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These are the only entries for winnt32u, and all other files have a lot more than this, so there seems to be some missing commands here? Or am I wrong?

2 Stimpy

U r correct, sir

just copy-paste WINNT32A and change to WINNT32U where needed :0)

2 Everybody

if U adding stuff to the batch, make sure your :labels are in order.

also make sure that goto statement points to the next-correct file on the list .

for example in the attached file ":dxdiagn" using "goto success", which is fine if dxdiagn last item on the list.

but should be changed to point to the next correct item, if there are any...

p.s. dxdiagn.dll.res does nothing, there is no reason to use it, except it could be easily replaced in the future, when something will be added

Edited by amnesia

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Hi Amnesia, I found a couple of minor errors in your latest batch update, and corrected them.

So I thought that I would post a pre-compiled V'ISO.bat file, with Bober's update, and your updates as well, Amnesia. To make everybodies life a little easyer! ;)

http://rapidshare.com/files/124921111/V_ISO.bat.html *** Updated to avoid confusion in later post ***

Edited by Stimpy

2 Stimpy

great job !

please check corrected_add_me_to_the_batch_or_Not.txt for

::%pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul

those files





those files uncompressed originally... so i think it would make sense not to compress them

Edited by amnesia

Amnesia, can I assume that for all files (WINNT32A.DLL - WINNT32U.DLL - WINNTBBA.DLL - WINNTBBU.DLL) that are not compressed, that set com=DLL is used INSTEAD of set com=DL_ ?

** EDIT **

I'm going to assume that the above is the case, so here is an updated version of a pre-compiled V'ISO.BAT


*** Another Update ***

WINNTBBU.DLL is in fact compressed (at least on my original MS image of XP SP3), so I have updated V'ISO.bat once more, hopefully for the last time! Please download again.

*** God strikes again!!! ***

I have run in to a problem... I use the RyanVM Integrator to update my Windows CD with, and have noticed that WINNTBBU.DLL is compressed by it automatically. So on a fresh CD WINNTBBU.DLL is uncompressed, like Amnesia says, but after integration, the file is compressed.

I need to know what to do about this problem, anyone out there know the answer?

Edited by Stimpy

that would be correct, but if you use the integrator with the optimize system files option on, all the files in i386 would end up being cabbed,so you have to be carfull.i browsed quickly thru the script and all files are treated as if they were compressed (cabbed).so you would be better off either compressing the files manually or let the integrator do its thing.as for the new lines you want to add for the WINNT*.dll files you should also keep working in the same fasion,treat them in the batch as compressed and compress them manualy or via integrator.of course any uncompressed copies of these files can be erased once being cabed.also on an other note.unlike nlite, the integrator takes all the sp*.cab(current and/or previous service pack files) archives and puts them into driver.cab.the way the batch is written,it assumes driver.cab as sp*.cab and then later in the batch it cheks the presence of any sp*.cab archives and sets it as the program environmental variable instead of being set as driver.cab.I also wanted to point out that when i modifyed the batch to add the "wuaucpl.cpl.mui.res" ,i renamed the resource to "wuaucpl.mui.res",so if anyone just dled the batch,you have to rename the res file correctly.if you had dled the whole sfx i repacked then everything is fine.

stimpy;windows will pick up the uncompressed version 1st if both files are present.i think its also true that you can have either file compressed or uncompressed and it will still get picked up by the system.but in order that viso treats the files they must be compressed.

Edited by bober

Thanks for the info Bober. What is needed, is the script to check for the existance of both files (decompressed and compressed) and take the appropriate action. That way users can be sure that the files will be patched properly. I'm looking in to what files the RVMI actually compresses. I will be back soon...

Hmmm, Winntbbu.DLL is the only file in the i386 root dir that the RVMI compresses...

*** Full Results ***

OK, after comparing original against an image updated with a full update pack, and Optimize System Settings used in the RVMI, these are the following files (.dll) which are compressed by the RMVI...


















Now .EXE's...


And 2 files show up after update pack addition...

ntkrnlpa.exe \I386

ntkrpamp.exe \I386

Edited by Stimpy

i believe that i have an answer for you stimpy;

if you could do a test run with this



title Progress 1%%%...

set name=access

set ext=cpl

set big=ACCESS

set com=CP_

if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" set com1=cpl

if not exist "i386\%big%.%com1%" goto acctres

%xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul

%rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%

%pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul

%cab% /D CompressionType=LZX /D CompressionMemory=21 "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul

if exist "i386\%big%.%com1%" Del /a:R "i386\%big%.%com1%"

if it works,then we simply need to add about 1 line in each label.alltho we have to keep in mind the current extention for each type,so thats what is gonna take time to edit.

EDIT:i have also added a line to delete the uncompressed file after compression

Edited by bober

2 bober

the idea is good, but it's not working. i'll keep playing with it

reshack log:

Programs\ResHacker -addoverwrite "temp\access.cp_", "temp\access.cp_", "Resources\access.cp_.res",,,

Error: "temp\access.cp_" does not exist

Edited by amnesia

lol ok np,im currently modifying the whole batch to include these modification,if the outcome works ill uplaod the batch.

2 bober

the idea is good, but it's not working. i'll keep playing with it

really? humm let me chek it out.

edit: ure right,and i know exactly why it isint working.

Edited by bober

but this means every lable is doubled.

so ? even if tripled, ha ha ha, as long as it works. we can call it something else ...

what U think ?

see Post #641 for fixed 1

p.s. maybe Triple Distalled :0)

Edited by amnesia

i think i fixed it...

edit: evrything works perfect,its kinda of a cheap workaround but its not that bad,plus i made it so it deletes the the uncompressed file.

@echo off
mode con cols=40 lines=12
set rh=Programs\ResHacker
set pe=Programs\PEChecksum
set cab=Programs\makecab
set xp=Programs\expand
set res=Resources
set tmp=temp
set sptmp=spcabtmp
set spcab=DRIVER.CAB
set xtra=Extra
set ao=-addoverwrite
set del=-delete
set cp=copy
if not exist "%tmp%" md "%tmp%"
if not exist "i386" goto error
:: I386 Files ::
title Progress 1%%%...
set name=access
set ext=cpl
set big=ACCESS
set com=CP_
if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" set com=cpl
if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto success
%xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
if exist "i386\%name%.%ext%" Del "i386\%name%.%ext%" >nul
%rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
%pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
set com=CP_
%cab% /D CompressionType=LZX /D CompressionMemory=21 "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul


so this works perfect even if;only a compress file is found or if only an uncompressed file is found(the uncompressed file gets deleted after to reduce size) and if both are present the uncompressed file will get removed and only the patched compressed file will remain

Edited by bober

i think i fixed it...


U reminded me of a joke :

Professor of sexology:

- According to statistics, 18% of women consistently want, 23% love oral sex, 38% regularly changing husbands…

A student from the back desks:

- To hell statistics, we need names, addresses, phone numbers !!!

Edited by amnesia


U reminded me of a joke :

Professor of sexology:

- According to statistics, 18% of women consistently want, 23% love oral sex, 38% regularly changing husbands

so n e ways,ill re-edit the whole batch file so it will patch and delete any uncompressed file

okay. be it your way... but, why r they uncompressed to begin with ? must be a reason

well thats the point,if by anycase they are,then they will be recompressed and deleted,its a pain in the ass to reedit the whole thing but this way were sure that the files we want get patched and are picked up by the system.cause if i remember right if 2 file are found,the uncompressed one superseeds the compressed one.so this way only the compressed and patched one remains in any situation.


i do nLite always, one of the things it does, let U switch to bannerless setup. it removes winntbbu.dll. would it be an issue with winntbbu.dl_ , probably not. i might test it today.

2 bober

where is da new improved batch ?

Edited by amnesia

well my guess is that nlite removes the entries for winntbbul,i dunno if it phisically removes the file.

im working on it ,i have quite alot to edit ,im about half done id say....gimme an hour or so

and while im at it, are there any other files to be patched that i should add?even if the res files arent made yet,i can write the lines b4 and comment them out till next update.

Edited by bober

...if it phisically removes the file.

are there any other files to be patched

it removes winntbbu and if U copy it back, U'll get banners ... :ranting:

... with 366 patches and ~5878 files in i386, not much room left :g:

Edited by amnesia

i have a question, u said u updated the res files to NOT include certain bit depths,have u logged in safe mode and cheked if it hasint screwed anything up?

also,i though id share a small tool i made in autoit script.its to clean up the desktop,i use it at runonceEXE on my windows installations to clean up shortcuts that programs make on the desktop,it also cleans up files but dosent touch folders.


Edited by bober

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