Posted December 9, 20204 yr The latest version of Opera Browser includes browser AI, Tab Islands, smooth animations and a clean modular design, delivering the most forward-thinking browsing experience to date. How many versions of Opera are there? For desktop users, there are three main versions of Opera. The mainstream version of Opera, which has rebranded as Opera One and has various privacy features including a built-in VPN. Opera GXdesigned for gamers with integration to services like Twitch. And Opera Crypto for the crypto Web3-minded user. How do I activate the Opera VPN? To activate the Opera built-in VPN, open the settings tab and navigate to advanced settings, where you will find the VPN option. Once enabled, a VPN badge will appear left of the address bar. Pressing that VPN button will show you a dropdown of locations and a data meter. What’s New in Opera 114.0 Version Opera has officially launched its version 114, which comes equipped with several enhancements and fixes. This release is built on Chromium version 128.0.6613.138, ensuring improved performance and compatibility with modern web standards. Key highlights of Opera 114 include: Chromium Version: The browser is based on Chromium 128.0.6613.138, providing users with the latest web technologies. Crash Fixes: This version addresses various stability issues, enhancing the overall user experience. For any issues encountered, the Opera bug report wizard is available for reporting problems. Download Silent installation Quote Opera 95.0.4635.80 Win 7 AIO Silent Install Edited October 26, 2024Oct 26 by 大†Shinegumi†大
January 16, 20214 yr Author 73.0.3856.344 – 2021-01-14 blog post CHR-8265 Update chromium on desktop-stable-87-3856 to 87.0.4280.141 DNA-90625 [Mac] Crash at opera::TabView::GetPaintData(opera::TabState) const DNA-90735 Crash at opera::BrowserSidebarModel::GetItemVisible(opera::BrowserSidebarItem const*) const DNA-90780 Crash at extensions::CommandService::GetExtensionActionCommand(std::__1::basic_string const&, extensions::ActionInfo::Type, extensions::CommandService::QueryType, extensions::Command*, bool*) DNA-90821 Crash at opera::BrowserSidebarController::Action(opera::BrowserSidebarItem const*, opera::BrowserSidebarItemContentView*)
August 4, 20213 yr Author 78.0.4093.112 – 2021-08-03 blog post DNA-94466 Implement sorting Pinboards in overview DNA-94582 Add access to APIs for showing pinboard icon in sidebar DNA-94603 Suspicious pinboards events DNA-94625 Disable opr.pinboardPrivate.getThumbnail() for local files DNA-94640 Promote O78 to stable DNA-94661 Missing translations for some languages 78.0.4093.103 – 2021-07-29 blog post CHR-8509 Update chromium on desktop-stable-92-4093 to 92.0.4515.107 DNA-93103 History search box eats characters DNA-93884 Opera 78 translations DNA-93969 Sidebar Extensions ‘+’ icon button is not clickable DNA-94219 Conference popup steals focus after opening a new tab DNA-94259 Player doesn’t pause music when joining Google Meet DNA-94310 Crash at extensions::TabHelper::WebContentsDestroyed() DNA-94375 Enable buildsign script to use both “Opera Software” and “Opera Norway” certificate DNA-94382 Network Installer can’t install package signed with Opera Norway DNA-94510 Sidebar messengers get smaller every time they’re opened DNA-94511 [Mac] Conference popup steals focus after opening a new tab DNA-94515 Change ordering of tab context menu DNA-94561 Crash at base::internal::PartitionFree(base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch const*, void*, void*) DNA-94619 Add missing bn translations and add attributes to non translatable strings 78.0.4093.79 – 2021-07-22 blog post DNA-94291 Video conference popout doesnt remember its size after resizing DNA-94419 opera: protocol visible in address field on Pinboards page DNA-94462 Low quality of default wallpaper on windows
December 3, 20213 yr Author 82.0.4227.23 – 2021-12-02 blog post DNA-95632 With new au-logic UUID is set with delay and may be not set for pb-builds (when closing fast) DNA-96349 Laggy tooltip animation DNA-96483 [Snap][Linux] Video not working / wrong ffmpeg snap version for Opera 82 DNA-96493 Create ‘small’ enticement in credit card autofill DNA-96533 Opera 82 translations DNA-96535 Make the URL configurable DNA-96553 Add switch to whitelist test pages DNA-96557 Links not opened from panel DNA-96558 AdBlock bloks some trackers inside the panel DNA-96568 [Player] Tidal in sidebar Player opens wrong site when logging in DNA-96593 Promote O82 to stable DNA-96659 Siteprefs not applied after network service crash
February 17, 20223 yr Author 84.0.4316.14 – 2022-02-16 blog post CHR-8753 Update chromium on desktop-stable-98-4316 to 98.0.4758.82 DNA-97112 [Mac] Crash when changing workspace in base::MessagePumpNSApplication::DoRun(base::MessagePump::Delegate*) DNA-97177 Battery saver – the icon looks bad for DPI!=100% DNA-97614 automatic video pop-out for most popular websites broadcasting Winter Olympic Games 2022 DNA-97804 Promote O84 to stable 84.0.4316.9 – 2022-02-10 blog post CHR-8745 Update chromium on desktop-stable-98-4316 to 98.0.4758.74 DNA-97457 [Win] Crash after second click on Settings button in video popout DNA-97468 Incorrect number of restored tabs when video-popout is detached DNA-97477 Default category displayed in Babe mode DNA-97505 Suggestion is not highlighted on second mouseover DNA-97549 Port from chromium fix for ui::(anonymous namespace)::OzonePlatformX11::InitializeUI(ui::OzonePlatform::InitParams const&) crash DNA-97609 Failing MetricsReporterTest.TimeSpent* smoketests 84.0.4316.0 – 2022-02-03 blog post DNA-97291 Crash at opera::flow::FlowSessionImpl::RegisterDevice(base::OnceCallback) DNA-97402 [Win][Automatic video pop-out] Shortcut blocked DNA-97432 Suggestion is not removed after single click on “X” button. Two clicks are needed. DNA-97476 Add retry to stapling during signing DNA-97512 Promote O84 to beta 84.0.4316.0 – 2022-01-31 blog post CHR-7494 [Adblocker] Allow retrieving url filter from render frame DNA-96286 Video popout settings menu is visible when controls are hidden DNA-96297 [Mac] Crash on activating tab with active video conference when another tab is being shared DNA-96336 [Mac] Translate new network installer slogan DNA-97064 Content filter should not defer requests when it’s disabled DNA-97070 Opera 83 translations DNA-97113 DCHECK at DNA-97197 Captured text selection snapshot does not deselect text DNA-97252 Replace BABE with address bar dropdown with top sites DNA-97283 Crash at views::Widget::GetThemeProvider() const DNA-97309 Actually remove the hint manager and all its dependents DNA-97312 Incorrect result of some floating-point operations in dropdown’s calculator DNA-97316 Remove python 2 compatibility code from desktop DNA-97326 Do not remove Pinboards when user clears browsing data DNA-97334 uiTrackerPrivate fetches bad bounds when maximizing/restoring DNA-97342 Separate BABE and dropdown suggestions DNA-97343 Add recently closed suggestions into BABE suggestion consumer DNA-97351 Sort address bar suggestions in a centralized way WP3 DNA-97376 Add crop button to toolbar DNA-97377 Show crop rectangle / commit / cancel when clicking Crop button DNA-97378 Allow moving and resizing of the crop rectangle DNA-97381 Allow converting to specific unit / currency DNA-97382 Scroll tab strip to show tabs opened in background when possible DNA-97391 Decouple opera_components/input from opera_components/workspaces DNA-97407 Enable new-session-manager feature flag on dev DNA-97420 Incorrect icon for default conversion DNA-97423 [Toolkit] Support maps and sets in props DNA-97437 [MAC] DCHECK during startup DNA-97448 Reopened last closed tab is not restored after restart DNA-97450 Battery level emulation does not work with opr.powerSavePrivate DNA-97459 Up&Down navigation order incorrect DNA-97462 Battery level emulation does not work with opr.powerSavePrivate.getBatteryStatus DNA-97463 opera_components/side_profiles/DEPS does not parse DNA-97464 Wrong behavior in Workspaces when activate ‘Reopen Last closed Tab’ 84.0.4309.0 – 2022-01-24 blog post CHR-8727 Update chromium on master to 98.0.4758.10 DNA-96241 Align with navigation block feature DNA-96898 Use pre-fetched Widevine CDM for testing on Linux DNA-96918 Use pre-fetched Widevine CDM for testing on Mac ARM DNA-96956 [Mac] Cleanup MacViews patch DNA-96977 Add support for Web Manifest Icon DNA-97077 Remove unused IDS from product_free_strings.grd DNA-97122 Sort address bar suggestions in a centralized way WP1 DNA-97178 White border on copy/search popup DNA-97196 Add “Copy to highlight” to context menu DNA-97208 Remove enabling run at startup on first run DNA-97228 [Mac] Sound indicator incorrectly displayed on a pinned tab DNA-97234 Fix pylint issues in desktop/common/python/tests WP4 DNA-97236 [Mac] Focus not correctly set after making Opera active DNA-97239 Incorrect filename for snaps taken on dataURI sites DNA-97243 “Switch to tab” shown on each line DNA-97251 Pinboards popup is empty when opened for the first time DNA-97253 Make top sites icons more usable and more independent DNA-97258 Turn on #paste-protection everywhere DNA-97269 Address field text always changed to current suggestion on focus DNA-97274 [Adblock] Sitekey expection doesn’t work after page loading at the first time DNA-97276 Enable #static-tab-audio-indicator on all streams DNA-97282 Missing dependency in update_check_handler on opera/opera_components/lights/buildflags DNA-97283 Crash at views::Widget::GetThemeProvider() const DNA-97284 Fix DNA-97294 Remove python 2 compatibility code from opauto DNA-97301 Fix AmazonExtensionShouldMoveToToolbarWhenFeatureIsDisabled DNA-97304 Allow rich hint access to uiTrackerPrivate DNA-97305 Set ID on power save button view, thus making it visible to uiTrackerPrivate DNA-97306 Fix DNA-97308 Handle cell-var-from-loop in opauto tests DNA-97313 Crash when removing suggestion with X button in dropdown DNA-97328 Sort address bar suggestions in a centralized way WP2 DNA-97330 Handle new ‘Email’ category in Disconnect list DNA-97335 Crash on debug check in unit converter suggestion provider DNA-97348 Remove SessionTests.testSessionRestoreAfterViewSource opauto DNA-97349 Fix AdvancedSearchSession.testSearchInTabsSavedInSessionContent opauto DNA-97359 Opera APIs mixed with Chromium ones in desktop/common/extensions/_api_features.json 84.0.4302.0 – 2022-01-17 blog post CHR-2543 Implementation of MP3 and H.264 support DNA-96721 DCHECK on changing permissions in site settings DNA-97034 Implement calculator DNA-97065 [MAC] Failed to load resources on headless mode DNA-97098 Fix pylint issues in desktop/windows/ DNA-97101 “Switch to tab” button not shown in dropdown DNA-97106 Remove new-autoupdate-logic AB test from ab_tests.json DNA-97107 Fix FullScreen.testAfterRestart DNA-97108 All workspaces have ‘new items’ dot after session restore DNA-97114 [Mac] Bookmark and pinboard popups won’t hide on second click DNA-97128 Sitekey unblock mechanism doesn’t unblock .png correctly DNA-97131 Enable automatic-video-popout on all streams from O84 on DNA-97145 Favicon of suggested page is not always shown DNA-97151 Show unit conversion as first (default) option DNA-97153 Use correct icon for unit conversion DNA-97156 Fix performance issues when hovering entries DNA-97159 Implement snapshot from text selection DNA-97160 Add feature flag for snapshot from text selection DNA-97184 Use real icons for unit, currency and timezone conversion DNA-97190 Fix more issues in desktop/tools DNA-97197 Captured text selection snapshot does not deselect text DNA-97199 Do not change address field icon when conversion is selected DNA-97218 [MAC] Linking warnings when compiling mac-official DNA-97229 Text in address field does not change on keyboard up&down DNA-97244 Crash at opera::EquationSuggestionProvider::RequestSuggestions(opera::SuggestionInput const&, bool, base::RepeatingCallback) DNA-97245 Memory leak in DNA-97255 There should be 2 conversions shown when ‘ft’ is typed DNA-97256 Typing $ instead of ‘usd’ shows calculator icon DNA-97257 Crash at views::ImageButton::SetMinimumImageSize(gfx::Size const&) 84.0.4295.0 – 2022-01-10 blog post CHR-8700 Update chromium on master to 98.0.4750.0 DNA-92082 Remove deprecated backward compat measures DNA-95642 Timeouts in workspaces_reordering DNA-95920 Address bar dropdown stays open after typing text and pressing Esc DNA-96040 Add delete button to deletable suggestions in address bar suggestions in webUI DNA-96151 Add support to open suggestion in a new tab|window DNA-96407 [Mac] Snap window is shown in full screen when in full screen mode DNA-96680 Wrong order of highlighted suggestion when using down|up arrow key DNA-96684 Safe Browsing mentioned in opera://settings/privacy DNA-96696 Crash at extensions::Extension::is_platform_app() DNA-96701 Adding bookmarks to Bookmarks bar have different logic DNA-96805 [Mac] Running out of available command IDs DNA-96834 [Video Conferencing Pop Out] Pop out window no longer transparent, when changing tabs DNA-96933 Add the UI tracker API DNA-96967 Increase font weight of the provider label DNA-96968 Fix alignment of the ‘Advanced’ button in Settings DNA-96969 Round corners of suggestions DNA-96974 [Mac]Crash at views::internal::MenuRunnerImplCocoa::RunMenuAt(views::Widget*, views::MenuButtonController*, gfx::Rect const&, views::MenuAnchorPosition, int, gfx::NativeView) DNA-96981 Fix pylint issues in desktop/packaging/ DNA-96983 Refactor assertExtensionResults in desktop/common/python/utils/ DNA-96993 Create unittests for tab strip layout DNA-97000 [Mac] Unexpected red frame around bookmarks bar item menu DNA-97007 Crash at static void chrome::ToggleSidebarPanel(const class Browser*, const opera::BrowserSidebarItemIds::Id& const) DNA-97008 Continuous builds error after DNA-96805 DNA-97015 Remove fast-tab-tooltip DNA-97016 Remove reader-mode DNA-97017 Remove snap-meme-generator DNA-97027 Incorrect tab size after tab close DNA-97031 [Windows] Crash on clicking o-menu DNA-97032 Fix opauto tests that depend on tab loading after session restore DNA-97033 Implement unit conversion like in search/copy popup DNA-97043 Crash at _tailMerge_mfplat.dll DNA-97046 Fix pylint issues in desktop/ scripts DNA-97069 DCHECK at DNA-97076 “Preload pages for faster browsing and searching” mentions Chrome instead of Opera DNA-97081 Tab title is not visible on hover DNA-97109 Snapshot doesn’t snap anything on certain sites 84.0.4284.0 – 2022-01-03 blog post CHR-2879 Bookmarks sync using Chromium sync protocol. DNA-92133 [Mac] The opened folder is disappeared after pressing the right CMD button DNA-95449 Headless Opera DNA-96258 Bottom corners of the tooltip with tabs are not rounded DNA-96517 Change look of text-only entries to match address bar dropdown DNA-96637 Remove VPN references from NI in Russia and China DNA-96730 Create unit tests for WebUI address bar dropdown DNA-96780 Crash at ui::NativeTheme::RemoveObserver(ui::NativeThemeObserver*) DNA-96805 [Mac] Running out of available command IDs DNA-96814 Scrollable tab strip position does not persist between browser restarts DNA-96844 New tab is too narrow when tab strip is scrollable DNA-96861 Create Loomi Options menu DNA-96863 Update sandboxing of Media Foundation decoders DNA-96866 Get rid of Opera specific IDs from OperaNativeTheme::GetSystemColorDeprecated() DNA-96893 Cache apple-touch-icon for top site suggestions DNA-96896 Fetch remote features data as early as possible in installer DNA-96902 Remove redundant Widevine-related test code on Mac DNA-96925 Missing dependency on //chromeos/components/chromebox_for_meetings/buildflags DNA-96931 Assertion failure in at start of every test from content_browsertests DNA-96934 Crash at opera::ThemePalette::GetColor(int) DNA-96939 Crash at opera::ExternalVideoService::MarkAsManuallyClosed() DNA-96945 Enable a new AU for all channels (the next try) DNA-96951 Tab close animation broken DNA-96958 Categories sections are doubled DNA-96960 Fix SessionRestoreTests.testSessionRestoreAfterPhishWarning DNA-96963 Global exception rules do not work with paths DNA-96990 DCHECK when starting Opera DNA-96991 Tab X button doesn’t work correctly DNA-96994 Enable FirstWebContentsProfiler on Windows 84.0.4274.0 – 2021-12-20 blog post DNA-95642 Timeouts in workspaces_reordering DNA-95908 Interstitial/internal pages shown as NOT SECURE after visiting http site DNA-96498 Learn more link should go somewhere DNA-96516 Display apple-touch-icon for Top Sites DNA-96723 Loomi configure shortcuts leads to nowhere DNA-96725 Enable paste protection on Developer stream DNA-96730 Create unit tests for WebUI address bar dropdown DNA-96735 Blurred icons in address bar WebUI dropdown DNA-96767 Add PUA state to avro stat schema DNA-96780 Crash at ui::NativeTheme::RemoveObserver(ui::NativeThemeObserver*) DNA-96789 [Mac] No information about crash on non-foreground tabs DNA-96793 Extend WidevineCdmUpdater to Media Foundation CDM DNA-96798 Remove deprecated NOTIFICATION_DOM_OPERATION_RESPONSE DNA-96802 Fix pylint issues in desktop/browser/ui/views/theme DNA-96806 Align with Rich hints DNA-96817 Remove launcher.exe*.old files after update DNA-96819 Remove BrowserWindow::CloseAllTransientPopups DNA-96822 Tab close resize behavior change DNA-96839 False positives when detecting RegExp rules DNA-96841 start-maximized switch is not working DNA-96842 Empty workspace is not fixed after session restore DNA-96850 Element type ignored in content script DNA-96851 Subdocument test fails DNA-96859 [AcceptableAds] Global ElemHide&Document filters not loaded DNA-96865 Replace quick fix with a proper solution DNA-96871 Fix pylint issues in desktop/build/ DNA-96873 Enable #vpn-selective-bypass-for-search by default on developer DNA-96891 DCHECK when entering text in address field DNA-96894 Presubmit checks should be run using Python3 DNA-96903 “— shown instead of “-” on opera://flags DNA-96904 Support Win11 snap layout popup
March 4, 20223 yr Author 84.0.4316.31 – 2022-03-03 blog post CHR-8772 Update chromium on desktop-stable-98-4316 to 98.0.4758.109 DNA-97573 [Win][Lin]”Close tab” button is not displayed on tabs playing media when many tabs are open DNA-97729 cancelling the process uploading custom Wallpaper crashes the browser DNA-97871 Google meet tab’s icons don’t fit on pinned tab DNA-97872 Tab is being unpinned when video conferencing button is clicked DNA-98039 Dark theme top sites have black background DNA-98117 Clicking current tab information should hide tooltip
March 21, 20222 yr Author Changes in Opera 84.0 Build 4316.42 – Update: DNA-94119 Upgrade curl to 7.81.0 DNA-98092 Crash at views::MenuItemView::GetMenuController() DNA-98204 Automatic popout happens when video is paused DNA-98231 Shortcuts are blocked by displayed tab tooltip when triggered quickly after tooltip appears
May 6, 20222 yr Author Changes in Opera 86.0 Build 4363.50: DNA-68493 Opera doesn’t close address field drop-down when dragging text from the address field DNA-99003 Crash at views::Widget::GetNativeView() const DNA-99133 BrowserSidebarWithProxyAuthTest.PreloadWithWebModalDialog fails DNA-99230 Switching search engine with shortcut stopped working after DNA-99178 DNA-99317 Make history match appear on top Changes in Opera 86.0 Build 4363.32: DNA-98510 Blank icon in sidebar setup DNA-98525 Unable to drag tab to far right DNA-98893 Sound indicator is too precise in Google Meet DNA-98909 [Mac Net Installer] Legal documents links don’t work DNA-98919 Shopping corner internal API access update DNA-98924 Tab tooltip gets stuck on screen DNA-98981 Enable easy-files-multiupload on developer stream DNA-98998 [Mac] Installer crash : Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSRangeException DNA-99041 Move Shopping Corner to sidebar entry DNA-99061 Enable #address-bar-dropdown-categories on all streams DNA-99062 Create flag to show top sites and recently closed in unfiltered suggestions DNA-99064 Hard to drag & drop current URL to a specific folder on bookmarks bar when unfiltered dropdown is displayed DNA-99070 Make scroll button in Continue On scroll multiple items DNA-99089 Shopping corner tab is not preserved after restart DNA-99115 Request updating the Avro schema for sidebar event DNA-99117 Make sure shopping corner is enabled by default DNA-99129 [Mac] Crash in Network Installer DNA-99178 Left/right not working in address bar dropdown DNA-99204 Hide Shopping Corner by default Changes in Opera 86.0 Build 4363.23: CHR-8843 Update chromium on desktop-stable-100-4363 to 100.0.4896.127 DNA-98236 Turn on #snap-text-selection on all streams DNA-98507 DCHECK at DNA-98528 Suggestions for internal pages disappear when typing their full name DNA-98538 Change name of “Opera Crypto Wallet” to “Crypto Wallet” DNA-98540 used instead of custom search engine DNA-98587 Favicon of booking suggestion in the city category is unexpectedly changing DNA-98605 City suggestions should show URL in address field when selected DNA-98608 #address-bar-dropdown-categories expired DNA-98616 Add recent searches to ‘old’ BABE DNA-98668 Switch to tab button leads to wrong tab DNA-98673 Improve suggestion removal handling in suggestion providers DNA-98681 Remove unused suggestion consumers DNA-98684 Have a dedicated SuggestionList for the new address bar dropdown DNA-98685 Enable #native-crypto-wallet on developer DNA-98688 “Disable this feature” mini-menu settings is non-intuitive DNA-98690 Autocompleted text stayed in address field after removing suggestion DNA-98738 Inline autocomplete suggestion for SD disappears after typing 3rd letter of SD name DNA-98743 Blank dropdown after pressing space key DNA-98783 Improve showing suggestions with long URLs or page titles DNA-98785 “Switch to tab” button not shown for suggestions with www subdomain when typing domain text DNA-98879 “Disable suggestions before typing” mini-menu option should change to “Enable suggestions before typing” when being selected DNA-98917 Translations for O86 DNA-98975 Turn on #snap-crop-tool on all channels DNA-98980 Enable #native-crypto-wallet on all streams DNA-98992 [WIN] Better diagnostics for signature verification errors in installer DNA-99005 The sidebar item is not visible for already active crypto wallet users when #native-crypto-wallet flag is enabled. DNA-99007 Crash at TemplateURLRef::ParseIfNecessary(SearchTermsData const&) const DNA-99047 Promote O86 to stable
May 18, 20222 yr Author 87.0.4390.25 – 2022-05-17 blog post CHR-8870 Update chromium on desktop-stable-101-4390 to 101.0.4951.64 DNA-99209 Enable #easy-files-multiupload on all streams DNA-99325 Use a preference to set number of recent searches and recently closed in unfiltered dropdown DNA-99353 Translations for O87 DNA-99365 Adding title to the first category duplicates categories titles in the dropdown DNA-99385 Feedback button in filtered dropdown can overlap with other web buttons for highlighted suggestion DNA-99391 Add bookmarks at the bottom of a bookmarks bar folder DNA-99491 Suggestion is not immediately removed form recent searches view in dropdown. DNA-99501 Promote O87 to stable DNA-99504 “Switch to tab” button is not aligned to the right for some categories in dropdown 87.0.4390.21 – 2022-05-11 blog post CHR-8864 Update chromium on desktop-stable-101-4390 to 101.0.4951.54 DNA-99021 Crash in sidebar when extension of sidebar item was uninstalled DNA-99271 Remove local time from address bar dropdown city information DNA-99359 Crash at opera::ContinueShoppingExpiredProductRemoverImpl::RemoveExpiredProducts() DNA-99427 AccuWeather should be spelled with capital W ‘AccuWeather’ 87.0.4390.17 – 2022-05-05 blog post CHR-8854 Update chromium on desktop-stable-101-4390 to 101.0.4951.41 DNA-68493 Opera doesn’t close address field drop-down when dragging text from the address field DNA-98402 Opera crashes when tries to show login form in collapsed sidebar DNA-99003 Crash at views::Widget::GetNativeView() const DNA-99064 Hard to drag & drop current URL to a specific folder on bookmarks bar when unfiltered dropdown is displayed DNA-99129 [Mac] Crash in Network Installer DNA-99133 BrowserSidebarWithProxyAuthTest.PreloadWithWebModalDialog fails DNA-99178 Left/right not working in address bar dropdown DNA-99189 [Mac] Textfield shortcuts hijacked by the browser DNA-99230 Switching search engine with shortcut stopped working after DNA-99178 DNA-99317 Make history match appear on top
June 9, 20222 yr Author Changes in Opera 88.0.4412.20 Beta Edition: DNA-99478 Top Sites don’t always has big icon DNA-99646 [Linux] FFmpeg codec stops working DNA-99692 Disable tab strip scrolling on Windows 7 Changes in Opera 88.0.4412.18 Beta Edition: CHR-8891 Update chromium on desktop-stable-102-4412 to 102.0.5005.61 DNA-98487 Cannot remove wallpaper installed from Opera Addons DNA-99328 Dark Theme not working when opening private mode DNA-99338 Opera MenuBar’s height is increased on Macbook using external display. DNA-99504 “Switch to tab” button is not aligned to the right for some categories in dropdown DNA-99593 Report sad tab displayed counts per kind DNA-99603 Change search in tabs strings in PL DNA-99628 Personalized Speed Dial context menu issue fix
June 25, 20222 yr Author Changes in Opera 88.0 Build 4412.53: DNA-99108 [Lin] Options on video pop out not possible to change DNA-99832 On automatic video popout, close button should not stop video DNA-99833 Allow turning on and off of each ‘BABE’ section from gear icon DNA-99852 Default browser in Mac installer DNA-99993 Crashes in AudioFileReaderTest, FFmpegAACBitstreamConverterTest DNA-100045 iFrame Exception not unblocked with Acceptable Ads DNA-100291 Update snapcraft uploading/releasing in scripts to use craft store
July 7, 20222 yr Author Changes in Opera 88.0 Build 4412.74: DNA-100645 Cherry-pick CVE-2022-2294 onto stabilization branches
July 20, 20222 yr Author Changes in Opera 89.0 Build 4447.48: CHR-8940 Update chromium on desktop-stable-103-4447 to 103.0.5060.114 DNA-100247 Make it possible to display hint when tab scrolling gets triggered DNA-100482 Shopping corner icon availability DNA-100575 Add unique IDs to all web element in opera account popup DNA-100625 Opera account popup appears too high on Linux DNA-100627 Enable #snap-from-panel on all stream DNA-100636 DCHECK at DNA-100685 Fix crash when attaching to tab strip scroll buttons DNA-100693 Enable Sticky Site sidebar item to have notification bubble DNA-100698 [AdBlock] Unhandled Disconnect list category: “emailaggressive” DNA-100716 Misstype Settings “Enhanced address bar” DNA-100732 Fix & escaping in translated strings DNA-100759 Crash when loading personal news in private window Changes in Opera 89.0 Build 4447.38: DNA-100283 Translations for O89 Changes in Opera 89.0 Build 4447.37: CHR-8929 Update chromium on desktop-stable-103-4447 to 103.0.5060.66 DNA-99780 Crash at zmq::zmq_abort(char const*) DNA-100377 New opera account popup doesn’t open on Linux DNA-100589 Crash at base::internal::Invoker<T>::RunOnce(base::internal::BindStateBase*, scoped_refptr<T>&&) DNA-100607 Sync “Sign in” button doesn’t work with Opera Account popup DNA-100645 Cherry-pick CVE-2022-2294 onto stabilization branches
August 12, 20222 yr Author Changes in Opera 89.0 Build 4447.48: CHR-8940 Update chromium on desktop-stable-103-4447 to 103.0.5060.114 DNA-100247 Make it possible to display hint when tab scrolling gets triggered DNA-100482 Shopping corner icon availability DNA-100575 Add unique IDs to all web element in opera account popup DNA-100625 Opera account popup appears too high on Linux DNA-100627 Enable #snap-from-panel on all stream DNA-100636 DCHECK at DNA-100685 Fix crash when attaching to tab strip scroll buttons DNA-100693 Enable Sticky Site sidebar item to have notification bubble DNA-100698 [AdBlock] Unhandled Disconnect list category: “emailaggressive” DNA-100716 Misstype Settings “Enhanced address bar” DNA-100732 Fix & escaping in translated strings DNA-100759 Crash when loading personal news in private window
October 6, 20222 yr Author 91.0.4516.65 – 2022-10-06 blog post DNA-101240 Save “remind in 3 days” setting DNA-101622 Add a way to check if browser is connected to webenv DNA-101838 Unfiltered dropdown disabled by default on stable DNA-101990 Boost sites into top sites DNA-101998 flag tiktok-panel doesn’t work DNA-102075 Crash at extensions::ExtensionApiFrameIdMap::OnRenderFrameDeleted(content::RenderFrameHost*) 91.0.4516.20 – 2022-09-21 blog post CHR-9019 Update chromium on desktop-stable-105-4516 to 105.0.5195.127 DNA-101312 Allow changing logged in user with BrowserAPI 91.0.4516.16 – 2022-09-14 blog post CHR-9010 Update chromium on desktop-stable-105-4516 to 105.0.5195.102 DNA-101447 Incorrect translation in Russian DNA-101482 Crash at ProfileKey::GetProtoDatabaseProvider() DNA-101495 Performance Stint 2022 DNA-101551 Add version number info to browser API DNA-101662 Suppress ‘Allowing special test code paths’ warning on buildbot DNA-101753 News don’t show after close browser DNA-101760 Translations for O91 DNA-101799 Crash at opera::SuggestionList::SortAndCull DNA-101812 Sponsored site gets chosen as default entry when typing part of top-level domain DNA-101876 Promote 91 to stable
November 10, 20222 yr Author Changes in Opera 92.0 Build 4561.43: CHR-9056 Update chromium on desktop-stable-106-4561 to 106.0.5249.168 DNA-102764 Missing dependency in desktop/chrome_imports/extensions/common/ Changes in Opera 92.0 Build 4561.33: DNA-102826 Cherry-pick fix for missing dependency in aggregation_service
December 18, 20222 yr Author Changes in Opera 94.0 Build 4606.26: CHR-9125 Update chromium on desktop-stable-108-4606 to DNA-99207 WebUI popup/dropdown could be empty due to lack of memory DNA-102882 [SD][News][Continue on][Suggestion] Do not focus on opened page when opening in new tab DNA-103076 Release installer consent flow globally DNA-103137 Fix positioning in Web UI component DNA-103240 Re-use logic from popup for consent not set in settings DNA-103540 Implement Autostart for Opera Desktop (except Poland) DNA-103636 Implement Lucid Mode for Videos DNA-103637 Implement Lucid Mode button on top of videos DNA-103638 Make Lucid Mode button on top of videos work DNA-103641 Implement Lucid Mode for Images DNA-103642 Updated design and animation for Lucid Mode button on top of videos DNA-103650 Add Lucid Mode to Easy Setup DNA-103701 Move User Styles loading/saving to a separate component DNA-103718 Record “consent_given” stat for every session DNA-103724 Video detach button wont go away DNA-103757 Add click animation for Lucid Mode button on top of videos DNA-103765 Console error with lucid mode flag off DNA-103770 Easy Setup switch doesn’t get updated DNA-103771 Click animation should only show when turning on Lucid Mode DNA-103773 Unable to access lucid mode settings section directly DNA-103784 Investigate video buttons ‘escaping’ DNA-103800 Adapt Lucid Mode button to new design DNA-103836 Translations for O94 DNA-103850 Label on detach button cut off DNA-103924 Popup windows of type TYPE_APP_POPUP have incorrectly set minimum size DNA-103930 Promote O94 to stable DNA-103931 Wrong sidebar detection. DNA-103935 Change Lucid Mode Video (Sharpen videos) to default off DNA-103949 Lucid Mode doesn’t work in a private window DNA-103959 Unable to scroll down on player home page DNA-103962 [Settings] Remove “Safety Check” DNA-104011 Turn on Lucid Mode on all streams DNA-104052 Hide Lucid Mode video button on Google Meet
January 5, 20232 yr Author 94.0.4606.54 – 2023-01-04 blog post CHR-1854 Run gn hooks in gyp_chromium DNA-102035 [Settings] Shortcut search does not work DNA-103451 Add impression and click events for VPN keyword suggestion DNA-103643 Prepare for showing Lucid Mode button without text DNA-103675 URL shown for promoted VPN suggestion DNA-103923 [win installer] silent installation should not add consent to installer prefs DNA-104201 Set back Baidu as default search engine in China DNA-104234 Opera update resets all consents to False value DNA-104278 Don’t show Lucid Mode button on videos when hardware acceleration is off
January 19, 20232 yr Author Changes in Opera 94.0 Build 4606.76: DNA-104276 News categories layers messed up in other languages
February 3, 20232 yr Author Changes in Opera 95.0 Build 4635.25: CHR-9173 Update Chromium on desktop-stable-109-4635 to 109.0.5414.120 DNA-104150 Turn on #consent-flow-settings on master DNA-104733 Crash at extensions::SyncPrivateGetSyncStateFunction::Run() DNA-104761 Translations for O95 DNA-104814 [StartPage] Inline autocomplete messes up selection DNA-104887 Promote O95 to stable DNA-104908 Enable #consent-flow-settings on all streams
February 9, 20232 yr Author Changes in Opera 95.0 Build 4635.37: DNA-104366 Turn #speed-dial-custom-image on developer DNA-104370 Pictures in news don’t show DNA-104384 [News] Change News to be disabled by default DNA-104393 [Continue on] Weird look of item counter in collapsed Continue shopping after refreshing page DNA-104394 [Continue on] Continue shopping show up collapsed DNA-104421 Mechanism to detect installed player DNA-104439 Merge with GX implementation DNA-104492 [Stable A/B Test] React Start Page for Austria 50% DNA-104523 [Add to Opera][Folders][Edit] Black font on dark background in modals when light theme with dark wallpaper is selected DNA-104525 [Choose language and country] Modal does not adapt when wallpaper does not match theme DNA-104609 [SD][Folders] Incorrect order of tiles in folder when merging folder with single tile DNA-104612 [News] Invisible button in news category. DNA-104614 Do not allow to create folder with the same name to prevent automerging DNA-104898 [Edit tile] Adjust icon size of tile in edit-form-modal
February 23, 20232 yr Author Changes in Opera 96.0 Build 4693.20 – Final: CHR-9191 Update Chromium on desktop-stable-110-4693 to 110.0.5481.78 CHR-9197 Update Chromium on desktop-stable-110-4693 to 110.0.5481.100 DNA-105308 Translations for O96 DNA-105395 Fix missing resources errors on About and Update & Recovery pages Changes in Opera 96.0.4693.16 Beta: CHR-9183 Update Chromium on desktop-stable-110-4693 to 110.0.5481.77 DNA-104479 Inform win7/8 users of Offline Installer about proper OI version DNA-104866 Add version to netinstaller link to offline installer on win7/8 DNA-104963 Next-/previous track button layout issues in PiP window DNA-105084 Prepare for turning on ‘Rich entities’ DNA-105365 Enable #snapshot-full-page Changes in Opera 96.0.4693.12 Beta: DNA-104027 Restore Progressive Web Apps support DNA-104421 Mechanism to detect installed player DNA-104478 Make sure network installer will install last win7/8 compatibile version. DNA-104598 Block signing 3 months before certificate expires on macOS DNA-104642 WebCodecs integration test WebCodecs_AudioEncoding_AAC_LC fails DNA-104701 Restore xHE-AAC support DNA-104761 Translations for O95 DNA-104818 Make chrome://web3-selector attachable by the webdriver DNA-104860 Update download url of full installer to point directly to server DNA-104936 CLONE – Set new Baidu search string DNA-104954 Use zucchini64.exe for patching DNA-104979 Clean up vintage Start Page styles DNA-104984 Win32 debug build fails compilation on patch_zucchini.diff DNA-104997 Wrong translation in Es DNA-105001 Crash at opera::BrowserWindowCocoa::PreHandleKeyboardEvent(content::WebContents*, content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent const&) DNA-105044 Promote O96 to beta DNA-105146 Crash at opera::continue_on::shopping::ContinueShoppingBrowserTestBase::VerifyStartPageOfferOrder(std::Cr::vector const&)
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