Posted August 20, 200717 yr Paint.NET 3.22Info: Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for computers that run Windows. Requires .Net Framework 2 during SVCPACKMD5: 988B5854EC36E2B2B049D02BFEC4DE7DSize: 1.37 MBWebsite: Info: The addon is easily updated by any user if a new version is released. Just download the latest Paint.Net installer and extract the inner Setup (use 7Zip or Universal Extractor.)Rename it from PaintDotNetSetup.exe to PaintNet.exe and replace the old one in the addon.Edit the Entries_Paint.NET.ini with new version number, addon name and date (optional) and repack it as it was.Changelog:2-06-2008- Updated 3.22- Removed .Net 2.0 check (the installer takes care of this)
August 26, 200717 yr This looks really cool, especially to be freeware. Thanks Rick!I am sorry to say that the link does not work for me. When you get a chance Rick, if it is not a problem, would you please look into the link? :welcome:
August 28, 200717 yr Great work Rick! Thanks for your time and effort on this one(and your many others)! :welcome:
September 15, 200717 yr Very good addon & simple to update, but it's possible to insert a string to be shown in the RunOnceEx window (generally "Installing Applications") with my other apps launched from RunOnceEx.cmd?
January 12, 200817 yr Hi Ricks. I have problem using this addon. I tried to update to version 3.20 but it won't install the programs. I did try many times but no luck. I did exactly as in your instruction.I integrate RyanVM UpdatePack ver 2.1.11 or 2.2.1b2 (both result the same)Slipstream WMP11 with WMP slipstreamer v0.96RogueSpear's runtime collectionI'm using Ryan Integrator ver 1.4.3 or 1.5RC1please help me Edited January 12, 200817 yr by yadzil
January 12, 200817 yr Author Yea, the switches for the old version and new one are different/auto """LASTACCEPTEDEULAVERSION=20071211""" """DESKTOPSHORTCUT=0""" """PROGRAMSGROUP=Accessories"""
January 13, 200817 yr Author Edit this section of the INF[Paint.Setup]%10%\PaintDotNetSetup.exe /auto """DESKTOPSHORTCUT=0""" """PROGRAMSGROUP=Accessories"""Change it to[Paint.Setup]%10%\PaintDotNetSetup.exe /auto """LASTACCEPTEDEULAVERSION=20071211""" """DESKTOPSHORTCUT=0""" """PROGRAMSGROUP=Accessories"""BTW make sure you extract PaintDotNetSetup.exe from inside the BetaNews or other 3rd party installers and rename it PaintNET.exe and overwrite the old 3.10 installer
January 13, 200817 yr I would only advise that New .NET 2.0 SP1 has a new CLSID: 2.0 Sp1:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{B508B3F1-A24A-32C0-B310-85786919EF28}2.0HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{7131646D-CD3C-40F4-97B9-CD9E4E6262EF}so your check could fail but I have not tested.
January 15, 200817 yr Paint.Net 3.22 is out. Do I need to change the command line as version 3.20?/auto """LASTACCEPTEDEULAVERSION=20071211""" """DESKTOPSHORTCUT=0""" """PROGRAMSGROUP=Accessories"""
January 19, 200817 yr Hi Rick. The latest version PaintNet have release (ver 3.22). I've tried using this addon and change the command line in the INF file but the Paint not installed.
January 19, 200817 yr Yadzil you don't need to add LASTUPDATEDEULAVERSION to the command as they have fixed it in the new release.On a side note you can extract the .msi from the exe by using /CreateMSI parameter and if you use the property values this will add them to the msi for examplePaintDotNet.exe /CreateMSI DESKTOPSHORTCUT=0 PROGRAMSGROUP=Accessories CHECKFORUPDATE=1 This will then create a folder called PaintDotNetMsi on the desktop and in here you will find 2 PaintDotNet.msi files one for x86 the other for x64. Then use PaintDotNet.msi /qn to install silently. Edited January 19, 200817 yr by Sm0k3r
January 20, 200817 yr Hi Rick. The latest version PaintNet have release (ver 3.22). I've tried using this addon and change the command line in the INF file but the Paint not installed.Also keep in mind that if you have sp1 for .net.2 use CLSID that Kontini advised otherwise install will faill. Good luck!2.0 Sp1:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{B508B3F1-A24A-32C0-B310-85786919EF28}
January 22, 200817 yr Thanks guys for the input. Thanks to Ricks to make this addon simple to update but its not as simple as I thought. Maybe Ricks should update this addon.Anyway, I just like you guys to check did I make a correct changes to Paint.INF file.Paint.setup part I just leave it as before since Sm0k3r said the latest version of Paint (3.22) have been fixed.[Paint.Setup]%10%\PaintDotNetSetup.exe /auto """DESKTOPSHORTCUT=0""" """PROGRAMSGROUP=Accessories"""then String part of PaintNET.inf file that I thought need to change as mentioned by kontini and Gorki. Is'it right?[Strings]DN2_CLSID="{B508B3F1-A24A-32C0-B310-85786919EF28}"RUNONCEEX="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx"UNINSTALL="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
February 6, 200817 yr Author - Updated 3.22- Removed .Net 2.0 check (the installer takes care of this)
April 14, 200816 yr Other Info: The addon is easily updated by any user if a new version is released. Just download the latest Paint.Net installer and extract the inner Setup (use 7Zip or Universal Extractor.)Rename it from PaintDotNetSetup.exe to PaintNet.exe and replace the old one in the addon.Edit the Entries_Paint.NET.ini with new version number, addon name and date (optional) and repack it as it was]
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