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Please continue here in original Win-Raid discussion. Thanks to WayBack machine - seems like many usefull informations are archived here!


Also thanks for topic archive to @iyut!





Edited by George King

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  • George King
    George King

    Compiling ACPI v2.0 driver for Windows XP SP3 and Windows 2003 SP2 (x32/x64)  Here are compiled ACPI2.0 v4 from latest sources   1) x86 Windows XP x86 SP3 (5.1.2600.7777.4) + Windows Serv

  • Hello colleagues, here is an archive of forum's topic "Windows XP, 2003 x32 on modern hardware" (2018-2021) from win-raid.com, for the benefit of WinXP' admirers. https://www.upload.ee/files/13

  • @Dietmar OK, I've resolved the missing exports for vista beta 5112 acpi.sys chk build. Can you please debug when you have time? https://ufile.io/giwcu5ic

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@George King

Can you repeat your last post to me,

because forum was closed before I can read it


PS: I notice, that the new Asus z690 boards can run Windows XP SP3 with full acpi support.

Anybody here, who tested another z690 board under XP?




Edited by Dietmar

Windows XP/2003 32-Bit on Modern Intel Hardware
[spoiler="Missing ACPI 2.0 support, BSODs 0xA5(...,  ...,  ...,  ...)"]
 Windows XP/2003 support only ACPI 1.0b syntax, last generation bioses uses ACPI 2.0+
 To support ACPI 2.0 syntax need replace acpi.sys and apply additional patches to avoid known BSODs :



Edited by Mov AX, 0xDEAD

@Mov AX, 0xDEAD

What would be the best way to tell ntoskrnl extender to wait a few seconds in C code?

I want to see if waiting a few seconds might help the problematic 149C USB controller to start correctly.

like have an if statement at the start checking

if PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_149C is present

then wait 5 seconds

else continue as normal.

Edited by infuscomus

On 11/23/2021 at 10:41 AM, infuscomus said:

if PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_149C is present

then wait 5 seconds

else continue as normal.

Hi infuscomus

In kernel mode you can use KeStallExecutionProcessor(), it hangs current kernel thread for requested time, but remain kernel threads still be executing. Anyway this will not help you with usb controller because you need to know from what moment you need to make pause. Usb3 driver do heavy reset of usb hardware(it waits some declared time after reset), also bios may has special acpi init code for controller. I recommend first to try any LiveCD with Win8.0 and Win8.1 to see how controller initialized with native OS and ported MS USB3 driver. 5 seconds is too much, usb controller has much smaller waiting times



No fix is available yet unfortunately.

@Mov AX, 0xDEAD

I'll give KeStallExecutionProcessor() a try anyway since I know the driver works for this controller in XP by disabling and re-enabling it, it's just something peculiar at boot time that is making it not work.

To use KeStallExecutionProcessor() would putting this in DriverEntry of ntoskrn8.sys work?

    OldTime.QuadPart = Int32x32To64(1, -(10 * 1000 * 1000));
    Status = KeStallExecutionProcessor(                );

Windows 8.0 LiveCD - unmodded gives A5 BSOD - with patched acpi.sys it boots - 149C controller starts correctly.

Windows 8.0 LiveCD - no A5 BSOD - 149C controller starts correctly.

Edited by infuscomus

39 minutes ago, Dietmar said:


From @Mov AX, 0xDEAD

"also bios may has special acpi init code for controller" , here 149C.

May be it is enough, to look at DSDT in a Bios from a board for AMD with 149C USB, that works, and replace it in DSDT




I can give info for 149C or test cuz i want to get it working

I notice,


 EDIT: Mistake from me          


with all its settings for each USB port

is missed in "modern AMD DSDT" for USB


Edited by Dietmar


In DSDT it may have a different name - To determine BIOS name under windows 10 device manager, select USB controller, go to details tab, select BIOS device name.

eg. - it could be something like



I'm skeptical that a DSDT modification will work, windows 7 has the same problem with the 149C controller, but something in the windows 8.0 ACPI driver makes it work at boot.

Nonetheless I can try DSDT modification anyway thanks to grub2 if I need to.


Edited by infuscomus

Hi @Dietmar

I’m trying to make a build around the z390 dark, but a lot of the references seem to be lost with the thread removal. Do you possibly still have the files/changes available for reference?

@Mov AX, 0xDEAD

Over at the MDL forums another user has reported problems, this time now with an Intel USB controller.

I don't suppose you have any motivation to try and port over the 8.1 version of the USB 3.0 driver?

Edited by infuscomus

Hello colleagues,
here is an archive of forum's topic "Windows XP, 2003 x32 on modern hardware" (2018-2021) from win-raid.com, for the benefit of WinXP' admirers.


EDIT:  above is a new link, with small corrections, and divided into 5 parts.  If one-page, consumes 190 mb of RAM in Firefox.
View in Firefox, because Chrome doesn't support spoilers.

(If you have downloaded the previous file, please delete, this one is better).

Edited by iyut

Hi to all 😃 I was absent a lot of time on win-raid. So, I lost a chain of events  Does somebody remember, maybe working driver for Bay Trail-T graphics under XP is exist?) I tried many versions from Ivy Bridge etc- no working one found =( 

Second question: except modern hardware Windows XP have another important problem for being used widely: some system libraries or modern environments like .Net Framework 4.5+, etc are not available for XP. If I have right another information at this time. Maybe there are some good news about this situation?) Thanx 😃 

Edited by nevelaev

17 minutes ago, iyut said:

If programs require DotNet 4.5+, use Windows 7.

This is a simple and understandable solution 😃 I meant maybe any solution exist for XP but a few people knows about this) 

14 hours ago, infuscomus said:

@Mov AX, 0xDEAD

Over at the MDL forums another user has reported problems, this time now with an Intel USB controller.

I don't suppose you have any motivation to try and port over the 8.1 version of the USB 3.0 driver?

I cannot reg on MDL due paranoid registration page (emal was banned/you are bot/ field  '29a0fc0c119ec7dee09d2b1af41f0a0e' was not recognised, wtf ?)

Yes, i still dont have motivation to port 8.1 usb3 driver because there is no evidence to prove that it will works with existing DSDT tables/WinXP ACPI driver. You wrote before:


Windows 8.0 LiveCD - no A5 BSOD - 149C controller starts correctly

So 8.0 usb3 driver works properly with native acpi 8.0 driver but not with WinXP/Win7 acpi driver ?

13 hours ago, iyut said:

Hello colleagues,
here is an archive of forum's topic "Windows XP, 2003 x32 on modern hardware" (2018-2021) from win-raid.com, for the benefit of WinXP' admirers.

iyut, thanks a lot !

1 hour ago, Mov AX, 0xDEAD said:

So 8.0 usb3 driver works properly with native acpi 8.0 driver but not with WinXP/Win7 acpi driver ?

@Mov AX, 0xDEAD

I made a typo there - only Windows 8.1 worked without patching. Windows 8.0 gave an A5 BSOD, after an acpi.sys patch from @Dietmar it was able to boot and USB 3.0 worked correctly.

I had not considered booting Windows 8.0 with XP and 7 acpi.sys - I will test this and report my findings back to you.

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