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So were you able to use keycodes.exe for anything useful for this particular problem, of did you only rely on the "200 = Ctrl + and 400 = Alt +" reference?

Cheers and Regards

I face the same situation as you. keycodes.exe is not much use when using combined keystroke. I relied on "200 = Ctrl + and 400 = Alt +" reference only.

Found a more reliable alternative solution. Query the shortcut's properties using Shortcut v1.11 (console tool, shortcut.exe)

It returns a dec value. Then use windows calculator to convert dec to hex

For Ctrl + Alt +A, dec value return is 1601 which then converted to 641 in hex. tada :)

@echo off
Shortcut /F:"%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\System Tools\Disk Defragmenter.lnk" /A:Q

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  • Just to share a few things. I got it set sucessfully as HotKey =0x653 ; hex 200 + 400 + 53 where 200 is Ctrl + 400 is Alt + 53 is S Thanks to ricktendo64, OnePiece & bphlpt for some thought &

  • I face the same situation as you. keycodes.exe is not much use when using combined keystroke. I relied on "200 = Ctrl + and 400 = Alt +" reference only. Found a more reliable alternative solution. Que

  • You could use UnregisterDLLs to call it or RunPreSetupCommands, either way this is how that would go (might only work with advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection) [UnregDLLsection] 16422,Utility\T-Clock2010\Wi


The Shortcut tool you found seems to be a wonderful way to confirm the keycode! ie when you have created the link along with the desired Hotkey, then the Shortcut Tool can then be used to verify what the keycode is that equates to that Hotkey. I guess we just have to rely on remembering the "200 = Ctrl + and 400 = Alt +" trick for the actual creating of the Hotkey keycode in the first place. Thank you for pursuing this so diligently.

Cheer and Regards

  • 2 months later...

I need corrected of this command to use in inf file,i want unload with this command

or something like this,before delete file in uninstall section

CMD /Q /S CD /D %16422%\Utility\T-Clock2010\Win32\clock.exe /exit

  • Author

You could use UnregisterDLLs to call it or RunPreSetupCommands, either way this is how that would go (might only work with advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection)

; Or
"""%16422%\Utility\T-Clock2010\Win32\clock.exe"" /exit"

thanks great work

  • 2 weeks later...

You could use UnregisterDLLs to call it or RunPreSetupCommands, either way this is how that would go (might only work with advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection)

; Or
"""%16422%\Utility\T-Clock2010\Win32\clock.exe"" /exit"


i used below command to delete folders in uninstal section but in uninstalling show cmd window

how can hide this window?

RunPostSetupCommands = dirappdel


CMD /Q /C DEL /f /s /q """%16410%\SumatraPDF"""

CMD /Q /C RMDIR /s /q """%16410%\SumatraPDF"""

  • Author

What are you using to call it?

If you are using RunPre/PostSetupCommands add a :1 to the end of the name of the section you want to hide (dont add it to the actual section just the [uninstall] one, same as you do for tskill/taskkill)


TSKILL sidebar

But I would better recommend this for deleting folders

RUNDLL32 advpack.dll,DelNodeRunDLL32 %16422%\%GADS%,8
RUNDLL32 advpack.dll,DelNodeRunDLL32 %16422%\%SHGADS%,8
RUNDLL32 advpack.dll,DelNodeRunDLL32 %16422%\%VISXORG%,1
RUNDLL32 advpack.dll,DelNodeRunDLL32 %16412%\%WINSIDE%,8
RUNDLL32 advpack.dll,DelNodeRunDLL32 %16412%\%WINLIVE%,8

These are the numbers you can use

Delete Folder
1 // delete the directory only if it's empty
2 // don't delete any sub-dirs; delete only the files
4 // don't delete the dir itself
8 // delete UNC [network] paths

your tips very good now it hide cmd window

i using it to sure it actually delete folder and file,sometimes it dont delete with DelDirs

even if i define folder.

but also even when use TSKILL to kill exe process if on the same directory one txt file opened

directory dont deleted.how can delete this folder?

it can be do like below,add it uninstall section so on the next log off directory deleted,but i want delete

it without log off

AddReg = Sum000.addreg


HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\softs","Delete3",0,"cmd /c RD /S /Q ""%userprofile%\Application Data\SumatraPDF"""

Edited by mona

i know this with your tips but not possible do delete without RunOnceEx?

actually i use this for folder have dll shell extensions for delete folder on the next logoff

Edited by mona

thanks best regards

  • 2 weeks later...

Now all we need to know is how to set Run: Normal Window/Minimized/Maximized and well have EVERYTHING!!! covered

hi rick

check below link

this for URL File Format to set window state,but seems dont work in inf file,or maybe somthing like this

Show Command =7
(Nothing) Normal
7 Minimized
3 Maximized


  • Author

Nice find and you are right it does not work, it only works with inside .url files wich are nothing really but .ini files with a .url extension (I use updateinis to create my bitlocker2go url, it does appear to work this way)



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