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Does v8.46 work under WIndows 7 for Win10 ISO? Missing download folder selection dialog

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After not having used Krohn ISO Downloaded for a longer time I updated and and started v8.46 now again on 64bit Windows 7.

It starts and asks me about the desired version (=newest Win10 Pro, English international, 64bit)


When I click on the last "64bit Download" button I expected a popup prompting me for the download directory.


But nothing happened. No prompt, no download. The process still runs. It is visible in Task Manager.


So whats wrong?

Why is Krohn ISO DL not showing the folder selection dialog?

Does it not work under Windows 7?

Maybe an additional .NET (Core) version is required. The newest here is .NET v4.8


Is it missing (which?) GUI library?


Edited by pstein

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