or XP SP3 users ONLY! (Make sure you have RVM or SP3, IE7 and WMP11 already slipstreamed/integrated before icon respatching)

Also make sure you patch SFC (Windows File Protection.)

Use at your own risk, I am not responsible if anything goes wrong.

tabdownload.png Updated (April 21-2008)

MD5: 5FEC88034A62CE7AAFE7488EB9162918

Size: 27.3 MB


- Slipstream RVM UpdatePack, IE7 and WMP11 (you can also slipstream addons, make unattended and remove components and other stuff)

- Launch the SFX (self extracting installler)

- Browse to the location of the i386 folder

- Hit "Patch..." and wait awhile

- Burn ISO and test it using VMware


THanks Its very good . and need some help .How to change my computer icon i changhed my computer icon but when install win in VirtualBox not changed icon .

icon group___16___1033

and How to change zip,rar,cmdfile,batfile,WINDOWS folder in drive c and other

Icon:Download Icon

and do you can learn or change all picture (after complete windows install ) and

pic sect.png

To Mr. amnesia:

I see that "wuaucpl.cpl.mui.res" is not part of V'ISO itself, at least not in the 8.2.1 version (at least not in mine, hehe), now, it is completely necessary to include that file patched (located on the I386 folder) for "wuaucpl.cpl" to work without problems?, or am I being just ignorant?

To Miss mona:

Based on what I understood, and what I can actually remember:

My Computer icon on "shell32.dll", Icon -> 16.

Zip icon on "zipfldr.dll", Icon -> 101 and 123.

CMD icon on "shell32.dll", Icon -> 153

You can change the RAR icon normally when you have WinRAR already installed, but I got it changed before adding a tweak to register that specific extension on my XP Disc.

; RAR File

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------






@="WinRAR Compressed Archive"


@="C:\\WINDOWS\\Path\\RAR File.ico,0"



"C:\\WINDOWS\\Path\\RAR File.ico,0" being the actual path of the icon used.

The texts you want to change from "Vista" to XP Pro are located on the "Extras" folder (part of OOBE), but I ignore how to change that since I haven't seen a Welcome Screen in ages.

I hope it helps in some way.

Edited by Rhor

how to change icon mycomputer

resres.rar this Resource V'ISO b8.2.1 i changed icon group

and show Resource (icongroup16)my computer to icon: 114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,1774,1775

i used Resource Hacker

Edited by mona

what is (part of OOBE) i dragdrop to desktop but not veiw

Edited by mona

what is (part of OOBE) i dragdrop to desktop but not veiw

If you extract V'ISO to an empty folder using WinRAR, you will see that there's a folder called "Extra", inside you will find 3 jpeg files, newmark1, newmark8 and wpaback, you can edit those images or put new ones using the same filenames as the original files. About changing the text I could not say.

If you extract V'ISO to an empty folder using WinRAR, you will see that there's a folder called "Extra", inside you will find 3 jpeg files, newmark1, newmark8 and wpaback, you can edit those images or put new ones using the same filenames as the original files. About changing the text I could not say.


Hello Ricktendo!

I just wanted to say thank you for this amazing project! I have only just descovered it, and have used it just now for the first time, and was amazed by the look and feel of XP after this pack.

I do have some questions, so I hope you dont mind too much... ;)

1.) I dont really like the whole Vista name all over the OOBE and boot screen, as I really don't see Vista as being better than XP SP3, So I modded the install with the DarkAvrora OOBE, and edited the HTM files to say XP pro ect... And it looks amazing.

2.) do you have any plans to release an update to this, including the files from Amnesia, as well as the updates you posted on post 520? I also Have seen a screenshot of an XP installation with the copy dialogs changed to be the same as Vista (posted by HJW post 510 in this thread)

3.) The bug reported by kaylar (post 533 in this thread) what problem(s) does this cause?

4.) How do you make your install program ask for the destination directory, as I cannot find this option in WinRAR.

Thanks so much for your hard work, I hope you don't mind me asking you these questions.

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1- Find another OOBE addon by orbit30 you like and just extract the files into the Extra Folder

2- I was working on that the day before yesterday, but I found out that editing .res files on Vista will mess them up for XP :(

I did however fix a few typo's in the bat file, hopefully this solves the issue with RVM Integrator users

3- Fixed in this bat file http://www.mediafire.com/?hb1xdmwwq5x

4- You don't have to extract and repack it, if you have WinRAR just drag & drop any changed files into the "opened with winrar" executable and it will update it for you

Change any res files you don't like and make it your own

BTW my copy dialog is already like Vista's, the screenshot is on 1st page

Hi Rick, and thanks for your fast reply!

I sounded like I was criticizing your choices about the Vista OOBE, and it sounded much better in my head than it sounded reading it back on here! So my apologies for my tone. ^_^

I have taken your advice and everything is great. Also a big thanks for posting your fixed .BAT file.

As far as the copy dialogue is concerned, it's not the progress bar, but the request Vista comes up with when it finds 2 similar files, and asks you what to do, i.e copy, replace, ignore and so on. It is shown in the link provided by HJW post number 310. I'm only wondering if this is possible for you to do, or weather its some kind of program that changes the dialogue boxes.

But thanks again for this great piece of work! I hope you have luck with your update attempts :)

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