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On 07.06.2022 at 21:47, Jan Krohn said:

Вы были заблокированы MS. Это тоже есть в FAQ. Подождите 24 часа, ничего не загружая через приложение или с веб-сайта MS, и повторите попытку.

IP blocking? Just me and my friends have the same problem, all have different devices, and different IP. it's very strange, I tried waiting 24 hours, and even more, but the problem remains, I tried putting a VPN, and even logged in from another MS account in the app. still the problem persists

2 hours ago, Jan Krohn said:

I wonder whether they've blocked all of Russia...

All right. My tests showed that not a single Russian user can generate a link using the Microsoft API, through the Heidoc downloader or on the official Microsoft website (which is basically the same thing). This is connected with the events in Ukraine.

Yes, the hypocrisy is really awful. We're buying gas from Gazprom for millions or even billions of Euros, but punish the Russian population with countless little things, like this blocking here, or keeping Western movies out of Russian cinemas etc. Putin most certainly doesn't care about these things. He does care about the gas money, but that's the one thing we keep giving him.

Countless businesses lock Russians out from their services entirely because they think it somehow hurts Putin. How stupid can people be...

Anyway, it was no hard decision to keep access to all my sites up for Russian IP addresses, as well as Ukrainian IP addresses of course. No-one gets locked out here. We're a community.

Great idea, but not easily done. If I geneate too many links, my IP address will be blocked.

I'll think about a way to collect the links generated by other users all into a big database, which could then be used to distribute them to Russian users. I have some concerns that this system could be abused. I need to think about it more.

1 hour ago, Лол Кекович said:

thank you for your support of russia! it is very nice that you are not angry and do not block us. we will be sincerely glad if you make a base of links to download, it will be awesome! how soon can it be done? 

I could generate for you. Which edition of windows are you interested in?

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Thank you guys! you are tremendous good guys, i send you my infinite russian respect! i am very glad that you do not share the idiots who cancel everything russian now, thinking that they harm our government, ordinary people like me are not guilty of anything. you are good! 

To be clear, I support the peaceful community, including all Russians and Ukrainians we might have here. I don't support Putin or the attack on Ukraine. Nor do I support pointless and silly boycott attempts against the Russian people.

Since I continue providing services to Russia, FTS still wants my tax money - which I can't pay, since all payment gateways to Russia are closed. Let's wait and see where this is leading...

Anyway, the new app is my top priority these days. I'll provide a beta version for download once it can do the most basic things. I'm currently still figuring things out. Edge development is nothing like MSIE development. Making a downloads database from other users available to Russia will be the first completely new feature that I'm going to add.

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3 hours ago, Jan Krohn said:

Чтобы было ясно, я поддерживаю мирное сообщество, включая всех русских и украинцев, которые могут быть здесь. Я не поддерживаю Путина или нападение на Украину. Я также не поддерживаю бессмысленные и глупые попытки бойкота русского народа.

Поскольку я продолжаю оказывать услуги в России, ФНС по-прежнему требует мои налоги, которые я не могу заплатить, так как все платежные шлюзы в Россию закрыты. Подождем и посмотрим, к чему это приведет...

В любом случае, новое приложение — мой главный приоритет в эти дни. Я предоставлю бета-версию для загрузки, как только она сможет делать самые основные вещи. В настоящее время я все еще выясняю ситуацию. Edge-разработка не похожа на разработку MSIE. Создание базы загрузок от других пользователей, доступной для России, будет первой совершенно новой функцией, которую я собираюсь добавить.

Thank you so much! I would be happy if you could send me a link to the beta test, I would like to be the first one to test the new app, thank you so much for your hard work! 

  • 2 weeks later...

It downloaded about half of the file, then suddenly stopped. I've tried to resume it, but the download time seems to be going up and up (currently wiggling at 10 hours, while before the stop it seemed to be ready to download within the hour). Is this normal?

1 hour ago, CreativelessAnon said:

It downloaded about half of the file, then suddenly stopped. I've tried to resume it, but the download time seems to be going up and up (currently wiggling at 10 hours, while before the stop it seemed to be ready to download within the hour). Is this normal?

No... Maybe try again in a few hours.

On 6/9/2022 at 3:15 PM, Jan Krohn said:

Yes, the hypocrisy is really awful. We're buying gas from Gazprom for millions or even billions of Euros, but punish the Russian population with countless little things, like this blocking here, or keeping Western movies out of Russian cinemas etc. Putin most certainly doesn't care about these things. He does care about the gas money, but that's the one thing we keep giving him.

Countless businesses lock Russians out from their services entirely because they think it somehow hurts Putin. How stupid can people be...

Anyway, it was no hard decision to keep access to all my sites up for Russian IP addresses, as well as Ukrainian IP addresses of course. No-one gets locked out here. We're a community.

Unfortunately, global politics is far more complicated than the two of you may realize. This is the only truly good effort possible. Firstly, please do not be so bold as to pass quick judgement on anything as complicated as politics between two superpowers. Secondly, don't forget the fundamental blame here. Now, let me break this down for you guys (and if this sounds condescending, that's because it is and I am a [dues-paid] Mensa member):

1. Putin (as the leader of the nation of Russia) starts an unprovoked war with a neighboring nation-state, the Ukraine.

2. After several months of needless killing of both Russian and Ukrainian [INNOCENT] military and civilian lives, Putin still presses on due to his obvious need for closure on something he's allowed his emotions to take control over (instead of his rational, head-of-state mind -- however deplorable it might be minus engaging in war).

3. People want this to stop. Everyone in the world except Putin and a portion of the Russian population that believes his propaganda and/or are subjects of reprisal would like innocent people to stop being killed for no reason. 

4. The people of Russia and the businesses therein do bear some responsibility -- it's your leader who started the war (whether or not it's easy or difficult, he should've not been allowed to rule this long as you can now see). Therefore, while unfortunate, this is the political backlash that Putin has put on his own people. This is the most logical course of action for other nation-states other than fight off the Russian army ourselves.

I hope that it ends soon. But, until it does, please remember this is a difficult and complex political ****storm that no one has an easy answer to -- other than getting Putin out of power or ceasing his irrational war on his neighbors.

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