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so, i'm trying to make a custom bootscreen. resource hacker - no go. boot editor seems to work, but wont ever produce a finished **krnl**.exe file. bootlogo made a great one that seemed to work, but it crashes installation at T-34. even after i replaced the one in sp2.cab. and none of these will let me edit ntkrnlmp. anybody got any tips for me? or maybe a current tutorial with a prog that works?

#1 you can only use a 16color .bmp

#2 Expand the cab file first and moifype BEFORE you makecab

#3 Don't do it as a direct replacment use the $OEM$ folder to add your custom krnl name oemkrnl.exe to your system32 dir and use this .cmd in cmdlines.txt

bootcfg /RAW /A /Kernel=OEMKrnl.exe /ID 1
bootcfg /Timeout 0

  • Author

thanks man, i appericate the advice.

yeah, i can get the $oem$ "workaround" to work, direct replacement has been a disaster everytime. what prog would you suggest for editing ntkrnlmp? the only one i can i get to open it is reshack....

oh, and is importing the palate info nessecery?

  • Author

i thought it was the palettes giving me probs. i corrected them in paintshop pro, but still no luck in direct integration, i'll try the oem approach again...

For adding your ntoskrnl to your XP CD,Try this:

Make a directory on your XP CD, under this path:


The next thing you need to do, is rename your ntoskrnl.exe file to oemkrnl.exe and place it in the folder you just created above.

Now, in your winnt.sif file, add these commands:



Next create a bootlogo.cmd file which contains this:

bootcfg /RAW /A /Kernel=OEMKrnl.exe /ID 1
bootcfg /Timeout 0

Here's a brief explanation of the above code:

When you install Windows XP, it copes the $OEM$\$$\System32 folder to %windir%\system32, thus, placing your oemkrnl.exe file into your system32 folder. When XP Setup then processes the GUIRunOnce section of your winnt.sife file, it adds the switch /kernel=oemkrnl.exe to your boot.ini file, which forces windows to use your edited file, instead of the one shipped with windows.

Edited by cro-man

  • Author

Thanks cro-man,

heres a question, will that work if installed on a multi-processor machine, or do i need to edit the ntkrnlmp as well, and use

FOR /F "tokens=3 delims=  " %%A IN (\'REG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS\') DO SET NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=%%A

bootcfg /copy /D "Windows XP Professional" /ID 1
REM ----For Single proc
bootcfg /RAW "/Kernel=singkrnl.exe" /A /ID 2
goto End
REM ----For Multiprocess/Hyperthread proc
bootcfg /RAW "/Kernel=dualkrnl.exe" /A /ID 2
bootcfg /Timeout 2
bootcfg /Default /ID 2

as a bootcmd?

OK here is the best and safest way I have found.

#1 You can only replace the #1 .bmp with a 16bit 640x480 file.

#2 Don't use direct replacement, it is too risky.

#3 Modify your ntoskrnl.exe with your custom bitmap and save it as oemkrnl.exe.

#4 Using $OEM$ folders, txtsetup methods, runonce or however you know you can do it get it copied to your system32 dir.

#5 save the following as a .cmd file and run it via cmdlines, runonce or whatever.

bootcfg /RAW /A /Kernel=OEMKrnl.exe /ID 1
bootcfg /Timeout 0

  • Author

yeah, like i said, putting it in $oem$ and running the cmds works great. it my actual krnls that arent working. switches back to the default windows one everytime. i must be doing something wrong...

  • Author

wow looks good. i'm using sp2. i'd like to have a ntoskrnl and a ntkrnlmp, if its not too much trouble. what prog are you using?

was trying to get a gray/silcerish progress bar...

Edited by hngovr1

  • Author

it is..., photobucket turned it into a jpg. but them image i'm working with is a 16 color, 4 bit bitmap.

Edited by hngovr1

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