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ok so i have just one suggestion;blank the icon and writing in the 701 bmp,cuz the dialog box looks realy bad resulting from the quality of the small icon...and its not a real resource,so i blank the whole writing and icon on my stuff,if ya cant use it why show it.n e ways thats just my 2 cents.

Edited by bober

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ok so i have just one suggestion;blank the icon and writing in the 701 bmp

U meant in shell32.dll, bitmap 701 for dialog 1020 ? right ? :0)

U meant in shell32.dll, bitmap 701 for dialog 1020 ? right ? :0)

yeah sorry forgot to mention the file..lol but yeah bmp 701 is my culprit.

Wow nice work amnesia !!!


Are you going to include these files from amnesia in the next version ?

Just curious...

System Properties - General

preview: http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/2196/sy...sgeneralif6.jpg

download: http://rapidshare.com/files/89811817/sysdm.cpl.res.rar.html

404 KB

and don't worry about Jolly Roger flag, cause it's just my oemlogo.bmp, so it will not be on your system :0)

System Properties - Computer Name



133 KB

System Properties - Hardware



957 KB

System Properties - Advanced


it's in sysdm.cpl.res too

System Properties - Automatic Updates



184 KB

all resources from


04.02.08 Addon (combined, 3 in 1)

so, the credits go to those guys. i just changed text resources from russian to english.

enjoy :0)

Edited by amnesia

Wow, nice resources, I felt primitive watching them.

Thanks for sharing.

Edited by Rhor

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Build 7.3 2-08-08

- Nothing major just a few misc updated resources thanks to amnesia

P.S. I did not include the system properties posted here, you all may add them if you feel fit ;)

I did add the DateTime (I really love it amnesia)

Build 7.3 2-08-08

- Nothing major just a few misc updated resources thanks to amnesia

P.S. I did not include the system properties posted here, you all may add them if you feel fit ;)

I did add the DateTime (I really love it amnesia)

I know its nothing big, i just noticed, you didn't update the date of the newest release after the download button in the first post.

To amnesia:

The resources are far the best i have seen, keep up the good work and thank your very much! :giveheart:

Also thanks again for Rick for this great project :thumbsup_anim:

A little help ?

I like to have a different wallpaper in the logonui.exe, I open logonui.exe.res and change the wall but this is what happens when I re-open the file.


I also used the same method with sysdm.cpl.res and this did not happen, though I have not tested the file yet....

A little help ?

I like to have a different wallpaper in the logonui.exe, I open logonui.exe.res and change the wall but this is what happens when I re-open the file.

have U had an error during bitmap replacement ?

it looks like corrupt res file.

try to use same resolution 1024x768 or whichever is there...

Edited by amnesia

I tried V'ISO b7.2(in the end) with the beta RyanVM Update Pack , IE 7(MrNxDmX) & WMP 11(Using Windows Media Player 11 Slipstreamer 0.96) and after the Unattended setup was Over there was the XP Bootscreen. But in the screenshots it shows the Vista boot screen. Can you help me on this. I haven't tried V'ISO b7.3 yet. :unsure:

I tried V'ISO b7.2(in the end) with the beta RyanVM Update Pack , IE 7(MrNxDmX) & WMP 11(Using Windows Media Player 11 Slipstreamer 0.96) and after the Unattended setup was Over there was the XP Bootscreen. But in the screenshots it shows the Vista boot screen. Can you help me on this. I haven't tried V'ISO b7.3 yet. :unsure:

You should apply this addon to get the Vista Bootscreen (in case of SP2):

Topic link: http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=804

Link to file: http://www.sokoolz.com/addons/r64/Ricks_Vi...940322_AddOn.7z

Credit goes to ricktendo64 of course for the great addon.

Note: if you are using some of the beta or RC SP3 builds, each have their own respective addons, this one won't work.

I already have this AddOn.

The first page says:

Here is a CMD file I made to slipstream Vista Icons, Boot & Login Screens and other stuff I collected from various Vista Shell Patchers (Energize, VistaMizer and VTP)

The first screenshot shows the bootscreen that is why i thought V'ISO b7.3 includes the Boot Screen.

I already have this AddOn.

The first page says:

The first screenshot shows the bootscreen that is why i thought V'ISO b7.3 includes the Boot Screen.

Strange, i didnt have the modified bootscreen from the beginning, it may be a mistake that its on the first page, but better ask ricktendo64 about this.

AFAIK, this only patches the resources, and the bootscreen is part of some of the kernel exe files (i dont remember which) that needs patched to get another bootscreen.

Also you need to disable system file checking to successfully change the bootscreen, at least mine didn't work before applying the SFC_OS 1.3f patch.

You could try use the beforementioned bootscreen with the patch to see if it works for you:

Forum link: http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2274

File link to SFC_OS: http://zacam.ueuo.com/rvm/PatchAddon_SFC_OS_v13f.7z

have U had an error during bitmap replacement ?

it looks like corrupt res file.

try to use same resolution 1024x768 or whichever is there...

The image I am using is the exact same size !!!

after I replace the image and save, all looks good until I re-open the file and that what I get...

Strange, i didnt have the modified bootscreen from the beginning, it may be a mistake that its on the first page, but better ask ricktendo64 about this.

AFAIK, this only patches the resources, and the bootscreen is part of some of the kernel exe files (i dont remember which) that needs patched to get another bootscreen.

Also you need to disable system file checking to successfully change the bootscreen, at least mine didn't work before applying the SFC_OS 1.3f patch.

You could try use the beforementioned bootscreen with the patch to see if it works for you:

Forum link: http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2274

File link to SFC_OS: http://zacam.ueuo.com/rvm/PatchAddon_SFC_OS_v13f.7z

Thanks PeaNut.

I always use the PatchAddon_SFC_OS_v13f.7z AddOn. I previously tried it with V'ISO b7.2. I will try what you said with V'ISO b7.3 and reply ASAP. :sweatingbullets:

A little help ?

I like to have a different wallpaper in the logonui.exe, I open logonui.exe.res and change the wall but this is what happens when I re-open the file.

I also used the same method with sysdm.cpl.res and this did not happen, though I have not tested the file yet....

2 Sull

ok, here it is. Resource Hacker will not save properly logonui.exe.res after U change bitmap with it,

i've tried and it didn't worked. but it did worked with sysdm.cpl.res. U can use (both checked-working) :

Restorator 2007 Resource Editor



XNResourceEditor (free)


or take logonui.exe, in ResourceHacker>"Action">"Update all Resources" from logonui.exe.res and then change the bitmap U want and save.

2 ricktendo64

logonui.exe.res is 5.71 MB, using 100.bmp of 5.49 MB (1600x1200)

i've replaced 100.bmp with one 2.25 MB (1024x768)

preview: http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/7987/100bq2.jpg

logonui.exe.res.rar 705 KB


Edited by amnesia

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I already have this AddOn.

The first page says:

The first screenshot shows the bootscreen that is why i thought V'ISO b7.3 includes the Boot Screen.

The bootscreen does not work for me anymore either, thats because you and I probably have a x64 processor in which case Windows will use a one of the other 4 bootscreen files... If you trully want the RTM bootscreen then I sugest you add the bootscreen addon to your nLite installs (I will update it later today)

I cannot patch these other bootscreen files because they are not located in i386, they are cabbed in SP2.CAB

This pack works great until I run windows updates, then most of the icons go back to default xp. I slipstreamed boggys wmp11, used the onepiece ie7 addon, along with ryan's packs.

Any idea's as to what I'm doing wrong? Is there anyway to just repatch something since I know the .res files are already there. If so how would I go about doing that?

Thanks for any help

And thanks Rick for this very cool release and all the work you do.

Edited by Bubbabad

I think my PC uses ntkrnlpa.exe. I have P4 Processor & 1 GB RAM.

Edited by rubab

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